Zeitschrift fuer Orthopadie und Unfallchirurgie

(The TQCC of Zeitschrift fuer Orthopadie und Unfallchirurgie is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Empfehlungen der AG Klinische Geweberegeneration zur Behandlung von Knorpelschäden am Kniegelenk23
Examining the Hand in the Video Consultation15
Radiographic Results after Vertebral Body Tethering13
Spine Examination during COVID-19 Pandemic via Video Consultation13
Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic in German Trauma Centres and Geriatric Trauma Centres DGU12
Latest Trends in the Current Treatment of Proximal Humeral Fractures – an Analysis of 1162 Cases at a Level-1 Trauma Centre with a Special Focus on Shoulder Surgery10
Clinical Relevance of Changes in Pain Intensity in Patients with Specific Back Pain10
Epidemiology and Injury Pattern of E-Scooter Injuries – Initial Results9
Evaluation of the Feasibility of a Telemedical Examination of the Hip and Pelvis – Early Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic9
Anterior Locking Plate Osteosynthesis of Patellar Factures – Analysis of Complications and Functional Outcome8
Diagnostic Accuracy of Synovial Neopterin, TNF-α and Presepsin in Periprosthetic Joint Infection: A Prospective Study8
Femoral Stem Fracture in Hip Revision Arthroplasty: A Systematic Literature Review of the Real-World Evidence7
Epicondylopathia humeri radialis7
Systemic Effects of Metals Released from Arthroplasty Implants – a Brief Summary6
Arthroplasty of the Knee: Current Techniques for Implant Alignment6
A Feasibility Pilot Study on the Use of Telemedicine for the Examination of the Knee Joint5
Spinal Tuberculosis5
Medial Hoffa Fracture: Description of a Novel Classification System and Rationale for Treatment Based on Fragment-Specific Fixation Strategy5
Comparability of Patient-reported Outcome Measures and Clinical Assessment Tools for Shoulder Function in Patients with Proximal Humeral Fracture5
Deep Learning in the Detection of Rare Fractures – Development of a “Deep Learning Convolutional Network” Model for Detecting Acetabular Fractures5
Long-term Outcomes after Medial Open Wedge High Tibial Osteotomy – A Retrospective Study of 69 Patients4
Management of Modular Mega-Implant Infection of the Lower Extremity4
Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (ALIF) or Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF) for Fusion Surgery in L5/S1 – What Is the Best Way to Restore a physiological Alignment?4
Insufficiency Fractures vs. Low-Energy Pelvic Ring Fractures – Epidemiological, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Characteristics of Fragility Fractures of the Pelvic Ring4
One-year Follow-Up Results with Hydrogel Implant in Therapy of Hallux Rigidus: Case Series with 44 Patients4
A Rare Case of Wear Induced Complications after Cervical Disc Replacement4
Wiederkehr zu körperlicher Aktivität und Sport in der Tumororthopädie4
Surgical Treatment Strategies for Pyogenic Spondylodiscitis of the Thoracolumbar Spine4
The Sacroiliac Joint as a Cause of Pain – Review of the Sacroiliac Joint Morphology and Models for Pain Genesis3
Zementfreie Kurzschaftprothesen in der Hüftendoprothetik: Möglichkeiten und Limits3
Messung der Bandscheibenhöhen in der Lendenwirbelsäule. Vergleich von Proiektionsradiographie und Kernspintomografie, Messmethode und Bestimmung der Inter-Observer-Reliabilität3
Erratum: Empfehlungen der AG Klinische Geweberegeneration zur Behandlung von Knorpelschäden am Kniegelenk3
Clinical and Radiological Outcomes of Trochanteric AO/OTA 31A2 Fractures: Comparison between Helical Blade and Lag Screw – A Retrospective Cohort Study3
Clinical Experience with the New EASY (Endoscopic Approach to the Symphysis) Preparation Technique for Injuries of the Anterior Pelvic Ring3
Keine Evidenz für die biomechanischen und pathophysiologischen Erklärungsmodelle muskuloskelettaler Erkrankungen nach Liebscher & Bracht3
Analysis of Preoperative and Operative Factors Influencing Postoperative Shoulder Imbalance in Lenke Type 1 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis3
Identification of Potential High-Risk Patients on the Basis of PROMs in a Certified Centre for Joint Replacement (EndoProthetikZentrum) Using the Example of Hip Arthroplasty3
Evidence-Based Examination Techniques for the Shoulder Joint3
Dual-Mobility Cups in Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty3
Locking Compression Plate as an External Fixator for the Treatment of Tibia Infected Bone Defects3
Does the Implementation of the PRO-IMPLANT Foundation Treatment Algorithm Improve the Outcome of Chronic Periprosthetic Knee Infections? Mid-Term Results of a Prospective Study2
Correlation between Forearm Bone Mineral Density Measured by Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry and Hounsfield Units Value Measured by CT in Lumbar Spine2
Validity and Reliability of the German Version of the Locomotor Capabilities Index-5 (LCI-5)2
Die Digitalisierung kommt ins Rollen – Das Junge Forum O und U plädiert dafür, mit Mut und Weitsicht die Digitalisierung mitzugestalten2
Injuries to the Coronoid Process of the Ulna with Involvement of the Lesser Sigmoid Notch2
Femoral Neck Stress Fracture of a Male, Healthy Marathon Runner – Case Report and Literature Review2
Comparison of Changes in SRS-22 Values with Improvement in Cobb Angles after Posterior Fusion Surgery in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis2
Epidemiology of Surgically Treated Spinal Tumors: A Multicenter Surveillance Study of 9686 Patients from the German Spine Registry (DWG Register)2
Behandlung der Patellainstabilität2
The Use of the Ilizarov Fixator for the Treatment of Open and Closed Tibial Shaft and Distal Tibial Fractures in Patients with Complex Cases2
Comparison of Functional and Radiological Outcomes of Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion and Posterolateral Fusion Techniques in the Treatment of Lumbar Spinal Stenosis2
Nationaler Kompetenzbasierter Lernzielkatalog (NKLM) und neue Ärztliche Approbationsordnung ÄApprO 2025 – ein Wegweiser für O & U2
Orthopädisch-unfallchirurgische Funktionsuntersuchung in der Online-Videosprechstunde – was ist heute möglich?2
Eigenfettinjektion bei Rhizarthrose: 5 Jahresergebnisse bei 42 Patienten2
Das schulterspezifische Outcome nach proximaler Humerusfraktur hat Einfluss auf die mittelfristige allgemeine Lebensqualität2
Joint Preserving Treatment of Chronic Locked Posterior Shoulder Dislocation by Means of Combined Humeral Allograft Reconstruction and Posterior Glenoid Autograf2
Post-operative Use of Cervical Orthoses for Subaxial Cervical Spine Injuries – a Survey-based Analysis at German Spine Care Centres2
Current Minimally Invasive Surgical Concepts for Sacral Insufficiency Fractures2
S2e-Leitlinie „Kniegelenkluxation“2
How Safe and Time Consuming is the Surgical Training of Young Orthopaedic Surgeons? A Retrospective Analysis of Proximal Femur Fractures2
Validity of the Novel Radiological Classification System of the Distal Femur2
The Independent Double-Row (IDR) Bony Bankart Repair Technique2
Revisionsendoprothetik des Kniegelenks2
Monteggia-Frakturen und Monteggia-like Lesions2
Sport mit Knieprothese – Wieviel Sport ist möglich und was gilt es zu beachten ?2
Description of Standardized Planes and Angles for Percutaneous Supra-acetabular Screw Placement2
Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Management of Spinal Disorders – Results of a National Survey2
Epidemiological and Therapeutic Developments in Pelvic Ring Fractures Type C from 2004 to 2014 – a Retrospective Data Analysis of 2,042 Patients in the German Pelvic Register (DGU)2
The Establishment of Young – ESTES: from Colleagues to Friends2
Coronavirus Pandemic – SARS-CoV-2 in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery2
Bibliometrische Analyse von Forschungsgebieten, Publikationshierarchie und Autorengeschlecht der deutschen universitären Unfallchirurgie und Orthopädie2
The Influence of Lumbar Modifiers on Functional and Radiological Outcomes in the Brace Treatment of Lenke Type 1 Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis2
Warum sich in der Halswirbelsäule auch bei Osteoporose nur selten Insuffizienzfrakturen finden2
Osteoblasts Regulate the Expression of ADAMTS and MMPs in Chondrocytes through ERK Signaling Pathway2
Mitarbeitergewinnung, Mitarbeiterpflege und Mitarbeiterbindung: ein Appell2
Versorgungsrealität stationär behandelter Patienten mit proximaler Humerusfraktur – Eine Analyse auf Basis von GKV-Daten2
Die Wertigkeit von Endoprothesenregistern in der Schulterendoprothetik am Beispiel der inversen Endoprothese2
Importance of Hip-Spine Syndrome in Hip Arthroplasty: Influence on the Outcome and Therapeutic Consequences2
Etablierung von interdisziplinären Extremitätenboards: ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Versorgung von Patienten mit komplexem Extremitätentrauma2
Distal Triceps Rupture with an Injury of the Medial Ulnar Collateral Ligament: a Result of a Fall Onto an Outstretched Arm - a Case Series2
Wissenschaftliche Produktivität der universitären Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie in der DACH-Region1
Todesursachen von Schwerverletzten - Woran stirbt das Polytrauma heute?1
Evidence-Based Examination Techniques for the Knee1
Fractures of the Humeral Ulnar Condyle in Children – a Rare but Complicated Injury1
Konservative stationäre Behandlung von spezifischen Rückenschmerzen vor und während der Corona-Pandemie1
Outcomes in Unicameral Bone Cyst Management Utilizing a Decision Tree Algorithm Approach1
Influence of Weight Bearing on Postoperative Complications after Surgical Treatment of the Lower Extremity1
Bioabsorbable Unsintered Hydroxyapatite/Poly-l-Lactic Acid Pin Fixation of Osteochondritis Dissecans in Adolescents: Initial Experiences1
17-Year Results following Transepiphyseal Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Children and Adolescents1
Rehabilitation of Patients with Osseointegrated Prosthesis after Transfemoral Amputation – Literature-based Recommendation for Postoperative Rehabilitative Procedure1
Distally Based Peroneus Brevis Muscle Flap for Lower Extremity Defect Reconstruction in Severely Ill Multimorbid Patients1
Pre-hospital and Hospital Trauma Care during the Covid-19 Lockdown – Experience in a Metropolitan European Level 1 Trauma Centre1
Tranexamic Acid: When is It Indicated in Orthopaedic Surgery?1
Erhöhtes Alter, kardiovaskuläre Nebenerkrankungen, COPD und Diabetes mellitus bedingen eine Übersterblichkeit in der septischen Unfallchirurgie1
Intraoperative Fractures of the Tibia and Femur in Knee Revision Surgery1
Treatment of Peripheral Nerve Compression Syndromes of the Upper Extremities: a Systematic Review1
Risk of Periprosthetic Joint Infection after Posttraumatic Hip Arthroplasty following Acetabular Fractures1
Innovative Surgical Concept for Septic Sternoclavicular Arthritis: Case Presentation of a Simultaneous Joint Resection and Stabilization with Gracilis Tendon Graft Including Literature Revie1
Videobasierte Einschätzung der Behandlungsdringlichkeit - eine Pilotstudie für ambulante Patienten in der Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie1
Was ist bei klinischen Studien zu bedenken?1
Identifikation von potenziellen Risikopatienten auf Basis von PROMs in einem zertifizierten EndoProthetikZentrum am Beispiel der primären Knieendoprothetik1
Der Halofixateur zur Therapie von instabilen Frakturen der oberen Halswirbelsäule – eigene Erfahrungen und narratives Review1
Value of [18F]FDG PET/CT in Diagnosis and Management of Spondylodiscitis1
Correction: Deep Learning in the Detection of Rare Fractures – Development of a “Deep Learning Convolutional Network” Model for Detecting Acetabular Fractures1
Acute Arterial Embolization Following Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Report of Two Cases and Literature Review1
„Floating Hip“: Epidemiologie und Qualität der Versorgung1
Erectile Dysfunction after Conservative Treatment of Sacral Fractures in Males without Injury to the Urinary System1
The Clinical Outcomes of Measured Resection and Gap Balancing Techniques in Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Meta-analysis1
Minimalinvasive Techniken zur Therapie der Schultereckgelenksprengung1
Homeoffice in O und U – ein Versuch wert1
Video Counselling in Rehabilitation Management1
Late Implant Failure in Cervical Disc Arthroplasty (M6-C, Spinal Kinetics) Causing Radiculopathy and Myelopathy1
Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie 2023 – haben wir genug Nachwuchs?1
Intraoperative Computed Tomography in Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery1
Drug-induced Myopathies1
Nachbehandlung nach Knorpeltherapie am Kniegelenk – eine Empfehlung der AG Klinische Geweberegeneration der DGOU1
Sprunggelenk-Instabilität: Wie unterscheide ich mechanisch von funktionell?1
How Important are Psychological Measures to Determine Readiness to Return to Sports after Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament? An Online Survey Study1
Belastungsvorgaben nach distaler Femurfraktur - eine aktuelle Literaturübersicht1
Video Consultations and Their Utilization by Orthopedic and Trauma Surgeons During the COVID-19 Pandemic. A Go-To Technology in the Future or Just a Stopgap?1
Wirksamkeit der Spiegeltherapie bei Patienten mit Phantomschmerzen nach Amputationen der unteren Extremität: eine systematische Literaturübersicht1
S2k-Leitlinie Tibiakopffraktur – Klassifikation, Diagnostik und Therapie1
Correction of Torsional Deformity Following Nail Osteosynthesis of a Subtrochanteric Fracture1
Berufliche Belastung als möglicher Risikofaktor für einen Rotatorenmanschettenschaden - Systematisches Review und Meta-Analyse1
Sagittal Patellar Offset Ratio Can Be a Predictor of Anterior Knee Pain after Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty without Patella Resurfacing1
Cuff-Arthropathie – inverse Schultertotalendoprothese (iSTEP)1
Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) – a Tool for Strengthening Patient Involvement and Measuring Outcome in Orthopaedic Outpatient Rehabilitation1