Cultural Studies of Science Education

(The H4-Index of Cultural Studies of Science Education is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The Anthropocene as we know it: posthumanism, science education and scientific literacy as a path to sustainability21
Academic integrity, STEM education, and COVID-19: a call to action19
Science education against the rise of fascist and authoritarian movements: towards the development of a pedagogy for democracy19
A day of reckoning for the white academy: reframing success for African American women in STEM18
The quest for sustainable futures: designing transformative learning spaces with multilingual Black, Brown, and Latinx young people through critical response-ability17
Disrupting deficit narratives in informal science education: applying community cultural wealth theory to youth learning and engagement16
Culturally relevant/responsive and sustaining pedagogies in science education: theoretical perspectives and curriculum implications16
Uncovering stories of resilience among successful African American women in STEM16
Facing neoliberalism through dialogic spaces as sites of hope in science education: experiences of two self-organised communities15
Who aspires to be a scientist/who is allowed in science? Science identity as a lens to exploring the political dimension of the nature of science15
Decoloniality in STEM research: (re)framing success15
Cultural identity central to Native American persistence in science14
Black girls matter: A critical analysis of educational spaces and call for community-based programs12
Decolonial scientific education to combat ‘science for domination’12
“For whom? By whom?”: critical perspectives of participation in ecological citizen science12