EPMA Journal

(The H4-Index of EPMA Journal is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
All around suboptimal health — a joint position paper of the Suboptimal Health Study Consortium and European Association for Predictive, Preventive and Personalised Medicine97
Homocysteine metabolism as the target for predictive medical approach, disease prevention, prognosis, and treatments tailored to the person79
Caution, “normal” BMI: health risks associated with potentially masked individual underweight—EPMA Position Paper 202178
Flavonoids as an effective sensitizer for anti-cancer therapy: insights into multi-faceted mechanisms and applicability towards individualized patient profiles76
Mass spectrometry analysis of human tear fluid biomarkers specific for ocular and systemic diseases in the context of 3P medicine75
Flavonoids against non-physiologic inflammation attributed to cancer initiation, development, and progression—3PM pathways52
Endothelin-1 axes in the framework of predictive, preventive and personalised (3P) medicine49
Mitochondrial impairments in aetiopathology of multifactorial diseases: common origin but individual outcomes in context of 3P medicine48
Sleep quality and COVID-19 outcomes: the evidence-based lessons in the framework of predictive, preventive and personalised (3P) medicine31
Induced sputum metabolomic profiles and oxidative stress are associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) severity: potential use for predictive, preventive, and personalized medicine29
Modeling SARS-CoV-2 spike/ACE2 protein–protein interactions for predicting the binding affinity of new spike variants for ACE2, and novel ACE2 structurally related human protein targets, for COVID-19 28
Prostate cancer treatment costs increase more rapidly than for any other cancer—how to reverse the trend?25
Association of systemic inflammation indices with visual field loss progression in patients with primary angle-closure glaucoma: potential biomarkers for 3P medical approaches24
The interplay between the vaginal microbiome and innate immunity in the focus of predictive, preventive, and personalized medical approach to combat HPV-induced cervical cancer23
Voice perturbations under the stress overload in young individuals: phenotyping and suboptimal health as predictors for cascading pathologies20
Making a complex dental care tailored to the person: population health in focus of predictive, preventive and personalised (3P) medical approach20
N6-methyladenosine-related non-coding RNAs are potential prognostic and immunotherapeutic responsiveness biomarkers for bladder cancer20
Education for future biobankers - The state-of-the-art and outlook19
Positive influence of gut microbiota on the effects of Korean red ginseng in metabolic syndrome: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial19