Cultural Studies of Science Education

(The TQCC of Cultural Studies of Science Education is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Coping and scholarship during a pandemic21
Bring along the other: dialogue, togetherness, and possibilities in Science Education19
Embracing a lover’s discourse in academia19
Dialoguing with Freire and Butler about chaos: a provocative organising exercise in my PhD17
The role of myths in students discussing ‘pest’–agriculture relations16
Holding space for uncertainty and vulnerability: reclaiming humanity in teacher education through contemplative | equity pedagogy16
Humanizing science education, wellness and a more just world15
A critical perspective on pandemics and epidemics: building a bridge between public health and science education15
The importance of learning with/on/from land and place while honoring reciprocity in Indigenous science education15
Storied identities and teacher candidates’ developing practices14
Re/turning to soil: becoming one-bodied with the Earth12
What will we teach the teachers? Grappling with racism in a professional development setting12
Why does this matter? The value of intersectionality12
Intergenerational transdisciplinary knowing toward stewarding the land of refuge: learning through the pandemic11
Dramaturgical analysis of Boyle and Hobbes in developing NOS-based chemistry teaching materials for pre-service teachers11
Unveiling the production of non-participation in the primary school science classroom11
Putting science education in its place: the science question in social justice education10
Looking back at “our science” and “our history”: an exploration of Korean preservice science teachers’ encounters with East Asian history of science9
This is not a research article: an invitation to mobilize knowledge from the epistemological borderlands of social science9
Exploring nature of criticality in high school science teaching: sociopolitical consciousness in multicultural science education9
Borderlands in science8
A cultural historical comparison of in-school and out-of-school STEM activity systems for African-American girls8
Stepping into STS literature: Some implications for promoting socioecological justice through science education8
Soul searching in science teaching: an exploration of critical teaching events through the lens of intersectionality8
Formal rules and rules as reasoning-in-action: playing games with reality in science education8
On the muckiness of science, ethics, and preservice teacher education: contemplating the (im)possibilities of a ‘right’-eous stance7
(Re)defining expert in science instruction: a community-based science approach to teaching7
Cultural identity central to Native American persistence in science7
STEM learning as care work7
100 years of gratitude: what I learned from Freire7
Overcoming the discourse of science mistrust: how science education can be used to develop competent consumers and communicators of science information7
Furthering the conversation: Wittgenstein, Gasparatou, philosophy of language, and science education7
Instructions, commands, and coercive control: a critical discourse analysis of the textbook representation of the living cell6
Correction to: Expanding the interpretive functions of framing for understanding marginalized students’ participation in collaboration and learning6
The Anthropocene as we know it: posthumanism, science education and scientific literacy as a path to sustainability6
The journey of a science teacher: preparing female students in the training future scientists after-school program5
Mitigating the need for resiliency for Black girls: reimagining the cultural brokering through a lens of science as white property5
The role of teacher support in students’ engagement with representational construction5
Ideas, hopes, and fears: what young adults think about genome editing, nature, and society5
Learning about the nature of science through the critical and reflective reading of news on the COVID-19 pandemic5
Expanding the interpretive functions of framing for understanding marginalized students’ participation in collaboration and learning5
The concept of alterity: its usage and its relevance for critical qualitative researchers in the era of Trump5
Decolonial scientific education to combat ‘science for domination’5
Radical care as a science and engineering education response to climate change5
A Latina science teacher becoming a dialogic educator: “I’m okay being hated because somebody has to be strong”4
Sociopolitical solidarity in STEM education: youth-centered relationships that resist learning as just achievement data4
Unveiling the scientists and engineers in the Southern Appalachian community4
How a marginalized student’s attempts to position himself as an accepted member are constrained or afforded in small-group argumentation4
Funds of knowledge in Muslim culture in the southern border provinces of Thailand for culturally responsive physics education4
The intersectional experience of Faith teaching science within an Afro-centric school model4
Margin envy: looking at science education in Arizona from a STEM-ed state4
Freirean inspirations in solidary internationalism between East Timor and Brazil in science education4
How to understand and support marginalized students’ participation in a science classroom from the perspective of framing4
Dwelling in borderlands: a conversation between two science teachers-researchers4
Narratives of learning in a permacultural cooperative: some inspiring ideas for science education in the light of Freire's pedagogy4
The argumentative shortcomings of educators’ efforts to talk about religion and science: mixed enthymemes in Understanding Science4
“The freshness of irreverence”: learning from ACT UP toward sociopolitical action in science education3
Re-imagining science education research toward a language for science perspective3
Creative pedagogies in digital STEAM practices: natural, technological and cultural entanglements for powerful learning and activism3
Moving beyond student surveys and toward critical consciousness in science education3
Seeing a science of her own: intersectionality in the age of denial3
“For whom? By whom?”: critical perspectives of participation in ecological citizen science3
Intentional scaffolding of advising, mentoring, and wise intervention programming in the 1st year experience promotes student resilience in the face of a global pandemic: a case study of STEM student 3
Studying children’s small science and early engineering learning process to help shape their cultural identity in culturally valued play-based experience3
Stories of water: preschool children’s engagement with water purification3
Intra-action analysis of emergent science phenomena: examining meaning-making with the more than human in science classrooms3
The hegemony of English in science education in India: a case study exploring impact of teacher orientation in translating policy in practice3
Gardener-becoming-tree, tree-becoming-gardener: growing-together as a metaphor for thinking about learning and development3
What’s in a name? The use of induced perspective taking to inform arguments about the appropriateness of the term “Chinavirus” when talking about COVID-193
Responding to negative emotion in a pre-service mathematics classroom3
Global challenges need attention now: educating humanity for wellness and sustainability3
Treading carefully: the environment and political participation in science education3
Beyond neat classifications: A case for the in-betweens3
Black girls matter: A critical analysis of educational spaces and call for community-based programs3
Who aspires to be a scientist/who is allowed in science? Science identity as a lens to exploring the political dimension of the nature of science3
Science education in a world in crisis: contributions from the South to a defense of a cultural–historical approach in science teaching3
Students' meaning-making in an open inquiry: two paths3