Soil Research

(The TQCC of Soil Research is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Pesticide extraction from soil into runoff in North American and Australian croplands23
Creating a soil parent material map digitally using a combination of interpretation and statistical techniques22
Soil water deficit effects on soil inorganic nitrogen in alternate-furrow flood irrigated Australian cotton production systems20
Accelerating soil aggregate formation: a review on microbial processes as the critical step in a post-mining rehabilitation context18
Physical properties and organic carbon in no-tilled agricultural systems in silty Pampas soils of Argentina15
Effects of farming systems, tillage, and traffic practices on deep drainage and soil salt loads in the Queensland Murray–Darling and Fitzroy Basins using soil chloride14
Vertical distribution of edaphic oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) in two artificial forests planted on temperate grasslands13
Soil characteristics and tillage can predict the effect of ‘structure lime’ on soil aggregate stability12
Initial effect of shifting from traditional to no-tillage on runoff retention and sediment reduction under rainfall simulation12
Evaluation of the DNDCv.CAN model for simulating greenhouse gas emissions under crop rotations that include winter cover crops12
In situ carbon and nitrogen turnover dynamics in topsoils: a climate warming simulation study in an alpine ecosystem11
Degradation of conventional, biodegradable and oxo-degradable microplastics in a soil using a δ13C technique10
Salt dynamics, leaching requirements, and leaching fractions during irrigation of a halophyte with different saline waters9
Response to soil compaction of the electrical resistivity tomography, induced polarisation, and electromagnetic induction methods: a case study in Belgium9
Optimisation and modelling of draft and rupture width using response surface methodology and artificial neural network for tillage tools8
Relationship between elemental content determined8
Occurrence of veterinary antibiotics in arable soil with different fertilisation modes: a field study8
Crop yields in no-tillage are severely limited by low availability of P and high acidity of the soil in depth8
Mineralisation and nitrification of biuret and urea nitrogen in two New Zealand forest soils8
Nitrogen dynamics in alpine soils of south-eastern Australia7
Sensitivity of organic matter mineralisation to water availability: role of solute diffusivity and the ‘Birch effect’7
The Brigalow Catchment Study: VI.7
Dissolved organic carbon from the forest floor with different decomposition rates in a rainforest in south-eastern Brazil7
Updating the Australian digital soil texture mapping (Part 16
The impact of irrigation duration on crop N uptake, lint yield and internal NUE in cotton using standard urea6
Biota of subtropical Oxisols under no-tillage with application of liquid cattle manure6
Benefits from enhanced-efficiency nitrogen fertilisers in rainfed temperate pastures are seasonally driven6
Understanding extractable metal species relationships with phosphorus sorption and organic carbon in soils6
Mineral–organic associations are enriched in both microbial metabolites and plant residues in a subtropical soil profile under no-tillage and legume cover cropping6
Macrofauna communities and their relationship with soil structural quality in different land use systems5
Corrigendum to: WEPP interrill erodibility for clay soils in the crop lands of Northern NSW and Southern Queensland, Australia5
Modified fungal diversity in dense clay subsoils after deep-banding organic substrate5
Soil organic carbon and nitrogen in soil physical fractions in woody encroached grassland in South African savannas5
Impacts of long-term rice-based organic farming on fractions and forms of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in the Indo-Gangetic Plain5
Storage of soil samples leads to over-representation of the contribution of nitrate to plant-available nitrogen5
Yield-scaled greenhouse gas emissions from the use of common urea and controlled-release nitrogen fertiliser in a subtropical paddy rice field5
Long-term effects of olive mill waste waters spreading on the soil rhizospheric properties of olive trees grown under Mediterranean arid climate5
Effect in soil and rhizosphere microbiota of Brachiaria inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense: a pilot trial in two Oxisol types5
Soil carbon stock and biological activity in silvopastoral systems planted with5
Evaluating effects of physical soil and water conservation measures using farmers’ perception and soil analysis in southern Ethiopia5
Complexity of clay minerals and its effects on silicon dynamics in hypersaline coastal wetland soils, Brazil5
Soil organic matter fractions under different land uses and soil classes in the Brazilian semi-arid region5
Availability of phosphorus and nitrogen from modified mono-ammonium phosphate (MAP) fertiliser compounds4
Atterberg limits of baseball infield soils containing over-size particles, Part II: effects of sand angularity and uniformity4
Soil phosphorus and biomass carbon co-determine plantation soil organic carbon density: a case study in western Beijing, China4
Biosolids amendment effects on nitrogen cycling gene expression by the soil prokaryotic community as revealed by metatranscriptomic analysis4
Transformation of soil phosphorus fractions: the role of time and fertilisation4
Organic farming does not increase soil organic carbon compared to conventional farming if there is no carbon transfer from other agroecosystems. A meta-analysis4
Lessons from a landmark 1991 article on soil structure: distinct precedence of non-destructive assessment and benefits of fresh perspectives in soil research4
Fertilisation with P, N and S requires additional Zn for healthy plantation tree growth on low fertility savanna soils4
Biological soil quality and seasonal variation on enzyme activities under conservation agriculture-based rice–mustard system in the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India4
Extractant efficacy in assessing bioavailable phosphorus in tropical soils fertilised with alternative sources and cultivated with maize4
Using maize to evaluate the Mohammadi–Khataar (M–K) model as a salinity weighting function (4
Responses to controlled release potassium fertilisers in agriculture following phosphate mining4
Comparison of soil analytical methods for estimating plant-available potassium in highly weathered soils4
Chemical and mineralogical factors affecting the kinetics of acid drainage in different geomaterials4
Quantifying blue carbon and nitrogen stocks in surface soils of temperate coastal wetlands4
Gypsum form and rate can affect soil physicochemical properties and crop productivity in soils of low electrical conductivity that have been enriched by sodium due to supplementary irrigation4
No-till farming: prospects, challenges – productivity, soil health, and ecosystem services4
Linking decomposition rates of soil organic amendments to their chemical composition4
Estimating the attainable soil organic carbon deficit in the soil fine fraction to inform feasible storage targets and de-risk carbon farming decisions4
<i>Corrigendum to</i>: Local patterns of edaphic mesofauna distribution in the arid Patagonian steppe, Argentina4
The spatial and temporal variability and influence factor analysis of soil erosion in a grass farming area: a case study in central China4
Does the carbon skeleton of biochar contribute to soil phosphate sorption? A case study from paddy soils with woody biochar amendment4
Climate smart agricultural practices improve soil quality through organic carbon enrichment and lower greenhouse gas emissions in farms of bread bowl of India4
Soil properties and environmental factors across different altitudes influence biodiversity of root endophytic fungi in the orchid Bletilla sinensis4
Characterization of soil organic carbon at profile scale in two forest soils under pine and holm oak4