International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations

(The median citation count of International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Contract design for the fourth party logistics considering tardiness risk11
Incorporating batching decisions and operational constraints into the scheduling problem of multisite manufacturing environments9
An evolutionary algorithm for joint bi-criteria location-scheduling problem9
Optimizing the learning process of multi-layer perceptrons using a hybrid algorithm based on MVO and SA8
Memetic algorithm for the dynamic vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup8
Minimization of total tardiness in no-wait flowshop production systems with preventive maintenance7
Collaborative decision making of photovoltaic industry chain considering carbon quota sharing contract7
Cockpit crew pairing Pareto optimisation in a budget airline6
Heterogeneous-vehicle distribution logistics planning for assembly line station materials with multiple time windows and multiple visits5
Heuristics and metaheuristics to minimize makespan for flowshop with peak power consumption constraints5
Periodic blood inventory system with two supplies and two priority demand classes5
A hybrid meta-heuristics approach for supplier selection and order allocation problem for supplying risks of recyclable raw materials5
Research on location-routing optimization of distribution center for emergency supplies based on IMOCS-LNS hybrid algorithm5
An algorithm for a no-wait flowshop scheduling problem for minimizing total tardiness with a constraint on total completion time5
Part transformation-based spare parts inventory control model for the high-tech industries5
A hybrid delayed differentiation multiproduct EPQ model with scrap and end-products multi-shipment policy5
General variable neighborhood search for electric vehicle routing problem with time-dependent speeds and soft time windows5
Extending the hypergradient descent technique to reduce the time of optimal solution achieved in hyperparameter optimization algorithms4
Competitive inland port location and pricing problem: A perspective from the entering seaport4
Truck-drone joint path planning for post-disaster emergency material deployment considering fairness4
A hybrid approach of simulation and metaheuristic for the polyhedra packing problem4
BHARAT: A simple and effective multi-criteria decision-making method that does not need fuzzy logic, Part-1: Multi-attribute decision-making applications in the industrial environment4
Designing optimal route for the distribution chain of a rural LPG delivery system4
A branch and bound method in a permutation flow shop with blocking and setup times4
Joint optimization of production and maintenance scheduling for unrelated parallel machine using hybrid discrete spider monkey optimization algorithm4
A kernel-free L1 norm regularized ν-support vector machine model with application4
Determining a manufacturing-delivery policy for a multi-item EPQ system with multi-shipment, quality assurance, overtime, postponement, and external source3
Metaheuristic algorithm for the location, routing and packing problem in the collection of recyclable waste3
Software testing and release decision at different statistical confidence levels with consideration of debuggers’ learning and negligent factors3
Optimizing an FPR-based supplier-retailer integrated problem with an outsourcer, rework, expedited rate, and probabilistic breakdown3
An improved genetic algorithm for multi-AGV dispatching problem with unloading setup time in a matrix manufacturing workshop3
An extensive and systematic literature review for hybrid flowshop scheduling problems3
BHARAT: A simple and effective multi-criteria decision-making method that does not need fuzzy logic, Part-2: Role in multi- and many-objective optimization problems3
Research on storage location allocation in three-dimensional automated warehouse based on cargo damage control3
Application of nature inspired algorithms for multi-objective inventory control scenarios3
A hybrid genetic algorithm with variable neighborhood search for batch dispersion problem to improve traceability3
Coordination and optimization decision of assembly building supply chain under supply disruption risk3
Contract selection for collaborative innovation in the new energy vehicle supply chain under the dual credit policy: Cost sharing and benefit sharing3
Fitness landscape analysis of the simple assembly line balancing problem type 13
Improving a multi-echelon last mile delivery system by effective solution methods based on ant colony optimization3
Optimal green technology investment and lot-sizing decision under carbon tax and cap-and-trade regulations considering planned shortages, outsourced repair and batch shipments3
Heterogeneous multi-drone and helicopter routing problem for reconnaissance3
The vehicle routing problem as applied to residential solid waste collection operations: Systematic literature review3
Robotic assembly systems planning and scheduling problems: A revie3
A case study of whale optimization algorithm for scheduling in C2M model3
An improved black widow optimization (IBWO) algorithm for solving global optimization problems3
Sales mode selection strategic analysis for risk-averse manufacturers under revenue sharing contracts2
Decision-making in cross-border e-commerce supply chains and coordination under revenue sharing and deferred payment contracts2
Efficient last-mile logistics with service options: A multi-criteria decision-making and optimization methodology2
Bi-Objective simplified swarm optimization for fog computing task scheduling2
A multi objective optimization framework for robust and resilient supply chain network design using NSGAII and MOPSO algorithms2
A two-sided logistics matching method considering trading psychology and matching effort under a 4PL2
Collaborative scheduling of machining-assembly in complex multiple parallel production lines environment considering kitting constraints2
Two-stage stochastic programming for the inventory routing problem with stochastic demands in fuel delivery2
Optimal subsidy strategies in a smart supply chain driven by dual innovation2
Unrelated parallel machine scheduling with machine processing cost2
Hybrid algorithm proposal for optimizing benchmarking problems: Salp swarm algorithm enhanced by arithmetic optimization algorithm2
Low carbon decision-making model under the combined effect of corporate social responsibility and overconfidence2
Pricing decision for recycling and remanufacturing supply chain considering consumer online consumption preferences and recycled products’ quality2
An approach for the pallet-building problem and subsequent loading in a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles with practical constraints2
A two-stage stochastic model for picker allocation problem in warehouses considering the rest allowance and picker’s weight2
Discounted costs and obsolescence with the Joint replenishment problem2
Optimization of a hybrid multi-item fabricating-shipping integrated system considering scrap, adjustable-rate, and postponement2
Production control problem for multi-product multi-resource make-to-stock systems2
Multi-objective optimization of simultaneous buffer and service rate allocation in manufacturing systems based on a data-driven hybrid approach2
Bio-inspired multi-objective algorithms applied on production scheduling problems2
Collaborative truck-robot routing problem with meal delivery for the elderly on the personalized needs2
New models and algorithms to solve integrated problems of production planning and control taking into account worker skills in flexible manufacturing systems2
Multi-decision points model to solve coupled-task scheduling problem with heterogeneous multi-AGV in manufacturing systems2
Fabrication runtime decision for a hybrid system incorporating probabilistic breakdowns, scrap, and overtime2
Integrated scheduling of machines and automated guided vehicles (AGVs) in flexible job shop environment using genetic algorithms2
Effects of crossover operator combined with mutation operator in genetic algorithms for the generalized travelling salesman problem2
Solution of capacitated vehicle routing problem with invasive weed and hybrid algorithms2
A novel hybrid algorithm of genetic algorithm, variable neighborhood search and constraint programming for distributed flexible job shop scheduling problem2
Customer order scheduling with job-based processing on a single-machine to minimize the total completion time2
A matheuristic based solution approach for the general lot sizing and scheduling problem with sequence dependent changeovers and back ordering2
Bi-objective optimization of identical parallel machine scheduling with flexible maintenance and job release times2
A modified clustering search based genetic algorithm for the proactive electric vehicle routing problem2
Integrating sequence-dependent setup times and blocking in hybrid flow shop scheduling to minimize total tardiness2
Introduce free replacement extended warranty and bundle it? Optimal new extended warranty introduction strategy2
Monitoring fuzzy linear quality profiles: A comparative study2
A homogenously weighted moving average scheme for observations under the effect of serial dependence and measurement inaccuracy2
A producer-retailer incorporated multi-item EPQ problem with delayed differentiation, the expedited rate for common parts, multi-delivery and scrap2
A hybrid matheuristic approach for the vehicle routing problem with three-dimensional loading constraints1
Robust multiobjective scheme for closed-loop supply chains by considering financial criteria and scenarios1
Two meta-heuristic algorithms for optimizing a multi-objective supply chain scheduling problem in an identical parallel machines environment1
An optimization approach for assembly job shop order release based on clearing functions1
Decision analysis of individual supplier in a vendor-managed inventory program with revenue-sharing contract1
Inventory control of deteriorating items: A review1
Contracts design for serial delivery with connecting time spot: From a perspective of fourth party logistics1
The joint influence of quality assurance and postponement on a hybrid multi-item manufacturing-delivery decision-making1
A multi-item batch fabrication problem featuring delayed product differentiation, outsourcing, and quality assurance1
Clustering and heuristics algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with time windows1
Research on collaborative decision making of China's photovoltaic supply chain based on competition policy1
Impact of dual uptime-reducing strategies, postponement, multi-delivery, and rework on a multiproduct fabrication-shipping problem1
Half-open time-dependent multi-depot electric vehicle routing problem considering battery recharging and swapping1
An extended PSO algorithm for cold-chain vehicle routing problem with independent loading and minimum fuel volume1
A study on the nonlinear relationship between market, subsidy, and income of photovoltaic enterprises based on chaos theory1
A unifying framework and a mathematical model for the Slab Stack Shuffling Problem1
An improved iterated greedy algorithm for distributed mixed no-wait permutation flowshop problems with makespan criterion1
MaOTLBO: Many-objective teaching-learning-based optimizer for control and monitoring the optimal power flow of modern power systems1
Minimizing total tardiness for the order scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times using hybrid matheuristics1
GRASP with ALNS for solving the location routing problem of infectious waste collection in the Northeast of Thailand1
Research on optimization of flight crew scheduling considering pilot fatigue1
Multi-objective mixed-model assembly line balancing with hierarchical worker assignment: A case study of gear reducer manufacturing operations1
An efficient multi-attribute multi-item auction mechanism with ex-ante and ex-post satisfaction for 4PL transportation service procurement1
A new matheheuristic approach based on Chu-Beasley genetic approach for the multi-depot electric vehicle routing problem1
A new metaheuristic approach for the meat routing problem by considering heterogeneous fleet with time windows1
Optimization of emergency supplies paths based on dynamic real-time split deliver1
Should offline retailers expand online under consumer showrooming based on the effects of intershowrooming and intrashowrooming?1
Optimization of Bayesian repetitive group sampling plan for quality determination in Pharmaceutical products and related materials1
Composite heuristics and water wave optimality algorithms for tri-criteria multiple job classes and customer order scheduling on a single machine1
A novel modeling approach for a capacitated (S,T) inventory system with backlog under stochastic discrete demand and lead time1
Time-dependent vehicle routing problem with backhaul with FIFO assumption: Variable neighborhood search and mat-heuristic variable neighborhood search algorithms1
A dynamic scheduling method with Conv-Dueling and generalized representation based on reinforcement learning1
A multi-objective site selection of electric vehicle charging station based on NSGA-II1
Pricing and coordination of remanufacturing supply chain considering remanufacturing capacity and preferences under government mechanisms1
A new hybrid algorithm based on MVO and SA for function optimization1
A granular tabu search for the refrigerated vehicle routing problem with homogeneous fleet1
A dynamic decision-making framework for a hybrid production system for decayed merchandise with shortages in traditional and electronic markets1
A GRASP algorithm for the bus crew scheduling problem1
Optimization for bi-objective express transportation network design under multiple topological structures1
The effect of probabilistic incentives to promote cooperation during the pandemics using simulation of multi-agent evolutionary game1
A joint replenishment problem with the (T,ki) policy under obsolescence1
A biobjective capacitated vehicle routing problem using metaheuristic ILS and decomposition1
An explicit evolutionary approach for multiobjective energy consumption planning considering user preferences in smart homes1
Evolutionary game analysis of vehicle procurement in the courier industry from the perspective of green supply chain1
Mathematical modeling for a multiproduct manufacturing system featuring postponement, external suppliers, overtime, and scrap1
Matheuristic approach and a mixed-integer linear programming model for biomass supply chain optimization with demand selection1
Inventory routing problem with backhaul considering returnable transport items collection1
Solving the one-warehouse N-retailers problem with stochastic demand: An inter-ratio policies approach1
Assembly line balancing with cobots: An extensive review and critiques1
Multi-fidelity simulation optimization for production releasing in re-entrant mixed-flow shops1
Enhancing efficiency and adaptability in mixed model line balancing through the fusion of learning effects and worker prerequisites1
Enhancing efficiency in supply chain management: A synergistic approach to production, logistics, and green investments under different carbon emission policies1
Hybrid heuristic for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem with usable leftovers and additional operating constraints1
Iterated local search multi-objective methodology for the green vehicle routing problem considering workload equity with a private fleet and a common carrier1
More effective heuristics for a two-machine no-wait flowshop to minimize maximum lateness1
To reduce maximum tardiness by Seru Production: model, cooperative algorithm combining reinforcement learning and insights1
A dynamic incentive mechanism for data sharing in manufacturing industry1
Marketplace channel encroachment under private brand introduction of online platform1
You are entitled to access the full text of this document A novel hybrid algorithm of cooperative variable neighborhood search and constraint programming for flexible job shop scheduling problem with 1
Multi-depot heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem with time windows: Airline and roadway integrated routing1
Nash-stackelberg game perspective on pricing strategies for ride-hailing and aggregation platforms under bundle mode1
Solving a hybrid batch production problem with unreliable equipment and quality reassurance1
Airline operational crew-aircraft planning considering revenue management: A robust optimization model under disruption1
MILP of multitask scheduling of geographically distributed maintenance tasks1
A model for location-assortment problem in a competitive environmen1
A computational evaluation of constructive heuristics for the parallel blocking flow shop problem with sequence-dependent setup times1
A hybrid heuristic approach for the multi-objective multi depot vehicle routing problem1
The bid generation problem in combinatorial auctions for transportation service procurement1
Ant colony algorithms for minimizing costs in multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problems with spatial constraints1
Change point analysis of events in social networks: An online convex optimization approach1
Optimizing contextual bandit hyperparameters: A dynamic transfer learning-based framework1
A robust single-machine scheduling problem with scenario-dependent processing times and release dates1
A specialized genetic algorithm for the fuel consumption heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem with bidimensional packing constraints1
Investigating the collective impact of postponement, scrap, and external suppliers on multiproduct replenishing decision1
The combined effect of rework, postponement, multiple shipments, and overtime producing common-component on a multiproduct vendor-client incorporated system1
Research on the influencing factors of traceability information sharing of agricultural product supply chain under the background of blockchain1
A delayed differentiation multiproduct model with the outsourcing of common parts, overtime strategy for end products, and quality reassurance1