Journal of Management & Organization

(The median citation count of Journal of Management & Organization is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Human resource management and the COVID-19 crisis: implications, challenges, opportunities, and future organizational directions119
Forced flexibility and remote working: opportunities and challenges in the new normal66
Digital transformation: a conceptual framing for attaining Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 9 in Nigeria38
Management research contributions to the COVID-19: a bibliometric literature review and analysis of the contributions from the Journal of Management & Organization25
From framework to theory: an evolutionary view of dynamic capabilities and their microfoundations23
CEOs' managerial cognition and dynamic capabilities: a meta-analytical study from the microfoundations approach21
How manufacturing firms navigate through stormy waters of digitalization: the role of dynamic capabilities, organizational factors and environmental turbulence for business model innovation21
Entrepreneurship through the lens of dynamic managerial capabilities: a review of the literature21
Organizational support and intrapreneurial behavior: on the role of employees' intrapreneurial intention and self-efficacy19
Management research and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals18
Understanding stressor–strain relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of social support, adjustment to remote work, and work–life conflict17
Digital Transformation, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Innovation16
Managers and telework in public sector organizations during a crisis16
How and when perceived leader narcissism impacts employee voice behavior: a social exchange perspective16
Leader–member exchange as a mediator of the relationship between authentic leadership and employee creativity15
Open-plan office noise is stressful: multimodal stress detection in a simulated work environment15
The multi-criteria analysis of corporate social responsibility: a comparative study of Russia, Bulgaria and Serbia15
The challenge of engaging with and reporting against the SDGs for SMEs such as Sydney Theatre Company14
SMEs, innovation and human resource management14
Dynamic capabilities: New ideas, microfoundations, and criticism14
A multi-study approach to examine the interplay of proactive personality and political skill in job crafting13
Perceived organizational politics and turnover intentions: critical roles of social adaptive behavior and emotional regulation skills13
Linking middle-managers' ownership feelings to their innovative work behaviour: the mediating role of affective organisational commitment13
How discretionary behaviors promote customer engagement: the role of psychosocial safety climate and psychological capital13
Effect of relational capability on dynamic capability: exploring the role of competitive intensity and environmental uncertainty13
Work–family conflict and job performance: mediating role of work engagement in healthcare employees12
Resiliency and Leadership in Organizations11
Organisational resilience in the COVID-19: A case study from China11
Job resources and employees' intention to stay: the mediating role of meaningful work and work engagement11
The acquisition of capabilities: How firms use dynamic and ordinary capabilities to manage uncertainty11
Building dynamic capability through sequential ambidexterity: a case study of the transformation of a latecomer firm in China11
Use of flexible work practices and employee outcomes: the role of work–life balance and employee age11
Exploring barriers to social inclusion for disabled people: perspectives from the performing arts11
Unethical pro-organizational behavior as an outcome of servant leadership11
The link between fear about COVID-19 and insomnia: mediated by economic concerns and psychological distress, moderated by mindfulness11
Remote working: a double-edged sword for workers' personal and professional well-being11
Can authentic leaders reduce the spread of negative workplace gossip? The roles of subordinates' perceived procedural justice and interactional justice10
Knowledge-withholding behaviours among IT specialists: the roles of job insecurity, work overload and supervisor support10
A mediated model of the effect of organizational culture on the intentions to engage in change-supportive behaviors: insights from the theory of planned behavior10
Facilitating big-data management in modern business and organizations using cloud computing: a comprehensive study – Corrigendum9
Affect-driven impact of paradoxical leadership on employee organizational citizenship behaviour9
How employee perceptions of HR practices in schools relate to employee work engagement and job performance9
Relationship between generic and occupation-specific job demands and resources, negative work−home interference and burnout among GPs9
Indigenous entrepreneurial ecosystems: a comparison of Mapuche entrepreneurship in Chile and Māori entrepreneurship in Aotearoa New Zealand9
Resilience, well-being, and organizational outcomes of Croatian, Thai, and US workers during COVID-198
So tired, I can't even help you: how work-related sleep deprivation evokes dehumanization of organizational leaders and less organizational citizenship behavior8
HR flexibility and firm performance in professional service firms8
Entrepreneurial education: an entrepreneurial ecosystem approach8
Managing physical and virtual work environments during the COVID-19 pandemic: improving employee well-being and achieving mutual gains8
A meta-analysis of the impact of open innovation on performance8
Talk the talk, but walk the walk: what do we know about marital demography and corporate greenwashing?8
Exploring the impact of green human resource management on firm sustainable performance: roles of green supply chain management and firm size8
Investigating aspects of paternalistic leadership within the job demands–resources model8
Effects of board gender diversity and sustainability committees on environmental performance: a quantile regression approach7
Business, pleasure or both?: motivations and changing motivation of self-initiated expatriates7
Socially Responsible human resource management and employees' turnover intention: the effect of psychological contract violation and moral identity7
A review of succession strategies in family business: content analysis and future research directions7
Are your gains threat or chance for me? A social comparison perspective on idiosyncratic deals and coworkers' acceptance7
The business – government nexus: Impact of government actions and legislation on business responses to climate change7
The impact of talent management on ethical behavior and intention to stay in the organization7
The multilevel effectiveness of entrepreneurial leadership: A meta-analysis7
Promoting career growth potential: political skill, the acquisition of social resources and ingratiation7
A comprehensive and bibliometric review on the blockchain-enabled IoT technology for designing a secure supply chain management system7
Modeling the influence of workaholism on career success: a PLS–SEM approach7
Enabling collaborative dynamic capabilities in strategic communities: Firm- vs. network-centric perspectives7
Creating an age-inclusive workplace: The impact of HR practices on employee work engagement6
Facilitating big-data management in modern business and organizations using cloud computing: a comprehensive study6
Alliance management and innovation under uncertainty6
Linking proactive behavior and constructive deviance to affective commitment and turnover intention: the mediating role of idea championing6
Generalist versus specialist CEO and R&D commitment: evidence from an emerging market6
Watching you descend, I help others rise: the influence of leader humility on prosocial motivation6
Sustainability performance and sustainability reporting in SMEs: a love affair or a fight?6
Mindfulness and emotion: a five-level analysis6
Exploring the determinants of ambidexterity in the context of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): A meta-analytical review6
The strategic intersection of HR and CSR: CSR motive and millennial joining intention6
Dynamic capabilities, strategic planning and performance: a virtuous and mutually reinforcing cycle6
Individual differences and emotional labor: the effects of core self-evaluations on depersonalization6
Understanding the relationship between networks, startup risk-taking behaviour, and digitalization: the role of ecosystem coopetition5
Presenteeism as a moral hazard problem: Implications for the human resource management5
How can organizations foster job crafting behaviors and thriving at work?5
Rethinking work: How approach and avoidance features of cognitive crafting are linked with job crafting behaviors and work engagement5
Supervisor role overload and emotional exhaustion as antecedents of supervisor incivility: The role of time consciousness5
Non-financial reporting and SMEs: A systematic review, research agenda, and novel conceptualization5
The Challenges of Strategic Leadership in Organizations5
Pure structures or ambidextrous configurations? A grounded theory of knowledge-focused organizational design in innovative ventures5
Postscript: COVID-19 and SDG progress5
Firm strategy and CSR: the moderating role of performance management systems5
Business student attitudes toward corporate social responsibility: a Vietnamese study5
Furlough and its effects on employees after returning to work: the roles of psychological contract breach and violation, and perceived organizational support5
Distributive/integrative negotiation strategies in cross-cultural contexts: a comparative study of the USA and Italy5
Impact of institutional support on educators' subjective well-being during the transition to virtual work due to COVID-19 lockdown5
The effect of abusive supervision on turnover intentions: on-the-job embeddedness versus traditional attitudinal constructs5
A study of Aotearoa New Zealand enterprises: how different are Indigenous enterprises?4
Champions need an iron will: How employees use their dispositional self-control to overcome workplace incivility4
How do proactive career behaviors translate into subjective career success and perceived employability? The role of thriving at work and humble leadership4
Joint mediation of psychological empowerment and work–life balance between transformational leadership and in-role performance of accounting personnel: 360-degree feedback4
How organizational politics and subjective social status moderate job insecurity–silence relationships4
Perceived corporate social responsibility and employee ethical behaviour: do employee commitment and co-worker ethicality matter?4
The influence of electronic human resource management on employee's proactive behavior: based on the job crafting perspective4
Psychological contract breach and voluntary turnover among newcomers: the role of supervisor trustworthiness and negative affectivity4
The influence of organizational identification on the curvilinear relationship between leader humility and follower unethical pro-organizational behavior4
Job and work context elements in fostering employee creative behavior: exploring the moderating role of work passion4
Looking at both sides of high-performance work systems and individual performance: a job demands−resources model4
Antecedents of risk and uncertainty management capabilities: Insights from multinational enterprises in New Zealand4
What explains the spread of corporate social responsibility? The role of competitive pressure and institutional isomorphism in the diffusion of voluntary adoption4
Gender diversity and productivity in manufacturing firms: evidence from six Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries4
The end justifies the means: the role of organizational identification on bootleg innovation behavior4
CEO labor market and R&D investment in high-technology firms: an empirical study on the disciplinary effect of CEO labor market4
Supervisor knowledge sharing and creative behavior: the roles of employees' self-efficacy and work–family conflict4
Depleted dedication, lowered organisation citizenship behaviours, and illegitimate tasks in police officers4
Investigating digital technologies’ implementation in circular businesses: Evidence from the going circular path4
Moderating effect of social capital on the dynamics between entrepreneurial orientation and internationalization of Spanish family owned businesses4
On the global and specific nature of psychological need satisfaction and work motivation in predicting employees' wellbeing: a self-determination theory perspective4
Exploring the impact of leader humility on different types of voice: the role of employee other-oriented motivations4
Unlocking the sustainability of medium enterprises: A framework for reducing cognitive biases in sustainable performance management4
Linking service-oriented human resource practices bundle and frontline employee service performance: A test of cross-level mediating processes4
How and when employees’ boundary-spanning behavior improves their creative performance: A moderated mediation model3
Emotional foundations of capability development: an exploration in the SME context3
Redefining capabilities as drivers of adaptation, incremental change, and transformation: recognizing the importance of strategic and operational intent on performance3
It's a matter of time! CEO turnover and corporate turnarounds in Italy3
Glass hearts?! Successful visible ethnic minority women migrants at work in Iceland and New Zealand3
Pandemic crisis and employee skills: how emotion regulation and improvisation limit the damaging effects of perceived pandemic threats on job performance3
Examining the relationship between work conditions and entrepreneurial behavior of employees: does employee well-being matter?3
Tailoring competitive information sources to the sequence of dynamic capabilities3
A comprehensive and systematic literature review on the employee attendance management systems based on cloud computing3
Commitment to sustainability in large European banks and its relationship with board gender diversity: a 2030 Agenda perspective3
Stakeholder perceptions in organizational crisis management: exploring alternative configurations3
‘Well, actually’: investigating mansplaining in the modern workplace3
Small and medium enterprises and sustainable business models: Exploring enabling factors for adoption3
Leave no one behind? Transitioning from the military to civilian life in New Zealand3
Exploring the impact of decentralized leadership on knowledge sharing and work hindrance networks in healthcare teams3
Perceptions of co-worker exclusion and performance outcomes: are different forms of support helpful or hurtful?3
Multistakeholder impression management tactics and sustainable development intentions in agri-food co-operatives3
Deconstructing corporate activism: a consumer approach3
A place and time for humor: leader humor in Confucian cultures3
Linking workplace social support to turnover intention through job embeddedness and work meaningfulness3
Can't stop eating my feelings: the maladaptive responses of abused employees toward abusive supervision3
Power of inclusive leadership: exploring the mediating role of identity-related processes and conditional effects of synergy diversity climate in nurturing positive employee behaviors3
Personal identity: How it moderates the relation between social identity and workplace performance3
Relationship among social tactics, job embeddedness, and affective commitment in newcomers: the moderating effect of workplace spirituality3
Effects of coworker's idiosyncratic deals on witness's creative process engagement: roles of responsibility for change and perceived exploitative leadership3
The role of team compassion in mitigating the impact of hierarchical bullying2
Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Organizational Behaviour2
Role-based engagement: scale development and validation2
CEOs’ managerial cognition and dynamic capabilities: a meta-analytical study from the microfoundations approach – CORRIGENDUM2
Employee voice: a knowledge map to provide conceptual clarity and future research directions2
Business portfolio reconfiguration and firm performance: The contingency role of organizational capabilities, slack and ownership2
Intrinsic motivation and knowledge sharing in the mood–creativity relationship2
Coping with organizational crisis: buffering effects of organization sector prototypicality and employee organizational identification2
Leader–follower interpersonal behaviors, emotional regulation and LMX quality2
When workplace family-support is misallocated: effects of value congruence and fairness perceptions on supervisor family-support2
Leadership by cavea: The social processes of interorganisational collaborative leadership2
It's not all just tit-for-tat: the impact of relational identification on subordinate's attitudes and interpersonal citizenship behavior2
How proactive personality and ICT-enabled technostress creators configure as drivers of job crafting2
Under threat: emotional and behavioral responses to occupational identity threat2
Are there differences between governing and managing strategic networks of different sizes and ages?2
Bright or dark, vain or villainous? How entrepreneurial fitness, Machiavellianism and narcissism relate to entrepreneurial intention2
Acquiring knowledge through management consultancy: a national culture perspective2
Exploring the effects of workplace deviance on perpetrators’ own work outcomes: the role of benevolent leadership in regulating fear activation and implication2
Linking high-performance work systems to work engagement: exploring the mediating role of perceived internal marketability2
Dimensional research on organization structure: meta-analysis and conceptual redirection2
How do innovative internet tech startups attract venture capital financing?2
Mindfulness older workers and relational leadership2
Sustainable business models in ‘lighthouse’ small to medium enterprises2
International alliance structure and effectiveness: evidence from law firms2
Family SMEs and managerial approaches to sustainability in the blue economy2
Does high-performance work system bring job satisfaction? Exploring the non-linear effect of high-performance work system using the ‘too much of a good thing’ theory2
Every coin has two sides: the case of thriving at work2
A contingency perspective on employees' voice behavior in response to career plateau beliefs2
The influence of managerial attributions on corporate entrepreneurship2
Working from home during lockdown: the impact on performance and wellbeing2
Do employees dare to improvise under authoritarian leadership? A conditional indirect effect depending on relationship and task environment2