Journal of Real-Time Image Processing

(The TQCC of Journal of Real-Time Image Processing is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Real-time video fire/smoke detection based on CNN in antifire surveillance systems136
Implementing a real-time, AI-based, people detection and social distancing measuring system for Covid-1978
Probabilistic Deep Q Network for real-time path planning in censorious robotic procedures using force sensors63
Optimized convolutional neural network by firefly algorithm for magnetic resonance image classification of glioma brain tumor grade55
A lightweight Tiny-YOLOv3 vehicle detection approach50
Image deconvolution for optical small satellite with deep learning and real-time GPU acceleration41
A novel optical image denoising technique using convolutional neural network and anisotropic diffusion for real-time surveillance applications33
A real-time deep learning forest fire monitoring algorithm based on an improved Pruned + KD model32
Real-time underwater image enhancement: a systematic review30
Fast identification model for coal and gangue based on the improved tiny YOLO v330
Real-time traffic sign detection based on multiscale attention and spatial information aggregator29
A new wavelet-based multi-focus image fusion technique using method noise and anisotropic diffusion for real-time surveillance application28
Fast and efficient recursive algorithm of Meixner polynomials27
DDH-YOLOv5: improved YOLOv5 based on Double IoU-aware Decoupled Head for object detection26
A real-time person tracking system based on SiamMask network for intelligent video surveillance24
Slim-neck by GSConv: a lightweight-design for real-time detector architectures24
An IoT-enabled real-time overhead view person detection system based on Cascade-RCNN and transfer learning23
Predicting behavioral competencies automatically from facial expressions in real-time video-recorded interviews23
A new YOLO-based method for real-time crowd detection from video and performance analysis of YOLO models23
SlimYOLOv4: lightweight object detector based on YOLOv422
FESSD:SSD target detection based on feature fusion and feature enhancement22
Recognizing human violent action using drone surveillance within real-time proximity22
A real-time efficient object segmentation system based on U-Net using aerial drone images22
Developing a real-time social distancing detection system based on YOLOv4-tiny and bird-eye view for COVID-1921
A new approach for the detection of pneumonia in children using CXR images based on an real-time IoT system21
L-Net: lightweight and fast object detector-based ShuffleNetV221
LCDnet: a lightweight crowd density estimation model for real-time video surveillance21
Underwater trash detection algorithm based on improved YOLOv5s21
An improved one-stage pedestrian detection method based on multi-scale attention feature extraction20
Nighttime object detection system with lightweight deep network for internet of vehicles19
A novel multi-wing chaotic system with FPGA implementation and application in image encryption19
Efficient real-time defect detection for spillway tunnel using deep learning19
A real-time video smoke detection algorithm based on Kalman filter and CNN19
Design and implementation of a radar and camera-based obstacle classification system using machine-learning techniques18
A novel finetuned YOLOv6 transfer learning model for real-time object detection18
Smart surveillance system for real-time multi-person multi-camera tracking at the edge18
Real-time FPGA implementation of a secure chaos-based digital crypto-watermarking system in the DWT domain using co-design approach17
A mobile augmented reality application for supporting real-time skin lesion analysis based on deep learning17
Research on role modeling and behavior control of virtual reality animation interactive system in Internet of Things17
A lightweight YOLOv8 integrating FasterNet for real-time underwater object detection17
Smartphone-based real-time object recognition architecture for portable and constrained systems17
Real-time detection algorithm of helmet and reflective vest based on improved YOLOv516
Real-time traffic sign detection network using DS-DetNet and lite fusion FPN16
Real-time and effective detection of agricultural pest using an improved YOLOv5 network16
Fast-PLDN: fast power line detection network16
Temporal and spatial feature based approaches in drowsiness detection using deep learning technique16
Improved single image dehazing methods for resource-constrained platforms15
Temporal synchronization framework of machine-vision cameras for high-speed steel surface inspection systems15
A fast and effective video vehicle detection method leveraging feature fusion and proposal temporal link15
Real-time human detection in thermal infrared imaging at night using enhanced Tiny-yolov3 network14
Real-time face alignment: evaluation methods, training strategies and implementation optimization14
Adaptive and stabilized real-time super-resolution control for UAV-assisted smart harbor surveillance platforms14
Real-time automotive night-vision system for drivers to inhibit headlight glare of the oncoming vehicles and enhance road visibility13
Real-time implementation of fast discriminative scale space tracking algorithm13
Real-time object detection method of melon leaf diseases under complex background in greenhouse13
Gradient information distillation network for real-time single-image super-resolution13
The role of film and television big data in real-time image detection and processing in the Internet of Things era12
An end-to-end deep learning approach for real-time single image dehazing12
Reconfigurable color medical image encryptor using hardware accelerated Chao(S)-box triplets12
Efficient binary 3D convolutional neural network and hardware accelerator12
An efficient low-complexity block partition scheme for VVC intra coding12
Network algorithm real-time depth image 3D human recognition for augmented reality12
Real-time and effective pan-sharpening for remote sensing using multi-scale fusion network12
Cryptanalysis of a secure image encryption scheme based on a novel 2D sine–cosine cross‑chaotic map12
Efficient convolutional neural network with multi-kernel enhancement features for real-time facial expression recognition12
Parallel approaches to improve the speed of chaotic-maps-based encryption using GPU12
A compression pipeline for one-stage object detection model11
An integrated and real-time social distancing, mask detection, and facial temperature video measurement system for pandemic monitoring11
Real-time crowd behavior recognition in surveillance videos based on deep learning methods11
Efficient convolutional neural networks on Raspberry Pi for image classification11
An automated detection model of threat objects for X-ray baggage inspection based on depthwise separable convolution11
Convolution neural network with low operation FLOPS and high accuracy for image recognition11
FPGA-based architecture for bi-cubic interpolation: the best trade-off between precision and hardware resource consumption11
Lightweight convolutional neural network for real-time 3D object detection in road and railway environments11
Fast background subtraction with adaptive block learning using expectation value suitable for real-time moving object detection11
Two-pathway attention network for real-time facial expression recognition10
Machine learning-based fast CU size decision algorithm for 3D-HEVC inter-coding10
Object detection method based on lightweight YOLOv4 and attention mechanism in security scenes10
Realtime fire detection using CNN and search space navigation10
Mobile augmented reality technology for design and implementation of library document push system10
An efficient model for real-time wildfire detection in complex scenarios based on multi-head attention mechanism10
FL-MISR: fast large-scale multi-image super-resolution for computed tomography based on multi-GPU acceleration10
Few-shot learning for facial expression recognition: a comprehensive survey10
A hybrid hardware oriented motion estimation algorithm for HEVC/H.2659
$$\text{C}^{3}\text{Net}$$: end-to-end deep learning for efficient real-time visual active camera control9
Hardware acceleration of YOLOv7-tiny using high-level synthesis tools9
A secure, efficient and super-fast chaos-based image encryption algorithm for real-time applications9
Real-time eye state recognition using dual convolutional neural network ensemble9
Real-time image processing for augmented reality on mobile devices9
Embedded real-time infrared and visible image fusion for UAV surveillance9
Dynamic programming with adaptive and self-adjusting penalty for real-time accurate stereo matching9
TC-YOLOv5: rapid detection of floating debris on raspberry Pi 4B8
A new hardware architecture of lightweight and efficient real-time video chaos-based encryption algorithm8
Real-time classification of brain tumors in MRI images with a convolutional operator-based hidden Markov model8
A real-time high-speed autonomous driving based on a low-cost RTK-GPS8
Real-time high-precision pedestrian tracking: a detection–tracking–correction strategy based on improved SSD and Cascade R-CNN8
GUD-Canny: a real-time GPU-based unsupervised and distributed Canny edge detector8
GIFT cipher usage in image data security: hardware implementations, performance and statistical analyses8
Yolov3-Pruning(transfer): real-time object detection algorithm based on transfer learning7
Hardware acceleration for object detection using YOLOv4 algorithm on Xilinx Zynq platform7
Deep learning-based lightweight radar target detection method7
Fast segmentation algorithm of PCB image using 2D OTSU improved by adaptive genetic algorithm and integral image7
A fast SSD model based on parameter reduction and dilated convolution7
An evaluation of EfficientDet for object detection used for indoor robots assistance navigation7
Variant center-symmetric census transform for real-time stereo vision architecture on chip7
Language meets YOLOv8 for metric monocular SLAM7
Parallel fractal image compression using quadtree partition with task and dynamic parallelism7
Lightweight network with one-shot aggregation for image super-resolution7
Real-time image encryption algorithm based on combined chaotic map and optimized lifting wavelet transform7
A compact CNN approach for drone localisation in autonomous drone racing7
L-YOLOv4: lightweight YOLOv4 based on modified RFB-s and depthwise separable convolution for multi-target detection in complex scenes7
Real-time FPGA-based implementation of the AKAZE algorithm with nonlinear scale space generation using image partitioning7
An efficient lightweight CNN model for real-time fire smoke detection7
Image perceptual hashing for content authentication based on Watson’s visual model and LLE7
Development of a real-time eye movement-based computer interface for communication with improved accuracy for disabled people under natural head movements7
Real time video summarizing using image semantic segmentation for CBVR7
Real-time prediction of spatial raster time series: a context-aware autonomous learning model6
ShortYOLO-CSP: a decisive incremental improvement for real-time vehicle detection6
RGB+D and deep learning-based real-time detection of suspicious event in Bank-ATMs6
An RGB-D SLAM algorithm based on adaptive semantic segmentation in dynamic environment6
An efficient robust method for accurate and real-time vehicle plate recognition6
RFSOD: a lightweight single-stage detector for real-time embedded applications to detect small-size objects6
Real-time embedded system for valve detection in water pipelines6
Smart and real-time image dehazing on mobile devices6
FAM: focal attention module for lesion segmentation of COVID-19 CT images6
Real-time detection and location of reserved anchor hole in coal mine roadway support steel belt6
ATT-YOLOv5-Ghost: water surface object detection in complex scenes6
A De-raining semantic segmentation network for real-time foreground segmentation6
RT-Droid: a novel approach for real-time android application analysis with transfer learning-based CNN models6
An efficient bicubic interpolation implementation for real-time image processing using hybrid computing6
A Swin transformer-functionalized lightweight YOLOv5s for real-time coal–gangue detection6
Accelerated superpixel image segmentation with a parallelized DBSCAN algorithm6
E2BNet: MAC-free yet accurate 2-level binarized neural network accelerator for embedded systems6
Driver fatigue detection based on comprehensive facial features and gated recurrent unit6
Efficient local cascading residual network for real-time single image super-resolution6
Yolo-inspection: defect detection method for power transmission lines based on enhanced YOLOv5s6
AFTD-Net: real-time anchor-free detection network of threat objects for X-ray baggage screening6
`A real-time classification model based on joint sparse-collaborative representation6
A real-time and efficient surface defect detection method based on YOLOv46
Research on improved YOLOv8 algorithm for insulator defect detection6
Improved YOLOX for pedestrian detection in crowded scenes6