World Mycotoxin Journal

(The median citation count of World Mycotoxin Journal is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
An update on genotoxic and epigenetic studies of fumonisin B136
Near-infrared spectroscopy to assess mycotoxins contamination and nutritional composition of maize marketed in South America, years 2020-202129
Effectiveness of complementary sorting methods in reducing aflatoxin contamination in groundnuts24
New trends for the efficient bio-degradation of food contaminant zearalenone using a plant rhizobacterial strain: anin-vitro study22
Probiotic gut-borneSaccharomyces cerevisiae reduces liver toxicity caused by aflatoxins in weanling piglets15
Heat-induced reduction of deoxynivalenol and its modified forms during flaking and cooking of oat13
Effects of deoxynivalenol exposure at peripuberty over testicles of rats: structural and functional alterations13
HepG2 liver cells treated with fumonisin B1 in galactose supplemented media have altered expression of genes and proteins known to regulate cholesterol flux12
Apocynin attenuates patulin-induced cytotoxicity through reduction of oxidation stress and apoptosis in HEK293cells11
Assessment of agricultural practices by Ethiopian women farmers: existence of gender disparities in access to mycotoxins training10
Serological biomarkers of zearalenone exposure in beef heifers receiving anti-mycotoxin additive10
Smartphone-based technology for nanomolecular detection of aflatoxin B1 by aptamer-conjugated magnetic nanoparticles9
Aflatoxin in peanuts and maize: an overview on occurrence, regulations, prevention, and control methods9
An investigation of different antimycotoxin additives in swine intestinal explants challenged with aflatoxin and fumonisin: ex vivo and in vitro models9
Biodegradation of aflatoxin B1 by Aspergillus terreus HNGD-TM15 and its degradation mechanism9
Dietary exposure to mycotoxins of 1- and 2-year-old children from a Dutch Total Diet Study9
Effect of cleaning, milling, and cooking on the reduction of deoxynivalenol in freshly harvested rice8
Fusarium mycotoxin content andFusarium species presence in Czech organic and conventional wheat8
Occurrence and concentration of mycotoxins in maize dried distillers’ grains produced in Brazil8
Aflatoxin contamination in Tanzania: quantifying the problem in maize and groundnuts from rural households7
Developments in mycotoxin analysis: an update for 2019-20206
Development of patulin certified reference material using mass balance and quantitative NMR6
Exploratory real-time kinetic analysis of the cytotoxicity induced by maize silage mycotoxins in a calf intestinal epithelial cell line6
Aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway extrolites in airborneAspergilli seriesVersicolores6
Antiaflatoxigenic potential of essential oils of spices – a review6
Aflatoxin production byAspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus on deoiled ground nyjer seeds6
Current postharvest practices and aflatoxin contamination awareness amongst maize producers in Jimma Zone, Southwest of Ethiopia6
Biological reduction of aflatoxin M1 in dairy products using probiotic strains: a systematic review and meta-analysis5
Aflatoxin and the aetiology of liver cancer and its implications for Guatemala5
Mycotoxin determination in fungal contaminated Canadian silage toxic to dairy cows and goats5
The effects of natural active substances in food on the toxicity of patulin5
Abiotic factors affect growth and aflatoxin B1 production byAspergillus flavus strains on chilli powder and red chillies5
Multi-mycotoxins analysis in post-harvest maize (Zea mays L.) grain from major producing areas of Ethiopia5
Awareness, handling and storage factors associated with aflatoxin contamination in spices marketed in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania5
Preharvest and postharvest management practices related to mycotoxin contamination in maize in Ethiopia – a review5
Ethical considerations in the design and conduct of a cluster-randomised mycotoxin mitigation trial in Tanzania5
A review of toxigenic fungi and mycotoxins in feeds and food commodities in West Africa5
Occurrence and associated risk factors of aflatoxin contamination in animal feeds and raw milk from three agroecological zones of Tanzania4
Fungi carried over in jute bags – a smoking gun for aflatoxin contamination in the food supply chain4
The impact of management practices to prevent and control mycotoxins in the European food supply chain: MyToolBox project results4
Determination of patulin and hydroxymethylfurfural in beverages by UPLC-PDA4
Developments in mycotoxin analysis: an update for 2021-224
Detection of aflatoxin B1 adducts in Mexican women with cervical lesions3
Aflatoxin B1 contamination of feedstuff on a dairy farm in Northern Peru and aflatoxin M1 concentrations in raw milk3
Aflatoxin contamination and recommendations to improve its control: a review3
Evaluation of the impact of pre- and post-harvest maize handling practices on mycotoxin contamination on smallholder farms in Guatemala3
Associating multiple mycotoxin exposure and health outcomes: current statistical approaches and challenges3
Effect ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae addition to feed contaminated with aflatoxin B1 on the health and performance indices of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) fingerlings3
Professor Wentzel C.A. Gelderblom (1951-2021)3
Foreword – special issue Mycotoxins in Latin America3
The life and works of Professor Naresh Magan3
Multi-mycotoxin production of cheese-derived fungal strainsin vitro and in cheese models3
Long-term exposure of Pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) fish to dietary aflatoxin B1: residues in tissues and performance3
Effects of deoxynivalenol on the histomorphology of the liver and kidneys and the expression of MAPKs in weaned rabbits3
Current and promising strategies to prevent and reduce aflatoxin contamination in grains and food matrices3
Incidence of toxigenicAspergillus andFusarium species occurring in maize kernels from Kenyan households3