
(The median citation count of Parergon is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
John Fletcher’s Rome: Questioning the Classics by Domenico Lovascio (review)1
Santos y Reliquias: Sonido. Imagen. Liturgia. Textos ed. by Maricarmen Gómez Muntané (review)1
Bird-Catching as a Love Allegory: A Comparison of Greco-Roman and Early Modern English Literature1
Premodern Translation: Comparative Approaches to Cross-Cultural Transformations by Sonja Brentjes and Alexander Fidora0
Notes on Contributors0
Statement of Retraction0
New Medieval Literatures 21 ed. by Wendy Scase et al.0
Publicity and Persuasion in Early Modern England: The Babington Plot and its Aftermath, 1586‒880
Authorizing Early Modern European Women: From Biography to Biofiction ed. by James Fitzmaurice, Naomi J. Miller and Sara Jayne Steen0
Agricultural Landscapes of Al-Andalus, and the Aftermath of Feudal Conquest ed. by Helena Kirchner and Flocel Sabaté (review)0
Elite Women and the Italian Wars, 1494–1559 by Susan Broomhall and Carolyn James (review)0
A la sombra de la reina. Poder, patronazgo y servicio en la corte de la Monarquía Hispánica (1615–1644) by Alejandra Franganillo Álvarez0
Hawking Women: Falconry, Gender, and Control in Medieval Literary Culture by Sara Petrosillo (review)0
Sources of Knowledge in Old English and Anglo-Latin Literature: Studies in Honour of Charles D. Wright ed. by Stephanie Clark, Janet Schrunk Ericksen, and Shannon Godlove (review)0
Civic Identity and Civic Participation in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages ed. by Cédric Brélaz and Els Rose (review)0
Ancient Ink: The Archaeology of Tattooing ed. by Lars Krutak and Aaron Deter-Wolf0
'Punto | per compassion': The Violent Rhetoric of Compassion in Dante's Commedia0
The Normans in the Mediterranean ed. by Emily A. Winkler and Liam Fitzgerald0
Painting as a Modern Art in Early Renaissance Italy by Robert Brennan0
Religious Connectivity in Urban Communities (1400–1550): Reading, Worshipping, and Connecting through the Continuum of Sacred and Secular ed. by Suzan Folkerts (review)0
The Chronique d'Ernoul and the Colbert-Fontainebleau Continuation of William of Tyre ed. by Peter Edbury, and Massimiliano Gaggero, and; The Chronique d'Ernoul and the Colbert-Fontainebleau Continuati0
New Work on the Crusades: Gender, Race, Memory, and the Future of a Field0
The Most Moderate of Radical Demonologists? The Amphibian Nature of Jean Bodin’s Démonomanie des sorciers0
Medieval Stories and Storytelling: Multimedia and Multi-Temporal Perspectives ed. by S. C. Thomson0
The Rural World in the Sixteenth Century: Exploring the Archaeology of Innovation in Europe ed. by Idoia Grau Sologestoa and Umberto Albarella (review)0
Ideas of the World in Early Medieval English Literature ed. by Mark Atherton, Kazutomo Karasawa, and Francis Leneghan (review)0
Material Exchanges in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Archaeological Perspectives by Magdalena E. Naum, Jetta Linaa, and Sergio Escribano-Ruiz0
Notes on Contributors0
Universal Verse: The Cosmological Poetics of Anne Southwell0
Joan of Arc and Christine de Pizan's Ditié by Karen Green0
Notes on Contributors0
Ecological Impacts and Environmental Perceptions of Mining in Europe, 1200–1550: Preliminary Notes0
The Medieval Dominicans: Books, Buildings, Music, and Liturgy ed. by Eleanor J. Giraud and Christian T. Leitmeir0
The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance by Leah DeVun (review)0
From Private to Public: The Emmerson Collection as a Test Case0
Marginal Figures in the Global Middle Ages and the Renaissance by Meg Lota Brown (review)0
The Homiliary of Paul the Deacon: Religious and Cultural Reform in Carolingian Europe by Zachary Guiliano0
Recent Studies in Theatre History: Evidence, Interpretation, and Bibliographers Behaving Badly0
‘Otherness’ in the Middle Ages ed. by Hans-Werner Goetz and Ian N. Wood (review)0
Folk Songs and Material Culture in Medieval Central Europe: Old Stones and New Music by Nancy van Deusen0
The Pigments of British Medieval Illuminators: A Scientific and Cultural Study by Richard Gameson et al. (review)0
Notes on Contributors0
‘Wide wandring Weemen’: The Nature and Variety of Female Travel, 1558–16300
Ports in the Medieval European Atlantic: Shipping, Transport and Labour ed. by Rivera Medina and Ana María0
A Country Doctor in the French Revolution: Marie-François-Bernadin Ramel by Robert Weston0
Filipino Nationalist Medievalism and Orientalism in Gregorio Fernandez’s Prinsipe Teñoso0
The Historical Landscape of Catalonia: Landscape History of a Mediterranean Country in the Middle Ages by Jordi Bolòs (review)0
Thraldom: A History of Slavery in the Viking Age by Stefan Brink (review)0
The Church and Northern English Society in the Fourteenth Century: The Archbishops of York and their Records ed. by Paul Dryburgh and Sarah Rees Jones (review)0
Agents, Acquisitions, and Agency: Queen Christina of Sweden’s Development of Antiquarian Collections in Stockholm and Rome0
Morocco Leather in Early Modern Britain: Towards a Transcultural History of Fine Leather Bookbindings0
The Art of Allusion: Illuminators and the Making of English Literature, 1403–1476 by Sonja Drimmer (review)0
The 'Roman de Thèbes' and the 'Roman d'Eneas' by Glyn Burgess S., and Douglas Kelly (review)0
Les Transferts culturels dans les mondes normands médiévaux ( viii e– xii e siècle). Objets, acteurs et passeurs ed. by Pierre Bauduin, Simon Lebouteiller and Luc Bourgeois (review)0
Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Medieval Brittany, 450–1200: Connections and Disconnections ed. by Caroline Brett, Paul Russell, and Fiona Edmonds (review)0
Textu(r)al Performances of Affect in John Donne's Valediction Poems0
Mythical Ancestry in World Cultures, 1400–1800 ed. by Sara Trevisan (review)0
Sexual Sin in Orderic Vitalis's Historia Ecclesiastica : Performative Purgation in the Penitential Parade0
Chronica Hispana saeculi VIII et IX ed. by Juan Gil0
From Mignonnes to Mesdames: The Rise of the Female Royal Favourite in Late Medieval and Early Modern France0
Shaping Femininity: Foundation Garments, the Body and Women in Early Modern England by Sarah A. Bendall (review)0
Religious Transformations in New Communities of Interpretation in Europe (1350–1570): Bridging the Historiographical Divides ed. by Élise Boillet, and Ian Johnson (review)0
Lucy Hutchinson and the English Revolution: Gender, Genre, and History Writing by Claire Gheeraert-Graffeuille (review)0
The Creation of the French Royal Mistress: From Agnès Sorel to Madame Du Barry by Tracy Adams and Christine Adams0
Lateran IV: Theology and Care of Souls ed. by Clare Monagle, and Neslihan Şenocak (review)0
Botanists and Antiquaries in the Garden of the Hesperides0
Transforming the Early Modern Archive: The Emmerson Collection at State Library Victoria0
Shakespeare and the Fall of the Roman Republic: Selfhood, Stoicism and Civil War by Patrick Gray0
Acts of Compassion: Consoling Grief in the Art, Literature, and Music of Early Humanist Padua0
Screaming of Slaughter and Samurai: Motives and Methods for Exploring Premodern Japan in the Japanese Folk Metal Scene0
Monumentum Regale : Elegies on Charles I in the John Emmerson Collection, State Library Victoria0
Wycliffism and Hussitism: Methods of Thinking, Writing, and Persuasion, c. 1360–c. 1460 ed. by Kantik Ghosh and Pavel Soukup0
Epistolary Compassion in Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia0
The Mineral and the Visual: Precious Stones in Medieval Secular Culture by Brigitte Buettner (review)0
Narrating Power and Authority in Late Antique and Medieval Hagiography across East and West ed. by Ghazzal Dabiri (review)0
Edward I. New Interpretations ed. by Andy King and Andrew M. Spencer0
Career Women: A Review0
Manuscript Culture and Medieval Devotional Traditions: Essays in Honour of Michael G. Sargent ed. by Jennifer N. Brown and Nicole R. Rice (review)0
Compassion, Love, and Happiness: Positive Emotions and Early Modern Communities0
Notes on Contributors0
Global Pasts and ‘Straits Medievalism’ at The Asian Civilisations Museum0
Shakespeare's 'Lady Editors': A New History of the Shakespearean Text by Molly G. Yarn0
Ipnosi Turca. Un medico viaggiatore in terra ottomana (1618–1717) by Davide Baldi Bellini (review)0
The Rope and the Chains: Machiavelli's Early Thought and its Transformations by Cary J. Nederman (review)0
Afterword: Ten Pound Poms0
The Papacy and the English Religious, 1305–520
Christian Maps of the Holy Land: Images and Meanings by Pnina Arad0
Words in the Middle Ages/Les Mots au Moyen Âge ed. by Victoria Turner and Vincent Debiais0
Cushions, Kitchens and Christ: Mapping the Domestic in Late Medieval Religious Writing by Louise Campion0
Illegitimacy in Medieval Scotland, 1100–1500 by Susan Marshall0
Cultures of Compassion in English, French, and Italian Literature and Music, 1300–17000
Super-Infinite: The Transformations of John Donne by Katherine Rundell (review)0
The Amorous Heart: An Unconventional History of Love by Marilyn Yalom (review)0
After Women’s Agency in Early Modern Europe0
Pygmalion’s Power: Romanesque Sculpture, the Senses, and Religious Experience by Thomas E. A. Dale0
Meanings of Water in Early Medieval England ed. by Carolyn Twomey and Daniel Anlezark (review)0
Narratives on Translation across Eurasia and Africa: From Babylonia to Colonial India ed. by Sonja Brentjes, Jens Høyrup, and Bruce O'Brien (review)0
Notes on Contributors0
Translation as Remembering: The Canterbury Tales in Chinese0
The Nibelungenlied: with the Klage ed. by William Whobrey (review)0
Parliament and Convention in the Personal Rule of James V of Scotland, 1528–1542 by Amy Blakeway0
Elite Participation in the Third Crusade (Warfare in History) by Stephen Bennett0
Sainthood, Scriptoria, and Secular Erudition in Medieval and Early Modern Scandinavia: Essays in Honour of Kirsten Wolf ed. by Dario Bullitta and Natalie M. Van Dreusen (review)0
Medieval Art at the Intersection of Visuality and Material Culture: Studies in the 'Semantics of Vision' ed. by Raphaèle Preisinger0
The Lost Art of the Anglo-Saxon World: The Sacred and Secular Power of Embroidery by Alexandra Lester-Makin (review)0
Textual Communities, Textual Selves: Essays in Dialogue with Brian Stock ed. by Sarah Powrie and Gur Zak (review)0
Scribes of Space. Place in Middle English Literature and Late Medieval Science by Matthew Boyd Goldie (review)0
The Haskins Society Journal 31 ed. by Laura L. Gathagan, William North and Charles C. Rozier0
Floral Culture and the Tudor and Stuart Courts ed. by Susannah Lyon-Whaley (review)0
Middle English Lyrics: New Readings of Short Poems ed. by Julia Boffey and Christiana Whitehead, and: Lyric Tactics: Poetry, Genre, and Practice in Later Medieval England by Ingrid Nelson0
Materiality and Religious Practice in Medieval Denmark ed. by Sarah Croix and Mads Vedel Heilskov (review)0
The Cambridge History of Old Norse-Icelandic Literature ed. by Heather O'Donoghue and Eleanor Parker (review)0
The Pagan Earl: Hákon Sigurðarson and the Medieval Construction of Old Norse Religion by Nicholas Meylan (review)0
Women and Credit in Pre-Industrial Europe ed. by Elise M. Dermineur0
Onomantic Divination in Late Medieval Britain: Questioning Life, Predicting Death by Joanne Edge (review)0
Politics and Medievalism (Studies) II ed. by Karl Fugelso (review)0
Unfixable Forms: Disability, Performance, and the Early Modern English Theatre by Katherine Schapp Williams0
Language and Cross-Cultural Exchanges in Renaissance Italy ed. by Alessandra Petrocchi and Joshua Brown (review)0
Later Plantagenet and the Wars of the Roses Consorts: Power, Influence, and Dynasty by Aidan Norrie et al (review)0
The Book as Mirror: Embroidered Bindings at the Court of Charles I0
Werewolves in Norse-Icelandic Literature: Between the Monster and the Man by Minjie Su (review)0
Eulogies: Six Laments for Dead Friends by Poggio Bracciolini (review)0
New Work on Early Modern Women0
Trecento Pictoriality: Diagrammatic Painting in Late Medieval Italy by Karl Whittington (review)0
On Gambling by Pascasius Justus Turcq (review)0
Collecting Early Modern English Books in British Settler Colonies: Contexts, Problems, and Opportunities0
Chaucerian Ekphrasis: Craft, Intertext, Dispence0
Grünewald's Natural Medicine: Revisualising Nature in the Isenheim Altarpiece0
Jerusalem in the Alps: The Sacro Monte of Varallo and the Sanctuaries of North-Western Italy by Geoffrey Symcox0
‘No God but onely nature’: Explaining Astrology’s Decline in Stuart England0
A Critical Companion to John Skelton ed. by Sebastian Sobecki and John Scattergood0
Church Building and Society in the Later Middle Ages by Gabriel Byng0
Art, Sex, and Science: Talking about Horses in Hans Baldung's 1534 Woodcuts0
Spenser's Faerie Virtues and the Tautology of Occasion0
‘Go now’: Mission and Commission in the Old English Andreas0
The Emperor and the Jesuits: Sino-Medievalism at Beitang, a Gothic Catholic Church in Beijing0
The Use of Pragmatic Documents in Medieval Wallachia and Moldavia: Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries by Mariana Goina0
Celts, Gaels, and Britons: Studies in Language and Literature from Antiquity to the Middle Ages in Honour of Patrick Sims-Williams ed. by Erich Poppe, Simon Rodway, and Jenny Rowland (review)0
From Fingal's Cave to Camelot by Douglas Gray (review)0
Wergild, Compensation and Penance: The Monetary Logic of Early Medieval Conflict Resolution by Lukas Bothe, Stefan Esders and Han Nijdam0
The Family of Love by Lording Barry (review)0
The Roles of Medieval Chanceries: Negotiating Rules of Political Communication ed. by Christina Antenhofer and Mark Mersiowsky0
Castles and Space in Malory’s ‘Morte Darthur’ by Molly A. Martin0
The Lyon Terence: Its Tradition and Legacy by Giulia Torello-Hill and Andrew J. Turner0
The Diva’s Gift to the Shakespearean Stage: Agency, Theatricality, and the Innamorata by Pamela Allen Brown (review)0
The Dynastic Drama of ‘Beowulf’ by Francis Leneghan0
Circulating the Word of God in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Catholic Preaching and Preachers across Manuscript and Print (c. 1450 to c. 1550) ed. by Veronica O’Mara and Patricia Stoop (review)0
Diplomatarium monasterii Glacensis canonicorum regularium sancti Augustici ab anno 1350 usque ad annum 1381 ed. by Pavel O. Krafl and Lenka Blechová0
Bishops' Identities, Careers, and Networks in Medieval Europe ed. by Sarah E. Thomas0
Matthew Paris on the Mongol Invasion in Europe by Zsuzsanna Papp Reed (review)0
Poetic Theory and Practice in Early Modern Verse: Unwritten Arts ed. by Zenón Luis-Martínez (review)0
The Social Topography of a Rural Community: Scenes of Labouring Life in Seventeenth Century England by Steve Hindle (review)0
Medieval Science in the North: Travelling Wisdom, 1000–1500 ed. by Christian Etheridge and Michele Campopiano0
Editors Construct the Renaissance Canon, 1825–1915 by Paul Salzman0
The Complexion of Compassion: The Face and Racial Difference in Scudéry's Clélie0
Old Norse-Icelandic Philology and National Identity in the Long Nineteenth Century ed. by Gunnlaugsson Gylfi and Clarence E. Glad (review)0
Irregular Unions: Clandestine Marriage in Early Modern English Literature by Katharine Cleland (review)0
‘Physicians of the Soul’: Clerical Responses to Demonic Temptation and Possession in Early Modern Reformed English Protestant Theology0
The Kangaroo Kelmscott: Materiality, Embellishment, and Australian Identity0
(Mis)Representing Queens: The Untold Lives of the Empress Matilda and Eleanor of Aquitaine0
Parergon (New Series) at 400
Women’s Agency: Then and Now0
Illuminated Manuscript Production in Medieval Iceland: Literary and Artistic Activities of the Monastery of Helgafell in the Fourteenth Century by Stefan Drechsler0
Networking Europe and New Communities of Interpretation (1400–1600) ed. by Margriet Hoogvliet, Manuel F. Fernández Chaves, and Rafael M. Pérez García (review)0
From Here to Eternity in the Prayers of Saint Christopher and their Manuscript Variations0
Historiography and Identity IV: Writing History across Medieval Eurasia ed. by Walter Pohl, and Daniel Mahoney (review)0
Transcultural Approaches to the Bible: Exegesis and Historical Writing across Medieval Worlds ed. by Matthias M. Tischler and Patrick S. Marschner0
The Procaccini and the Business of Painting in Early Modern Milan by Angelo Lo Conte0
Seed Lists: Information Maintenance and a Woman’s Work in Early Modern Global Exchanges0
Augustine and the Humanists: Reading the ‘City of God’ from Petrarch to Poliziano ed. by Guy Claessens and Fabio Della Schiava (review)0
Permanent Revolution: The Reformation and the Illiberal Roots of Liberalism by James Simpson0
An Essay on Contextual Indeterminacy in Early Modern English Intellectual History: Past-Relationships, Historicity, Languages, and the Conceptual Realm0
Gender and Status in Competition in Pre-Modern Societies ed. by Martha Bayless, Jonas Lilequist and Lewis Webb (review)0
Conquered: The Last Children of Anglo‐Saxon England by Eleanor Parker0
Imagined Romes: The Ancient City and Its Stories in Middle English Poetry by C. David Benson0
Learning to be Noble in the Middle Ages: Moral Education in North-Western Europe by Claudia Wittig (review)0
Translation Effects: Language, Time, and Community in Medieval England by Mary Kate Hurley0
In Memoriam: Ioannis Oastler Wardii0
Sacrament an Alter / The Sacrament of the Altar: A Critical Edition with Translation by D. H. Frost (review)0
A ‘Book of Drawings’ and the ‘Writing Pen’: Women Artists’ Self-Teaching and Transnational Print Culture in Early Modern Europe0
From Inception to Interface: Ontologies, Data Modelling, and Linked Data for Online Exhibition-Making0
Objects in Frames: Displaying Foreign Collectibles in Early Modern China and Europe by Anna Grasskamp0
Marginalia as Texts: Early Modern Marks in the Emmerson Collection at State Library Victoria0
Crusading and Ideas of the Holy Land in Medieval Britain ed. by Kathryn Hurlock and Laura J. Whatley (review)0
Representations of Global Civility: English Travellers in the Ottoman Empire and the South Pacific, 1636–1863 by Sascha R. Klement (review)0
Dominicans and Franciscans in Medieval Rome: History, Architecture, and Art by Joan Barclay Lloyd (review)0
Marissa, Imagining Time in the English Chronicle Play: Historical Futures, 1590–1660 by Marissa Nicosia (review)0
Disciplined Dissent in Western Europe, 1200–1600: Political Action between Submission and Defiance ed. by Fabrizio Titone (review)0
Experiencing Famine in Fourteenth-Century Britain by Philip Slavin0
Images in the Borderlands: The Mediterranean between Christian and Muslim Worlds in the Early Modern Period ed. by Ivana Čapeta Rakić, and Giuseppe Capriotti (review)0
Women’s Agency in Early Modern Europe0
Bad Chaucer: The Great Poet's Greatest Mistakes in the 'Canterbury Tales' by Tison Pugh (review)0
Readers and Hearers of the Word: The Cantillation of Scripture in the Middle Ages by Joseph Dyer (review)0
George Chapman's Musaean 'Light': Origin, Primordiality and Priority from The Divine Poem of Musaeus (1616) to Hero and Leander (1598)0
Liturgy and Sequences of the Sainte-Chapelle: Music, Relics, and Sacral Kingship in Thirteenth-Century France by Yossi Maurey (review)0
Commissioning Compassion and Staging Suffering: The Case of a Libel Found at Elizabeth I's Memorial at Westminster Abbey0
‘Divers voyages into farre countries’: Agency in Rose Throckmorton’s Diary0
Emotions Embodied: The Physicality of Style in Elizabethan Epyllia0
Urban Literacy in the Nordic Middle Ages ed. by Kasper H. Andersen et al.0
The Tree of Life and Arboreal Aesthetics in Early Modern Literature by Victoria Bladen0
Cognition and Girlhood in Shakespeare’s World: Rethinking Female Adolescence by Caroline Bicks0
Medievalist Traditions in Nineteenth-Century British Culture: Celebrating the Calendar Year by Clare A. Simmons0
Loanwords and Native Words in Old and Middle Icelandic: A Study in the History and Dynamics of the Icelandic Medieval Lexicon from the Twelfth Century to 1550 by Matteo Tarsi (review)0
Noah's Arkive by Jeffrey J. Cohen, and Julian Yates (review)0
Œuvres complètes, I: ‘Le Livre de la Duchesse’ et autres textes by Geoffrey Chaucer0
Ovidian Transversions: 'Iphis and Ianthe', 1300–1650 ed. by Valerie Traub, Patricia Badir, and Peggy McCracken0
Anglo-Norman Studies XLIII: Proceedings of the Battle Conference 2020 ed. by S. D. Church0
The Agency of Muslim Women and ‘the Muslimwoman’ in Early Modern England0
Afterword: Representing Queens0
Myth, Magic, and Memory in Early Scandinavian Narrative Culture: Studies in Honour of Stephen A. Mitchell by Jürg Glauser and Pernille Hermann0