Hague Journal on the Rule of Law

(The TQCC of Hague Journal on the Rule of Law is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Enforcement of a Formal Conception of the Rule of Law as a Potential Way Forward to Address Backsliding: Hungary as a Case Study48
The Rule of Law as a Constitutional Mandate for the EU25
Was There a Rule of Law in Early Modern Amsterdam? Mercantile Customary Law as a Test21
Chile’s New Constitution: What Right to Health?12
It Never Rains but it Pours. The Polish Constitutional Tribunal Declares the European Convention on Human Rights Unconstitutional12
The Court of Justice of the European Union in the Case Law of the Polish Constitutional Court: The Current Breakdown in View of Polish Constitutional Jurisprudence Pre-201610
Political and Legal Authority in Flux8
Reconstructing Legitimacy After Crisis: The Chilean Path to a New Constitution6
The Challenge of Catalan Secessionism to the European Model of the Rule of Law5
Reclaiming Political Rights During a Rule of Law Crisis: The Role of the UN Human Rights Committee4
The Rule of Law Conditionality Under Regulation No 2092/2020—Is it all About the Money?4
How Political Narratives Affect the Self-Enforcing Nature of Interim Constitutions4
From Liberal Democracy to Illiberal Populist Autocracy: Possible Reasons for Hungary’s Autocratization4
Rule of Law and Political Representation4
Spain as a Democratic State Governed by the Rule of Law and the Catalan Secessionist Process4
Poland’s Rule of Law Breakdown: A Five-Year Assessment of EU’s (In)Action4
Market-Engaging Institutions: The Rule of Law, Resilience and Responsiveness in an Era of Institutional Flux3
Deepening Democracy? Promises and challenges of Chile’s Road to a New Constitution3
To Live and to Learn: The EU Commission’s Failure to Recognise Rule of Law Deficiencies in Lithuania3
Purging the Judiciary After a Transition: Between a Rock and a Hard Place3
Achmea versus the Rule of Law: CJEU’s Dogmatic Dismissal of Investors’ Rights in Backsliding Member States of the European Union3
Correction: International and European Law and the Catalan Secession Process: Rule of Law, Human Rights and Democracy at Stake?3
Reconciling Theory and Practice of the Rule of Law in the European Union3
Maritime Rule of Law: Some Preliminaries3