Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences

(The TQCC of Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Ceramic technology. How to reconstruct the firing process81
Ceramic technology: how to recognize clay processing57
Ceramic technology. How to characterise ceramic glazes55
Ceramic raw materials: how to recognize them and locate the supply basins: chemistry53
Mortars and plasters—how to characterise hydraulic mortars51
Pigments—Lead-based whites, reds, yellows and oranges and their alteration phases50
Characterizing the pigments and paints of prehistoric artists48
Ceramic abandonment. How to recognise post-depositional transformations43
Pigments — Mercury-based red (cinnabar-vermilion) and white (calomel) and their degradation products43
Ceramic raw materials: how to recognize them and locate the supply basins—mineralogy, petrography42
Pigments—the palette of organic colourants in wall paintings40
Pigments—Iron-based red, yellow, and brown ochres39
Pigments—copper-based greens and blues39
Ceramic technology. How to reconstruct and describe pottery-forming practices38
Mortars and masonry—structural lime and gypsum mortars in Antiquity and Middle Ages34
Wall paintings through the ages: the roman period—Republic and early Empire33
Mortars and plasters—How to characterize aerial mortars and plasters33
Mortars and plasters—how to manage mortars and plasters conservation33
Wall paintings through the ages: the medieval period (Italy, twelfth to fifteenth century)33
Mortars and plasters - How to characterize mortar and plaster degradation32
Mortars and plasters—How mortars were made. The literary sources32
Production, transport and on-site organisation of Roman mortars and plasters31
Ceramic technology. How to investigate surface finishing30
Ceramics investigation: research questions and sampling criteria30
Not only wall paintings—pigments for cosmetics28
Identifying early stages of reindeer domestication in the archaeological record: a 3D morphological investigation on forelimb bones of modern populations from Fennoscandia28
Ceramic investigation: how to perform statistical analyses28
Ceramic technology: how to characterise black Fe-based glass-ceramic coatings27
Mortars, plasters and pigments—research questions and sampling criteria27
Source of strontium in archaeological mobility studies—marine diet contribution to the isotopic composition26
Pigments, dyes and inks: their analysis on manuscripts, scrolls and papyri26
Ceramic raw materials: how to establish the technological suitability of a raw material25
Farming and multi-resource subsistence in the third and second millennium BC: archaeobotanical evidence from Karuo24
Pigments—Arsenic-based yellows and reds22
Ceramic chronology by luminescence dating: how and when it is possible to date ceramic artefacts22
The ecology and bioactivity of some Greco-Roman medicinal minerals: the case of Melos earth pigments22
Oldowan stone knapping and percussive activities on a raw material reservoir deposit 1.4 million years ago at Barranco León (Orce, Spain)22
Isotopic investigations of Chinese ceramics22
New trajectories or accelerating change? Zooarchaeological evidence for Roman transformation of animal husbandry in Northern Italy22
A method for the taphonomic assessment of bone tools using 3D surface texture analysis of bone microtopography21
Use of meat resources in the Early Pleistocene assemblages from Fuente Nueva 3 (Orce, Granada, Spain)20
The impact of sediment abrasion on tooth microwear analysis: an experimental study19
Revisiting lithic edge characterization with microCT: multiscale study of edge curvature, re-entrant features, and profile geometry on Olduvai Gorge quartzite flakes19
A detailed method for creating digital 3D models of human crania: an example of close-range photogrammetry based on the use of Structure-from-Motion (SfM) in virtual anthropology19
Younger Dryas and early Holocene subsistence in the northern Great Basin: multiproxy analysis of coprolites from the Paisley Caves, Oregon, USA19
Ceramic technology: how to characterize terra sigillata ware19
Pigment nomenclature in the ancient Near East, Greece, and Rome19
Genetic evaluation of domestication-related traits in rice: implications for the archaeobotany of rice origins19
Child murder in the Early Bronze Age: proteomic sex identification of a cold case from Schleinbach, Austria18
Glass-based pigments in painting: smalt blue and lead–tin yellow type II17
Mass procurement and prey rankings: insights from the European rabbit17
Colluvial sediments originating from past land-use activities in the Erzgebirge Mountains, Central Europe: occurrence, properties, and historic environmental implications17
Ceramic musealization: how ceramics are conserved and the implications for research16
Deep learning classification of tooth scores made by different carnivores: achieving high accuracy when comparing African carnivore taxa and testing the hominin shift in the balance of power16
Understanding preservation and identification biases of ancient adhesives through experimentation16
Characterisation of charred organic matter in micromorphological thin sections by means of Raman spectroscopy16
Bone diagenesis in archaeological and contemporary human remains: an investigation of bone 3D microstructure and minero-chemical assessment16
The use of bone retouchers in a Mousterian context of Discoid lithic technology16
Lithic miniaturization as adaptive strategy: a case study from Boomplaas Cave, South Africa15
Historical overview and new directions in bioarchaeological trace element analysis: a review15
Late Neanderthal short-term and specialized occupations at the Abri du Maras (South-East France, level 4.1, MIS 3)15
Early emergence and development of pastoralism in Gan-Qing region from the perspective of isotopes15
The virtual goniometer: demonstrating a new method for measuring angles on archaeological materials using fragmentary bone14
Crops vs. animals: regional differences in subsistence strategies of Swiss Neolithic farmers revealed by stable isotopes14
Production method of the Königsaue birch tar documents cumulative culture in Neanderthals14
Visual attention reveals affordances during Lower Palaeolithic stone tool exploration14
Human burials can affect soil elemental composition for millennia—analysis of necrosols from the Corded Ware Culture graveyard in the Czech Republic13
New data on agro-pastoral diets in southern Italy from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age13
Size matters only sometimes: the energy-risk trade-offs of Holocene prey acquisition in the Bonneville basin, western USA13
Food at the heart of the Empire: dietary reconstruction for Imperial Rome inhabitants13
Mobility patterns in inland southwestern Sweden during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age13
Neolithic farmers or Neolithic foragers? Organic residue analysis of early pottery from Rakushechny Yar on the Lower Don (Russia)13
Magdalenian and Epimagdalenian chronology and palaeoenvironments at Kůlna Cave, Moravia, Czech Republic13
The emergence of early microblade technology in the hinterland of North China: a case study based on the Xishi and Dongshi site in Henan Province12
Variation in pottery use across the Early Neolithic in the Barcelona plain12
The role of foxes in the Palaeolithic economies of the Swabian Jura (Germany)12
Arsenical copper and bronze metallurgy during Late Bronze Age of north-eastern Iran: evidences from Shahrak-e Firouzeh archaeological site12
The place beyond the trees: renewed excavations of the Middle Stone Age deposits at Olieboomspoort in the Waterberg Mountains of the South African Savanna Biome12
Between the hammerstone and the anvil: bipolar knapping and other percussive activities in the late Mousterian and the Uluzzian of Grotta di Castelcivita (Italy)12
Use and selection of bone fragments in the north of the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Palaeolithic: bone retouchers from level 4 of Prado Vargas (Burgos, Spain)12
An exploration of the military defense system of the Ming Great Wall in Qinghai Province from the perspective of castle-based military settlements12
Explanations of variability in Middle Stone Age stone tool assemblage composition and raw material use in Eastern Africa12
More direct evidence for early dispersal of bread wheat to the eastern Chinese coast ca. 2460–2210 BC12
Work on the cutting edge: metallographic investigation of Late Bronze Age tools in southeastern Lower Austria11
Agricultural diversification in West Africa: an archaeobotanical study of the site of Sadia (Dogon Country, Mali)11
CalcTalus: an online decision support system for the estimation of sex with the calcaneus and talus11
An insight into the provenance of the Phoenician-Punic glass beads of the necropolis of Vinha das Caliças (Beja, Portugal)11
By the hand of the smelter: tracing the impact of decision-making in bloomery iron smelting11
The elusive parasite: comparing macroscopic, immunological, and genomic approaches to identifying malaria in human skeletal remains from Sayala, Egypt (third to sixth centuries AD)11
Early interaction of agropastoralism in Eurasia: new evidence from millet-based food consumption of Afanasyevo humans in the southern Altai Mountains, Xinjiang, China11
Why invent the handle? Electromyography (EMG) and efficiency of use data investigating the prehistoric origin and selection of hafted stone knives11
A methodological approach to define the state of conservation of the stone materials used in the Cairo historical heritage (Egypt)11
Scraping hide in the early Upper Paleolithic: Insights into the life and function of the Protoaurignacian endscrapers at Fumane Cave10
Phytolith evidence for early agriculture in the East Liao River Basin, Northeast China10
Porotic hyperostosis, cribra orbitalia, femoralis and humeralis in Medieval NW Spain10
Early sheep herd management in the inland of the Iberian Peninsula: results of the incremental isotopic analyses of dental remains from El Mirador cave (Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain)10
Approaches to land snail shell bead manufacture in the Early Holocene of Malawi10
Stable isotopic insights into crop cultivation, animal husbandry, and land use at the Linearbandkeramik site of Vráble-Veľké Lehemby (Slovakia)10
New insights into the composition of historical remedies and pharmaceutical formulations: the identification of natural resins and balsams by gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric investigations10
The Paleolithic diet of Siberia and Eastern Europe: evidence based on stable isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) in hominin and animal bone collagen10
Taphonomy of an excavated striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena) den in Arabia: implications for paleoecology and prehistory10
Looking for the missing link in the evolution of black inks10
Divergence, diet, and disease: the identification of group identity, landscape use, health, and mobility in the fifth- to sixth-century AD burial community of Echt, the Netherlands10
A review of radiometric dating and pigment characterizations of rock art in Indonesia10
Making the most of expert knowledge to analyse archaeological data: a case study on Parthian and Sasanian glazed pottery10
Hand grasping and finger flexion during Lower Paleolithic stone tool ergonomic exploration10
New perspectives on human subsistence during the Magdalenian in the Swabian Jura, Germany9
The Panadella chert (Montmaneu Formation): a high-quality raw material in the Abric Romaní sequence (NE Iberian Peninsula)9
Radiocarbon chronology of Bronze Age mines in the Southern Trans-Urals: first results9
Two-season agriculture and irrigated rice during the Dian: radiocarbon dates and archaeobotanical remains from Dayingzhuang, Yunnan, Southwest China9
Déjà vu: on the use of meat resources by sabretooth cats, hominins, and hyaenas in the Early Pleistocene site of Fuente Nueva 3 (Guadix-Baza Depression, SE Spain)9
Combined visual and biochemical analyses confirm depositor and diet for Neolithic coprolites from Skara Brae9
First experimental evidence of hop fibres in historical textiles9
Dragged, lagged, or undisturbed: reassessing the autochthony of the hominin-bearing assemblages at Gran Dolina (Atapuerca, Spain)9
The “post-weanling’s conundrum”: exploring the impact of infant and child feeding practices on early mortality in the Bronze Age burial cave of Moro de Alins, north-eastern Iberia, through stable isot9
Animal husbandry between the Roman times and the High Middle Ages in central Europe: a biometrical analysis of cattle, sheep and pig9
Fuel sources, natural vegetation and subsistence at a high-altitude aboriginal settlement in Tenerife, Canary Islands: Microcontextual geoarchaeological data from Roques de García Rockshelter9
Microscopic analyses of the effects of mechanical cleaning interventions on cut marks9
A geochemical characterization of copper ore deposits in the Balearic Islands: an isotope database for archaeometallurgical studies in Western Mediterranean Prehistory9
Assessing laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry as a tool to study archaeological and modern human mobility through strontium isotope analyses of tooth enamel9
Modeling multivariate landscape affordances and functional ecosystem connectivity in landscape archeology9
Coptic textiles in Tehran: dye and fibre characterisation in four Coptic textiles preserved at the Moghadam Museum8
Strontium isotope analysis reveals prehistoric mobility patterns in the southeastern Baltic area8
The edge of the Empire: diet characterization of medieval Rome through stable isotope analysis8
The paleo-synanthropic niche: a first attempt to define animal’s adaptation to a human-made micro-environment in the Late Pleistocene8
Beads and bead residues as windows to past behaviours and taphonomy: a case study from Grassridge Rockshelter, Eastern Cape, South Africa8
Copper-base metal supply during the northern Vietnamese Bronze and Iron Ages: metallographic, elemental, and lead isotope data from Dai Trach, Thành Dên, Gò Mun, and Xuân Lâp8
An assessment of bone tool cleaning procedures in preparation for traceological analysis8
Sampling density and spatial analysis: a methodological pXRF study of the geochemistry of a Viking-Age house in Ribe, Denmark8
Making the invisible visible: tracing the origins of plants in West African cuisine through archaeobotanical and organic residue analysis8
Fishing history of the East Baltic during the Holocene according to underwater multiperiod riverine site Kaltanėnai, northeastern Lithuania8
Reconstructing Mesolithic social networks on the Iberian Peninsula using ornaments8
Emergence of regional cultural traditions during the Lower Palaeolithic: the case of Frosinone-Ceprano basin (Central Italy) at the MIS 11–10 transition8
Migration and cultural integration in the early medieval cemetery of Finglesham, Kent, through stable isotopes8
The formation conditions of birch tar in oxygen-depleted environments8
Cultural continuities and discontinuities at the Neolithic transition in Eastern Iberia: an analysis of the morphometry of geometric microliths8
Multi-isotopic study of the earliest mediaeval inhabitants of Santiago de Compostela (Galicia, Spain)8
Hit and sunk: provenance and alterations of ceramics from seventeenth century Angra D shipwreck8
Let’s groove: attachment techniques of Eurasian elk (Alces alces) tooth pendants at the Late Mesolithic cemetery Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov (Lake Onega, Russia)8
Burning, dumping, and site use during the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic at Hohle Fels Cave, SW Germany8
Punic amphorae found at Corinth: provenance analysis and implications for the study of long-distance salt fish trade in the Classical period8
Technological strategy and mobility of Middle Holocene hunter-gatherers in the high-altitude Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau: a case study from Tshem gzhung kha thog8
The indigenous settlement of Monte Iato (western Sicily): an ethnoarchaeometric approach for outlining local Archaic ceramic productions8
Italo-Mycenaean and other Aegean-influenced pottery in Late Bronze Age Italy: the case for regional production8
Neanderthals’ hunting seasonality inferred from combined cementochronology, mesowear, and microwear analysis: case studies from the Alpine foreland in Italy8
Aztec diets at the residential site of San Cristobal Ecatepec through stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of bone collagen8
Palaeoecological reconstructions of the Middle to Late Pleistocene occupations in the Southern Caucasus using rodent assemblages8
Environment and human subsistence in Northern France at the Late Glacial to early Holocene transition8
From owl prey to human food: taphonomy of archaeological small mammal remains from the late Holocene wetlands of arid environments in Central Western Argentina8
A taphonomic and spatial distribution study of the new levels of the middle Pleistocene site of Notarchirico (670–695 ka, Venosa, Basilicata, Italy)7
Black chert and radiolarite: knappable lithic raw materials in the prehistory of the Cantabrian Mountains (North Spain)7
Plant taphonomy, flora exploitation and palaeoenvironments at the Middle Stone Age site of Mwulu’s Cave (Limpopo, South Africa): an archaeobotanical and mineralogical approach7
Resource risk and stability in the zooarchaeological record: the case of Pueblo fishing in the Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico7
Diachronic forager mobility: untangling the Stone Age movement patterns at the sites Norje Sunnansund, Skateholm and Västerbjers through strontium isotope ratio analysis by laser ablation7
Missing prehistoric women? Sex ratio as an indicator for analyzing the population of Iberia from the 8th to the 3rd millennia B.C.7
Comparison between different image acquisition methods for grain-size analysis and quantification of ceramic inclusions by digital image processing: how much similar are the results?7
Proteomics analysis of the soil textile imprints from tomb M6043 of the Dahekou Cemetery site in Yicheng County, Shanxi Province, China7
Neutron-based techniques for archaeometry: characterization of a Sardinian boat model7
Origin and fate of the greatest accumulation of silver in ancient history7
Continuity and diversity of Roman pottery production at Famars (northern France) in the 2nd–4th centuries AD: insights from the pottery waste7
New insights in Neanderthal palaeoecology using stable oxygen isotopes preserved in small mammals as palaeoclimatic tracers in Teixoneres Cave (Moià, northeastern Iberia)7
A computerized facial approximation method for archaic humans based on dense facial soft tissue thickness depths7
Testing inter-observer error under a collaborative research framework for studying lithic shape variability7
From landscape affordances to landscape connectivity: contextualizing an archaeology of human ecology7
Storing fish?: a dog’s isotopic biography provides insight into Iron Age food preservation strategies in the Russian Arctic7
A new approach to measure reduction intensity on cores and tools on cobbles: the Volumetric Reconstruction Method7
Chemical analyses on Roman and Late Antique glass finds from the Lower Danube: the case of Tropaeum Traiani7
Innovations in Acheulean biface production at la Noira (France) during Middle Pleistocene in Western Europe7
Investigation of provenances of Early Islamic lead glazes from northern Central Asia using elemental and lead isotope analyses7
Radiocarbon dating and Hallstatt chronology: a Bayesian chronological model for the burial sequence at Dietfurt an der Altmühl ‘Tennisplatz’, Bavaria, Germany7
Measures of divergence for binary data used in biodistance studies6
Roman isotopes and economic meaning: millets, manure, mobility, marine signals, and Malthus6
Provenance and technology of fourth–second century BC glass from three sites in ancient Thesprotia, Greece6
Quantitative 3D orientation analysis of particles and voids to differentiate hand-built pottery forming techniques using X-ray microtomography and neutron tomography6
Prehistoric exploitation of minerals resources. Experimentation and use-wear analysis of grooved stone tools from Grotta della Monaca (Calabria, Italy)6
A new anthracological sequence from Niğde-Kınık Höyük (Turkey): woodland vegetation and arboriculture in southern Cappadocia from the Late Bronze Age to the Ottoman Period6
Seasonality, duration of the hominin occupations and hunting grounds at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave (Israel)6
Accuracy of the typological classifications of the Late Glacial and Early Holocene osseous projectile points according to the new AMS dates of selected artifacts from Poland6
Archaeometallurgical study of iron objects from a third century BC bone workshop in Xianyang, Shaanxi Province, China6
The smelting of copper in the third millennium cal BC Trentino, north-eastern Italy6
Age determination of runoff terrace systems in Petra, Jordan, using rock surface luminescence dating6
Palaeoenvironmental and seasonal context of the Late Middle and Early Upper Palaeolithic occupations in Crimea: an approach using dental wear patterns in ungulates6
The pre-Columbian site of Roseau (Guadeloupe, F. W. I.): intra-site chronological variability of the subsistence strategies in a Late Ceramic archeological vertebrate assemblage6
Shared traditions and shard conservatism: pottery making at the Chalcolithic site of Radovanu (Romania)6
Provision of iron objects in the southern borderlands of the Han Empire: a metallurgical study of iron objects from Han tombs in Guangzhou6
Raw material selectivity in Lower Paleolithic shaped stone ball production: experimental research6
Cross-sectional properties of reindeer long bones and metapodials allow identification of activity patterns6
From forest to settlement: Magdalenian hunter-gatherer interactions with the wood vegetation environment based on anthracology and intra-site spatial distribution6
A new investigative strategy to diagnose β-thalassemia syndrome in past human populations6
Lithic technological choices of late Neandertals in a mountain environment south of the Ebro Valley, Iberian Peninsula (Peña Miel level e)6
On the road again—a review of pretreatment methods for the decontamination of skeletal materials for strontium isotopic and concentration analysis6
Specialized aquatic resource exploitation at the Late Natufian site of Nahal Ein Gev II, Israel6
Metallurgical analysis of a bronze powder chamber retrieved from an underwater excavation in Akko (Israel): an application of novel minimally destructive field multi-focal metallography6
A new perspective towards the debate on highly radiogenic lead in Chinese archaeometallurgy6
Applying the UDA-ODA discrimination technique to a herpetological association: the case of the Middle Palaeolithic site of El Salt (Alcoi, Spain)6
Empires and the acceleration of wealth inequality in the pre-Islamic Near East: an archaeological approach6
Beyond staple crops: exploring the use of ‘invisible’ plant ingredients in Minoan cuisine through starch grain analysis on ceramic vessels6
Late Pleistocene environments in the southern Zagros of Iran and their implications for human evolution6
More than meets the eye: use of computer vision algorithms to identify stone tool material through the analysis of cut mark micro-morphology6
Starch grains from human teeth reveal the plant consumption of proto-Shang people (c. 2000–1600 BC) from Nancheng site, Hebei, China6
Using portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectrometry to discriminate burned skeletal fragments6
Tracking ancient glass production in India: elemental and isotopic analysis of raw materials6
The quest for red rice beer: transregional interactions and development of competitive feasting in Neolithic China6
A quantitative paleoclimatic reconstruction of the non-analogue environment of oxygen isotope stage 3: new data from small mammal records of southwestern Germany6
Crop processing, consumption and trade of Asian rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the Arabian Peninsula during Antiquity: earliest evidence from Mleiha (third c. AD), United Arab Emirates6
Iron Age glass-working in Moravia, Central Europe: new archaeometric research on raw glass and waste — 3rd–first century BC6
Study on the related problems of lead-barium imitating-jade glass in the Warring States period of China6
Piecing together a new mosaic: Gravettian lithic resources and economic territories in the Western Pyrenees6
The evolution of pyrotechnology in the Upper Palaeolithic of Europe6
Dying in the Hallstatt Plateau: the case of wooden coffins from Iron Age necropolises in Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean) and the difficulties in defining their chronology6
Seasonality of the Final Natufian occupation at Eynan/Ain Mallaha (Israel): an approach combining dental ageing, mesowear and microwear6
Sources of Western Zhou lead: a new understanding of Chinese Bronze Age supply networks6
3D morphology of handaxes from late Acheulean Jaljulia: a flexible reduction strategy in the Lower Paleolithic Levant6
Roman lead ingots from Macedonia—the Augustan shipwreck of Comacchio (prov. Ferrara, Italy) and the reinterpretation of its lead ingots’ provenance deduced from lead isotope analysis5
Phytoliths in spikelets of selected Oryzoideae species: new findings from in situ observation5
Sharing food with hyenas: a latrine of Pachycrocuta brevirostris in the Early Pleistocene assemblage of Fuente Nueva-3 (Orce, Baza Basin, SE Spain)5
Determining the use of ancient ceramic artefacts through combined morphological and magnetic analyses: the case of Villa del Foro, Northern Italy5
Visible near-infrared spectroscopy as an aid for archaeological interpretation5
Multi-analytical characterisation of wheat biominerals: impact of methods of extraction on the mineralogy and chemistry of phytoliths5
The influence of seasonal river flooding in food consumption of riverine dwellers in the central Amazon region: an isotopic approach5
Carnivore coprolites from “Gruta del Indio” site as source of paleoparasitological and paleoecological evidences (late Pleistocene-Holocene, Mendoza, Argentina)5
Quantifying knapping actions: a method for measuring the angle of blow on flakes5
Reconstructing Middle Stone Age mobility patterns from raw material transfers in South Africa’s Still Bay (77–70 ka) technocomplex5
New insights into South American camelid management strategies at El Alto-Ancasti mountain range (Catamarca, Argentina) during the first millennium of the Common Era5
Bone diagenesis in the medieval cemetery of Vratislavs’ Palace in Prague5
Mithraism under the microscope: new revelations about rituals through micromorphology, histotaphonomy and zooarchaeology5
Burial taphonomy and megalithic ritual practices in Iberia: the Panoría cemetery5
Carnelian beads in Mongolia: new perspectives on technology and trade5
Scratching the surface? A histotaphonomic study of human remains at Neolithic Çatalhöyük5
Hunting colours: origin and reuse of glass tesserae from the Wierum terp5
Technological reconstruction of the late prehistoric primary copper production of the Vilabouly Complex (central Laos)5
New random generalized linear model for sex determination based on cranial measurements5
Ten millennia without the Levallois technique: primary knapping methods in Initial Upper Paleolithic industries at the Ushbulak site, eastern Kazakhstan5
Isotopic reconstruction of the subsistence strategy for a Central Italian Bronze Age community (Pastena cave, 2nd millennium BCE)5
Fishing-reliant subsistence system among prehistoric coastal communities in South China: an ichthyoarchaeological case study on the Guye site5
State of the art of the funerary archaeoentomological investigations in Italy5
Coastal-hinterland exchange during the Late Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age across the northern Ḥajar mountains: the case of marine shells at Masāfī 5 (Emirate of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates)5
Shiny bronze in glassy matter: an inconspicuous piece of slag from the Bronze Age mining site of Mušiston (Tajikistan) and its significance for the development of tin metallurgy in Central Asia5
Diet and residential mobility within the Late Classic elite Maya households of Chinikiha, Chiapas, Mexico5
Grinding in a hollow? Phytolith evidence for pounding cereals in bedrock mortars at Paliambela Kolindros, an Early Neolithic site in Macedonia, North Greece5
From diversity to monopoly: major economic policy change in the Western Han Dynasty revealed by lead isotopic analysis5
From bowl furnaces to small shaft furnaces: new evidence from ancient bloomery iron smelting site at Liuzhuoling in Guangxi, Southern China, ca. 400 to 700 AD5
Variation in economic specialization as revealed through the study of Pottery Neolithic faunal assemblages from the southern Levant5
Paleoethnobotanical evidence points to agricultural mutualism among early camelid pastoralists of the Andean central Altiplano5
Experimental evaluation of the consolidation treatments of low porosity limestone from the historic monument of the Anahita Temple of Kangavar, Iran5
Squeezing mind out of metal: combining textual evidence with scientific data for metallurgy in early dynastic China5
Birds and prehistoric humans in North China: a taphonomic analysis of the avian assemblage from Shuidonggou Locality 125
Analysis of Celtic small silver coins from Slovenia by PIXE and PGAA5
Redesign of missing mandible by determining age group and gender from morphometric features of skull for facial reconstruction (approximation)5
Some like it hot: Sichuan pepper (Zanthoxylum bungeanum) and other spices from a late Bronze Age kingdom (Chu State) in Hubei, China5