Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering

(The median citation count of Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Accuracy of Photo-Optical Timber Measurement Using a Stereo Camera Technology20
Investigation of Structure of Technology Cycle Time of Hydraulic Manipulators in the Process of Loading Forwarders with Logs18
Evaluation of Morphometric Terrain Parameters and Their Influence on Determining Optimal Density of Primary Forest Road Network15
Evaluating the Accuracy of Remote Dendrometers in Tree Diameter Measurements at Breast Height15
Pre-Feasibility Study of Carbon Sequestration Potential of Land Clearing Stumps Buried Underground13
Environmental Thermal Conditions Related to Performance, Dynamics and Safety of Logging in the Brazilian Amazon11
Using Cut-to-Length (CTL) Harvester Production Data in Forest Inventories10
Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Insect Damage Spread Using Auto-ARIMA Model10
Exposure to Occupational Noise9
Effects of Boom-Corridor and Selective Thinnings on Harvester Productivity in Dense Small Diameter Pyrenean Oak (Quercus pyrenaica Willd.) Coppices in Spain9
Growth and Timber Quality of European Larch Planted in Areas Reclaimed After Coal Mining in Central Poland9
Field Setup and Assessment of a Cloud-Data Based Crane Scale (CCS) Considering Weight- and Local Green Wood Density-Related Volume References8
Wood Chippers7
Essential Issues Related to Construction Phases of Road Networks in Protected Areas7
Succession Planning Among Logging Business Owners Approaching Retirement Age in Georgia and Florida, USA7
Application of Phytoremediation to Hydraulic Binders Alkaline Inclusion in Forest Roads Pavement Construction7
Application of UAS for Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems7
Skill of Skidding Equipment Operator in Relation to Productivity, Skidding Cost and Subsidence in Peat Swamp Forest Plantation6
Evaluating the Effects of Improving Forest Road Standards on Economic Value of Forest Products6
Relationship Between Some Structural Elements of Macedonian Pine (Pinus peuce Gris.) in Different Elevations in National Park Pelister in North Macedonia6
The Effect of Yarding Technique on Yarding Productivity and Cost6
Effect of Fungus Meripilus giganteus (Pers.) P. Karst. on Occurrence and Development of False Heartwood and Rot in Fagus sylvatica L. Round Wood6
Influence of Intelligent Boom Control in Forwarders on Performance of Operators6
Overview of Global Long-Distance Road Transportation of Industrial Roundwood6
An Automated Approach for Extracting Forest Inventory Data from Individual Trees Using a Handheld Mobile Laser Scanner6
Timber Harvesting Economics in Early Commercial Thinning and Group Selection Prescriptions6
Operational and Environmental Comparison of Two Felling and Piling Alternatives for Whole Tree Harvesting in Quercus Coppices for Bioenergy Use5
Skyline Tensile Forces in Cable Logging5
Use of UAV Data and HEC-RAS Model for Dimensioning of Hydraulic Structures on Forest Roads5
A Comparison of Two Felling Techniques Considering Stump-Height-Related Timber Value Loss5
Exploring the Design of Highly Energy Efficient Forestry Cranes using Gravity Compensation4
Assessing Forest Traversability for Autonomous Mobile Systems Using Close-Range Airborne Laser Scanning4
Introducing a New Approach in Stand Tending Planning and Thinning Block Designation by Using Mixed Integer Goal Programming4
Impact of Rainy and Dry Seasons on Eucalypt Fuelwood Quality Logs Stored in Piles4
Evaluation of Light Falling Weight Deflectometer for In Situ Measurement of Secondary Deformation Modulus of Various Forest Road Pavements4
Effect of Season and Machine Type on Performance of Semi- and Fully Mechanized Harvesting Systems in Beech-Dominated Stands4
Effects of Boom-Tip Control and a Rotating Cabin on Loading Efficiency of a Forwarder4
Effect of Prior Tree Marking on Cutting Productivity and Harvesting Quality4
Road Network Planning in Tropical Forests Using GIS4
Workability and Well-Being at Work Among Cut-To-Length Forest Machine Operators3
Potential Evaluation of Forest Road Trench Failure in a Mountainous Forest, Northern Iran3
Wood Quality Characterization of Sycamore Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) and its Utilization in Wood Products Industries3
Determining Bulk Factors for Three Subsoils Used in Forest Engineering in Slovenia3
Variability of Morpho-Anatomical Characteristics of Different Willow Clones Contaminated with Heavy Metals3
The Impact of Felling Method, Bunch Size, Slope Degree and Skidding Area on Productivity and Costs of Skidding in a Eucalyptus Plantation3
A Meta-Analysis to Evaluate the Reliability of Depth-to-Water Maps in Predicting Areas Particularly Sensitive to Machinery-Induced Soil Disturbance3
Assessment of Chainsaw Operators Training in Andalusia (Spain)3
Effects of Changing Drive Control Method of Idling Wood Size Reduction Machines on Fuel Consumption and Exhaust Emissions3
An Assessment of Turkish Forest Fire Workers' Thoughts on Occupational Health and Safety3
Breakeven Analysis Considering Ultra-Fast Charging Stations at Mills for Battery-Electric Log Trucks3
Evaluating the Impact of Meteorological Data Sources on Moisture Prediction Accuracy of Eucalyptus Nitens Log Pile Natural Drying Models2
Logging Crew Attributes by Region in the Southeast USA2
Impact of Deforestation and Erosion on Some Soil Physicochemical Properties and Microbial Activity on Steep Slopes2
Design of a Six-Swing-Arm Wheel-Legged Chassis for Forestry and Simulation Analysis of its Obstacle-Crossing Performance2
County Transportation Officials’ Perceptions of Timber Transportation Economic Importance, Infrastructure Impact, and Weight Limits in Georgia, USA2
Assessment of Tractor Tires Used in Forest Conditions in Terms of Traction Performance and Impact on Ground2
Influence of Stump-Root System of Trees on Rut Formation During Forwarder Operation on Peat Soils2
Economic Evaluation and Performance of a Tree Planting Machine Performing in Two Different Slope Classes and Conditions of Harvesting Slash2
Influence of Saturated Organic Matter on the Accuracy of In-Situ Measurements Recorded with a Nuclear Moisture and Density Gauge2
Developing an Automated Monitoring System for Cable Yarding Systems2
Soil Characteristics in Oak Lowland Stand1
Stem-Level Bucking Pattern Optimization in Chainsaw Bucking Based on Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data1
Logging Mats and Logging Residue as Ground Protection during Forwarder Traffic along Till Hillslopes1
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mulching for Reducing Soil Erosion in Cut Slope and Fill Slope of Forest Roads in Hyrcanian Forests1
A Comparative Pattern for Populus spp. and Betula spp. Stand Biomass in Eurasian Climate Gradients1
Double Bark Thickness Estimation Models of Common European Broadleaved Species for Harvester Timber Volume Estimation in Czechia1
Business Process Reengineering of a Large-Scale Public Forest Enterprise Through Harvester Data Integration1
Productivity and Cost of Post-Tornado Salvage Logging in Upper Coastal Plain of South Carolina, USA1
Traction Assistance of a Forwarder in Flat Terrain1
Shortage of Labour Force in Forestry of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Forestry Experts' Opinions on Recruiting and Retaining Forestry Workers1
Machine Rate Estimates and Equipment Utilization1
Ground Pressure Changes Caused by MHT 8002HV Crawler Harvester Chassis1
Fuel Consumption, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Energy Efficiency of Wood-Harvesting Operations1
Soil, Driving Speed and Driving Intensity Affect Fuel Consumption of Forwarders1
Harvester Efficiency During Thinning Operations in Alder Planted Stands with Some of Coppice Origin1