Journal of Modern Dynamics

(The TQCC of Journal of Modern Dynamics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Horizon saddle connections and Morse–Smale dynamics of dilation surfaces6
Bounded hyperbolic components of bicritical rational maps6
Ergodicity, mixing, Ratner's properties and disjointness for classical flows: On the research of Corinna Ulcigrai6
On the Lagrange and Markov dynamical spectra for geodesic flows on surfaces with negative curvature4
Invariant probability measures from pseudoholomorphic curves Ⅱ: Pseudoholomorphic curve constructions4
Circle homeomorphisms with breaks with no $\boldsymbol{C^{2-\nu}}$ conjugacy4
Noncommutative coboundary equations over integrable systems4
A new dynamical proof of the Shmerkin–Wu theorem3
Bernoulli shifts with bases of equal entropy are isomorphic3
Multiple Borel–Cantelli Lemma in dynamics and MultiLog Law for recurrence3
The 2021 Michael Brin Prize in Dynamical Systems3
The limit set of non-orientable mapping class groups2
New time-changes of unipotent flows on quotients of Lorentz groups2
Global stability of discretized Anosov flows2
Regularizations of pseudo-automorphisms with positive algebraic entropy1
Centralizer classification and rigidity for some partially hyperbolic toral automorphisms1
Periodic points of Prym eigenforms1
Higher bifurcations for polynomial skew products1
On length spectrum rigidity of dispersing billiard systems1
The Hopf–Tsuji–Sullivan dichotomy in higher rank and applications to Anosov subgroups1
Kummer rigidity for hyperkähler automorphisms1
Gate lattices and the stabilized automorphism group1
Contact homology and higher dimensional closing lemmas1
Horospherical invariant measures and a rank dichotomy for Anosov groups1
Some arithmetical aspects of renormalization in Teichmüller dynamics: On the occasion of Corinna Ulcigrai winning the Brin Prize1
The Brin Prize works of Tim Austin1
On the growth of the Floer barcode1
Urysohn-type theorem under a dynamical constraint: Non-compact case1
Characterization of norm forms via their values at integer points1