Mathematical Geosciences

(The median citation count of Mathematical Geosciences is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Graph Deep Learning Model for Mapping Mineral Prospectivity51
Robust Feature Extraction for Geochemical Anomaly Recognition Using a Stacked Convolutional Denoising Autoencoder45
GANSim: Conditional Facies Simulation Using an Improved Progressive Growing of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)44
A Physically Constrained Variational Autoencoder for Geochemical Pattern Recognition34
Fusion of Geochemical and Remote-Sensing Data for Lithological Mapping Using Random Forest Metric Learning29
Contaminant Source Identification in Aquifers: A Critical View28
A Truly Spatial Random Forests Algorithm for Geoscience Data Analysis and Modelling28
Quantifying the Tetrad Effect, Shape Components, and Ce–Eu–Gd Anomalies in Rare Earth Element Patterns27
Classical and Robust Regression Analysis with Compositional Data26
MIN3P-HPC: A High-Performance Unstructured Grid Code for Subsurface Flow and Reactive Transport Simulation24
Three-Dimensional Structural Geological Modeling Using Graph Neural Networks24
Stochastic Modelling of Mineral Exploration Targets21
Statistical Interpolation of Spatially Varying but Sparsely Measured 3D Geo-Data Using Compressive Sensing and Variational Bayesian Inference19
One Step at a Time: The Origins of Sequential Simulation and Beyond19
Variational Autoencoder or Generative Adversarial Networks? A Comparison of Two Deep Learning Methods for Flow and Transport Data Assimilation19
Analysing Pairwise Logratios Revisited18
Automated Machine Learning-Based Landslide Susceptibility Mapping for the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China17
Finite Difference Implicit Structural Modeling of Geological Structures17
Bayesian Deep Learning for Spatial Interpolation in the Presence of Auxiliary Information17
Construction and Application of a Knowledge Graph for Iron Deposits Using Text Mining Analytics and a Deep Learning Algorithm15
Special Issue: Geostatistics and Machine Learning15
Seismic Stratum Segmentation Using an Encoder–Decoder Convolutional Neural Network14
Application of Bayesian Generative Adversarial Networks to Geological Facies Modeling14
On the Use of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for Monitoring and Forecasting Natural Hazards14
Contaminant Spill in a Sandbox with Non-Gaussian Conductivities: Simultaneous Identification by the Restart Normal-Score Ensemble Kalman Filter14
Multiple-Point Statistics Simulation Models: Pretty Pictures or Decision-Making Tools?14
Comparing Methods and Defining Practical Requirements for Extracting Harmonic Tidal Components from Groundwater Level Measurements13
Geographically Optimal Similarity13
Diagenetic Facies Classification in the Arbuckle Formation Using Deep Neural Networks12
An Interpretable Graph Attention Network for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping12
Machine Learning-Based Mapping for Mineral Exploration11
High-Order Data-Driven Spatial Simulation of Categorical Variables11
A Graph Clustering Approach to Localization for Adaptive Covariance Tuning in Data Assimilation Based on State-Observation Mapping11
Three-Dimensional Refined Modelling of Deep Structures by Using the Level Set Method: Application to the Zhaoping Detachment Fault, Jiaodong Peninsula, China11
Boundary Identification and Surface Updates Using MWD10
Compositional Scalar-on-Function Regression with Application to Sediment Particle Size Distributions10
Geological Mapping Using Direct Sampling and a Convolutional Neural Network Based on Geochemical Survey Data10
Stochastic Inversion of Gravity Data Accounting for Structural Uncertainty10
Comparison of Recursive Neural Network and Markov Chain Models in Facies Inversion9
Enhancing Slope Stability Prediction Using Fuzzy and Neural Frameworks Optimized by Metaheuristic Science9
Revealing Geochemical Patterns Associated with Mineralization Using t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding and Random Forest9
Finite Element Solvers for Biot’s Poroelasticity Equations in Porous Media8
Training Image Free High-Order Stochastic Simulation Based on Aggregated Kernel Statistics8
Automatic Semivariogram Modeling by Convolutional Neural Network8
Stochastic Local Interaction Model: An Alternative to Kriging for Massive Datasets8
Quantifying Mineral Resources and Their Uncertainty Using Two Existing Machine Learning Methods8
Special Issue: Data-Driven Discovery in Geosciences: Opportunities and Challenges7
Deep Reinforcement Learning for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping7
Missing Rainfall Daily Data: A Comparison Among Gap-Filling Approaches7
Bridging Deep Convolutional Autoencoders and Ensemble Smoothers for Improved Estimation of Channelized Reservoirs7
Conditional Simulation for Mineral Resource Classification and Mining Dilution Assessment from the Early 1990s to Now7
Stochastic Inverse Modeling and Parametric Uncertainty of Sediment Deposition Processes Across Geologic Time Scales7
A Monte Carlo-based Workflow for Geochemical Anomaly Identification Under Uncertainty and Global Sensitivity Analysis of Model Parameters7
Weighting of Parts in Compositional Data Analysis: Advances and Applications7
Bayesian Decomposition Modelling: An Interpretable Nonlinear Approach for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping7
A Spatial Correlation-Based Anomaly Detection Method for Subsurface Modeling7
New Validity Conditions for the Multivariate Matérn Coregionalization Model, with an Application to Exploration Geochemistry7
Stochastic Modeling of Subseismic Faults Conditioned on Displacement and Orientation Maps7
Geostatistical Seismic Inversion with Self-Updating of Local Probability Distributions6
Random Noise Attenuation by Self-supervised Learning from Single Seismic Data6
Projection Pursuit Random Forest for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping6
Crucial Geochemical Signal Identification for Cu-Fertile Magmas in Paleo-Tethyan Arc Based on Machine Learning6
Supervised Mineral Prospectivity Mapping via Class-Balanced Focal Loss Function on Imbalanced Geoscience Datasets6
Optimization of Subsurface Flow Operations Using a Dynamic Proxy Strategy6
An Automatic Well Planner for Complex Well Trajectories6
Advanced KNN Approaches for Explainable Seismic-Volcanic Signal Classification6
Sensitivity Analysis of Discrete Fracture Network Connectivity Characteristics5
Modeling of the Correlation Between Mineral Size and Shale Pore Structure at Meso- and Macroscales5
Connectivity in Pixel-Based Facies Models5
Space–Time Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Based on Data-Driven Methods5
Geostatistical Rock Physics Inversion for Predicting the Spatial Distribution of Porosity and Saturation in the Critical Zone5
A Machine Learning Approach for Material Type Logging and Chemical Assaying from Autonomous Measure-While-Drilling (MWD) Data5
A Three-Dimensional Geological Structure Modeling Framework and Its Application in Machine Learning5
A Hybrid Estimation Technique Using Elliptical Radial Basis Neural Networks and Cokriging5
Prestack Bayesian Linearized Inversion with Decorrelated Prior Information5
A Rapid Updating Method to Predict Grade Heterogeneity at Smaller Scales5
Ensemble and Self-supervised Learning for Improved Classification of Seismic Signals from the Åknes Rockslope4
Ensemble Smoother with Multiple Data Assimilation as a Tool for Curve Fitting and Parameter Uncertainty Characterization: Example Applications to Fit Nonlinear Sorption Isotherms4
Modeling and Fitting of Three-Dimensional Mineral Microstructures by Multinary Random Fields4
A Graph-Theoretic Monte Carlo Framework for Comparing Delta Surface Dynamics and Subsurface Structure in Numerical Models and Physical Experiments4
Pore Structure Characteristics and Their Diagenetic Influence: A Case Study of Paleogene Sandstones from the Pinghu and Huagang Formations in the Xihu Depression, East China Sea Basin4
Voronoi Meshing to Accurately Capture Geological Structure in Subsurface Simulations4
Robust Optimal Well Control using an Adaptive Multigrid Reinforcement Learning Framework4
Taking Better Advantage of Fold Axis Data to Characterize Anisotropy of Complex Folded Structures in the Implicit Modeling Framework4
Ensemble-Based Seismic and Production Data Assimilation Using Selection Kalman Model3
An Embedded Model Estimator for Non-Stationary Random Functions Using Multiple Secondary Variables3
Teaching Numerical Groundwater Flow Modeling with Spreadsheets3
Application of Supersplining to the Mesozoic and Paleozoic Geologic Time Scales3
Stochastic Modeling of Stratospheric Temperature3
Dual-Branch Convolutional Neural Network and Its Post Hoc Interpretability for Mapping Mineral Prospectivity3
shinyNORRRM: A Cross-Platform Software to Calculate the CIPW Norm3
Continuous Wavelet Transform and Dynamic Time Warping-Based Fine Division and Correlation of Glutenite Sedimentary Cycles3
Hybrid Iterative Ensemble Smoother for History Matching of Hierarchical Models3
Geostatistical Seismic Inversion: One Nugget from the Tróia Conference3
CNN Multibeam Seabed Sediment Classification Combined with a Novel Feature Optimization Method3
Incorporating Geological Knowledge into Deep Learning to Enhance Geochemical Anomaly Identification Related to Mineralization and Interpretability3
Generalization of the Fission-Track Arrhenius Annealing Equations3
Generative Adversarial Network Applied to Ore Type Modeling in Complex Geological Environments3
Fracability Evaluation Based on the Three-Dimensional Geological Numerical Simulation of In Situ Stress: Case Study of the Longmaxi Formation in the Weirong Shale Gas Field, Southwestern China3
Geophysics-Based Fluid-Facies Predictions Using Ensemble Updating of Binary State Vectors3
MWD Data-Based Marble Quality Class Prediction Models Using ML Algorithms3
Bedding Angle Identification from BIF Marker Shales via Modified Dynamic Time Warping3
Multivariate Geostatistical Simulation and Deep Q-Learning to Optimize Mining Decisions3
Multi-labeled Regularized Marching Tetrahedra Method for Implicit Geological Modeling3
The Anomaly Detector, Semi-supervised Classifier, and Supervised Classifier Based on K-Nearest Neighbors in Geochemical Anomaly Detection: A Comparative Study3
Subdivide and Conquer: Adapting Non-Manifold Subdivision Surfaces to Surface-Based Representation and Reconstruction of Complex Geological Structures3
Multilevel Graph Partitioning for Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Network Flow Simulations3
Uncertainty Assessment over any Volume without Simulation: Revisiting Multi-Gaussian Kriging3
Modeling Geospatial Uncertainty of Geometallurgical Variables with Bayesian Models and Hilbert–Kriging2
Vertical Stacking Statistics of Multi-facies Object-Based Models2
Sequential Simulation of a Conditional Boolean Model2
Teaching Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling via a Sand-Tank Model2
Estimation of Reservoir Fracture Properties from Seismic Data Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods2
Occurrence Apparent Velocities for Identification and Quantification of Space–Time Clustering Precursory to a Large Earthquake. Application to Large (M > 7.0) Earthquakes in Southern California and2
A New Non-stationary High-order Spatial Sequential Simulation Method2
A Comparison Between Machine Learning and Functional Geostatistics Approaches for Data-Driven Analyses of Sediment Transport in a Pre-Alpine Stream2
Targeting Method of Estimating Number of Undiscovered Mineral Deposits2
Improving Mineral Prospectivity Model Generalization: An Example from Orogenic Gold Mineralization of the Sturgeon Lake Transect, Ontario, Canada2
The Many Forms of Co-kriging: A Diversity of Multivariate Spatial Estimators2
Using the Graph-Cut Method to Segment the Mineralization Area in the Gejiu Region of Yunnan Province, China2
Surface Warping Incorporating Machine Learning Assisted Domain Likelihood Estimation: A New Paradigm in Mine Geology Modeling and Automation2
Quantification of Fracture Roughness by Change Probabilities and Hurst Exponents2
Seismic Data Denoising Using a Self-Supervised Deep Learning Network2
Randomized Tensor Decomposition for Large-Scale Data Assimilation Problems for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration2
Probabilistic Integration of Geomechanical and Geostatistical Inferences for Mapping Natural Fracture Networks2
SeisGAN: Improving Seismic Image Resolution and Reducing Random Noise Using a Generative Adversarial Network2
A Mimetic Finite-Difference Method for Two-Dimensional DC Resistivity Modeling2
Accurate Computation of Fracture Density Variations: A New Approach Tested on Fracture Corridors2
Adaptive Ensemble-Based Optimisation for Petrophysical Inversion2
A Comparison Between Bayesian and Ordinary Kriging Based on Validation Criteria: Application to Radiological Characterisation2
Improved Fracture Segmentation from Unwrapped Drill-Core Images Using an Innovative Two-Stage Segmentation Approach1
Compression-based Facies Modelling1
Empirical Orthogonal Maps (EOM) and Principal Spatial Patterns: Illustration for Octopus Distribution Off Mauritania Over the Period 1987–20171
Joint Clarification of Contaminant Plume and Hydraulic Transmissivity via a Geostatistical Approach Using Hydraulic Head and Contaminant Concentration Data1
Unpacking Occupational Health Data in the Service Sector: From Bayesian Networking and Spatial Clustering to Policy-Making1
Identification of Mineralization in Geochemistry for Grid Sampling Using Generalized Additive Models1
Geostatistics in the Presence of Multivariate Complexities: Comparison of Multi-Gaussian Transforms1
Multivariate Cross-Validation and Measures of Accuracy and Precision1
Long-Term Copper Production to 21001
Local Ranking of Geological Conceptual Models in Non-stationary Settings Using Multi-point Geostatistics1
Robust Statistical Processing of Long-Time Data Series to Estimate Soil Water Content1
Lithology Identification of UAV Oblique Photography Images Based on Semantic Segmentation Neural Network Algorithm1
Reducing the Effect of Incorrect Lithology Labels on the Training of Deep Neural Networks for Lithology Identification1
Modelling the Influence of Erosive Fluidization on the Morphology of Fluid Flow and Escape Structures1
A Riemannian Tool for Clustering of Geo-Spatial Multivariate Data1
A Nonlinear Dynamical Model for Monthly Runoff Forecasting in Situations of Small Samples1
Updating Local Anisotropies with Template Matching During Geostatistical Seismic Inversion1
Exploratory Analysis of Geochemical Data and Inference of Soil Minerals at Sites Across Canada1
Palaeoenvironmental Reconstruction of a Lower Pleistocene Stratigraphic Section in Sousaki Basin, Greece, Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps1
Stochastic Geomodeling of Karst Morphology by Dynamic Graph Dissolution1
Monitoring Mining Activity and Vegetation Recovery in Rare Earth Element Mining Areas1
Properties and Comparison of Some Kriging Sub-model Aggregation Methods1
p-Kernel Stein Variational Gradient Descent for Data Assimilation and History Matching1
Unified Multi-structural Element Modeling Methods Using Icosahedral Discrete Global Grid Systems1
Linking Gy’s Formula to QA/QC Duplicates Statistics1
Revisiting the Geochemical Classification of Zircon Source Rocks Using a Machine Learning Approach1
Probability Transform of Kriging Estimates and Its Effects on Selection Bias and Conditional Bias1
EpiGeostats: An R Package to Facilitate Visualization of Geostatistical Disease Risk Maps1
Blind Source Separation of Spectrally Filtered Geochemical Signals to Recognize Multi-depth Ore-Related Enrichment Patterns1
Special Issue: Geostatistics Toronto 20211
Effectiveness of Neural Kriging for Three-Dimensional Modeling of Sparse and Strongly Biased Distribution of Geological Data with Application to Seafloor Hydrothermal Mineralization1
Nonrigid Registration Using Gaussian Processes and Local Likelihood Estimation1
An Uncertainty Analysis Method Based on a Globally Optimal Truth Discovery Model for Mineral Prospectivity Mapping1
Real-time Uncertain Geological Boundaries Updating for Improved Block Model Quality Control Based on Blast Hole Data: A Case Study for Golgohar Iron Ore Mine in Southeastern Iran1
A Fractal Simulation Method for Simulating the Resource Abundance of Oil and Gas and Its Application1
Stochastic Facies Inversion with Prior Sampling by Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks Based on Training Image1
Identification and Delineation of the Earth’s Large-Scale Closed Terrain Depressions and Their Fractal Size Distribution1
Implications of Aggregating and Smoothing Daily Production Data on Estimates of the Transition Time Between Flow Regimes in Horizontal Hydraulically Fractured Bakken Oil Wells1