Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves

(The TQCC of Journal of Infrared Millimeter and Terahertz Waves is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Design and Characterization of Terahertz CORPS Beam Forming Networks73
Resonant Ring with a Gain of 36 for Use with a 1 MW 110 GHz Gyrotron62
ANFIS-Based $$4\times 4$$ Dual Band Circular MIMO Antenna Design with Pretty-Small Size and Large Bandwidth for 5 G Millimeter-Wave Applications at 28/38 GHz38
Mode Discrimination by Lossy Dielectric Rods in Cavities of Second-Harmonic Gyrotrons35
Improvement in 5 dBi Gain-Bandwidth of Wide Band Antenna for Indoor K–, $$K_{a}$$–Band, Millimeter-Wave Applications24
Low-Loss UWB mm-Wave Monopole Antenna Using Patch Size Enhancement for Next-Generation (5G and Beyond) Communications22
Potential for Acceleration of Simulation of Dynamic Processes in Oversized Gyrotrons by Means of Using 2.5D Particle-in-Cell Method20
Investigation of Mode Interaction in Harmonic Sub-THz Gyrotron18
3D Printed Broadband Sub-terahertz Absorber for Absolute Power Sensors in Free Space17
Double-Layer Slit Cavities for Wideband Frequency Tuning in Terahertz Gyrotrons17
Millimeter-Wave Spectrometer for High-Precision Studies of Jet-Cooled Molecules and Weakly Bound Molecular Complexes17
Broadband Terahertz Spectroscopy and Weak Interactions of Adenosine with Vibrational Mode Analysis17
Morphological Changes of Melanoma Cells Induced by Pulsed Terahertz Radiation16
Resolution Enhancement in Terahertz Digital In-line Holography by Sparsity-Based Extrapolation14
Performance Degradation Caused by Ionization of the Released Gas Molecules in W-Band Gyrotron Traveling Wave Tube Based on a Simplified Ionization Model14
Design of a Dual Layer, Via-free, Polarization-rotating Metasurface with Wideband Asymmetric Transmission14
A 183-GHz FMCW Transceiver Module for Wireless Fuse Applications13
Modified Tinkham’s Equation for Exact Computation of a Thin Film Terahertz Complex Conductivity12
Circularly Polarized Antenna Array Using Metallic Slanted Cross Slot for 5G MMW Applications12
Close-Range 3-D Millimeter Wave Imaging with Full Path Loss Based on Range Stacking Algorithm11
Generation Mechanism for the Far-Infrared Emission Between Rydberg States of NO11
Observation of the Terahertz Pulse Shaping Due to Intensity-Induced Additional Phase in Two-Color Filaments11
Algorithm for Determination of Cutoff Frequency of Noise Floor Level for Terahertz Time-Domain Signals11
Research on Rice Seed Fullness Detection Method Based on Terahertz Imaging Technology and Feature Extraction Method10
Polarization-Maintaining Diffractive Elements for Off-Axis Terahertz Digital Holography9
Design and Experimental Research of 45-GHz Quasi-optical Transmission Line for Melting Rock9
Generation of Chaotic Terahertz-band Radiation Based on Frequency Multiplication in Gyrotrons9
Terahertz Properties of Polymers for 2D Nonlinear Grating Formation8
Efficient Excitation of Hybrid Modes in a THz Clinotron8
Cascaded Terahertz Parametric Generation Under Noncollinear Phase-Matching Condition8
Excitation and Suppression of the Frequency Self-Modulation Instability in a W-band Gyro-TWT8
A Model of Terahertz Parametric Process Including Spontaneous Parametric Down-conversion8
Design of a 300 GHz Relativistic Gyrotron with an output Power of more Than 7 MW7
A 220 GHz High-Efficiency Doubler Based on Function-Based Harmonic Impedance Optimization Method7
Submillimeter-Wave Multiphase Oscillation Using Traveling Pulses in a Resonant-Tunneling Diode-Oscillator Lattice7
High-Isolation Array Antenna Design for 5G mm-Wave MIMO Applications7
Photonic Crystal Resonator in the Millimeter/Terahertz Range as a Thin Film Sensor for Future Biosensor Applications7
Optimum Optical Designs for Diffraction-Limited Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging Systems Using Off-Axis Parabolic Mirrors6
Terahertz Characterization of Glass-Based Materials and Stackups for 6 G Microelectronics Packaging6
Correction to: Study of the Effect of Reflections on High-Power, 110-GHz Pulsed Gyrotron Operation6
Advanced Data Processing of THz-Time Domain Spectroscopy Data with Sinusoidally Moving Delay Lines6
Temperature Dependence of Terahertz Properties of Stoichiometric Lithium Tantalate6
Super-Compact 28/38 GHz 4-Port MIMO Antenna Using Metamaterial-Inspired EBG Structure with SAR Analysis for 5G Cellular Devices6
THz Four-Way Power Combiner Based on H-T Branch Circular Waveguide Mode Conversion For High-Power THz Source6
Millimeter and Sub-millimeter Wave Transmission Through a Radome Covered by Water: The Impact of the Shape of Water6
Ultra-Wideband PIN-PD THz Emitter with > 5.5 THz Bandwidth6
Detection of Foreign-Body in Milk Powder Processing Based on Terahertz Imaging and Spectrum6
Terahertz Transmission Characteristics for UAV Swarm on Atmosphere-Limited Line-of-sight Links Under Complex Meteorological Conditions5
220 GHz Dual-Mode Dual-Band Waveguide Filter in Stackable Multilayer MEMS Technology5
Rapid Determination of Benzo(a)pyrene Concentration in Soybean Oil by Terahertz Transmission Spectroscopy with Chemometrics5
Terahertz Detection of Acid Blue 113 Dye Using Hybrid Hydrogels5
Widely Tunable Terahertz-Wave Parametric Oscillator with a Shallow Surface Cross-pump Configuration5
W-band Dual-band Filter and Diplexer Based on Mixed TE301- and TE102-Mode Cavities5
Ka-Band Compact Four-Way Power Dividers and Variable-Gain Low-Noise Amplifier for 5G Communications5
Metal 3D-Printed 35–50-GHz Corrugated Horn for Cryogenic Operation5
Sensitive Near-Field Slit Probe with High  Spatial Resolution for Passive Millimeter-Wave Microscopy5
In Situ Thickness Measurements of a Silicon Wafer with a Deposited Thin Layer Using Multi-Reflected Terahertz Electromagnetic Waves Through Quartz Chamber Window5
Starting currents of modes in cylindrical cavities with mode-converting corrugations for second-harmonic gyrotrons5
Compact Highly Directive MIMO Vivaldi Antenna for 5G Millimeter-Wave Base Station5
Full Waveguide Matching Design for 220 GHz Frequency Doubler5
Gas Sensing for Commercial Refrigerants R-134a and R-1234yf Using Rotational Absorption Spectroscopy in the 220–330 GHz Frequency Range5
Wideband Phase-Compensated VGA with PMOS Switch in 40-nm CMOS for 120-GHz Band5
Static Reflective Surfaces for Improved Terahertz Coverage5
Resonant Atmospheric Plasma-Sprayed Ceramic Layers Effectively absorb Microwaves at 170 GHz4
Contribution of Microwave to the Formation of Octacalcium Phosphate Intercalating Succinate Ions4
Electromagnetic-Induced Transparency Resonance with Ultrahigh Figure of Merit Using Terahertz Metasurfaces4
A 61.2-dBΩ, 100 Gb/s Ultra-Low Noise Graphene TIA over D-Band Performance for 5G Optical Front-End Receiver4
Reproducibility of Terahertz Peaks in a Frozen Aqueous Solution of 5-Methylcytidine4
Compact Elliptical Slot Millimeter-Wave MIMO Antenna for 5G Applications4
Design and Experimental of a Terahertz Multi-Gap Extended Interaction Oscillator Operating in High-Order Mode4
A 60 GHz CMOS Transmit/Receive Switch Using Leakage Cancellation and Body Bias Technique4
Terahertz Beam Steering with Curved Metasurfaces4
Progress in performance development of room temperature direct terahertz detectors4
Terahertz Characterization Microcellular Polyethylene Terephthalate (MCPET) across Broad Temperature Range4
3D Printed Fabry–Pérot Filters for Terahertz Spectral Range4
The Progress in the Studies of Mode Interaction in Gyrotrons4