Computer Science and Information Systems

(The TQCC of Computer Science and Information Systems is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
PureEdgeSim: A simulation framework for performance evaluation of cloud, edge and mist computing environments28
Multi-objective optimization of container-based microservice scheduling in edge computing23
Machine learning based distributed big data analysis framework for next generation web in IoT23
The application of virtual reality technology in the digital preservation of cultural heritage23
Teaching computational thinking in primary schools: Worldwide trends and teachers’ attitudes22
Distributed ledger technology: State-of-the-art and current challenges18
Crowdsourcing platform for QoE evaluation for cloud multimedia services16
Exploring the effectiveness of deep neural networks with technical analysis applied to stock market prediction14
Deep RNN-based network traffic classification scheme in edge computing system12
Transfer learning and GRU-CRF augmentation for Covid-19 fake news detection12
Optimization of intelligent heating ventilation air conditioning system in urban building based on BIM and artificial intelligence technology12
The application of machine learning techniques in prediction of quality of life features for cancer patients11
Assessing learning styles through eye tracking for e-learning applications10
Performance and scalability evaluation of a permissioned Blockchain based on the Hyperledger Fabric, Sawtooth and Iroha10
Class balancing in customer segments classification using support vector machine rule extraction and ensemble learning10
TrustRec: An effective approach to exploit implicit trust and distrust relationships along with explicitones for accurate recommendations9
TS-GCN: Aspect-level sentiment classification model for consumer reviews9
Image target detection algorithm compression and pruning based on neural network8
Entropy-based network traffic anomaly classification method resilient to deception8
Time-aware collective spatial keyword query8
Comparative analysis of HAR datasets using classification algorithms8
Incorporating privacy by design in body sensor networks for medical applications: A privacy and data protection framework8
PARSAT: Fuzzy logic for adaptive spatial ability training in an augmented reality system8
Interactive and innovative technologies for smart education8
QoS prediction for service selection and recommendation with a deep latent features autoencoder8
Throughput prediction based on ExtraTree for stream processing tasks7
Evaluation of smart city construction and optimization of city brand model under neural networks7
The application of e-commerce recommendation system in smart cities based on big data and cloud computing7
BiSeNet-oriented context attention model for image semantic segmentation7
Metaphor research in the 21st century: A bibliographic analysis7
A low-cost AR training system for manual assembly operations7
Solution for TSP/mTSP with an improved parallel clustering and elitist ACO6
A novel deep LeNet-5 convolutional neural network model for image recognition6
Formalization and verification of Kafka messaging mechanism using CSP6
Predicting dropout in online learning environments6
Deep reinforcement learning for resource allocation with network slicing in cognitive radio network6
Conversational agent for supporting learners on a MOOC on programming with Java6
Students’ preferences in selection of computer science and informatics studies: A comprehensive empirical case study6
Real time availability and consistency of health-related information across multiple stakeholders: A blockchain based approach6
Distance based clustering of class association rules to build a compact, accurate and descriptive classifier6
A novel hybrid recommender system approach for student academic advising named COHRS, supported by case-based reasoning and ontology6
Towards addressing item cold-start problem in collaborative filtering by embedding agglomerative clustering and FP-growth into the recommendation system6
A graph-based feature selection method for learning to rank using spectral clustering for redundancy minimization and biased PageRank for relevance analysis5
Explainable information retrieval using deep learning for medical images5
A QPSO algorithm based on hierarchical weight and its application in cloud computing task scheduling5
A new approximate method for mining frequent itemsets from big data5
A dual hybrid recommender system based on SCoR and the random forest5
SBEO: Smart Building Evacuation Ontology4
Dynamic fractional chaotic biometric isomorphic elliptic curve for partial image encryption4
Double-layer affective visual question answering network4
A comparison of deep learning algorithms on image data for detecting floodwater on roadways4
Semantic web based platform for the harmonization of teacher education curricula4
A multicriteria optimization approach for the stock market feature selection4
Data mining technology in the analysis of college students’ psychological problems4
A novel security mechanism for software defined network based on Blockchain4
Applied machine learning in recognition of DGA domain names4
Arabic linked drug dataset consolidating and publishing4
Automatic derivation of the initial conceptual database model from a set of business process models4
Hyper-parameter optimization of convolutional neural networks for classifying COVID-19 X-ray images4
Identifying key node in multi-region opportunistic sensor network based on improved TOPSIS4
Comprehensive risk assessment and analysis of blockchain technology implementation using fuzzy cognitive mapping3
Face recognition based on full convolutional neural network based on transfer learning model3
CHEARP: Chord-based hierarchical energy-aware routing protocol for wireless sensor networks3
Optimizing data locality by executor allocation in spark computing environment3
Internet of things and agent-based system to improve water use efficiency in collective irrigation3
Compensation of degradation, security, and capacity of LSB substitution methods by a new proposed hybrid n-LSB approach3
Machine learning-based intelligent weather modification forecast in smart city potential area3
RICNN: A ResNet&Inception convolutional neural network for intrusion detection of abnormal traffic3
Collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm in cloud computing environment3
Deep learning-based sentiment classification in Amharic using multi-lingual datasets3
Secure cloud internet of vehicles based on blockchain and data transmission scheme of map/reduce3
Research on influencing factors of the development of cultural and creative industries based on grey factor analysis3
Multimodal encoders and decoders with gate attention for visual question answering3
Efficient generative transfer learning framework for the detection of COVID-193
SEE-3D: Sentiment-driven emotion-cause pair extraction based on 3D-CNN3
ProRes: Proactive re-selection of materialized views3
Blockchain-based raw material shipping with PoC in Hyperledger Composer3
Guest editorial: Machine learning-based decision support systems in IoT systems3
Eye movement analysis in simple visual tasks3
Self-service kits to scale knowledge to autonomous teams - concept, application and limitations3
Using machine learning approach to construct the people flow tracking system for smart cities3
Human action recognition based on skeleton features3
Network analysis of social awareness of media education for primary school students studied through big data3
Using deep learning to automatic inspection system of printed circuit board in manufacturing industry under the internet of things2
Adaptive wavelet transform based on artificial fish swarm optimization and fuzzy C-means method for noisy image segmentation2
Predicting smart cities’ electricity demands using k-means clustering algorithm in smart grid2
Blockchain-based model for tracking compliance with security requirements2
DroidClone: Attack of the android malware clones - a step towards stopping them2
Solving the p-second center problem with variable neighborhood search2
Construction of innovative thinking training system for computer majors under the background of new engineering subject2
Fabric-GC: A Blockchain-based Gantt chart system for cross-organizational project management2
A novel distant target region detection method using hybrid saliency-based attention model under complex textures2
Analyzing feature importance for a predictive undergraduate student dropout model2
Intrusion prevention with attack traceback and software-defined control plane for campus networks2
Heterogenous-view occluded expression data recognition based on cycle-consistent adversarial network and K-SVD dictionary learning under intelligent cooperative robot environment2
A JSSP solution for production planning optimization combining industrial engineering and evolutionary algorithms2
Conflict resolution using relation classification: High-level data fusion in data integration2
Recent advancements in privacy-aware protocols of source location privacy in wireless sensor networks: A survey2
3D convolutional long short-term encoder-decoder network for moving object segmentation2
Enhancing interactive graph representation learning for review-based item recommendation2
Homomorphic encryption based privacy-aware intelligent forwarding mechanism for NDN-VANET2
Effective methods for email classification: Is it a business or personal email?2
Neural coreference resolution for Slovene language2
A novel art gesture recognition model based on two channel region-based convolution neural network for explainable human-computer interaction understanding2
Combining offline and on-the-fly disambiguation to perform semantic-aware XML querying2