Twin Research and Human Genetics

(The TQCC of Twin Research and Human Genetics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The Concept of Resistance to Substance Use and a Research Approach: The Resist! Project21
Genomics Research of Lifetime Depression in the Netherlands: The BIObanks Netherlands Internet Collaboration (BIONIC) Project15
Artificial Intelligence in Predicting Postpartum Hemorrhage in Twin Pregnancies Undergoing Cesarean Section9
Fetal Hemodynamic Responses to Arterial Occlusion of Acardiac Twins9
Abstracts for the 44th Human Genetics Society of Australasia Annual Scientific Meeting, 14–17 August 20218
Do Males Affect Twinning Events? A Review of Current Findings/Twin Research Reviews: Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Parkinson’s Disease; Fetal Loss in Twin Pregnancies Following Prenatal Diagnosis; 7
Trends in Dizygotic and Monozygotic Spontaneous Twin Births During the Period 2007–2017 in Lombardy, Northern Italy: A Population-Based Study6
Twins with Craniosynostosis: An Unidentified Variant/Twin Research: Kangaroo Care for Premature Twins; Developmental Delay in MZ Twins; Osteosarcoma in One Identical Twin; Controversies in Twin Pregna6
THG volume 24 issue 1 Cover and Back matter6
Cap Analysis of Gene Expression Clarifies Transcriptomic Divergence Within Monozygotic Twin Pairs5
Safe Linkage of Cohort and Population-Based Register Data in a Genomewide Association Study on Health Care Expenditure5
ErbB Signaling Pathway Genes Are Differentially Expressed in Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Sports-Related Concussion4
THG volume 25 issue 6 Cover and Front matter4
Compound Heterozygous Mutations Presented with Quadriparesis and Menopause. A Case Report4
Obituary: Professor Roger Valentine Short, 31 July 1930–6 August 20214
THG volume 26 issue 6 Cover4
Estimating the Genetic Contribution to Astigmatism and Myopia in the Mexican Population4
Twin Types: Variations and Common Themes/Twin Research Reviews: Birth Weight and Brain Development; Twinning and Vocabulary Knowledge; Fetal Loss in Twin Pregnancy; Twin-Family Olympic Medal Winners/H4
Human Genetics Society of Australasia Position Statement: Genetic Testing and Personal Insurance Products in Australia3
Differences in DNA Methylation-Based Age Prediction Within Twin Pairs Discordant for Cancer3
Social Adversity Reduces Polygenic Score Expressivity for General Cognitive Ability, but Not Height3
Beyond Twinship: Unraveling Societal Biases: A Review of Nancy L. Segal, Gay Fathers, Twin Sons: The Citizenship Case That Captured the World3
The Impact of Assisted Hatching on Monozygotic Twinning is Related to Female Age and Insemination Method: A New Perspective – CORRIGENDUM3
A Century of Behavioral Genetics at the University of Minnesota3
Twin Data Support a Sensitive Period for Singing Ability3
The Heritability of Twinning in Seven Large Historic Pedigrees2
Terminating Twins: Survival of One/Twin Research Reviews: Twin Discordance for Primordial Dwarfism; Twin Study of Public Service Motivation; Four-Parameter Model for Twin Research; Global Twinning at 2
Report of the 19th International Congress on Twin Studies, 26−28 September 2024, Assisi, Italy2
Association Between Rheumatoid Arthritis and Clonal Hematopoiesis: A Mendelian Randomization Study2
Twins Separated at Birth: Across a Country and Around the World/Twin Research: Memorial Tribute to Isaac Blickstein, MD; Infanticide and Sacrifice of Archaic-Aged Twins and Triplets; Prehistoric Twin 2
Comprehensive Multiomics Analysis of Monozygotic Twin Discordant for Double Outlet Right Ventricle2
Nature, Nurture, and the Meaning of Educational Attainment: Differences by Sex and Socioeconomic Status2
The Garden of Forking Paths; An Evaluation of Joseph’s ‘A Reevaluation of the 1990 “Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart” IQ Study’2
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Blood Pressure and Serum Lipids Across Age-Groups2
THG volume 24 issue 5 Cover and Front matter2
Risk Factor for Child Maltreatment at 3 Years of Age in Japanese Multiples and Singletons: A Population-Based Study2
DNA Methylation Mediated the Association of Body Mass Index With Blood Pressure in Chinese Monozygotic Twins2
Twins Standing in for Co-Twins: Explanation and Speculation/Twin Research Reviews: Single v. Multiple Embryo Transfer; Neurimaging of Twins with Periventricular Nodular Heterotopia; Twin Dietary Study2
Conducting Clinical Trials in Twin Populations: A Review of Design, Analysis, Recruitment and Ethical Issues for Twin-Only Trials2
A Markov Chain Model for the Evolution of Sex Ratio2
Age at Separation of Twin Pairs in the FinnTwin12 Study2
THG volume 27 issue 2 Cover2
Twin Artists: Unique Sources of Inspiration and Talent/Twin Research Reviews: Ethnic and Racial Factors Affecting Type of Twin Delivery; Outcomes in Twins Conceived Naturally and With Reproductive Ass2
Role of Twins in Waardenburg Syndrome: 1916 − present/Twin Research Reviews: MZ Twins’ Different Dermatoglyphics; Twins with Sagittal Suture Crainosynostosis; Blood Pressure in Female Twins; MZ Twins’2
Effect of Superficial Anastomoses on Circulatory Dynamics in Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome2
Differences and Correlation Analysis of Birth Weight and Overweight/Obesity in Shanghai Twin Cohort2
Transcriptomic Differences Between Monozygotic Adolescent Twins Discordant For Metabolic Syndrome Following Weight Loss: A Case Study2
Three Patterns of Inheritance of Quantitative Dermatoglyphic Traits: Kosovo Albanian Twin Study2
Exploring the Link Between Parental Sociodemographic Characteristics and Multiple Births: Insights from National Birth Data in Japan, 1995–20201
Tribute to Dr Milton Diamond: Twin Studies of Transsexuality/Twin Research Reviews: Loss of a Twin Brother (Recent Memoir); Oxytocin Adminstration During Twin Delivery; Models of Monochorionic Twinnin1
Perinatal Outcome of Selective Intrauterine Growth Restriction in Monochorionic Twins: Evaluation of a Retrospective Cohort in a Developing Country1
THG volume 24 issue 6 Cover and Front matter1
Re-evaluation of Genetic Variants in Parkinson’s Disease Using Targeted Panel and Next-Generation Sequencing1
THG volume 24 issue 3 Cover and Front matter1
Placental Vascular Anastamoses and Associated Pathologies in Dichorionic Twin Gestations1
Maternal and Perinatal Factors Associated With Twin Pregnancies in Ecuador1
Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes of Twin Pregnant Women With Anemia1
Intergenerational Transmission of BMI and Educational Outcomes in Children and Adolescents1
Abstracts for the 44th Human Genetics Society of Australasia Annual Scientific Meeting, 14–17 August 20211
Twin Study of the Relationship between Childhood Negative Emotionality and Hyperactivity/Inattention Problems1
Common Genetic Influence on the Relationship Between Gaming Addiction and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Young Adults: A Twin Study1
C. C. Li and Quasi-Random Mating1
THG volume 26 issue 4-5 Cover1
Quadruplets: Risks, Outcomes and a Set of Four/Twin Research Reviews and a Lawsuit: Antenatal Corticosteroids and Twins’ Neonatal Outcomes; Fathers of Twins; Doppelgängers and Similarity; Monozygotic 1
‘Essential Tremor’ Phenotype in FMR1 Premutation/Gray Zone Sibling Series: Exploring Possible Genetic Modifiers1
Human Genetics Society of Australasia Position Statement: Genetic Carrier Testing for Recessive Conditions1
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Perceived Stress in South Korean Twins1
Candidate Genes for Prediction of Efficacy and Safety of Statin Therapy in the Kazakh Population1
THG volume 27 issue 6 Cover1
Pregnancy Loss After Amniocentesis with Double-Needle Insertions in Twin Pregnancies1
Genetic Influence on Social Support: A Twin Study1
The Impact of Assisted Hatching on Monozygotic Twinning is Related to Female Age and Insemination Method: A New Perspective1
Zygosity Effects on Human Voice: Fundamental Frequency Analysis of Brazilian Twins’ Speech1
Mysteries of Monozygosity: Theories and Breakthroughs/Twin Research: Rare Case of Lost Twins; Developing a National Twin Registry; Twins’ Language and Gesture Delays; DNA Testing for Vanishing Twins/M1
Deliberately Divided: Inside the Controversial Study of Twins and Triplets Adopted Apart - Nancy Segal, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2021, 491 pp, ISBN: 9781538132852 (hardback), 97815381
Associations of Obesity Measurements with Serum Metabolomic Profile: A Chinese Twin Study1
In Memoriam: Dr. Auke Tellegen (July 16, 1930 − March 11, 2024) – CORRIGENDUM1
Born Apart, but Raised Together: Twins Delivered in Different Countries/Twin Research Reviews: Hallermann-Streiff Syndrome in Monozygotic (MZ) Twins; Effects of Technology on Conjoined Twin Separation1
Prevalence and Factors Associated With Intertwin Birth Weight Discordance Among Same-Sex Twins in Lombardy, Northern Italy1
Polygenic Selection and Environmental Influence on Adult Body Height: Genetic and Living Standard Contributions Across Diverse Populations1
Shared Genetic Factors Contributing to the Overlap between Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Overweight/Obesity in Swedish Adolescent Girls and Boys1
THG volume 25 issue 1 Cover and Front matter1