Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts

(The median citation count of Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Measuring divergent thinking originality with human raters and text-mining models: A psychometric comparison of methods.68
Intellectual risk taking: A moderating link between creative confidence and creative behavior?59
The motor creativity paradox: Constraining to release degrees of freedom.41
Correlation = causation? Music training, psychology, and neuroscience.39
Reflection in the creative process of early adolescents: The mediating roles of creative metacognition, self-efficacy, and self-concept.33
Divergent thinking and creative achievement—How strong is the link? An updated meta-analysis.29
The relationship among different types of arts engagement, empathy, and prosocial behavior.28
What are the benefits of mind wandering to creativity?27
The Aesthetic Responsiveness Assessment (AReA): A screening tool to assess individual differences in responsiveness to art in English and German.27
Does activist art have the capacity to raise awareness in audiences?—A study on climate change art at the ArtCOP21 event in Paris.26
Quantifying the if, the when, and the what of the sublime: A survey and latent class analysis of incidence, emotions, and distinct varieties of personal sublime experiences.24
Measuring self-regulated learning during creative problem-solving with SRL microanalysis.21
Participation in life-review playback theater enhances mental health of community-dwelling older adults: A randomized controlled trial.20
Self-regulation for creative activity: The same or different across domains?19
Physiological synchrony in audiences of live concerts.19
What types of daydreaming predict creativity? Laboratory and experience sampling evidence.19
Exploration of discriminant validity in divergent thinking tasks: A meta-analysis.18
Order, complexity, and aesthetic preferences for neatly organized compositions.18
The neglect of idea diversity in creative idea generation and evaluation.18
Mind wandering outside the box—About the role of off-task thoughts and their assessment during creative incubation.18
How constraints impact creativity: An interaction paradigm.18
Automated scoring of figural creativity using a convolutional neural network.17
Testing equal odds in creativity research.17
Gender differences in creative potential: A meta-analysis of mean differences and variability.17
The creative self: Do people distinguish creative self-perceptions, efficacy, and personal identity?17
Improvisational theater classes improve self-concept.16
Ambiguity and beauty: Japanese-German cross-cultural comparisons on aesthetic evaluation of haiku poetry.16
Navigating creative paradoxes: Exploration and exploitation effort drive novelty and usefulness.16
From music making to affective well-being in everyday life: The mediating role of need satisfaction.16
Taking the good with the bad: The impact of forecasting timing and valence on idea evaluation and creativity.16
The Vienna Art Picture System (VAPS): A data set of 999 paintings and subjective ratings for art and aesthetics research.15
An improved taxonomy of creativity measures based on salient task attributes.15
Olfactory and gustatory beauty: Aesthetic emotions and trait appreciation of beauty.15
Creativity and unethicality: A systematic review and meta-analysis.15
Social exclusion increases antisocial tendencies: Evidence from retaliatory ideation in a malevolent creativity task.14
Selection into, and academic benefits from, arts-related courses in middle school among low-income, ethnically diverse youth.14
The nature of perception and emotion in aesthetic appreciation: A response to Makin’s challenge to empirical aesthetics.14
A novel coding scheme for assessing responses in divergent thinking: An embodied approach.14
Music and verbal ability—A twin study of genetic and environmental associations.13
Creative adaptability and emotional well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international study.13
Development of the R library “jrt”: Automated item response theory procedures for judgment data and their application with the consensual assessment technique.13
Inspired by art: Higher aesthetic appeal elicits increased felt inspiration in a creative writing task.13
Effectiveness of drama-based therapies on mental health outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled studies.13
Learning to see by learning to draw: A longitudinal analysis of the relationship between representational drawing training and visuospatial skill.12
Musical aesthetic sensitivity.11
The aesthetic experience of live concerts: Self-reports and psychophysiology.11
The role of expertise in visual exploration and aesthetic judgment of residential building façades: An eye-tracking study.11
Fifty years later and still working: Rediscovering Paulus et al’s (1970) automated scoring of divergent thinking tests.11
Effect of dialogical appreciation based on visual thinking strategies on art-viewing strategies.10
Constructing the associations between creative role identity, creative self-efficacy, and teaching for creativity for primary and secondary teachers.10
The relationship between lifetime book reading and empathy in adolescents: Examining transportability as a moderator.10
What is good is beautiful (and what isn’t, isn’t): How moral character affects perceived facial attractiveness.10
The Goldsmiths Dance Sophistication Index (Gold-DSI): A psychometric tool to assess individual differences in dance experience.10
Why people press “like”: A new measure for aesthetic appeal derived from Instagram data.10
Beyond the big personality dimensions: Consistency and specificity of associations between the Dark Triad traits and creativity.10
Creative idea forecasting: The effect of task exposure on idea evaluation.10
Gravitating toward the arts during the COVID-19 pandemic.10
Making the CASE for shadow creativity.10
Liking for abstract and representational art: National identity as an art appreciation heuristic.10
Do parents and children perceive creativity similarly? A dyadic study of creative mindsets.10
Selection into, and academic benefits from, middle school dance elective courses among urban youth.9
Is there a general “art fatigue” effect? A cross-paradigm, cross-cultural study of repeated art viewing in the laboratory.9
The pleasures of reading fiction explained by flow, presence, identification, suspense, and cognitive involvement.9
Transactions between adolescents’ after school activities and divergent thinking.9
Experiencing musical beauty: Emotional subtypes and their physiological and musico-acoustic correlates.9
Impact of contextualizing information on aesthetic experience and psychophysiological responses to art in a museum: A naturalistic randomized controlled trial.9
Construction and validation of a computerized creativity assessment tool with automated scoring based on deep-learning techniques.9
Interdependencies between openness and creativity of fifth graders.9
Creative minecrafters: Cognitive and personality determinants of creativity, novelty, and usefulness in minecraft.9
From dropping out to dropping in: Exploring why individuals cease participation in musical activities and the support needed to reengage them.8
The use of drawing as an emotion regulation technique with children.8
Visual preference for abstract curvature and for interior spaces: Beyond undergraduate student samples.8
Awe is associated with creative personality, convergent creativity, and everyday creativity.8
Cultural withdrawal during COVID-19 lockdown: Impact in a sample of 828 artists and recipients of highbrow culture in Germany.8
Effects of environmental experience on audience experience of street performance (busking).8
Multilingual semantic distance: Automatic verbal creativity assessment in many languages.8
In the dark cube: Movie theater context enhances the valuation and aesthetic experience of watching films.8
Temporal individual differences and creativity: An exploratory investigation.8
Can art promote understanding? A review of the psychology and neuroscience of aesthetic cognitivism.8
Dual pathways in creative writing processes.8
Developmental trends in creative ability: A cross-sectional examination of figural and verbal domains across the school-age years.8
A divergent approach to pareidolias—Exploring creativity in a novel way.8
Personality of Nobel Prize laureates: Differences across domains and relationship to public recognition.7
With, against, or without? Familiarity and copresence increase interactional dissensus and relational plasticity in freely improvising duos.7
Creative achievement and individual differences: Associations across and within the domains of creativity.7
Artificial intelligence and art: Identifying the aesthetic judgment factors that distinguish human- and machine-generated artwork.7
Music self-efficacy, self-esteem, and help-seeking orientation among amateur musicians who use online music tutorials.7
Worth the effort? Comparing different youtube vlog production styles in terms of viewers’ identification, parasocial response, immersion, and enjoyment.7
A Model of Creative Aging (MOCA): Unlocking the potential of constraints for creativity in older adults.7
Preference for paintings is also affected by curvature.7
Is humor temperament associated with being creative, original, and funny? A tale of three studies.7
Seeking (dis)order: Ordering appeals but slight disorder and complex order trigger interest.7
Individual differences in aesthetic engagement and proneness to aesthetic chill: Associations with awe.7
Predictors of creativity in young people: Using frequentist and Bayesian approaches in estimating the importance of individual and contextual factors.7
A MAD method to assess idea novelty: Improving validity of automatic scoring using maximum associative distance (MAD).7
The influence of formats and preferences on the aesthetic experience of classical music concert streams.7
The influence of anger and anxiety on idea generation: Taking a closer look at integral and incidental emotion effects.7
Prosocial motivation and creativity in the arts and sciences: Qualitative and quantitative evidence.7
Enhancing and explaining art-making for mood-repair: The benefits of positive growth-oriented instructions and quiet ego contemplation.7
Examining the quality of art in STEAM learning activities.6
Less is more: The effect of visiting duration on the perceived restorativeness of museums.6
Is a “real” artwork better than a reproduction? A meta-analysis of the genuineness effect.6
Processing fluency, processing style, and aesthetic response to artistic photographs.6
The art of feeling different: Exploring the diversity of emotions experienced during an art museum visit.6
Reexamining subjective creativity assessments in science tasks: An application of the rater-mediated assessment framework and many-facet Rasch model.6
The temporal instability of aesthetic preferences.6
Vigilance and social chills with music: Evidence for two types of musical chills.6
Free association ability distinguishes highly creative artists from scientists: Findings from the Big-C Project.6
Beyond togetherness: Interactional dissensus fosters creativity and tension in freely improvised musical duos.6
Accounting for expressions of curiosity and enjoyment during music listening.6
Great expectations: Misleading effects of images in the alternate uses task.6
The shower effect: Mind wandering facilitates creative incubation during moderately engaging activities.6
Do we need metacognition for creativity? A necessary condition analysis of creative metacognition.6
The utility of divergent and convergent thinking in the problem construction processes during creative problem-solving.6
Explaining standardized educational test scores: The role of creativity above and beyond GPA and personality.6
Pushing the boundaries of reality: Science fiction, creativity, and the moral imagination.6
Does the typeface on album cover influence expectations and perception of music?5
Development and validation of the Aesthetic Processing Preference Scale (APPS).5
Creativity enhancement methods for adults: A meta-analysis.5
Shared meaning in representational and abstract visual art: An empirical study.5
Cultural diversity in oculometric parameters when viewing art and non-art.5
Radically revolutionary or pretty flowers? The impact of curatorial narrative of artistic deviance on perceived artist influence.5
Visual perception of the built environment in virtual reality: A systematic characterization of human aesthetic experience in spaces with curved boundaries.5
Figuring out what they feel: Exposure to eudaimonic narrative fiction is related to mentalizing ability.5
Automated feedback and creativity: On the role of metacognitive monitoring in divergent thinking.5
Melody in poems and songs: Fundamental statistical properties predict aesthetic evaluation.5
Consensual assessment in the new domain of e-textiles: Comparing insights from expert, quasi-expert, and novice judges.5
Viewers recognize the process of creating artworks with admiration: Evidence from experimental manipulation of prior experience.5
Task instructions influence the effects of impaired self-control on creative cognition.5
Development and validation of the Mechanisms of Engagement in the Arts and Humanities scales.5
How stable is the creative self-concept? A latent state-trait analysis.5
Creative thinking and executive functions: Associations and training effects in adolescents.5
Eudaimonia, hedonia, and fan behavior: Examining the motives of fans of fictional texts.5
What counts as aesthetics in science? A bibliometric analysis and visualization of the scientific literature from 1970 to 2018.5
The role of listener features in musical emotion induction: The contributions of musical expertise, personality dispositions, and mood state.5
It is not always better to have more ideas: Serial order and the trade-off between fluency and elaboration in divergent thinking tasks.5
Virtual art visits: Examining the effects of slow looking on well-being in an online environment.5
Patterns of psychological vulnerabilities and resources in artists and nonartists.5
Further validating the VAIAK: Defining a psychometric model, configural measurement invariance, reliability, and practical guidelines.5
The impact of top performers in creative groups.5
Individual differences in aesthetic engagement and proneness to aesthetic chill: Associations with stress-related growth orientation.4
Do art lovers lead happier and even healthier lives? Investigating the psychological and physical benefits of savoring art.4
Age and recognition for one’s creative hobby are associated with fewer depressive symptoms in middle-aged and older adults.4
Artists have superior local and global processing abilities but show a preference for initially drawing globally.4
The spectrum of distributed creativity: Tango dancing and its generative modalities.4
Do you chill when I chill? A cross-cultural study of strong emotional responses to music.4
Beauty is not in the eye but in the inner head: Evidence from environmental advertising.4
Together in the dark?: Investigating the understanding and feeling of intended emotions between viewers and professional artists at the Venice Biennale.4
The next step for the VAIAK: An item-focused analysis.4
The benefits of drawing to regulate sadness and anger: Distraction versus expression.4
Narrative aesthetic absorption in audiobooks is predicted by blink rate and acoustic features.4
The influence of empathy on the perceptual response to visual art.4
Tactile beauty is in the hand, but also in the eye of the beholder: Interaction between haptic and visual experiences in aesthetic judgement.4
“And you don't like, don't like the way I talk”: Authenticity in the language of bruce springsteen.4
The role of local and global symmetry in pleasure, interest, and complexity judgments of natural scenes.4
Seeing outside the box: Salient associations disrupt visual idea generation.4
Altar-ing aesthetic emotions: Exploring responses to ecologically valid beauty stimuli and their relationship to trait engagement with beauty.4
Open to laugh: The role of openness to experience in humor production ability.4
Audience responses to diverse superheroes: The roles of gender and race in forging connections with media characters in superhero franchise films.4
The role of asking more complex questions in creative thinking.4
Constraints to malevolent innovation in terrorist attacks.4
Can art change the way we see?4
Examining associations between montage painting imagery and symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress among active-duty military service members.4
Measuring art knowledge: Item response theory and differential item functioning analysis of the Aesthetic Fluency Scale.4
Do open or closed postures boost creative performance? The effects of postural feedback on divergent and convergent thinking.4
The Aesthetic Responsiveness Assessment (AReA) in Farsi language: A scale validation and cultural adaptation study.4
“I feel like I am in that place and I would like to see more”: Aesthetic and embodiment components of tourist destination image.4
Back where I belong: Rereading as a risk-free pathway to social connection.4
The creative mind in daily life: How cognitive and affective experiences relate to creative thinking and behavior.4
Shaping film: A quantitative formal analysis of contemporary empathy-eliciting Hollywood cinema.4
Differentiating the visual aesthetics of the sublime and the beautiful: Selective effects of stimulus size, height, and color on sublimity and beauty ratings in photographs.3
Visual exploration mediates the influence of personal traits on responses to artworks in an art gallery setting.3
Neuroticism, musical emotion regulation, musical coping, mental health, and musicianship characteristics.3
The structure of musical dislikes.3
Don't go with your gut: Exploring the role of motivation in aesthetic experiences.3
How architecture evokes awe: Predicting awe through architectural features of building interiors.3
The effects of literariness on social-cognitive skills: Examining narrative engagement, transportation, and identification as moderators.3
Creative artificial intelligence and narrative transportation.3
Toward equitable creativity self-assessment: Measurement invariance and mean differences across ethnicity in the Kaufman Domains of Creativity Scale.3
Mood and creativity in children: Differential impacts on convergent and divergent thinking.3
The textual features of fiction that appeal to readers: Emotion and abstractness.3
An itsy bitsy audience: Live performance facilitates infants’ attention and heart rate synchronization.3
Conceptualizing and measuring ability emotional creativity.3
What makes textures beautiful? Effects of shared orientation.3
Creative self-enhancement in a team context: The role of gender, creative self-concept, and trait hypercompetitiveness.3
Motivational processes that support arts participation: An examination of goal orientations and aspirations.3
Focus of attention affects togetherness experiences and body interactivity in piano duos.3
Once upon a time: A school positive narrative intervention for promoting well-being and creativity in elementary school children.3
Associations between music training and cognitive abilities: The special case of professional musicians.3
Big-C creativity in artists and scientists is associated with more random global but less random local fMRI functional connectivity.3
Presenting TaMuNaBe: A taxonomy of museum navigation behaviors.3
Planning new ideas: Does time management tendency benefit daily creativity?3
Imaginings from an unfamiliar world: Narrative engagement with a new musical system.3
The balancing act: An empirical study introducing and removing constraints in idea generation.3
Applying bodily sensation maps to art-elicited emotions: An explorative study.3
Not just clowning around: Investigating psychological mechanisms underlying accidents in a heterogeneous group of contemporary circus artists.3
Don't throw the “bad” ideas away! Multidimensional top scoring increases reliability of divergent thinking tasks.3
Smooth as glass and hard as stone? On the conceptual structure of the aesthetics of materials.3
Who hates magic? Exploring the loathing of legerdemain.3
Cultural-match effect on the appreciation of traditional and contemporary visual arts: Evidence from Poland and Hong Kong.3
Aesthetic judgments of music: Reliability, consistency, criteria, self-insight, and expertise.3
Poetry-elicited emotions: Reading experience and psychological mechanisms.3
“Kneweth one who makes these notes . . .”: Personality, individual differences, and liking of nouveau roman and existentialist literature and film.3
The role of imagery and emotion in the aesthetic appeal of music, poetry, and paintings.3
The contribution of integrated arts-based groups to people with mental health conditions and community members: Processes and outcomes.3
Explaining the curvature effect: Perceptual and hedonic evaluations of visual contour.2
Supervisor Idea Adoption Scale: Construction, reliability, and initial validity evidence.2
An empirical assessment of cinematic continuity.2
The time-course of fixations in representational paintings: A cross-cultural study.2
Differential effects of film genre on viewers’ absorption, identification, and enjoyment.2
D-I-WHAT? Identifying creative domains in do-it-yourself videos on YouTube.2
Just a joke? Can sexist comedy harm women’s cognitive performance?2
Creativity to prompt willpower: Feeling more creative predicts subsequent activated positive affect and increased willpower in daily life.2
Storytelling as a fundamental form of acting.2
Visual attention bias for self-made artworks.2
Babies’ engagement in music theater performances: A microanalytical study of the aesthetic experiences in early childhood.2
Contact improvisation dance practice predicts greater mu rhythm desynchronization during action observation.2
Motivation to make music matters: Daily autonomous motivation, flow, and well-being in hobby musicians.2
Reciprocal relations between autonomous motivation and creativity: A longitudinal investigation of Chinese children and adolescents.2
Universality and specificity of the kindchenschema: A cross-cultural study on cute rectangles.2
A computational approach to studying aesthetic judgments of ambiguous artworks.2
The spectatorship of portraits by naïve beholders.2
Slow looking at still art: The effect of manipulating audio context and image category on mood and engagement during an online slow looking exercise.2
Underlying elements of image quality assessment: Preference and terminology for communicating image quality characteristics.2
An exploratory mixed method study on teachers’ creative skill development with metaphor in language, gesture, and pedagogy.2
Implicit responses in the judgment of attractiveness in faces with differing levels of makeup.2
Art made by artificial intelligence: The effect of authorship on aesthetic judgments.2
When the painting meets its musical inspiration: The impact of multimodal art experience on aesthetic enjoyment and subjective well-being in the museum.2
The influence of culture on the viewing of Western and East Asian paintings.2
Groovin’ to the cultural beat: Preferences for danceable music represent cultural affordances for high-arousal negative emotions.2
Reliability and validity of a novel Ambulatory Battery of Creativity (ABC).2
The aesthetic quality model: Complexity and randomness as foundations of visual beauty by signaling quality.2
“Like static noise in a beautiful landscape”: A mixed-methods approach to rationales and features of disliked voices in popular music.2
Can persistence improve creativity? The effects of implicit beliefs about creativity on creative performance.2
To map or not to map: Professional actors are capable of validly connecting extremely distant verbal analogues.2
Culture, personal values, personality, uses of music, and musical taste.2
A multifactorial model of visual imagery and its relationship to creativity and the vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire.2
How perfect are imperfect rhymes? Effects of phonological similarity and verse context on rhyme perception.2
Understanding metaphor in art: Distinguishing literal giants from metaphorical challenges.1
Personality traits as predictors of work creativity: A comparison between self- and other-reports.1
Musical ethnocultural identity, happiness, and internalizing symptoms in youth.1
Lexical divergence in collaborative creativity.1
Does it kill the imagination dead? The effect of film versus reading on mental imagery.1
Trust the process: The effects of iteration in children’s creative processes on their creative products.1
Preference for curvature in paintings extends to museum context.1
Art as communication: Fulfilling Gricean communication principles predicts aesthetic liking.1
Differentiating types of cinematographic shot changes by cut through an EEG power spectral analysis.1
On the overlap between aesthetic disposition, cultural eclecticism, and openness: An interdisciplinary study.1
Lost in digitization: The physical format of creative work affects authenticity perceptions.1
Board games enhance creativity: Evidence from two studies.1