Nordic Psychology

(The median citation count of Nordic Psychology is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
High Sensitivity: Factor structure of the highly sensitive person scale and personality traits in a high and low sensitivity group. Two gender—matched studies14
Validating measurement tools for mentalization, emotion regulation difficulties and identity diffusion among Finnish adolescents10
Experiential avoidance mediates the relations between mindfulness and PTSD symptoms severity in terrorist attack survivors9
Active lifestyle as a reflection of cognitive reserve: The Modified Cognitive Reserve Scale8
Why does perceived social support protect against somatic symptoms: Investigating the roles of emotional self-efficacy and depressive symptoms?7
An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the lived experiences of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden5
Transgender and gender non-conforming people’s adaptive coping responses to minority stress: A framework synthesis5
Ambiguous loss and disenfranchised grief among spouses of brain injury survivors5
A longitudinal study of prevalence and predictors of incidence and persistence of sub-diagnostic social anxiety among Swedish adolescents5
The importance of feeling remembered during the Covid-19 crisis – A qualitative study of experiences among patients with personality disorders5
Systematic review: Risk factors and mechanisms of radicalization in lone-actor grievance-fueled violence5
Blind spots in visible learning: A critique of John Hattie as an educational theorist4
The Big Five Personality Traits as predictors of life satisfaction in Egyptian college students4
Teachers’ strategies for managing shy students’ anxiety at school4
Does deliberate practice surpass didactic training in learning empathy skills? – A randomized controlled study4
Protective factors against school burnout symptoms in Finnish adolescents3
Caregiver/child ratio and group size in Scandinavian Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC): a systematic review of qualitative research2
WAIS-IV short form applied to a mixed neurological Swedish clinical sample2
Recorded Withdrawal from The Police Investigation Among Victims of Rape: A Mixed Method Approach to Identifying Case Characteristics and Police Documented Reasons2
Individual differences in autobiographical memory: a Danish version of the Autobiographical Recollection Test (ART)2
Parenting behavior and psychodynamic conflicts: Cross-sectional findings in a normative sample of adolescents and their parents2
From caregiver to risk manager: Professionals assessing parents in Danish childcare institutions2
A patient perspective on non-attendance for psychotherapy in psychiatric outpatient care for patients with affective disorders2
Concussion among female athletes in Iceland: Stress, depression, anxiety, and quality of life2
Face-to-face workin g memory training does not enhance children’s reading comprehension - a pilot study with Danish children12
Episodic future thinking in 35-, 47-, and 55-month-old children2
Cognitive-behavioral group therapy for ADHD predominantly inattentive presentation: A feasibility study of a new treatment protocol2
The role of mind-body bridging-based university psychology course for students’ well-being2
Psychological assumptions underlying credibility assessments in Finnish asylum determinations2
Giving voice: experiences and needs of sexual assault survivors facing multiple adversities2
A pilot study of a deliberate practice intervention for therapist trainees2
Trust in strangers and friends: The roles of agreeableness, open-mindedness, perspective taking, and trustworthiness1
Descriptive social norms and resource cues influence choice by additive and separate effects1
Orientation and motivational climate in elite handball players: Multivariate modeling of performance1
Psychological treatment outcomes for outpatients in a clinical context1
The happiest youth in the world? Exploring subjective well-being indicators among Finnish university students1
Factor structure and psychometric properties of a Swedish version of the Sussex-Oxford Compassion Scales (SOCS)1
Exploring the role of entitlement, Social Dominance Orientation, Right-Wing authoritarianism, and the moderating role of being single on misogynistic attitudes1
Relatives’ lived experiences of losing a loved one to COVID-19: an interpretative phenomenological analysis1
Are young leaders more sensitive to contextual influences? A lifespan perspective on organizational antecedents of transformational leadership1
On the same path? Profiles of proximal socialization outcomes among new police officers1
The normativity of educational psychology practice1
Parent-child communication about emotions during SIBS: a joint intervention for siblings and parents of children with chronic disorders1
Strengthening parenting among refugees in Europe (SPARE): initial feasibility in Iceland and Norway1
The Quantified Behavioural Test Plus (QbTest+) in adult ADHD1
Self-compassion as a mechanism of change in patients with eating disorders and childhood trauma receiving CFT-E; a study of within-person processes1
How old was she? The accuracy of assessing the age of adolescents’ based on photos1
Trusting behavior and depressive symptoms1
The User Experience Framework for Health Interventions1
Self-administered online test of memory functions1
Dialogue as psychological method – a study of training interviewing and communication skills in psychology students1
Integrating mindfulness practice into everyday life after completing a course in mindfulness-based stress reduction1
Thinking abstractly about one’s physical pain: can abstraction reduce sensitivity to painful stimuli?1
Differences in psychodynamic conflicts between healthy adolescents and adolescent patients: Results with the conflict questionnaire1
Suicidal ideation among outpatients attending a public mental health clinic in Norway: rates, treatment effect, and associated characteristics1
Self-harm, life satisfaction, transcultural competences, violence, and online memory tests0
Network or hierarchy? Personality profiles of future military leaders0
Disclosures and social reactions to sexual violence: factor structure of the social reactions questionnaire shortened and sex differences in Iceland0
Operationalized psychodynamic diagnosis in childhood and adolescence (OPD-CA): Changes across psychodynamic child and adolescent therapy0
Persistent physical symptoms and mental health problems among individuals seeking work rehabilitation0
Linking aberrant pauses during object naming to letter and word decoding speed in elderly with attention complaints0
Psychic structure, unconscious conflict and adolescent psychopathology: The contributions of OPD-CA–20
Parental reflective functioning in adult outpatients with personality disorders: associations with symptoms of psychopathology and interpersonal problems0
Effects of psychosocial interventions on dietary pathology in patients undergoing metabolic and bariatric surgery: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials0
Overspending on smartphone purchases among Swedish young adults0
Drawings and self-portraits: a qualitative study on how children with hearing loss describe themselves and the communication with others0
Cultural orientation, social support, and discrimination in regard to adjustment among foreign workers in Denmark0
With a little coping from my friends: a case study of voice, manager response and collective coping in an organisational context0
How leadership course facilitators cope with difficult course situations0
Oral health and quality of life among people with severe or long-term mental illness: A call for interprofessional collaboration0
Happiness, concussion, user experience, socialization and ADHD0
Correlates of maternal Openness0
Operationalized psychodynamic diagnosis in childhood and adolescence (OPD-CA-2)—A useful tool for improving diagnoses of psychological illnesses0
Mental health in Norwegian children and adolescents exposed to childhood maltreatment: a comparison to a general population sample0
Problems of diagnostic psychiatry—and the search for a way forward0
Factors related to rape victims’ decision to file police reports0
Prevalence estimates of depression and anxiety disorders among Icelandic University students when taking functional impairment into account0
Attachment security and disorganisation at 18 months associated with developmental play level at 30 months0
Identity and the lived experiences of losing a loved One0
Competence building in child mental health -A Norway-Cambodia transcultural experience0
To intervene or not? Professionals' relation to early school leaving in Finnish general upper secondary education0
Negative life events and their association with anxiety in adolescents with subthreshold depression0
A preliminary investigation of intellectual humility as a protective factor for maladaptive personality traits0
To work after retirement: a qualitative study among mental health nursing assistants0
Examining five-factor model personality traits among recently divorced Danes0
Autism and depression. Helping individuals with autism get a good enough grip on life by means of cognitive and life psychological intervention0
Psychotherapy, sensitivity, oral quality of life, intervention, dialogue, and group size0
One diagnosis—different conflicts: Using the OPD-CA conflict axis as tool for treatment planning0
Attention deficit and reading difficulty, intellectual humility, consumer choice, overspending, maternal substance misuse and trust0
The OPD-CA-2 axis interpersonal relations: A helpful tool for treatment planning? Relationship patterns of adolescent patients with persistent intrapsychic conflicts, structural deficits and trauma se0
The Operationalized Psychodynamic Diagnostic for Children and Adolescents (OPD-CA-2): a new diagnostic method to determine psychodynamic constructs0
Walking alone: how movement in nature was used by older people in response to feelings of being alone during COVID-190
Can GAD-7 be used reliably to capture anxiety?: approaching evaluation of item quality using IRT0
Rape victims, adolescent social anxiety and Personality Disorders0
Psychological prediction of stress-related hair steroid hormone levels in young men: a person-centered approach0
Health-related effects of an intervention involving reduced working hours among women employed in the municipal eldercare0
Attachment and socialized religion within the Læstadian revival movement0
Is self-compassion relevant for refugees? A cross-sectional study of the relationship between self-compassion and depression among Kurdish refugees in Norway0
Managerial prerequisites – typical work situations for public sector managers and their relationship with well-being and leadership0
“Treat me like a fellow human”: how young adults who blog about self-harm describe positive encounters with health care workers0
Convergent validity of methods for assessing socially desirable responding in personality items0
Moving into communities of practice: experiences of psychology students in their internship0
Psychological risk factors and selective prevention of panic disorder: Theoretical aspects and clinical implications0
Preschool children’s coping and caregiver support in families with maternal substance misuse: A qualitative study0
The development of facilitative interpersonal skills during 5-year psychology training programs: a cross-sectional study0
Longitudinal links between adolescent social anxiety and depressive symptoms: stressful experiences at home, in school and with peers0
Anxiety, trust, leadership, communication and stress0
Psychological skills, mind and body, and abstract thinking0
Level of identity diffusion in patients with borderline, narcissistic, avoidant and other specified personality disorder0
Maternal executive functioning is associated with infant sustained attention, but not executive functioning, in a sex-specific manner0
Children’s testimonies: What influences prosecutions and convictions in sexual abuse cases?0
How social networks influence young men to seek psychological help0
The use of prerequisite for treatment and structure axis of the OPD-CA in psychodynamic treatment: The difficult search for the coherent self0
COVID-19 pandemic, ADHD, social desirability, student anxiety and personality disorders0
Problems with diagnostic psychiatry and anxiety0
A good enough grip on life in youth0
Prevalence and correlates of nonmedical use of prescription stimulants among upper secondary school students in Iceland0
Status, pride, and educational motivation: Understanding differences in attitudes to education from the perspective of evolutionary emotion theory0