Nordic Psychology

(The TQCC of Nordic Psychology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
High Sensitivity: Factor structure of the highly sensitive person scale and personality traits in a high and low sensitivity group. Two gender—matched studies14
Validating measurement tools for mentalization, emotion regulation difficulties and identity diffusion among Finnish adolescents10
Experiential avoidance mediates the relations between mindfulness and PTSD symptoms severity in terrorist attack survivors9
Active lifestyle as a reflection of cognitive reserve: The Modified Cognitive Reserve Scale8
Why does perceived social support protect against somatic symptoms: Investigating the roles of emotional self-efficacy and depressive symptoms?7
Ambiguous loss and disenfranchised grief among spouses of brain injury survivors5
A longitudinal study of prevalence and predictors of incidence and persistence of sub-diagnostic social anxiety among Swedish adolescents5
The importance of feeling remembered during the Covid-19 crisis – A qualitative study of experiences among patients with personality disorders5
Systematic review: Risk factors and mechanisms of radicalization in lone-actor grievance-fueled violence5
An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the lived experiences of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden5
Transgender and gender non-conforming people’s adaptive coping responses to minority stress: A framework synthesis5
The Big Five Personality Traits as predictors of life satisfaction in Egyptian college students4
Teachers’ strategies for managing shy students’ anxiety at school4
Does deliberate practice surpass didactic training in learning empathy skills? – A randomized controlled study4
Blind spots in visible learning: A critique of John Hattie as an educational theorist4
Protective factors against school burnout symptoms in Finnish adolescents3
Face-to-face workin g memory training does not enhance children’s reading comprehension - a pilot study with Danish children12
Episodic future thinking in 35-, 47-, and 55-month-old children2
Cognitive-behavioral group therapy for ADHD predominantly inattentive presentation: A feasibility study of a new treatment protocol2
The role of mind-body bridging-based university psychology course for students’ well-being2
Psychological assumptions underlying credibility assessments in Finnish asylum determinations2
Giving voice: experiences and needs of sexual assault survivors facing multiple adversities2
A pilot study of a deliberate practice intervention for therapist trainees2
Caregiver/child ratio and group size in Scandinavian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC): a systematic review of qualitative research2
WAIS-IV short form applied to a mixed neurological Swedish clinical sample2
Recorded Withdrawal from The Police Investigation Among Victims of Rape: A Mixed Method Approach to Identifying Case Characteristics and Police Documented Reasons2
Individual differences in autobiographical memory: a Danish version of the Autobiographical Recollection Test (ART)2
Parenting behavior and psychodynamic conflicts: Cross-sectional findings in a normative sample of adolescents and their parents2
From caregiver to risk manager: Professionals assessing parents in Danish childcare institutions2
A patient perspective on non-attendance for psychotherapy in psychiatric outpatient care for patients with affective disorders2
Concussion among female athletes in Iceland: Stress, depression, anxiety, and quality of life2