European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery

(The TQCC of European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Epidemiology of clavicle shaft fractures in a public hospital in South Africa: differences between developing and developed countries27
Biomechanical comparison of acetabular fracture fixation with stand-alone THA or in combination with plating25
Open lower limb fracture reconstruction in the elderly population: the experience of a major trauma centre24
Optimal timing of stabilization and operative technique for extremity fractures in polytrauma patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis23
Effects of osteosynthesis of the bony thorax in the context of polytrauma compared to conservative treatment: a systematic review22
Is pre-hospital haemoglobin an efficient marker of the need for transfusion and haemorrhagic shock in severe trauma patients? A retrospective observational study22
Effectiveness of a co-management program with internal medicine on hip fracture patients at a regional hospital in northwest Spain. Co-inter-Monf study22
Predictors of prolonged hospital stay of pelvic ring and acetabular fractures - a retrospective analysis in a 10-year period of a level 1 trauma center20
Return-to-sports after conservative treatment of ligamentous elbow dislocations: a monocentric retrospective cohort study. European journal of trauma and emergency surgery20
Infrastructure, logistics and clinical practice management of acute trauma hemorrhage and coagulopathy: a survey across German trauma centers19
Focus on acetabular fractures19
Pelvic ring fracture and erectile dysfunction (PERFECD) – 3 year follow-up cross sectional study19
A new screening model for quantitative risk assessment of blunt thoracic aortic injury19
Epidemiology and risk factors for fat embolism in isolated lower extremity long bone fractures18
In-hospital mortality after prehospital endotracheal intubation versus alternative methods of airway management in trauma patients. A cohort study from the TraumaRegister DGU®18
Coronary artery calcification detected by initial polytrauma CT in severely injured patients: retrospective single-center cohort study18
Analysis of postoperative complications 5 years after osteosynthesis of patella fractures—a retrospective, multicenter cohort study17
Open chest selective aortic arch perfusion vs open cardiac massage as a means of perfusion during in exsanguination cardiac arrest: a comparison of coronary hemodynamics in swine16
Therapeutic management and amputation options in a long time delayed blunt popliteal artery injury16
The Beirut Port Blast: spectrum of injuries and clinical outcomes at a large tertiary care center in Beirut, Lebanon16
Independent factors of preventable death in a mature trauma center: a propensity-score analysis16
Fracture fixation in extremity trauma with carbon fiber-reinforced polyetheretherketone (CFR-PEEK) plates: evidence today16
Medial talar resection: how much remains stable?16
Emergency thoracotomies in traumatic cardiac arrests following blunt trauma – experiences from a German level I trauma center16
Safety and effectiveness of surgical fixation versus non-surgical methods for the treatment of flail chest in adult populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis15
Regional anesthesia in trauma patients: a quality improvement study15
Characteristics and outcomes of severe sports-related injury in children and adults: a nationwide cohort study in Japan15
Club cell protein (CC)16 as potential lung injury marker in a porcine 72 h polytrauma model15
Open reduction internal fixation of rib fractures: a biomechanical comparison between the RibLoc U Plus® system and anterior plate in rib implants15
Development and internal validation of a clinical prediction model using machine learning algorithms for 90 day and 2 year mortality in femoral neck fracture patients aged 65 years or above15
Plasmatic coagulation profile after major traumatic injury: a prospective observational study15
Falls from scaffolds: a nationwide analysis15
Mortality risk stratification in isolated severe traumatic brain injury using the revised cardiac risk index15
The influence of inter-hospital transfers on mortality in severely injured patients14
Time to surgery after proximal femur fracture in geriatric patients depends on hospital size and provided level of care: analysis of the Registry for Geriatric Trauma (ATR-DGU)14
The Blunt Liver and Spleen Trauma (BLAST) audit: national survey and prospective audit of children with blunt liver and spleen trauma in major trauma centres14
Strategies for the treatment of femoral fractures in severely injured patients: trends in over two decades from the TraumaRegister DGU®14
Injuries from civilian under-vehicle improvised explosive devices: an analysis of the Israeli National Trauma Registry during the years 2006–202014
Machine learning in the prediction of massive transfusion in trauma: a retrospective analysis as a proof-of-concept14
Functional outcomes of internal fixation of scapula fractures due to high-velocity gunshot injuries13
The effectiveness of portable ultrasound-guided resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta for stopping iliac artery hemorrhage during first aid pre-hospital: a randomized control anima13
Accompanying injuries in tibial shaft fractures: how often is there an additional violation of the posterior malleolus and which factors are predictive? A retrospective cohort study13
Focus on emergency general surgery13
Rise of extremity fractures and sport accidents in children at 8–12 years and increase of admittance via the resuscitation room over a decade13
Trends in incidence rate, health care use, and costs due to rib fractures in the Netherlands12
Sciatic nerve injury after acetabular fractures: a meta-analysis of incidence and outcomes12
Outcome of functional treatment with a Lucerne Cast in patients with hand fractures: a retrospective case series12
Early outcomes of surgically managed civilian gunshot femur fractures at a level one trauma unit in Cape Town, South Africa: a retrospective review12
Long-term results of split-thickness skin grafting with and without additional dermal matrix in severe traumatic soft tissue defects of the lower limb12
Hospital preparedness for mass gathering events and mass casualty incidents in Matera, Italy, European Capital of Culture 201912
Functional assessment and outcome following surgical treatment of displaced tibial plateau fractures: a retrospective analysis11
Adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of severe lower limb soft tissue injuries: a systematic review11
Patient satisfaction after elective implant removal of the lower extremity — a retrospective cohort study11
Characteristics of injury mechanisms in children and differences between urban and rural areas in central China11
Risk factors affecting severe thoracic injuries in motor vehicle collisions based on age group and collision directions11
Addition of gentamicin for antibiotic prophylaxis in hip hemiarthroplasty does not decrease the rate of surgical site infection11
Awareness level of safe driving knowledge and practice of specific population drivers: behavioral assessment and educational intervention11
Dangerous passage: the utility and accuracy of modern chest computed tomography in penetrating thoracic injuries with potential transmediastinal trajectory11
External validation of the Almelo Hip Fracture Score, a prediction model for early mortality following hip fracture surgery11
Liberal intraoperative fluid management leads to increased complication rates in geriatric patients with hip fracture11
Total hip arthroplasty for failed acetabular fracture: a double-center comparative study on failed proximal femur fracture11
Unconventional mobility, conventional trauma: a comparative analysis of e-scooter-related fractures10
The predictive value of four traumatic hemorrhage scores for early massive blood transfusion in trauma patients in the pre-hospital setting10
Tibial plateau fracture morphology based on injury force mechanism is predictive for patient-reported outcome and conversion to total knee arthroplasty10
Does using 3D printed models for pre-operative planning improve surgical outcomes of foot and ankle fracture fixation? A systematic review and meta-analysis10
Percutaneous subtalar joint screw fixation of comminuted calcaneal fractures: a salvage procedure10
Injury to the posterior malleolus in Maisonneuve fractures10
Comparison of different scoring systems in predicting mortality and postoperative complications in acute care surgery patients at a Saudi Academic Centre10
Early correction of base deficit decreases late mortality in polytrauma10
Management of metastatic bone disease of the pelvis: current concepts10
Longitudinal analysis of caloric requirements in critically ill trauma patients: a retrospective cohort study10
Lessons learned during the sliding gantry CT implementation in a trauma suite10
Outcome predictors of patients who underwent limb amputation/s following trauma at a level I trauma center in North India10
Hybrid warfare and counter-terrorism medicine10
The impact of delayed time to first CT head on functional outcomes after blunt head trauma with moderately depressed GCS9
Nasal intubation for trauma patients and increased in-hospital mortality9
Left subclavian artery coverage during endovascular repair of thoracic aorta injury in trauma and non-trauma patients9
Emergency approach to the femoral artery9
The Australian Trauma Registry (ATR): a leading clinical quality registry9
The use of a modified posterior approach (SPAIRE) may be associated with an increase in return to pre-injury level of mobility compared to a standard lateral approach in hemiarthroplasty for displaced9
The efficiency and safety of intravenous tranexamic acid administration in open reduction and internal fixation of pelvic and acetabular fractures9
Total intravenous anesthesia for geriatric hip fracture with severe systemic disease9
The effects of COVID-19 pandemic on emergency anterior abdominal wall hernia surgery: is it safe to postpone elective hernia surgery in the pandemic?9
Anterolateral versus modified posterolateral approach for tibial plateau fractures with involvement of the posterior column: a cadaveric study9
Acute abdominal pain at referral emergency departments: an analysis of performance of three time-dependent quality indicators9
Syringic acid ameliorates ischemia/reperfusion-induced testicular injury in rats via suppressing of HMGB1/NF-κB axis and endoplasmic reticulum stress9
Spinal infection with intraspinal abscess or empyema and acute myelopathy: comparative analysis of diagnostics, therapy, complications and outcome in primary care9
Efficacy and safety of free medial plantar flap in repair of the high-voltage electrical burns in hands9
A prospective comparative study of the functional results associated with the use of Björk flap tracheostomy versus standard tracheostomy9
The influence of 3D printing on inter- and intrarater reliability on the classification of tibial plateau fractures9
Emergency physician and nurse discretion accurately triage high-risk trauma patients9
Plain X-ray is insufficient for correct diagnosis of tibial shaft spiral fractures: a prospective trial9
Radial head distalisation with an external ring fixator as a therapy option in children with chronic posttraumatic radiocapitellar dislocations9
Comorbidities, injury severity and complications predict mortality in thoracic trauma9
Comparison of long-term outcomes from rib fractures for patients undergoing both operative and non-operative management: a survey analysis8
Communication failure in the prehospital response to major terrorist attacks: lessons learned and future directions8
Humeral fractures sustained during arm wrestling8
Prevention of “bygone futures” due to road traffic injuries in children8
Evaluation of management of CT scan proved solid organ injury in blunt injury abdomen—a prospective study8
Epidemiology of postinjury multiple organ failure: a prospective multicenter observational study8
Advances of 3D printing technologies in orthopaedic trauma and surgical training: a transformative approach8
Design and psychometric properties of the acute care quality in trauma emergency units scale8
Ankle fractures involving the anterolateral distal tibia: medium-term clinical results of 50 cases8
Conservative treatment versus transverse pinning in fifth metacarpal neck fractures in active adults: a randomized controlled trial8
Spontaneous idiopathic liver hemorrhage: a systematic review of a rare entity8
Outcomes of early versus delayed weight-bearing with intramedullary nailing of tibial shaft fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis8
ER24/1 !: The greatest emergency of our time8
Outcome after surgical stabilization of symptomatic rib fracture nonunion: a multicenter retrospective case series8
Development and validation of the first performance assessment scale for interdisciplinary chest tube insertion: a prospective multicenter study8
Complications following regional anesthesia versus general anesthesia for the treatment of distal radius fractures8
Seasonal patterns of hip fracture incidence and mortality rates across age groups of older adults in Israel8
Comparative clinical outcomes of irrigation techniques in burr-hole craniostomy for chronic subdural hemorrhage: a multicenter cohort study8
Conservative treatment of ulnar styloid fractures following volar-plate fixation of distal radius fractures: incidence of nonunion evaluated by computed tomography8
The association of radiologic body composition parameters with clinical outcomes in level-1 trauma patients8
Point-of-care ultrasound thoracic “Quick Look” identifies potentially dangerous chest tube insertion sites8
Weightbearing versus non-weight bearing in geriatric distal femoral fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis8
Sarcopenia estimation using psoas major enhances P-POSSUM mortality prediction in older patients undergoing emergency laparotomy: cross-sectional study8
The wide-awake local anesthesia no tourniquet (WALANT) technique in thumb injuries: a systematic review8
Healthcare utilization and satisfaction with treatment before and after direct discharge from the Emergency Department of simple stable musculoskeletal injuries in the Netherlands8
Preoperative findings on non-specific CT in patients with primary acute intestinal ischemia: a case–control study8
Incidence, treatment techniques, and results of distal humeral coronal shear fractures in children and adolescents—a multicenter study of the German Section of Pediatric Traumatology (SKT)8
Is the Parker Mobility Score in the older patient with a traumatic hip fracture associated with discharge disposition after surgery? A retrospective cohort study8
Pseudoaneurysms of lower limb of orthopaedic traumatological origin: a literature review and our experience of 18 cases8
Continuously increasing e-scooter accidents and their possible prevention in a large European city8
Recovery to normal vital functions and acid–base status after a severe trauma in Level I versus Level II Trauma Centres8
Visualization of the inflammatory response to injury by neutrophil phenotype categories8
Age affects vascular morphology and predictiveness of anatomical landmarks for aortic zones in trauma patients: implications for resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta8
Are orthopaedic surgeons prepared? An analysis of severe casualties from the 2021 flash flood and mudslide disaster in Germany8
Risk factors related to the partial necrosis of the posterior tibial artery perforator-plus fasciocutaneous flap8
Shock index as a predictor for mortality in trauma patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis7
Distraction osteogenesis versus induced membrane technique for infected tibial non-unions with segmental bone loss: a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis of available studies7
The fragility and reverse fragility indices of proximal humerus fracture randomized controlled trials: a systematic review7
Enhanced recovery protocols in trauma and emergency abdominal surgery: a scoping review7
Importance of injury severity in the choice of treatment and its impact on prognosis in gunshot fractures7
Standards of fracture care in polytrauma: results of a Europe-wide survey by the ESTES polytrauma section7
Nonoperative management with angioembolization for blunt abdominal solid organ trauma in hemodynamically unstable patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis7
Risk factors for hardware-related complications after extra-articular distal humerus fracture fixation using an anatomical locking plate7
Results of revision intramedullary nailing with and without auxillary plate in aseptic trochanteric and subtrochanteric nonunion7
Operative management of acetabular fractures in the elderly: a case series7
Correction to: Anatomic reduction of the sacroiliac joint in unstable pelvic ring injuries and its correlation with functional outcome7
Precision medicine in trauma: a transformational frontier in patient care, education, and research7
Fragment specific fixation with APTUS wrist system for volar rim fractures of the distal radius: a multicentric study7
Enhanced recovery after surgery protocols following emergency intra-abdominal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis7
Which fixation produces the best outcome for distal femoral fractures? Meta-analysis and systematic review of retrograde nailing versus distal femoral plating in 2432 patients and 33 studies7
Serum sclerostin levels in osteoporotic fracture patients7
How to assess applicability and methodological quality of comparative studies of operative interventions in orthopedic trauma surgery7
Prognostic factors for the management of chondral defects of the knee and ankle joint: a systematic review7
Supervised and unsupervised techniques to analyze risk factors associated with motorcycle crash7
Impact of the first COVID-19 shutdown on patient volumes and surgical procedures of a Level I trauma center7
Use of a modified Delphi process to develop research priorities in major trauma7
Comparing outcomes following direct admission and early transfer to specialized trauma centers in open tibial fracture treatment: a systematic review and meta-analysis7
Remote ischemic postconditioning protects against crush-induced acute kidney injury via down-regulation of apoptosis and senescence7
Correction: The utility of the prehospital shock index, age shock index, and modified shock index for predicting hypofibrinogenaemia in trauma patients: an observational retrospective study7
Publisher Correction: Beyond expectations: safinamide’s unprecedented neuroprotective impact on acute spinal cord injury7
Sacroiliac versus transiliac–transsacral screw osteosynthesis in osteoporotic pelvic fractures: a biomechanical comparison7
Intermittent thoracic resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta improves renal function compared to 60 min continuous application after porcine class III hemorrhage7
MIPO vs. intra-medullary nailing for extra-articular distal tibia fractures and the efficacy of intra-operative alignment control: a retrospective cohort of 135 patients7
Prolonged tactical tourniquet application for extremity combat injuries during war against terrorism in the Sahelian strip7
ESIN in femur fractures in children under 3: is it safe?7
Orthogeriatric co-management: differences in outcome between major and minor fractures7
Epidemiology, patterns, and mechanisms of pediatric trauma: a review of 12,508 patients7
The conundrum of the definition of haemorrhagic shock: a pragmatic exploration based on a scoping review, experts’ survey and a cohort analysis7
Strategy of pulseless pink supracondylar humerus fracture treatment in children: a comparison of two approaches7
Costal fracture assessment for relief and enhancement of quality of life—CARE study7
Which risk factors significantly influence the outcome of traumatic brain injured patients with alcohol use disorder?7
Correction to: Zooming out7
The impact of loco-regional anaesthesia on postoperative opioid use in elderly hip fracture patients: an observational study7
Reducing the incidence and mortality of traumatic brain injury in Latin America7
Alcohol is a risk factor for helmet non-use and fatalities in off-road vehicle and motorcycle crashes6
Management of pancreatic and duodenal trauma in childhood: a university hospital experience over a 10-year period6
Concomitant trauma of brain and upper cervical spine: lessons in injury patterns and outcomes6
The economic impact of open lower limb fractures in the Netherlands: a cost-of-illness study6
Correction to: Implementation methods of infection prevention measures in orthopedics and traumatology – a systematic review6
Beyond expectations: safinamide’s unprecedented neuroprotective impact on acute spinal cord injury6
Development of a two-hit lethal liver injury model in swine6
Double reverse traction repositor assisted closed reduction and internal fixation versus open reduction and internal fixation for treatment of lateral tibial plateau fractures among the elderly6
Sedation and analgesia in the trauma intensive care unit of Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital – the effect of anti-retroviral therapy: A retrospective chart analysis6
RISC II is superior to TRISS in predicting 30-day mortality in blunt major trauma patients in Hong Kong6
The importance of predictive markers in incarcerated abdominal wall hernia6
Long-term results of staged management of complex lisfranc and chopart injury: a retrospective cohort study and systematic literature review6
The impact of polydioxanone (PDS) foil thickness on reconstruction of the orbital geometry after isolated orbital floor fractures6
Laparoscopic Hartmann’s procedure for complicated diverticulitis is associated with lower superficial surgical site infections compared to open surgery with similar other outcomes: a NSQIP-based, prop6
Correction to: How to strengthen the management of acute diverticulitis: the utility of the WSES classification—a prospective single-center observational study6
Translating training to medical practice in trauma care, a literature review6
Mobility and living status at discharge and after three-months for extramedullary versus intramedullary fixation of AO type 31-A1 trochanteric fractures; an analysis of Dutch hip fracture audit data6
Tranexamic acid needs to be implemented in mass casualty incident protocols6
The outcomes of the most severe polytrauma patients: a systematic review of the use of high ISS cutoffs for performance measurement6
Elbow coverage by the descending superficial radial artery flap: a clinical series and literature review6
Role of laparoscopic surgery in managing hemodynamically stable abdominal trauma patients: a single level I trauma center, propensity score matching study6
Dynamic pathophysiological features of early primary blast lung injury: a novel functional incapacity pig model6
Association of trauma classifications to long-term outcome in blunt trauma patients6
Assessment of the proficiency level of novices in distal intramedullary nail interlocking achieved through training with Digitally Enhanced Hands-on Surgical Training (DEHST)6
The mode of delivery after operative fixation of pelvic ring fractures–a retrospective observational study6
Cement augmentation for proximal humerus fractures: a meta-analysis of randomized trials and observational studies6
Rectus sheath hematoma: conservative, endovascular or surgical treatment? A single-center artificial neural network analysis6
Knowledge and skills of emergency physicians in managing traumatic dental injuries6
Publisher Correction: How does damage control strategy influence organ's suitability for donation after major trauma? A multi-institutional study6
Costs of fracture-related infection: the impact on direct hospital costs and healthcare utilisation6
EuroTrauma, delays in access to bleeding control. A comparison between a conventional and a hybrid trauma center, both European military trauma centers6
Epidemiology, classification and treatment of patella fractures: an observational study of 3194 fractures from the Swedish Fracture Register6
Key performance indicators in pre-hospital response to disasters and mass casualty incidents: a scoping review6
Outcomes of severe isolated blunt chest trauma in young and geriatric patients6
Pattern of injury in polytrauma compared to single limb related Lisfranc joint fractures6
Analysis of risk factors affecting traffic accident injury in United Arab Emirates (UAE)5
The symmetry of the left and right tibial plateau: a comparison of 200 tibial plateaus5
Revisit of flap factors relating to partial necrosis of distally based sural flaps: an analysis of 435 cases in a single center5
Biomechanical comparison of screw vs. cerclage refixation in orthogeriatric lesser trochanteric fractures: a cadaveric study5
Funnel plots a graphical instrument for the evaluation of population performance and quality of trauma care: a blueprint of implementation5
Risk and prognostic factors of replantation failure in patients with severe traumatic major limb mutilation5
Virtual planning on contralateral hemipelvis for posteriorly fixed acetabular fractures5
The impact of digitisation of a virtual fracture clinic on referral quality, outcomes and assessment times5
The relationship between plate prominence and need for removal after volar plate osteosynthesis of distal radius fractures5
Deep infection following reconstruction of pelvic fractures: prevalence, characteristics, and predisposing risk factors5
Comparison of fluoroscopy and fluoroscopy-based 2D computer navigation for iliosacral screw placement: a retrospective study5
Short and long-term readmission after major emergency abdominal surgery: a prospective Danish study5
Patterns, management options and outcome of blunt thoracic aortic injuries: a 20-year experience from a Tertiary Care Hospital5
Ultrasound assessment is useful for evaluating balloon volume of resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta5
Rib fractures and other injuries after cardiopulmonary resuscitation for non-traumatic cardiac arrest: a systematic review and meta-analysis5
Reliability of preoperative conventional X-ray diagnostics for multifragmentary midclavicular fractures — a retrospective cohort study5
Concepts, utilization, and perspectives on the Dutch Nationwide Trauma registry: a position paper5
Patients with complex proximal tibial fractures overestimate the prognosis of their injury5
The pace of a trauma resuscitation: experience matters5
The use of Verbrugge forceps for reduction of the posterior column element in displaced acetabular fractures: clinical and radiological evaluation5
Temporary external fixation versus direct ORIF in complete displaced intra-articular radius fractures: a prospective comparative study5
Parameters influencing health-related quality of life after severe trauma: a systematic review (part II)5
3D-assisted corrective osteotomies of the distal radius: a comparison of pre-contoured conventional implants versus patient-specific implants5
Comparison of different intraoperative reduction monitoring methods in a cadaveric intraarticular calcaneal fracture model: 3D scan vs arthroscopy vs nanoscopy5
Evaluation of ankle fracture classification systems in 193 trimalleolar ankle fractures5
Contrast-enhanced computed tomography abdomen versus diagnostic laparoscopy-based management in patients with penetrating abdominal trauma: a randomised controlled trial5
Similar rate of venous thromboembolism (VTE) and failure of non-operative management for early versus delayed VTE chemoprophylaxis in adolescent blunt solid organ injuries: a propensity-matched analys5
How does trauma secondary to unexpected extreme weather affect orthopaedic surgery departments? An epidemiological study on the Filomena snowstorm5
Incidence and treatment of hand and wrist injuries in Dutch emergency departments5
Non-traumatic emergency abdominal surgery in nonagenarian patients: a retrospective study5
Which surgical technique may yield the best results in large, infected, segmental non-unions of the tibial shaft? A scoping review5
Outcome of laparotomy and conservative treatment of patients with acute mesenteric venous ischemia with viable bowel5
Lateral approach for intramedullary nailing of displaced midshaft clavicle fractures; a retrospective cohort study5
The semiconstrained DRUJ prosthesis: blessing or curse?5
Iatrogenic injury of the popliteal artery in orthopedic knee surgery: clinical results and development of a therapeutic algorithm5
Association between the time to definitive care and trauma patient outcomes: every minute in the golden hour matters5
A multi-analysis of nomogram model for the identification of banded adhesions and matted adhesions in adhesive small bowel obstruction5
A comparison between Asians and Caucasians in the dimensions of the femoral isthmus based on a 3D-CT analysis of 1189 adult femurs5
Semi-occlusive dressing therapy versus surgical treatment in fingertip amputation injuries: a clinical study5
Development and internal validation of a clinical prediction model for serious complications after emergency laparotomy5
Operative intervention of unstable paediatric pelvic fracture: radiological and functional assessment5
Improvement of mortality in severe liver injury after trauma center implementation: a propensity score matched study5
Multicentre cohort study of acute cholecystitis management during the COVID-19 pandemic5
Influence of psychiatric co-morbidity on health-related quality of life among major trauma patients5
Prediction of distal tibial articular extension in tibial shaft fractures: both posterior malleolar fracture and non posterior malleolar fracture intra-articular extension5
Seven-year excess mortality, functional outcome and health status after trauma in Hong Kong5
Imaging risk factors for predicting postoperative complications of intramedullary nailing for tibial fracture5