Journal of Management & Organization

(The H4-Index of Journal of Management & Organization is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Human resource management and the COVID-19 crisis: implications, challenges, opportunities, and future organizational directions119
Forced flexibility and remote working: opportunities and challenges in the new normal66
Digital transformation: a conceptual framing for attaining Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 9 in Nigeria38
Management research contributions to the COVID-19: a bibliometric literature review and analysis of the contributions from the Journal of Management & Organization25
From framework to theory: an evolutionary view of dynamic capabilities and their microfoundations23
How manufacturing firms navigate through stormy waters of digitalization: the role of dynamic capabilities, organizational factors and environmental turbulence for business model innovation21
Entrepreneurship through the lens of dynamic managerial capabilities: a review of the literature21
CEOs' managerial cognition and dynamic capabilities: a meta-analytical study from the microfoundations approach21
Organizational support and intrapreneurial behavior: on the role of employees' intrapreneurial intention and self-efficacy19
Management research and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals18
Understanding stressor–strain relationships during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of social support, adjustment to remote work, and work–life conflict17
Digital Transformation, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Innovation16
Managers and telework in public sector organizations during a crisis16
How and when perceived leader narcissism impacts employee voice behavior: a social exchange perspective16
Leader–member exchange as a mediator of the relationship between authentic leadership and employee creativity15
Open-plan office noise is stressful: multimodal stress detection in a simulated work environment15
The multi-criteria analysis of corporate social responsibility: a comparative study of Russia, Bulgaria and Serbia15