Endangered Species Research

(The median citation count of Endangered Species Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Climate change and marine turtles: recent advances and future directions86
Marine mammal conservation: over the horizon84
Emergent research and priorities for shark and ray conservation65
South Georgia blue whales five decades after the end of whaling32
Have whales returned to a historical hotspot of industrial whaling? The pattern of southern right whale Eubalaena australis recovery at South Georgia29
Bycatch mitigation of protected and threatened species in tuna purse seine and longline fisheries28
Co-occurrence of gray whales and vessel traffic in the North Pacific Ocean25
Fluctuations in Hawaii’s humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae population inferred from male song chorusing off Maui23
Residency, demographics, and movement patterns of North Atlantic right whales Eubalaena glacialis in an offshore wind energy development area in southern New England, USA22
Up in the air: drone images reveal underestimation of entanglement rates in large rorqual whales21
In plane sight: a mark-recapture analysis of North Atlantic right whales in the Gulf of St. Lawrence21
Marine turtle regional management units 2.0: an updated framework for conservation and research of wide-ranging megafauna species20
Elevated accumulation of the toxic metal mercury in the Critically Endangered oceanic whitetip shark Carcharhinus longimanus from the northwestern Atlantic Ocean20
Foraging habitat of North Atlantic right whales has declined in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada, and may be insufficient for successful reproduction19
Vertical movements of a pelagic thresher shark (Alopias pelagicus): insights into the species’ physiological limitations and trophic ecology in the Red Sea19
Large-scale space use of large juvenile and adult smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata: implications for management18
Exposure to permethrin or chlorpyrifos causes differential dose- and time-dependent behavioral effects at early larval stages of an endangered teleost species18
Reestablishing a stepping-stone population of the threatened elkhorn coral Acropora palmata to aid regional recovery17
Key issues in assessing threats to sea turtles: knowledge gaps and future directions16
Feminization of hawksbill turtle hatchlings in the twenty-first century at an important regional nesting aggregation16
Body size data collected non-invasively from drone images indicate a morphologically distinct Chilean blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) taxon16
Hawksbill sea turtle life-stage durations, somatic growth patterns, and age at maturation16
A new blue whale song-type described for the Arabian Sea and Western Indian Ocean16
Green turtle population recovery at Aldabra Atoll continues after 50 yr of protection15
Evidence of fine-scale genetic structure for reef manta rays Mobula alfredi in New Caledonia15
First evidence of underwater vocalizations in green sea turtles Chelonia mydas13
Assessment of the status and trends in abundance of a coastal pinniped, the Australian sea lion Neophoca cinerea12
Quantifying sublethal Florida manatee-watercraft interactions by examining scars on manatee carcasses12
Home range and movements of Amazon river dolphins Inia geoffrensis in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins12
Interannual variability in acoustic detection of blue and fin whale calls in the Northeast Atlantic High Arctic between 2008 and 201812
Ship-strike forecast and mitigation for whales in Gitga’at First Nation territory12
Marine turtles of the African east coast: current knowledge and priorities for conservation and research12
Unexpected residual habitats raise hope for the survival of the fan mussel Pinna nobilis along the Occitan coast (Northwest Mediterranean Sea)11
Patterns of nesting behaviour and nesting success for green turtles at Raine Island, Australia11
Spatio-temporal distribution of spinetail devil ray Mobula mobular in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean11
Broad-scale geographic and temporal assessment of northern long-eared bat (Myotis septentrionalis) maternity colony-landscape association11
Seasonal monitoring of Hida salamander Hynobius kimurae using environmental DNA with a genus-specific primer set11
Shedding light on the river and sea lamprey in western European marine waters11
Acoustic occurrence of baleen whales, particularly blue, fin, and humpback whales, off eastern Canada, 2015-201711
Marine distribution and foraging habitat highlight potential threats at sea for the Endangered Bermuda petrel Pterodroma cahow11
Goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara oral history, use, and conservation status in the Mexican Caribbean and Campeche Bank10
Mark-recapture estimates suggest declines in abundance of common bottlenose dolphin stocks in the main Hawaiian Islands10
Population status and trend of the threatened ivory gull Pagophila eburnea in Svalbard10
Evaluating prevalence of external injuries on nesting loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta in southeastern Florida, USA10
Reproductive output, foraging destinations, and isotopic niche of olive ridley and loggerhead sea turtles, and their hybrids, in Brazil10
More vaquita porpoises survive than expected10
Passive acoustic monitoring reveals spatiotemporal segregation of two fish-eating killer whale Orcinus orca populations in proposed critical habitat10
Disentanglement network data to characterize leatherback sea turtle Dermochelys coriacea bycatch in fixed-gear fisheries9
Captive breeding and the conservation of the threatened houbara bustards9
Effects of moisture during incubation on green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) development, morphology and performance8
Potential of electric fields to reduce bycatch of highly threatened sawfishes8
Implications of wind and vessel noise on the sound fields experienced by southern resident killer whales Orcinus orca in the Salish Sea8
Influences of natural and anthropogenic habitat variables on Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins Sousa chinensis in Hong Kong8
Clicking throughout the year: sperm whale clicks in relation to environmental conditions off the west coast of South Africa8
Role of incubation environment in determining thermal tolerance of sea turtle hatchlings8
Microbial communities of wild-captured Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) and green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas)8
Shifting phenology of an endangered apex predator mirrors changes in its favored prey8
Space use, interaction and recursion in a solitary specialized herbivore: a red panda case study8
Three decades of stranding data reveal insights into endangered hawksbill sea turtles in Hawai‘i8
A novel mark-recapture-recovery survey using genetic sampling for polar bears Ursus maritimus in Baffin Bay7
Habitat use and selection patterns inform habitat conservation priorities of an endangered large carnivore in southern Europe7
Challenges and priorities for river cetacean conservation7
Invasive grass negatively affects growth and survival of an imperiled butterfly7
Costs of parthenogenesis on growth and longevity in ex situ zebra sharks Stegostoma tigrinum7
Revising the marine range of the endangered black-capped petrel Pterodroma hasitata: occurrence in the northern Gulf of Mexico and exposure to conservation threats7
Age-specific survival and reproductive rates of Mediterranean monk seals at the Cabo Blanco Peninsula, West Africa7
Rice’s whales in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico: call variation and occurrence beyond the known core habitat7
Impacts of invasive cane toads on an Endangered marsupial predator and its prey7
Using reproductive hormone concentrations from the muscle of white sharks Carcharodon carcharias to evaluate reproductive status in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean7
Decomposition of Kemp’s ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) and green (Chelonia mydas) sea turtle carcasses and its application to backtrack modeling of beach strandings7
Embryo deformities and nesting trends in Kemp’s ridley sea turtles Lepidochelys kempii before and after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill6
Spatial ecology of endangered roseate terns and foraging habitat suitability around a colony in the western North Atlantic6
Annual, seasonal, and diel patterns in blue whale call occurrence off eastern Canada6
Female philopatry in smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata: conservation and management implications6
Dive behavior of North Atlantic right whales on the calving ground in the Southeast USA: implications for conservation6
Pleistocene paleodrainages explain the phylogeographic structure of Malaysian populations of Asian arowana better than their chromatic variation6
Artificial sperm insemination in externally fertilised fish as a novel tool for ex situ and in situ conservation of valuable populations6
Modeling ringed seal Pusa hispida habitat and lair emergence timing in the eastern Bering and Chukchi Seas6
Underwater hearing and communication in the endangered Hawaiian monk seal Neomonachus schauinslandi6
Biology and conservation of marine turtles in the northwestern Indian Ocean: a review6
Regionally endothermic traits in planktivorous basking sharks Cetorhinus maximus6
Environmental DNA approach complements social media reports to detect an endangered freshwater stingray species in the wild6
Iterative species distribution modeling results in the discovery of novel populations of a rare cold desert perennial6
Using sonobuoys and visual surveys to characterize North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) calling behavior in the Gulf of St. Lawrence6
Characterising seabird vessel interactions associated with demersal ocean trawling: vessel attendance by birds depends on intrinsic and extrinsic predictors6
Risk assessment of wildlife-watching tourism in an important endangered loggerhead turtle rookery5
Re-examination of population structure in Arctic ringed seals using DArTseq genotyping5
Long-term assessment of the translocation of an endangered primate into an agroforestry system5
Warming conditions boost reproductive output for a northern gopher tortoise population5
Elasmobranch bycatch in US West Coast groundfish fisheries5
Shifts of trade in Javan ferret badgers Melogale orientalis from wildlife markets to online platforms: implications for conservation policy, human health and monitoring5
The need for long-term population monitoring of the world’s largest fish5
Cryptic species in a Vulnerable seabird: shorttailed albatross consists of two species5
Saws and the city: smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata encounters, recovery potential, and research priorities in urbanized coastal waters off Miami, Florida, USA5
Seven-year impact of white-nose syndrome on tri-colored bat (Perimyotis subflavus) populations in Georgia, USA5
Thermal conditions of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) nests in the largest rookery in the eastern Mediterranean5
Recent decline of green turtle Chelonia mydas nesting trend at Tortuguero, Costa Rica5
Trends in abundance and reproductive success of the hawksbill turtle nesting population at Buck Island Reef National Monument, St. Croix, US Virgin Islands5
Dynamic spatiotemporal acoustic occurrence of North Atlantic right whales in the offshore Rhode Island and Massachusetts Wind Energy Areas5
Apparent survival probability and abundance of juvenile green turtles in the foraging ground at Kuroshima Island, Ryukyu Archipelago5
Within-season shifts in multiple paternity patterns in mass-nesting olive ridley sea turtles5
Life history of the Critically Endangered largetooth sawfish: a compilation of data for population assessment and demographic modelling5
New management unit for conservation of the Endangered green turtle Chelonia mydas at the Xisha (Paracel) Islands, South China Sea5
Partial migration of a maraena whitefish Coregonus maraena population from the River Elbe, Germany4
Estimates of humpback and minke whale entanglements in the Scottish static pot (creel) fishery4
Seasonal consumption of terrestrial prey by a threatened stream fish is influenced by riparian vegetation4
Predation of satellite-tagged juvenile loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean4
Maternal behavior and early behavioral ontogeny of the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus in Greece4
Investigating the thermal physiology of Critically Endangered North Atlantic right whales Eubalaena glacialis via aerial infrared thermography4
Identifying social clusters of endangered main Hawaiian Islands false killer whales4
Hunting pressure is a key contributor to the impending extinction of Bornean wild cattle4
Association of ocean macroplastic debris with stranded sea turtles in the Central Gulf of Thailand4
Inferred family structure and dispersal patterns of a Critically Endangered species, Pinna nobilis, using molecular analyses: implications for conservation4
Habitat models and assessment of habitat partitioning for Kemp’s ridley and loggerhead marine turtles foraging in Chesapeake Bay (USA)4
Aerial hearing thresholds and ecoacoustics of a threatened pursuit-diving seabird, the marbled murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus4
Phylogeography of Panthera tigris in the mangrove forest of the Sundarbans4
Updated status of Bayou darter, a narrowly ranged endemic in a geomorphically active watershed4
Protected area use by two sympatric marine predators repopulating their historical range4
Rapid expansion of the golden jackal in Greece: research, management and conservation priorities4
Impacts of trophy collection and commercial fisheries on sawfishes in Queensland, Australia4
Age, growth and demography of the silky shark Carcharhinus falciformis from the southwestern Atlantic4
The island hoppers: how foraging influences green turtle Chelonia mydas abundance over space and time in the Lakshadweep Archipelago, India3
Endangered Cape Sable seaside sparrow ecology: actions towards recovery through landscape-scale ecosystem restoration3
First demographic parameter estimates for the Mediterranean monk seal population at Madeira, Portugal3
Classifying the effects of human disturbance on denning polar bears3
Fecal and cloacal microbiomes of cold-stunned loggerhead Caretta caretta, Kemp’s ridley Lepidochelys kempii, and green sea turtles Chelonia mydas3
Bright spots for research and conservation of the largetooth sawfish Pristis pristis in Colombia and Panamá3
A focus on flatback turtles: the social acceptability of conservation interventions in two Australian case studies3
Evaluating the appropriateness of risk-based approaches to assess the sustainability of fishery impacts on seabirds3
The militarization of conservation: a different perspective3
Significance of anecdotes for historical perspective: black bear predation on sea turtle eggs3
High female desert tortoise mortality in the western Sonoran Desert during California’s epic 2012-2016 drought3
Pan-oceanic distribution of mercury (Hg) in sea turtles: a review3
Reproductive timing and putative mating behavior of the oceanic whitetip shark Carcharhinus longimanus in the eastern Bahamas3
Informing sea otter reintroduction through habitat and human interaction assessment3
Important marine areas for the conservation of northern rockhopper penguins within the Tristan da Cunha Exclusive Economic Zone3
Rediscovery of the giant featherback Chitala lopis (Notopteridae) in its type locality resolves decades of taxonomic confusion3
Effectiveness of surface-based detection methods for vessel strike mitigation of North Atlantic right whales3
Low mitochondrial genetic diversity in the Indian Ocean humpback dolphin Sousa plumbea in South African waters3
Current status, biology, threats and conservation priorities of the vulnerable Mediterranean monk seal3
Geographically distinct blue whale song variants in the Northeast Pacific3
North Atlantic right whale Eubalaena glacialis prey selection in Cape Cod Bay2
Multi-index evaluation of fish habitat in a cascaded hydropower reservoir of the Yangtze River, China2
‘Unscrambling’ the drivers of egg production in Agassiz’s desert tortoise: climate and individual attributes predict reproductive output2
Spatial segregation between phenotypes of the diablotin black-capped petrel Pterodroma hasitata during the non-breeding period2
Hawksbill and green turtle niche overlap in a marine protected area, US Virgin Islands2
Preliminary life history of the Critically Endangered bottlenose wedgefish Rhynchobatus australiae from Southeast Asia2
Spatiotemporal distribution and sexual segregation in the Critically Endangered angelshark Squatina squatina in Spain’s largest marine reserve2
Effect of body size on the long-term reproductive output of eastern Atlantic loggerhead turtles Caretta caretta2
Movements of juvenile and sub-adult striped bass Morone saxatilis in the Saint John River, New Brunswick, Canada2
Activity of loggerhead turtles during the U-shaped dive: insights using angular velocity metrics2
A trans-Pacific movement reveals regular migrations of humpback whales Megaptera novaeangliae between Russia and Mexico2
Social acceptability of conservation interventions for flatback turtles: comparing expert and public perceptions2
Population distribution, aggregation sites and seasonal occurrence of Australia’s western population of the grey nurse shark Carcharias taurus2
Incorporating environmental covariates into a Bayesian stock production model for the endangered Cumberland Sound beluga population2
The biological, social, and political complexity of conserving oribi antelope Ourebia ourebi in South Africa2
Underwater ultrasonography and blood sampling provide the first observations of reproductive biology in free-swimming whale sharks2
Impact of an IUCN national Red List of threatened flora on scientific attention2
Individuality in houbara chick calls and its dynamics throughout ontogeny2
Diet composition and overlap of larval pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon from the upper Missouri River, USA2
Pregnancy diagnosis and fetal monitoring in Yangtze finless porpoises2
Quantifying egg attendance behaviours of wild Asian houbara can improve artificial incubation outcomes2
Puerto Rico plain pigeon, scaly-naped pigeon and red-tailed hawk: population dynamics and association patterns before and after hurricanes2