Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i Obrazovanje

(The median citation count of Croatian Journal of Education-Hrvatski Casopis za Odgoj i Obrazovanje is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-04-01 to 2024-04-01.)
Math Anxiety, Math Achievement and Math Motivation in High School Students: Gender Effects7
The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Distance Education in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis Study / Učinci COVID-19 pandemije na obrazovanje na daljinu u visokom obrazovanju: bibliometrijs5
Effects on digital citizenship: From Turkish preservice teachers’ perspectiveEffects on digital citizenship: From Turkish preservice teachers’ perspective4
The Effect of the Leadership Development Model on High School Students’ Leadership as a Soft Skill / Učinak modela razvoja vodstva na meku vještinu vodstva srednjoškolaca4
The Relationship Between Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy, Family and Life Satisfaction, Loneliness and Academic Achievement During Adolescence / Odnos između samopoštovanja, samoučinkovitosti, zadovoljstva4
Nation-state, Education and the Fabrication of National-Minded Citizens (Introduction)4
Experiences of Older People with Dancing as a Form of Physical Activity / Iskustva starijih osoba s plesom kao oblikom fizičke aktivnosti3
Group Identity in a Secondary School Classroom Constructed through Musical Creation / Oblikovanje grupnoga identiteta glazbenim stvaranjem u srednjoj školi3
Elementary School Pupils' Music Preferences for Classical Music / Glazbene sklonosti prema klasičnoj glazbi učenika osnovne škole2
The Comparison of Problem Based and Project Based Learning Methods in Physics Teaching / Uspoređivanje metoda učenja utemeljenoga na problemskom i projektnom učenju u nastavi Fizike2
Democratic School Culture and Democratic School Leadership / Demokratska školska kultura i demokratsko školsko vođenje2
Internal Motivation and Students’ Knowledge of Math / Unutrašnja motivacija i znanje učenika iz matematike2
Mathematics Anxiety and the Influencing Factors among Junior High School Students in Yogyakarta, Indonesia / Matematička tjeskoba i faktori utjecaja među učenicima niže srednje škole u Yogyakarti u In2
The Entanglement of Nation and Epistemology: Glances into the Backyard of Academic Dignity2
Factors Affecting Academic Performance of International Students in China: A Theory of Reasoned Action Approach / Čimbenici koji utječu na akademsku uspješnost međunarodnih studenata u Kini: teorija p2
Intercultural Competences in Initial Teacher Education – Comparative Analysis / Interkulturalne kompetencije u inicijalnom obrazovanju učitelja – komparativna analiza1
A Second Exodus: Ethiopian Jews in Israel Between Religion, Nation and State1
Music Therapy in Educating Children with Developmental Disabilities / Muzikoterapija u procesu obrazovanja djece s teškoćama u razvoju1
Representations of National Identity in the Methodological Apparatus/Structure of Science & Social Studies Textbooks in the LowerGrades of Primary School /Nacionalni identitet u metodičkom instrum1
Student Classroom Misbehavior: Teachers' Perspective / Neprimjerena ponašanja učenika iz perspektive učitelja1
PE Class Attendance and Engagement in Recreational Activities during the COVID-19 Pandemic / Sudjelovanje na nastavi Tjelesne i zdravstvene culture i bavljenje rekreacijskim aktivnostima tijekom pand1
Educational Biblical Nationalism and the Project of the Modern Secular State1
Constructivist learning theory and logopedagogy in arts education1
Students-Future Teachers’ Self-Assessment of Competence for Computer-Assisted teaching / Samoprocjena kompetentnosti studenata-budućih nastavnika za izvođenje nastave pomoću računala1
The Effect of Coding on Students’ Visual-spatial Reasoning Skills1
Walking Towards Health: a public health initiative for the increment of physical activity level in the local community in Croatia / Hodanjem do zdravlja: javnozdravstvena inicijativa za povećanje razi1
Teaching English and German Language in Primary School during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Implications for Foreign Language Teaching Methodology / Osnovnoškolska nastava engleskoga i njemačkoga jezika za 1
Students’ Attitude towards Reading Assignments and Reading: The Perception of Students and Teachers in Secondary Schools in Zagreb / Odnos učenika prema lektiri i čitanju: percepcija učenika i nastav1
The Confirmation of Montessori Postulates in Contemporary Educational Neuroscience / Potvrde postulata Montessori pedagogije u suvremenoj obrazovnoj neuroznanosti1
Different Perspectives on Success in Solving Stand-Alone Problems by 14 to 15-Year-Old Students / Različite prespektive o uspješnosti 14 i 15-godišnjaka u rješavanju izoliranoga problema1
Student Teachers' Opinion Regarding Personal Competencies for Teaching the Music Culture Class in Primary Education / Mišljenje studenata učiteljskih studija o vlastitim kompetencijama za realizaciju 1
Does Positive Thinking Predict Positive Learning Behaviors in Preschoolers? / Može li se pomoću pozitivnoga razmišljanja predvidjeti pozitivno ponašanje pri učenju kod djece predškolske dobi?1
Predictors of Self-Concept in Elementary School Pupils1
Quiz-Enhanced Learning in Elementary School1
Experiencing a 20th-century visual artwork – Andy Warhol1
Parenting as an Important Factor in the Optimal Development of the Child Enrolled in Early Childhood Education Institutions / Roditeljstvo kao važan činitelj optimalnoga razvoja djece uključene u inst1
Raising Awareness of the Importance of Reading to Early Childhood and Preschool Age Children through Lifelong Education of Parents / Cjeloživotnim obrazovanjem roditelja do osvještavanja važnosti čita1
The Importance of Implementing a Multimedia Application Created according to the ADDIE Instructional Design Model in Writing and Reading the Letters of the Alphabet / Važnost primjene multimedijske ap1
Doing Nation in Empires: The Emergence of Turkey and Austria1
The Aesthetics between Us: Lifelong Learning from Learning to Do / Estetika među nama: cjeloživotno učenje iz prakse1
An Investigation of Science Teachers’ Web Pedagogical Content Knowledge / Istraživanje poznavanja mrežnoga pedagoškog sadržaja nastavnika prirodnih predmeta1
Examining the Art Festivals as an Informal Learning Environment for Educators of People with Disability: A Case Study/Analiza umjetničkih festivala kao okružja za informalno učenje edukatora koji rade1
A Framework for Studying Programming Teaching in Secondary Education1
Nomophobia: I Can Not Live without My Smartphone!1
Who is Your Best Friend? - The Dimensions of Quality in a Friendship Relationship / Tko je tvoj najbolji prijatelj? - dimenzije kvalitete prijateljskoga odnosa1
Acquisition of the Long Jump Skill Using Varying Feedback / Usvajanje tehnike skoka u dalj korištenjem povratnih informacija različitih vrsta i frekvencija1
Exploring the Achievement and Motivation of Learning a Text Programming Language Among Elementary School Students in the Republic of Serbia / Istraživanje postignuća i motivacije učenja tekstualnoga p1
Interculturalism in Croatian Education: Literature Review / Interkulturalizam u odgoju i obrazovanju u Hrvatskoj: Pregled literature1
Relationship between Academic Motivation and Student Alienation: A Study of Undergraduate Students of Sports Sciences / Veza između akademske motivacije i otuđenosti studenata: istraživanje provedeno 1
The Мethodical Model of Teaching Songs by Ear and Its Effects on the Development of Students' Vocal Abilities1
One Candy or Two at the Age of Six: Does it Matter for Later School Life and Why? / Jedan bombon ili dva u dobi od šest godina: ima li važnosti za kasniji školski život i zašto?1
Contribution of Children’s Self- Organised Musical Activities to the Lifelong Learning of Preschool Teachers / Doprinos djetetovih samoorganiziranih glazbenih aktivnosti cjeloživotnom učenju odgojitel1
Evaluation of Homework in Science and Social Studies / Evaluacija domaće zadaće u Prirodi i društvu1
Cultural Heritage Education Program for Secondary School Students/Obrazovni program kulturne baštine za učenike srednje škole1
STEM Education Implementation at Early Age and Stakeholders’ Opinions: The Case of Turkey1
The Game-based Method is More Efficient than the Conventional Training Method in Teaching Tennis to Adult Beginners / Metoda poučavanja temeljena na igri efikasnija je od konvencionalne metode poučava0
Supporting Children and Youth in Coping with Loss at School / Podrška djeci i mladima u suočavanju s gubitcima u školskom kontekstu0
From the Traditional toward the Contemporary Methodological Approach to Visual Arts Activities in Kindergarten: Croatian Experiences / Od tradicionalnoga prema suvremenom metodičkom pristupu likovni0
Gifted Students with Disabilities / Daroviti učenici s teškoćama0
Music in the Curriculum of Early Childhood and Preschool Education/Glazba u kurikulu ranoga i predškolskoga odgoja0
The Relationship between Academic Achievement and Physical Fitness in Preadolescent Children / Povezanost akademskih postignuća i tjelesnoga fitnesa kod djece u predadolescentnoj dobi0
Play in Direct Practice in Preschools of Vojvodina / Igra u izravnoj praksi u vrtićima Vojvodine0
A (Peaceful) Revolution, Refolution, or a Turning Point? The Fall of the Berlin Wall as a Cause of Terminological Turmoil / (Miroljubiva) revolucija, refolucija ili preokret? Pad Berlinskog zida kao u0
Swiss Alpine Milk, Education, and the Fabrication of the Ideal Swiss Citizen0
The Impact of Electronic Communication and the Net Language on the Language Use and Linguistic Expressions of Today’s Youth in Hungary / Utjecaj elektroničke komunikacije i internetskoga jezika na upo0
Online Vocal Teaching: The Role of the Traditionally Trained Instructor and the Advantages Offered by the Digital Environment/Poučavanje vokalnih tehnika pjevanja u online obliku: uloga nastavnika0
Music Textbooks and Manuals in Zagreb in the Last Two Decades of the 19th Century Represented by Vjenceslav Novak’s Work: a Contribution to the History of Music Pedagogy0
Parenting Styles as Predictors of Students’ Involvement in the Educational Process / Stilovi roditeljstva kao prediktori uključenosti učenika u obrazovni proces0
Changes to Pupils Competence Beliefs in the Visual Arts in higher grades of primary education: A Longitudinal Perspective / Promjene učeničkih uvjerenja o kompetencijama u predmetu Likovna kultura u v0
Is There a Connection between Reading to Children and the Child’s Involvement in Reading Activities? / Postoji li veza između čitanja djeci i uključenosti djeteta u aktivnosti čitanja?0
Civics in the Curricular Construction of the Loyal National Citizen: A Comparative View of Switzerland0
Uvodnik / Foreword0
Musical Activities in Early Childhood Education Textbooks / Glazbene aktivnosti u udžbenicima za obrazovanje u ranom djetinjstvu0
Comparison of Teachers and Teaching Assistants' Perspective of Necessary Teaching Assistant Competences /Usporedba perspektiva učitelja i pomoćnika u nastavi o potrebnim kompetencijama za poslove pomo0
Toward the Development of the Higher Education Sustainability Measurement Scale/Izrada skale za mjerenje održivosti u visokom obrazovanju0
Investigating potential differences in the approaches to studying of gifted and normative learners via PISA math tests results/Istraživanje potencijalnih razlika u pristupima učenju nadarenih i prosje0
Developing the Perceived Self- Regulation Skills Scale for Fourth Grade Students0
The Application of Art-Expressive Techniques on Children with Chronic Disease in the Field of Education and Rehabilitation0
Indicators of Planning and Documenting the Quality of the Educational Process and Monitoring Children’s Development in Institutions of Early Childhood and Preschool Education / Pokazatelji kvalitete 0
Fostering the Development of Metacognitive Capacities of Preschool Children/Mogućnosti poticanja razvoja metakognitivnih kapaciteta djece u vrtiću0
Foreword / Uvodnik0
The Effects of Computer-Based Video Modelling on Teaching Problem-Solving Skills to Students with Intellectual Disabilities / Učinci računalnih videomodela u poučavanju učenika s intelektualnim teškoć0
The Connection Between Parental Sense of Competence and Support in Early and Preschool Children’s Upbringing / Povezanost doživljaja roditeljske kompetentnosti i podrške u odgoju djece rane i predškol0
Creativity and Creation in Early Childhood and Preschool Education Curriculum0
Foreword / Uvodnik0
Application of the UNESCO Guidelines and the Holistic Approach in the Slovenian Education System/Primjena UNESCO-ovih smjernica i holističkoga pristupa u slovenskom obrazovnom sustavu0
What Is and What Is Not Mathematical Modelling in Primary School: Opinions of Slovenian and Croatian Primary School Teachers / Što jest, a što nije matematičko modeliranje u razrednoj nastavi: mišljen0
The Opinion of Elementary School Teachers about the Use of ICT in Biology Classes in Four European Countries0
The Effect of Intellectual Development on Approaches to Learning: A Study of the Perry Model with Pre-Service Teachers in Turkey0
Effects of the STEM Education Program on Preschool Children’s Science Process Skills/Utjecaj STEM obrazovnoga programa na vještine znanstvenoga mišljenja predškolske djece0
Lifelong Learning and Older People in the Context of ICT / Cjeloživotno učenje i osobe starije životne dobi u kontekstu IKT-a0
The Significance of Fieldwork with Older Persons Placed in Institutions from the Perspective of Social Work Students/Važnost terenske nastave u radu sa starijim osobama u institucionalnom smješta0
Influence of Smartphones on Students’ Life in the Republic of Croatia/Utjecaj pametnih telefona na studente u Republici Hrvatskoj0
Respect for Teachers in Relation to Student Violence against Teachers / Poštovanje prema nastavnicima u odnosu na nasilje učenika prema nastavnicima0
The Influence of Dervishes on Religious Education of Muslim Children in Bihor During the Ottoman Period / Utjecaj derviša na vjersko obrazovanje muslimanske djece u Bihoru tijekom osmanske vladavine0
Foreword / Uvodnik0
Heritage Education as a Vehicle for the Formation of Citizens: Analysis of Current Educational Legislation / Poučavanje o kulturnoj baštini kao sredstvo obrazovanja građana: analiza aktualnoga obrazov0
Foreword / Uvodnik0
Education of Albanian Teachers in Socialist Montenegro (1945-1955)/Obrazovanje albanskih učitelja u socijalističkoj Crnoj Gori (1945. – 1955.)0
An Educational Approach to Elementary School Students’ Free Time0
Determinants of Artistic Interests in Adolescence: The Importance of Personal and Contextual Factors / Odrednice umjetničkih interesa u adolescenciji: važnost osobnih i kontekstualnih faktora0
Fibres and Beyond: The Pedagogic Affects of a Women’s Art Collective / Vlakna i više: pedagoški afekti ženskoga umjetničkog kolektiva0
Teaching Methodology Approach to Writing a Therapeutic Fairy Tale: Implications for Preschool Teacher Education / Metodički pristup pisanju terapijske bajke: implikacije za obrazovanje budućih odgaja0
Experiences and Perceptions of Instrumental Music Teachers about the Inclusive Education of Learners with Disabilities/Iskustva i mišljenja učitelja instrumenata o inkluziji učenika s teškoćama0
The Impact of Contemporary Art on the Creativity of Twelve-Year-Olds / Utjecaj suvremene umjetnosti na kreativnost dvanaestogodišnjaka0
Opinions and Attitudes of Ethnically Diverse Teachers on Teaching Content in the Subject Nature and Society/Mišljenja i stavovi učitelja različite etničke pripadnosti o sadržajima nastave Prirode i dr0
Strategies for Depicting Space in Drawings by Children Aged 4 to 6 Years / Strategije prikazivanja prostora u likovnim djelima djece u dobi od četiri do šest godina0
Creating and Performing Contemporary Music as a Way of Learning0
A model for assessing the quality of a distance education programme in an online environment: China's experience/Model procjene kvalitete programa obrazovanja na daljinu u mrežnom okruženju: kinesko i0
Exploring the process of artistic creativity: process in context / Istraživanje procesa umjetničkog stvaralaštva: proces u kontekst0
Emergency Remote Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spring 2020: Parents’ Perspective / Izvanredno obrazovanje na daljinu tijekom pandemije COVID-19 u proljeće 2020: roditeljska perspektiva0
Relationship between the Body Mass Index, Motor Skills, and Physical Ac-tivity of Early Elementary School Pupils / Povezanost indeksa tjelesne mase, motoričkih znanja i tjelesne aktivnosti učenika ran0
Advantages of Digitization in Education -Knowledge Transfer as Modern Global Migration/Prednosti digitalizacije u obrazovanju - Transfer znanja kao moderna globalna migracija0
Age and residential differences in future primary school teachers' perception of teaching in higher education and the correlation with life satisfaction / Dobne i rezidencijalne razlike procjene kval0
Changes of Korean Education and the Fourth Industrial Revolution / Promjene korejskoga obrazovnog sustava i četvrta industrijska revolucija0
Are Pre-Service Teachers Multicultural Thinkers as 21st Century Educators?/Razmišljaju li budući učitelji kao obrazovatelji 21. stoljeća multikulturno?0
The Variation in Turkish Students’ Reading Skills Based on PISA 2018: The Effects of the Teaching and Learning Process/Razlike u čitalačkoj pismenosti kod turskih učenika prema istraživanju PISA 2018:0
The Docimologically Based Evaluation of Knowledge in Vocational Education of Healthcare Professionals / Dokimološki utemeljeno vrednovanje znanja u strukovnom obrazovanju zdravstvenih radnika0
Influence of Karate Training on Morphological Characteristics, Motor Abilities and Skills in Boys / Utjecaj treninga karatea na morfološke karakteristike, motoričke sposobnosti i vještine kod dječaka0
Analysis of Creative Skills in Various Secondary School Programs in Slovenia0
Spatial Images and Changes in their Graphic Representation in Primary and Lower Secondary School Students0
Teachers’ Conceptualisations and Needs in Developing Foreign Language Literacy Skills at Primary Level / Konceptualizacije i potrebe učitelja u razvoju osnovnih vještina pismenosti na stranom jeziku u0
Experiencing Folk Music in Children0
Educational Strategies in the Development of Critical Thinking: A Grounded Theory Approach/Obrazovne strategije u razvoju kritičkoga razmišljanja: pristup utemeljene teorije0
Foreword / Uvodnik0
The Role of Formal Social Support to Students in the Context of the Social Dimension of Higher Education / Uloga formalne socijalne podrške studentima u kontekstu socijalne dimenzije visokoga obrazova0
The Nation-State and the Origins of Secondary Education in Argentina: The Case of the Colegio Nacional (National School)0
Preliminary Validation of the Holistic Experience of Motivation Scale (HEMS): An Empirico-Philosophical Approach / Preliminarna validacija Skale cjelovito iskustvo motivacije: empirijsko - filozofski0
Comparative analysis of intercultural education from the perspective of management teams. The case of Spain and France/Usporedna analiza međukulturnoga obrazovanja iz perspektive upravljačkih timova. 0
Hidden Curriculum Scale of an Education Faculty: A Validity and Reliability Study / Skala skrivenoga kurikula fakulteta obrazovnih znanosti: istraživanje valjanosti i pouzdanosti0
Developing environmental awareness in preschool students through indoor activities / Razvijanje svijesti o okolišu kod djece predškolske dobi pomoću aktivnosti u zatvorenom prostoru0
Open Courseware-Based Logic Design Course0
TEFL in the Digital Age: The Use of Computer-Assisted Language Learning0
Institutional Pedagogical Intervention in Early Years of Life on the Path of Lifelong Learning / Institucionalna pedagoška intervencija u ranim godinama života na putu cjeloživotnog učenja0
Examining the Interaction between Parents’ Education Level and Children's Books and its Impact on Early Literacy Skills/Ispitivanje interakcije između stupnja obrazovanja roditelja i knjiga za djecu t0
How Professional Efficacy Affects Professional Motivation and Professional Engagement in Teachers/Utjecaj profesionalne učinkovitosti na profesionalnu motivaciju i angažman učitelja0
Motivating Students to Learn is a Creative Act: A Qualitative Study on Teachers’ Beliefs/Uvjerenja učitelja o motivaciji učenika za učenje: kvalitativna studija0
The Language of New Media in the Students’ Written Texts from the Perspective of Primary School Teachers/Jezik novih medija u učeničkim pisanim tekstovima iz perspektive učitelja0
The Impact of Arts and Cultural Education on Pupils’ Opinions of Musical Culture – Interdisciplinary Project0
Quality of Youth Leisure – Traits and Opportunities for Prevention Planning / Kvaliteta provođenja slobodnoga vremena mladih - obilježja i mogućnosti za prevencijska planiranja0
Flow Experiences in Adolescents: Comparison of Musically Educated, Athletically Active, and Other Adolescents/Doživljaj zanesenosti kod adolescenata: razlike između glazbeno obrazovanih, sportaša i os0
Behavioural Problems in Preschool Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey: The Role of Parental COVID-19 Experiences and Parental Stress, Depression and Anxiety / Problemi u ponašanju predškol0
Management and Supervision in Croatian School Education in the Historical Context and Continuity / Upravljanje i nadzor u hrvatskom školstvu u povijesnom kontekstu i kontinuitetu0
Views on Homeschooling: The Case of Turkey/Stavovi o školovanju kod kuće: slučaj Turske0
The Educational Intention behind Non-Intervention: A Case on the Japanese Mimamoru Approach as Early Childhood Teachers’ Professionalism / Obrazovna svrha neuplitanja: slučaj japanskoga mimamoru prist0
Effects of Lockdown (COVID-19) on Early Childhood Education/Učinci restriktivnih mjera kretanja za vrijeme pandemije bolesti COVID-19 na na rani odgoj i obrazovanje0
Reading Profiles May Not Be an Informative Approach to Identifying At-Risk Readers in Middle School / Čitalački profili ne moraju biti informativan pristup za identifikaciju ugroženih čitatelja u niž0
The Effect of Homework on Student Achievement: A Meta-Analysis Study/Učinak domaće zadaće na postignuća učenika: metaanaliza0
Sources of Stress, Coping Strategies with Stress and Job Satisfaction of Teachers in Art Schools0
The Relationship between the Frequency of Use of the Media, the Role of Peers and Adolescents' Agression in Elementary School0
The experiences of learning self-regulation in distance education / Iskustva samoregulacije učenja u nastavi na daljinu0
The Strategic Aim of the Subject Croatian Language in High School from the 1970s to the 2020s / Strateški cilj Hrvatskoga jezika u srednjoj školi od 70-ih g. XX. st. do 2020. godine0
An Overview of the Characteristics of a Modern School/Nastava u suvremenoj školi0
Foreword / Uvodnik0
Foreword / Uvodnik0
Investigation of Pre-Service Primary School Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge through Transition between Representations / Istraživanje metodičkoga znanja budućih učitelja na primjeru prijelaza 0
Exploring E-Learning Success during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Indonesia Empirical Study/Analiza uspješnosti e-učenja tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19: empirijsko istraživanje u Indoneziji0
About STEAM and Possibilities of Its Application in the Teaching Process from the Perspective of Fine and Visual Arts / O STEAM-u i mogućnostima njegove primjene u nastavi iz perspektive likovnih i vi0
State Graduation Exam Results as One of the Indicators of the Success of Secondary Education of Students with Disabilities/Rezultati državne mature kao jedan od pokazatelja uspješnosti srednjoškolskog0
Multi-perspective Analysis of the School Leader Role in (De)construction of Hidden Curriculum/Višeperspektivna analiza uloge školskoga ravnatelja u (de)konstrukciji skrivenoga kurikula0
Efficiency of an Innovative Didactic Approach in Graphic Design Teaching0
Music Listening Culture and Musical Preferences of Students in Final Grades of Primary General Education and Music School / Kultura slušanja i glazbene preferencije učenika završnih razreda osnovne op0
Teachers’ Views on Educating Children with Communication, Language and Speech disorders/Stavovi učitelja o obrazovanju djece s komunikacijskim i jezično-govornim teškoćama0
Assistant Professor Srna Jenko Miholić, PhD – New Editor-in- Chief of the Croatian Journal of Education / Nova urednica Hrvatskog časopisa za odgoj i obrazovanje0
A Systematic Review of Blogging Practices in Teaching EFL/ESL/Sustavni pregled praksi pisanja mrežnoga dnevnika u poučavanju EFL / ESL0
Students’ Behavioural Intention Regarding E-Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic/Bihevioralna namjera učenika u e-učenju tijekom pandemije Covid-190
Gender (In)equality in Child-Rearing and Housework between Mothers and Fathers – Children’s Perspective / Rodna (ne)ravnopravnost majke i oca u odgoju i kućanskim poslovima - perspektiva djeteta0
Nations and Numbers: Elementary Mathematics Education as a Nationalizing Tool0
Multilingual Awareness in L3 English and German Class in Primary School0
A Model to Measure University Students’ Learning Efficacy and Satisfaction During the COVID-19 Pandemic/Model mjerenja učinkovitosti učenja i zadovoljstva studenata tijekom pandemije bolesti COV0
Agreement between the assessments of parents and preschool teachers of different developmental areas of preschoolers / Slaganje procjena roditelja i odgojitelja za različita područja razvoja predškola0
Foreword / Uvodnik0
Mealtime Talk in Contemporary Childhood of Croatian Language Speakers / Govor uz blagovanje u suvremenom djetinjstvu govornika hrvatskoga jezika0
Foreword / Uvodnik0
National Identity Textbooks: Teaching Scottishness in the Wake of the Union of Parliaments0
National Textbook Narratives and Historiography: Presenting a Same That is Never the Same0
Collective Variation in Experience of Video-review for Reflective Self-evaluation in Undergraduate Ballet Education Course: A Phenomenographic Perspective / Kolektivne varijacije u percepciji videorev0
Developing an attitude scale for university students who perceived scientists as social media phenomena during the 2020 and 2021 Covid-19 pandemic/Razvijanje Skale stavova sveučilišnih studenata o zna0
Emotion Expression when Teaching with Creative Movement0
Are There Benefits of Bilingualism in the Socio-Affective Domain?/Postoji li korist od dvojezičnosti u socioafektivnoj domeni?0
Peer Cooperation between Students and Teacher Support in Different School Subjects Classes / Međuvršnjačka suradnja učenika i učiteljska podrška u nastavi različitih nastavnih predmeta0
Pre-service Primary Education Teachers' Achievement Goals in Mathematics and Their Approach to Learning and Teaching Mathematics / Ciljevi postignuća u matematici budućih osnovnoškolskih učitelja i nj0
Secular Trends of Motor Abilities and BMI among Adolescents from 1998 to 2018 / Sekularni trendovi motoričkih sposobnosti i ITM-a među adolescentima od 1998. do 2018. godine0
Measuring Academic Vocabulary Breadth and Depth in Upper-Elementary School Students / Mjerenje širine i dubine akademskoga vokabulara učenika viših razreda osnovne škole0
International Mobility and the Quality of Life of Foreign Students in the City of Zagreb / Međunarodna mobilnost i kvaliteta života stranih studenata u gradu Zagrebu0
Gaining competence for intercultural communication of students and pedagogical conditions for its realisation / Stjecanje kompetencije za međukulturnu komunikaciju studenata i pedagoški uvjeti njezina0
Visual Arts subject in high school education in Croatia in the context of educational changes and reforms from the mid-20th century to present-day / Likovna umjetnost u srednjoškolskom obrazovanju u0
The Role of Professional Knowledge and Skills of Preschool Teachers in Building and Developing Partnerships with Parents / Uloga profesionalnih znanja i vještina odgojitelja u izgradnji i razvijanju p0
Uvodnik - ACE0
Antecedents of University Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence from Serbian Public Universities / Prethodnice sveučilišnoga poduzetništva: empirijski dokazi sa srpskih državnih sveučilišta0
Primary education students' experience of the expressiveness of authentic modes in Gregorian chant0
The Quality Indicators of E-learning: Business vs. Education/Pokazatelji kvalitete e-učenja: poslovanje naspram obrazovanja0
Foreword / UVODNIK0
University Students’ Opinions about Mobile Learning: A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis by ENTREQ Statement (2000 - 2020) / Mišljenja sveučilišnih studenata o mobilnom učenju: kvalitativna metasinteza prema0
A Delphi Study and Verification of Assessment of Chemistry Experiments Videos / Delfi-metoda istraživanja i verifikacija procjene videozapisa o kemijskim eksperimentima0
Developing an Assessment Scale for the Characteristics of Cooperative Learning in Language Teaching / Razvoj skale za procjenu obilježja suradničkoga učenja u nastavi jezika0
Impact of Structural Inquiry-Based Learning Approach on Future Teacher Performance/Utjecaj strukturalnoga istraživački usmjerenoga pristupa učenju na dostignuća budućih učitelja0
The Influence of Physical Exercise on 5th Grade Primary School Students’ Academic Performance in Physical Education Classes / Utjecaj tjelesnoga vježbanja na školski uspjeh učenika 5. razreda osnovnih0
Foreword / Uvodnik0
Academic Ranking of Universities in Southeast Europe / Akademsko rangiranje sveučilišta u jugoistočnoj Europi0
Development of Conceptual Understanding of Physical and Chemical Changes at the Macroscopic, Submicroscopic and Symbolic Level: A Cross-Age Study / Razvoj konceptualnoga razumijevanja fizikalnih i kem0
Realistic Positioning of Teachers' Values / Realno pozicioniranje vrijednosnih opredjeljenja učitelja0
The research and teaching nexus from the perspective of external quality evaluation/Povezanost nastavne i istraživačke djelatnosti sveučilišta iz perspektive vanjskoga vrednovanja kvalitete0
Participation of Children in Organized Sports Activities During Preschool and Primary School Period: Research Overview0
Shaping Learner Contributions via a Combination of Different Resources: Joint Use of ‘Okay’ and Type-specific Questions/Oblikovanje učeničkih odgovora kombinacijom različitih izvora: zajednička upotre0
Students’ Standpoints about the Significance of Cooperative Learning in Maths Teaching in Lower Primary School Grades0
Personality Traits and Students´ Employment of Metacognitive Strategies in Foreign Language Learning and Achievement / Osobine ličnosti studenata i njihovo korištenje metakognitivnim strategijama u uč0
Quo Vadis, Homo Digitalis? Reflection on Well-being in Education and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Belgium, Croatia, Poland and Romania/Quo Vadis, Homo Digitalis? Razmišljanje o dobrobitima u obrazova0
The Analysis of the Music Therapy Program’s Effect on Taking Turn-Sharing Skills and Expressing Feelings of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder0
Artistic Abilities and General Self-Esteem of Students of Art Academies / Umjetničke sposobnosti i opće samopoštovanje studenata umjetničkih akademija0
Pragmatic Language Skills in Storytelling of Five-Year-Old Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Five-Year-Old Children with Typical Development / Pragmatične jezične vještine pripovijedanja kod 0
Textbook Materials For The Lower Grades Of Elementary School: Do They Conform To The Principles Of Plain Language?/Jasan jezik i pisana udžbenička građa nižih razreda: jesu li usklađeni?0
Foreword / Uvodnik0