Language and Cognition

(The TQCC of Language and Cognition is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Time heals all wounds: analysis of changes in temporal focus and implicit space–time mappings among survivors of the 2019 China earthquake over time11
Using depiction for efficient communication in LIS (Italian Sign Language)10
Verb argument structure overgeneralisations for the English intransitive and transitive constructions: grammaticality judgments and production priming10
How We Resist Metaphors10
The role of relevance for scalar diversity: a usage-based approach8
Limitations on the role of frequency in L2 acquisition7
Foreign to whom? Constraining the moral foreign language effect on bilinguals’ language experience6
Epistemic constructions in L2 Norwegian: a usage-based longitudinal study of formulaic and productive patterns6
Understanding demonstrative reference in text: a new taxonomy based on a new corpus6
A blending analysis of metaphors and metonymies used to depict the deal of the century by Jordanian cartoonists5
Leading voices: dialogue semantics, cognitive science and the polyphonic structure of multimodal interaction5
The traceback method in child language acquisition research: identifying patterns in early speech5
Valence sound symbolism across language families: a comparison between Japanese and German5
Resonance in dialogue: the interplay between intersubjective motivations and cognitive facilitation5
The ups and downs of space and time: topography in Yupno language, culture, and cognition5
Gender is conceptualized in different ways across cultures5
Learning two syntactic constructions simultaneously: a case of overshadowing5
Story order in attribution of moral responsibility4
Tracing thick and thin concepts through corpora4
Mapping of individual time units in horizontal space4
Two measures are better than one: combining iconicity ratings and guessing experiments for a more nuanced picture of iconicity in the lexicon4
A comparative study of animation versus static effects in the spatial concept-based metaphor awareness-raising approach on EFL learners’ cognitive processing of request strategies4
Observers use gesture to disambiguate contrastive expressions of preference4
A learning perspective on the emergence of abstractions: the curious case of phone(me)s4
Comprehension of different types of novel metaphors in monolinguals and multilinguals4
Time as space vs. time as quantity in Spanish: a co-speech gesture study4
The semantics of spatial demonstratives in Spanish: a Demonstrative Choice Task study4
What the development of gesture with and without speech can tell us about the effect of language on thought4
Speaking but not gesturing predicts event memory: a cross-linguistic comparison3
Categorising emotion words: the influence of response options3
Sensory modality profiles of antonyms3
Comprehension of different types of novel metaphors in monolinguals and multilinguals – ERRATUM3
Palatal is for happiness, plosive is for sadness: evidence for stochastic relationships between phoneme classes and sentiment polarity in Hungarian3
The picture looks like my music sounds: directional preferences in synesthetic metaphors in the absence of lexical factors3
Picture perfect peaks: comprehension of inferential techniques in visual narratives3
Do typological differences in the expression of causality influence preschool children’s causal event construal?3
Semantic integration of multidimensional perceptual information in L1 sentence comprehension2
The semantic representation of food is shaped by cultural experience2
Dickens in Chol2
Sound-symbolic association between speech sound and spatial meaning in relation to the concepts of up/down and above/below2
Jeannette Littlemore, Metaphors in the Mind: Sources of Variation in Embodied Metaphor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Pp. 288, ISBN-13: 978-1-1084-0398-6.2
Does time extend asymmetrically into the past and the future? A multitask crosscultural study2
The age of acquisition effect in processing second language words and its relationship with the age of acquisition of the first language2
Breaking the ice in a conversation: abstract words prompt dialogs more easily than concrete ones2
Morphological processing of complex and simple pseudo-words in adults and older adults2
Working memory modulates the effect of music on word learning2
Many ways to decline a noun: elicitation of children’s novel noun inflection in Estonian2
Past and future time reference processing teased apart in Paiwan, an endangered Formosan language2
How flexible is the orthographic processing of flankers? Effects for letter order and letter identification2
Predictability effects in degraded speech comprehension are reduced as a function of attention2
When sequence matters: the processing of contextually biased German verb–object metaphors2
Vocal iconicity in nominal classification2
“Hold infinity in the palm of your hand.” A functional description of time expressions through fingers based on Chinese Sign Language naturalistic data2
Literacy effects on artificial grammar learning (AGL) with letters and colors: evidence from preschool and primary school children2
Unraveling the force dynamics in conceptual metaphors of COVID-19: a multilevel analysis2
Variable motion encoding within Chinese: a usage-based perspective2
Poetics of reduplicative word formation: evidence from a rating and recall experiment2
Chunking up speech in real time: linguistic predictors and cognitive constraints2
Mapping the body to the discourse hierarchy in sign language emergence2