Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments

(The TQCC of Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A real-time network traffic classification system using cost-sensitive deep neural networks34
Ultra-wideband data as input of a combined EfficientNet and LSTM architecture for human activity recognition34
Preface to JAISE 16(4)29
SmartRide: Intelligent reservation and scheduling for elevators18
A low-cost air quality monitoring system based on Internet of Things for smart homes13
Preface to JAISE 16(3)13
An automated energy management framework for smart homes12
Bidirectional ACO intelligent fire evacuation route optimization10
From programming-to-modeling-to-prompts smart ubiquitous applications10
M2FBalancer: A mist-assisted fog computing-based load balancing strategy for smart cities8
PAMDI: Privacy aware missing data inference scheme for sparse mobile crowd sensing8
Real time fall detection using infrared cameras and reflective tapes under day/night luminance7
Black Hole and Selective Forwarding Attack Detection and Prevention in IoT in Health Care Sector: Hybrid meta-heuristic-based shortest path routing7
Data-driven evaluation of machine learning models for climate control in operational smart greenhouses6
Prediction-based channel assignment for minimizing channel switching in mobile WBANs6
Seq2seq model for human action recognition based on skeleton and two-layer bidirectional LSTM5
DDoS prevention architecture using anomaly detection in fog-empowered networks5
Care living instrument for neonatal infant connectivity solution (CliNicS) in smart environment5
Preface to JAISE 15(4)5
Effects of environmental control before sleeping on autonomic nervous activity and sleep: A pilot study5
Reliable routing in Wireless Body Area Network using optimum number of relay nodes for enhancing network lifetime5
Probabilistic data structures in smart city: Survey, applications, challenges, and research directions5
Low-cost IoT-enabled indoor air quality monitoring systems: A systematic review5
A novel model for optimization of Intelligent Multi-User Visual Comfort System based on soft-computing algorithms4
Methods for volume inference of non-medical objects from images: A short review3
Fuzzy automatic control of the irrigation process for the IoT-based smart farming systems3
A new long short-term memory based approach for soil moisture prediction3
Preface to JAISE 15(3)3
Acknowledgment of JAISE reviewers in 20233
Prediction of regional carbon emissions using deep learning and mathematical–statistical model3
Ambient assisted living framework for elderly care using Internet of medical things, smart sensors, and GRU deep learning techniques3
Applications in integrated intelligent infrastructures3
Preface to JAISE 13(3)2
Machine learning-based ship detection and tracking using satellite images for maritime surveillance2
RECITE: A framework for user trajectory analysis in cultural sites2
Trustworthy computing for secure smart cities2
Design and implementation of hybrid low power wide area network architecture for IoT applications2
Emotion-sensitive voice-casting care robot in rehabilitation using real-time sensing and analysis of biometric information2
Design of Internet of Things enabled personalized healthcare device for vital signs monitoring2
Factors that influence user perception of ubiquitous monitoring environments: An empirical study in a developing country2
Multicriteria decision making based optimum virtual machine selection technique for smart cloud environment2
Wavelet-domain human activity recognition utilizing convolutional neural networks2
Towards trustworthy Cyber-physical Production Systems: A dynamic agent accountability approach2
Preface to JAISE 13(2)2
A survey on obstacles to the widespread use of connected and automated vehicles2
Accuracy analysis of BLE beacon-based localization in smart buildings2
Energy-efficient multisensor adaptive sampling and aggregation for patient monitoring in edge computing based IoHT networks2