Acta Geotechnica

(The TQCC of Acta Geotechnica is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Initial observations of the impacts of infauna on portable free fall penetrometer measurements in sandy parts of Mobile Bay99
Experimental investigation of the microscopic interaction mechanism between sand and tall fescue roots by using X-ray microtomography86
Lessons in geomechanics of deep foundations from nature79
Calculation method of multi-stage earth pressure for foundation excavation considering excavation process77
Influence of geosynthetic reinforcement on the progressive failure of rigid columns under an embankment load72
Effects of biostimulation treatment methods on mechanical properties and microstructure characteristics of biocemented soil70
Study on bearing characteristic of long-short-pile composite foundation with biocemented coral sand pile70
Amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) cement for ground improvement64
A coupled hydro-mechanical field-enriched finite element method for simulating the hydraulic fracture process of rocks subjected to in situ stresses59
A modified hyperbolicity-based load transfer model for nonlinear settlement analysis of root piles in multilayered soils56
Influence of deep excavation on adjacent bridge piles considering underlying karst cavern: a case history and numerical investigation56
Large strain consolidation of dredged slurries considering clogging effect with coupled vertical–radial flow55
Prediction of shield jamming risk for double-shield TBM tunnels based on numerical samples and random forest classifier54
Local moisture monitoring of unsaturated triaxial silty sample by a four-probe method based on van der Pauw configuration51
Three-dimensional sinkhole stability of spherical cavity51
Load transfer mechanism of geotextile-reinforced sand layer over semirigid column-improved soft soil50
Visualizing the effect of excavation rate on rock deformation and fracturing of tunnels using a transparent soft rock surrogate48
Investigation on very long-term brittle creep test and creep-damage constitutive model for granite48
Effects of soil properties and geomorphic parameters on the breach mechanisms of landslide dams and prediction of peak discharge46
Full-field internal 3D deformations measurement of transparent soil using 3D-DIC combined with optical slicing46
Passive earth pressure in sand on inclined walls with negative wall friction based on a statically admissible stress field45
A general simple method for calculating consolidation settlements of layered clayey soils with vertical drains under staged loadings45
Instrumented column testing on long-term consolidation and desiccation behaviour of coal tailings under natural weather conditions44
The UTUH model: a time-dependent unified hardening constitutive model for unsaturated soils43
On the technique for estimating the maximum horizontal principal stress based on the borehole failure observations43
Tang C, Phoon KK. (2021) Model uncertainties in foundation design. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, 1st edition. 568 pages, ISBN: 978-0-429--02,499-3, £112.0042
Suppressive effects of geotextiles on soil water evaporation42
Synergistic effects of colloidal nanosilica and fiber on the hydromechanical performance of mudstone soil in Taiwan41
Inherent and stress-induced stiffness anisotropy of natural granite residual soil41
Stability analysis and optimization of concrete column-supported embankments in soft soil40
Effectiveness of a buttress wall in reducing retaining wall movement during dewatering before bulk excavation40
Characteristics of sand avalanche motion and deposition influenced by proportion of fine particles40
Effects of sediment densification and strengthening on scour around monopiles using mangrove-inspired skirt piles40
Experimental characterization of SDOF-embedded foundation systems with asymmetric interface condition38
A bio-chemo-hydro-mechanical model of transport, strength and deformation for bio-cementation applications38
Effect of cyclic loading on the mobilization of unit base resistance of model piles jacked in sand38
Centrifuge model test on the behavior of geosynthetic-reinforced pile foundations under simulated train loads37
An autoadaptive Haar wavelet transform method for particle size analysis of sands37
Effects of concave facing profile on the internal stability of geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls37
Single-particle crushing behaviour of carbonate sands studied by X-ray microtomography and a combined finite–discrete element method36
Stress–strain–strength behavior of geosynthetic reinforced rubber–sand mixtures36
Investigating brittle damage of buried pipelines under dip-slip faulting with peridynamics35
Laboratory investigation and constitutive modeling of the mechanical behavior of sand–GRP interfaces35
Practical estimation of the thermal conductivity of granular soils considering grading and relative density using three physical parameters35
Changes in strength, hydraulic conductivity and microstructure of superabsorbent polymer stabilized soil subjected to wetting–drying cycles35
Volume change response and fabric evolution of granular MX80 bentonite along different hydro-mechanical stress paths35
The effect of drying and wetting cycles on the mechanical properties and particle breakage of carbonate sand35
Effect of water level fluctuation and its rate on the response of deposits on a reservoir slope: flume experiment, case monitoring comparison and failure mechanism34
Simulation of hydro-deformation coupling problem in unsaturated porous media using exponential SWCC and hybrid improved iteration method with multigrid and multistep preconditioner33
Formulation and implementation of an isotropic plasticity model enriched with shift stress and fractional flow rule33
Grouting mechanism of quick-setting slurry in fracture with random fracture opening considering time–space characteristics of viscosity32
Laboratory-scale thermo-activated piles under long continuous operation and different mobilised shaft resistance32
A gradation-dependent hypoplastic model for crushable sands32
Thermally induced volume change behavior of sand–clay mixtures32
Seawater-based soybean urease for calcareous sand biomineralization32
Measuring and modeling the dielectric constant of soil during freezing and thawing processes: an application on silty clay31
Interpretation of grouting characteristics in unsaturated sand from the perspective of water–air interface31
Study of grouting effectiveness based on shear strength evaluation with experimental and numerical approaches31
Hybrid continuum–discrete simulation of granular impact dynamics31
Toward state-of-the-art techniques in predicting and controlling slope stability in open-pit mines based on limit equilibrium analysis, radial basis function neural network, and brainstorm optimizatio31
Continuous characterization of dynamic soil behavior by Digital Image Correlation in a transparent shear laminar box31
Strengthening mechanism of plum blossom pile composite foundation30
Mechanical behaviour and grain breakage characteristics of Tibetan glacial tills under triaxial compression30
Centrifuge model tests on bearing behavior of lateral-loaded single pile in coral sand30
Constitutive modeling of cyclically loaded clays with entrapped gas bubbles under undrained and unexhausted conditions30
Consistency behavior and mechanism of the irreversible dilatancy of gravel–structure interface subjected to 3D loadings30
Numerical modelling of saturated boundless media with infinite elements29
Ant nest geometry, stability, and excavation–inspiration for tunneling29
Stabilized explicit $$u-p_w$$ solution in soil dynamic problems near the undrained-incompressible limit29
Experimental study on monotonic to high-cyclic behaviour of sand-silt mixtures29
Numerical investigation of laboratory hydraulic fracturing tests in Pocheon granite28
A rational hypoplastic constitutive equation for anisotropic granular materials incorporating the microstructure tensor28
Investigation into the mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) and micro-computed tomography (μCT) methods for determining the pore size distribution of MX80 bentonite pellet28
Experimental study on static and dynamic characteristics of geopolymer-stabilized coarse-grained soils28
Risk assessment of seepage failure in deep excavations based on fuzzy analytic hierarchy process and cloud model28
Interpretation of field tests using geo-statistics and Kriging to assess the deep vibratory compaction of the Dike A21, Diavik Diamond Mine28
Battered minipile response to low-frequency cyclic lateral loading in very dense sand28
Hydraulic breakthrough of clay smears due to technical and natural actions27
Pore pressure measurements in saturated sand in front of an approaching EPB and laboratory investigations27
Thermo-mechanical behavior of sand–clay mixtures—Part II: constitutive modeling27
Hydro-mechanical path dependency of claystone/bentonite mixture samples characterized by different initial dry densities26
Evaluation of liquefaction resistance for single- and multi-phase SICP-treated sandy soil using shaking table test26
Unified model of critical state line for rockfill material with and without considering particle breakage26
Study on determining the plastic flow direction of soils with dilatancy26
A closed-form solution for the failure interaction diagrams of pile groups subjected to inclined eccentric load25
Bridging nanoindentation and triaxial creep tests on a shale25
Microscopic origins of shape effects on migration and clogging of fines in porous media using coupled CFD-iDEM25
Nonzero angle between the directions of matric suction and gravity during horizontal freezing25
Numerical investigation of debris flow–structure interactions in the Yarlung Zangbo River valley, north Himalaya, with a novel integrated approach considering structural damage25
Semi-analytical approach for the load-settlement response of a pile considering excavation effects25
Constitutive modeling of three-dimensional non-coaxial characteristics of clay25
Pullout capacity of multi-plate horizontal anchors in sand: an experimental study24
Comparison and correlation between the laboratory, semi-theoretical and empirical methods in predicting the field excavation performance of tunnel boring machine (TBM)24
Thermal and mechanical characteristics of recycled concrete aggregates mixed with plastic wastes: experimental investigation and mathematical modeling24
Generalised ultimate loads for pile groups24
Effect of anchor plate on the mechanical behavior of prestressed rock bolt used in squeezing large deformation tunnel24
Microstructure, strength and durability of nano-cemented soils under different seawater conditions: laboratory study24
Experimental study of stress direction dependence of sand under biaxial rotation of principal stress24
Investigation into the hydration- and compression-induced damage of Callovo-Oxfordian claystone23
A hyperelastic model for soils with stress-induced and inherent anisotropy23
A state-dependent non-coaxial model of sand using a modified vertex theory and its FEM application23
Hydraulic conductivity and compressibility of polyanionic cellulose-modified sand-calcium bentonite slurry trench cutoff wall materials23
A modified state parameter for sands23
Two-stage column–hemispherical penetration diffusion model considering porosity tortuosity and time-dependent viscosity behavior23
Experimental investigations of lateral earth pressures behind rigid retaining walls under different displacement modes23
Effect of multidirectional cyclic loading history on reliquefaction behaviors of sand: a microscale investigation22
Treating sulfate-bearing soil by using sodium silicate and NaOH-activated ground granulated blast-furnace slag22
Clay hypoplasticity coupled with small-strain approaches for complex cyclic loading22
Use of machine learning for classification of sand particles22
DEM-aided study of Coulomb and Roscoe theories for shear band inclination22
Micromechanical interpretation of the deformation behavior of inherently anisotropic sand under traffic loading22
Effects of initial shear stress on the hydromechanical behavior of collapsible soils22
On the role of joint roughness on the micromechanics of rock fracturing process: a numerical study22
System reliability analysis of joint rock slopes with the stepped sliding surface considering hydraulic and seismic actions22
Experimental study and numerical modeling of the thermo-hydro-mechanical processes in soil freezing with different frost penetration directions22
Shear strength evolution of densely compacted Gaomiaozi bentonite along confined wetting path22
New crushing criterion invariant to the coordination number effect in discrete element modelling21
Seismic response for an isosceles triangle hill subjected to anti-plane shear waves21
Dry granular masses impacting on rigid obstacles: numerical analysis and theoretical modelling21
Multi-objective design optimization of clam-inspired drilling into the lunar regolith21
Understanding the compression failure mechanism of rock–shotcrete composites using X-CT and DIC technologies21
Influence of a permeable sand layer on the mechanism of backward erosion piping using 3D pipe depth measurements21
Application of ultra-weak FBG technology in real-time monitoring of landslide shear displacement21
Progression of backward erosion piping with sudden and gradual hydraulic loads21
Analysis on face stability of rectangular cross-sectional shield tunneling based on an improved two-dimensional rotational mechanism21
Energy dissimilation characteristics and shock mechanism of coal-rock mass induced in steeply-inclined mining: comparison based on physical simulation and numerical calculation20
Investigation of different biogeochemical cover configurations for mitigation of landfill gas emissions: laboratory column experiments20
Relationship between bioelectricity and soil–water characteristics of biochar-aided plant microbial fuel cell20
The impact of large microplastics on the physical behavior of soils: implications to marine sediments20
Liquid bridge contribution to shear behavior of unsaturated soil: modeling and application to a micromechanics model20
Upper bound seismic limit analysis of shallow landslides with a new kinematically admissible failure mechanism20
Discussion to the article Undrained shear strength prediction of clays using liquidity index, by Q. Wang, S. Qiu, H. Zheng, R. Zhang20
Plane strain shear strength of unsaturated fiber-reinforced fine-grained soils20
Numerical simulation of cone penetration test by using CFD–DEM coupled analysis20
Proposing several hybrid SSA—machine learning techniques for estimating rock cuttability by conical pick with relieved cutting modes20
An approach for modelling spatial variability in permeability of cement-admixed soil20
Experimental study on the thixotropic mechanism of deep-sea clay from the perspective of microstructure and bound water20
Pressure infiltration characteristics of bentonite slurry affected by the salty water: experimental study and mechanistic understanding20
Visualization of non-uniform soil deformation during triaxial testing20
Evaluating the exceedance probability of the runout distance of rainfall-induced landslides using a two-stage FEM-MPM approach19
A novel vertical stress-controlled apparatus for studying suffusion along horizontal seepage through soils19
Coupled influence of geosynthetic reinforcement and column configuration on failure dynamics in deep mixed columns under embankment loading19
Experimental investigation of fracture permeability reduction process by MICP technology with Sporosarcina pasteurii cultured by different mediums19
Study on the influence of magnesium/calcium ratios on bio-cemented sandy soils19
The curing mechanism and empirical model for the marine organic soft clay stabilized with calcium carbide residue and silica fume under the optimal ratio19
Machine learning with monotonic constraint for geotechnical engineering applications: an example of slope stability prediction19
Small-scale measurement of the transition in fracture behavior of marine sediments19
Strength and wear behaviors of methane hydrate-bearing silty sand: insights from multi-reversal direct shear tests19
Kinematic responses of a pipe pile embedded in a poroelastic soil to seismic P waves18
On the particle morphology characterization of granular geomaterials18
An anionic biopolymer γ-polyglutamate enhanced the microbially induced carbonate precipitation for soil improvement: mechanical behaviors and underlying mechanism18
Effects of adding aluminum ion flocculant on MICP reinforcement of sand18
Effects of calcium sources and magnesium ions on the mechanical behavior of MICP-treated calcareous sand: experimental evidence and precipitated crystal insights18
Influence of excavation stress paths on failure feature of deep hard rocks18
Macro and mesoscopic shear behavior of interface between sand and concrete with different JRC under cyclic load18
Experimental investigation of the failure mechanism of deep granite under high seepage water pressure and strong unloading effect18
Accelerated weathering of hydrophobized sands18
Exploring the application of the MICP technique for the suppression of erosion in granite residual soil in Shantou using a rainfall erosion simulator18
Investigating the effect of degree of compaction, initial water content, and electric field intensity on electrokinetic remediation of an artificially Cu- and Pb-contaminated loess18
Monotonic and cyclic triaxial testing of untreated and polyurethane-treated soil and soil–rubber mixtures18
Role of superabsorbent polymer in compression behavior of high water content slurries18
An analytical solution of electroosmotic consolidation concerning effective voltage attenuation18
A novel peridynamics modelling of cemented granular materials18
Assessment of urease enzyme extraction for superior and economic bio-cementation of granular materials using enzyme-induced carbonate precipitation18
Micromechanics-based binary-medium constitutive model for frozen soil considering the influence of coarse-grained contents and freeze–thaw cycles18
Back-analysis of one-dimensional consolidation settlement18
Seawater effects on ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS)-stabilized marine deposits in land reclamation17
Seismic response and deformation mechanism of near-fault deep tunnels in a strong earthquake area17
Particle breakage of granular soils: changing critical state line and constitutive modelling17
Framework for incorporating multi-level morphology of particles in DEM simulations: independent control of polydisperse distributions of roundness and roughness while preserving form distributions in 17
Numerical study on the dynamic behavior of rock avalanche: influence of cluster shape, size and gradation17
Unified hardening (UH) model for unsaturated expansive clays17
Use of interaction domains for a displacement-based design of caisson foundations17
Experimental study on electro-osmotic conductivity of Hangzhou sludge17
Field study on the shaft capacity of pre-bored grouted planted pile embedded in deep soft soil17
A new phase field model for mixed-mode brittle fractures in rocks modified from triple shear energy criterion17
A three-dimensional multi-surface plasticity soil model for seismically-induced liquefaction and earthquake loading applications17
Load–deflection analysis of laterally loaded piles in unsaturated soils17
Microbially induced carbonate precipitation for improving the internal stability of silty sand slopes under seepage conditions17
Experimental study on the velocity-dependent frictional resistance of a rough rock fracture exposed to normal load vibrations16
Comparative 3D DEM simulations of sand–structure interfaces with similarly shaped clumps versus spheres with contact moments16
Development of a simplified theoretical model to determine erodibility of compacted soil in hole erosion test based on fluid energy transformation16
Pullout behavior of tree root-inspired anchors: development of root architecture models and centrifuge tests16
Analytical method for laterally loaded piles in soft clay considering the influence of soil outside the scour hole on the effective overburden pressure16
Machine learning-assisted distinct element model calibration: ANFIS, SVM, GPR, and MARS approaches16
A Bayesian-based approach for inversion of earth pressures on in-service underground structures16
Durability of industrial by-products combined with cement-solidified sludge subjected to immersion and cyclic wetting–drying in various fluids16
Grain-scale analysis of proppant crushing and embedment using calibrated discrete element models16
On the seismic stability of soil slopes containing dual weak layers: true failure load assessment by finite-element limit-analysis16
Experimental investigation into the effects of tamper weight and drop distance on dynamic soil compaction16
A new Delaunay triangulation-based approach to characterize the pore network in granular materials16
Inferred Winkler model for uplift response of suction caisson in undrained clays16
The significance of geological structures on the subsidence phenomenon at the Maceió salt dissolution field (Brazil)16
On the automatic parameter calibration of a hypoplastic soil model16
Application of 3D laser scanning on NATM tunnel deformation measurement during construction16
A simple procedure to calibrate a pore pressure energy-based model from in situ tests16
Thermal–hydraulic–mechanical–chemical coupled processes and their numerical simulation: a comprehensive review16
Identification of geological characteristics from construction parameters during shield tunnelling15
Experimental study on the frictional capacity of square pile–cemented soil interface with different surface roughness15
Study on particle loss-induced deformation of gap-graded soils: role of particle stress15
Particle-morphology-based characterization of the breakage behavior of particle assemblies under one-dimensional compression15
A weight combination anisotropic strength criterion considering the effect of joint orientation15
Calibration of a hypoplastic model using genetic algorithms15
Multi-objective analysis of the Sand Hypoplasticity model calibration15
Fractional derivative modelling for rheological consolidation of multilayered soil under time-dependent loadings and continuous permeable boundary conditions15
Highly efficient reliability analysis of anisotropic heterogeneous slopes: machine learning-aided Monte Carlo method15
Lateral capacity and failure mechanisms of skirted foundation resting on slopes15
Comparative evaluation of freeze and thaw effect on strength of BEICP-stabilized silty sands and cement- and fly ash-stabilized soils15
An efficient method for extracting and clustering rock mass discontinuities from 3D point clouds15
A DEM-based Euler–Lagrange model for motion of particle–fluid two-phase mixtures15
Effect of non-erodible particle content on the mechanism of suffusion and the evolution of permeability of sandy soil15
Inferred Winkler model for stiffness of suction caisson foundation under combined loading in non-homogeneous and layered soil15
Simulation of the failure and run-out processes of rotational–translational loess landslides using an SPH model considering strain softening15
Convergence-confinement analysis for tunnels with combined bolt–cable system considering the effects of intermediate principal stress14
Upper-bound solutions to anti-overturning bearing capacity of suction caisson for offshore wind turbine in clays under undrained condition14
Novel model for risk assessment of shield tunnelling in soil-rock mixed strata14
Effects of aqueous nanoparticle suspension injection on a shale’s mechanical properties14
Study on the shear strength characteristics and source mechanism of early-age shield synchronous grouting materials14
Study on failure characteristics and evaluation index of aquifer shale based on energy evolution14
Failure mechanism and combined bearing capacity of monopile–friction wheel hybrid foundation in sand-over-clay deposit14
Effect of drainage conditions on CPT resistance of silty sand: physical model and field tests14
Reliability-based design improvement and prediction of steel driven pile resistances in rock-based intermediate geomaterials14
Landslide susceptibility mapping using physics-guided machine learning: a case study of a debris flow event in Colorado Front Range14
A two-step dynamic FEM-FELA approach for seismic slope stability assessment14
Influence of soil property variability on the lateral displacement of liquefiable ground reinforced by granular columns14
An effective stress-based DSC model for predicting the coefficient of lateral soil pressure in unsaturated soils14
Bentonite swelling into a void under suction or water flow14
Particle-scale study on backward erosion of multilayer erodible medium under converging flow: experimental tests and numerical modelling14
Investigation on successive gas breakthroughs behavior of saturated GMZ bentonite under rigid boundary conditions14
On rotational hardening in soil elastic-plasticity14
The effect of relative density on the response of sand to internal fluidization13
Visualized liquefaction behavior of sandy soil deposited in water under undrained cyclic shearing13
Validation of LBM simulation of saturated seepage flow through 3D-printed homogeneous porous medium for fluid-particle coupled analysis13
A lateral soil resistance model for XCC pile in soft clay considering the effect of the geometry of cross section13
A novel method to improve the soil erosion resistance with fungi13
Reply to the discussion by Dimitrios Kolymbas of the article entitled “Characteristic limitations of advanced plasticity and hypoplasticity models for cyclic loading of sands”13
Entrapment of clay particles enhances durability of bacterial biofilm-associated bioclogging in sand13
Modeling the suction- and deviator stress-dependent resilient modulus of unsaturated fine/coarse soil mixture by considering soil–water retention curve13
Rheological consolidation solutions for multi-layered natural structured soft clays based on a nonparallel isotache model13
Experimental study on the development of surrounding soil stress during XCC pile installation in sand13
Compressive behavior of kaolinitic clay under chemo-mechanical loadings13
Shear response of calcareous sand-steel snake skin-inspired interfaces13
Sustainable biopolymer soil stabilisation: the effect of microscale chemical characteristics on macroscale mechanical properties13
Evolution of nano-pores in illite-dominant clay during consolidation13
Ground deformation behaviour induced by overlapped shield tunnelling considering vibration loads of subway train in sand13
Mechanical properties of cementitious sand and sand with small cyclic shear strain to assess aging effects on liquefaction13
Recovering shear stiffness degradation curves from classification data with a neural network approach13
A numerical study of viscous granular flow in artificial step-pool systems: flow characteristics and structure optimization13
Discussion to the article Characteristic limitations of advanced plasticity and hypoplasticity models for cyclic loading of sands, by J. Duque $$\cdot$$ M. Yang $$\cdot$$ W. Fuentes $$\cdot$$ D. Maš’i13
Cyclic axial response and stability of snakeskin-inspired piles in sand13