Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics

(The TQCC of Poznan Studies in Contemporary Linguistics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
The impact of gestural representation of metaphor schema on metaphor comprehension7
English L3 acquisition in heritage contexts: Modelling a path through the bilingualism controversy6
Non-identical cognates yield facilitation in translation – does the way foreign vocabulary is learned affect its processing?6
Nigerian newscasters’ English as a model of standard Nigerian English?5
The functions of the verb ‘to say’ in the Jordanian Arabic dialect of Irbid4
Attitudes of Nigerian expatriates towards accents of English4
Production of vowel reduction by Jordanian–Arabic speakers of English: an acoustic study4
The syntax of plurals of collective and mass nouns: Views from Jordanian Arabic3
A sociolinguistic study of address terms in a Nigerian university’s staff club3
L2 rhythm production and musical rhythm perception in advanced learners of English3
Against a uniform analysis of adnominal possessives in Jordanian Arabic: Evidence from nominal ellipsis3
Engagement markers in research project websites: Promoting interactivity and dialogicity3
Thematic role mappings in metaphor variation: contrasting Englishbakeand Spanishhornear3
The interaction of L2 and L3 levels of proficiency in third language acquisition3
The interpretation of urbanonyms in discourse: Reconciling theoretical accounts with experimental results2
WEYand the structure of relative clauses in Nigerian Pidgin English2
English loan translations in Polish in the area of computers: Syntactic aspects2
Quantitative research methods in translation and interpreting studies2
What the frequency list can teach us about Turkish sign language?2
Perceptual mapping of linguistic variation in Saudi Arabic dialects2
A list of English–Turkish cognates and false-cognates1
The diachronic evolution of posture verbs in Chinese1
The intervention effect in suzhounese polar questions1
Formulaic language in oral academic discourse socialization of graduate students in a Northern Cyprus university1
The source of eventive implications of mental property adjectives and nouns in Polish1
Segmental contributions to word recognition in Arabic sentences1
Wordform-specific frequency effects cause acoustic variation in zero-inflected homophones1
The syntax of two existential unaccusative verbs in Polish1
Oblique anticausatives: A morphosyntactic isogloss in Indo-European1
Mandarin Chinese peer advice online: a study of gender disparity1
A probability distribution of dependencies in interlanguage1
‘Leftover women’: A sociolinguistic study of gender bias in Chinese1
Procedure of functional transposition analysis in the English language1
Chronotopic identities in contemporary Chinese poetry calligraphy1
Two palatovelar fricatives?! the case of theich-Lautin German1
EMCAT-POL: A catalogue of 817 basic emotion terms in Polish1