Soil Research

(The H4-Index of Soil Research is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Pesticide extraction from soil into runoff in North American and Australian croplands25
Creating a soil parent material map digitally using a combination of interpretation and statistical techniques23
The extent, significance and amelioration of subsurface acidity in southern New South Wales, Australia22
Soil water deficit effects on soil inorganic nitrogen in alternate-furrow flood irrigated Australian cotton production systems22
Contrasting agricultural management effects on soil organic carbon dynamics between topsoil and subsoil20
Measuring soil bulk density from shear wave velocity using piezoelectric sensors18
Accelerating soil aggregate formation: a review on microbial processes as the critical step in a post-mining rehabilitation context17
Physical properties and organic carbon in no-tilled agricultural systems in silty Pampas soils of Argentina15
Vertical distribution of edaphic oribatid mites (Acari: Oribatida) in two artificial forests planted on temperate grasslands14
Effects of farming systems, tillage, and traffic practices on deep drainage and soil salt loads in the Queensland Murray–Darling and Fitzroy Basins using soil chloride14
Salinity risk assessment of an irrigation development using treated coal seam gas water in the Condamine River catchment13
Evaluation of the DNDCv.CAN model for simulating greenhouse gas emissions under crop rotations that include winter cover crops13
Initial effect of shifting from traditional to no-tillage on runoff retention and sediment reduction under rainfall simulation12
Monitoring the behaviour of Australian Vertosols in response to the shrink–swell characteristic and cotton picker traffic12
Soil characteristics and tillage can predict the effect of ‘structure lime’ on soil aggregate stability12