Communications in Computational Physics

(The median citation count of Communications in Computational Physics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Study of Source Term Estimators in Coupled Finite-Volume/Monte-Carlo Methods with Applications to Plasma Edge Simulations in Nuclear Fusion: Track-Length and Next-Event Methods20
Asymptotic-Preserving Discretization of Three-Dimensional Plasma Fluid Models14
Exact Solution of the Riemann Problem for the One-Dimensional Blood Flow Equations with General Constant Momentum Correction Coefficient13
A Comparative Study of Two Allen-Cahn Models for Immiscible $N$-Phase Flows by Using a Consistent and Conservative Lattice Boltzmann Method12
Second-Order Linear Stabilized Semi-Implicit Crank-Nicolson Scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard Model with Dynamic Boundary Conditions12
On a Hybrid Approach for Recovering Multiple Obstacles11
A New Mapped WENO Scheme Using Order-Preserving Mapping11
VPVnet: A Velocity-Pressure-Vorticity Neural Network Method for the Stokes’ Equations under Reduced Regularity10
Genuinely Multidimensional Physical-Constraints-Preserving Finite Volume Schemes for the Special Relativistic Hydrodynamics10
Operator Splitting and Local Time-Stepping Methods for Transport Problems in Fractured Porous Media10
Bjorken Flow Revisited: Analytic and Numerical Solutions in Flat Space-Time Coordinates9
On Energy Stable Runge-Kutta Methods for the Water Wave Equation and Its Simplified Non-Local Hyperbolic Model9
Neural Networks with Local Converging Inputs (NNLCI) for Solving Conservation Laws, Part II: 2D Problems9
Ghost-Fluid-Based Sharp Interface Methods for Multi-Material Dynamics: A Review9
Directional $\mathcal{H}^2$ Compression Algorithm: Optimisations and Application to a Discontinuous Galerkin BEM for the Helmholtz Equation8
A Rate of Convergence of Weak Adversarial Neural Networks for the Second Order Parabolic PDEs8
On the Solution Accuracy Downstream of Shocks When Using Godunov-Type Schemes. I. Sources of Errors in One-Dimensional Problems7
Hyperbolic Divergence Cleaning in Lattice Boltzmann Magnetohydrodynamics7
Weak Galerkin Method for Second-Order Elliptic Equations with Newton Boundary Condition7
Numerical Solutions of the Electromagnetic Scattering by Overfilled Cavities with Inhomogeneous Anisotropic Media7
Extrapolation Cascadic Multigrid Method for Cell-Centered FV Discretization of Diffusion Equations with Strongly Discontinuous and Anisotropic Coefficients7
Mandelic Acid Single-Crystal Growth: Experiments VS Numerical Simulations7
Comparison of Lattice Boltzmann, Finite Element and Volume of Fluid Multicomponent Methods for Microfluidic Flow Problems and the Jetting of Microdroplets7
Numerical Reconstruction of Locally Rough Surfaces with a Newton Iterative Algorithm6
An Improved Peridynamic Model with Energy-Based Micromodulus Correction Method for Fracture in Particle Reinforced Composites6
Immersed Boundary Approach to Biofilm Spread on Surfaces6
Efficient Splitting Methods Based on Modified Potentials: Numerical Integration of Linear Parabolic Problems and Imaginary Time Propagation of the Schrödinger Equation6
Superconvergence Analysis of $C^m$ Finite Element Methods for Fourth-Order Elliptic Equations I: One Dimensional Case6
High Order Finite Difference WENO Methods with Unequal-Sized Sub-Stencils for the Degasperis-Procesi Type Equations6
New Insights on Convergence Properties of Peridynamic Models for Transient Diffusion and Elastodynamics5
A Modeling Framework for Coupling Plasticity with Species Diffusion5
A Weak Galerkin Mixed Finite Element Method for Second Order Elliptic Equations on 2D Curved Domains5
A Well-Balanced Positivity-Preserving Quasi-Lagrange Moving Mesh DG Method for the Shallow Water Equations5
General Synthetic Iterative Scheme for Unsteady Rarefied Gas Flows5
High Order Conservative Finite Difference/Fourier Spectral Methods for Inviscid Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Flows5
A Continuous Finite Element Method with Homotopy Vanishing Viscosity for Solving the Static Eikonal Equation5
MOD-Net: A Machine Learning Approach via Model-Operator-Data Network for Solving PDEs5
Well-Balanced Central Scheme for the System of MHD Equations with Gravitational Source Term5
Finite Difference Approximation with ADI Scheme for Two-Dimensional Keller-Segel Equations4
Monotonicity Correction for the Finite Element Method of Anisotropic Diffusion Problems4
An Adaptive Method Based on Local Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Parametric Dynamical Systems4
Analysis of a Mixed Finite Element Method for Stochastic Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Multiplicative Noise4
A Spectral Method for a Fokker-Planck Equation in Neuroscience with Applications in Neuron Networks with Learning Rules4
High-Order Positivity-Preserving Well-Balanced Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for Euler Equations with Gravitation on Unstructured Meshes4
A Positivity-Preserving and Well-Balanced High Order Compact Finite Difference Scheme for Shallow Water Equations4
High Order Compact Hermite Reconstructions and Their Application in the Improved Two-Stage Fourth Order Time-Stepping Framework for Hyperbolic Problems: Two-Dimensional Case4
An Improved Diffuse-Interface Lattice Boltzmann Method for Particulate Flows4
Random Batch Particle Methods for the Homogeneous Landau Equation4
High-Order Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Multi-Resolution WENO Limiter for Navier-Stokes Equations on Triangular Meshes4
A Second Order Numerical Scheme of the Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes System with Flory-Huggins Potential4
Moment-Based Multi-Resolution HWENO Scheme for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws4
A Coupled FEM-BEM Approach for the Solution of the Free-Boundary Axi-Symmetric Plasma Equilibrium Problem3
An Accurate and Scalable Direction-Splitting Solver for Flows Laden with Non-Spherical Rigid Bodies – Part 1: Fixed Rigid Bodies3
Frozen Gaussian Approximation for the Dirac Equation in Curved Space with Application to Strained Graphene3
An Interpolation-Free Cell-Centered Finite Volume Scheme for 3D Anisotropic Convection-Diffusion Equations on Arbitrary Polyhedral Meshes3
A Data-Driven Scale-Invariant Weighted Compact Nonlinear Scheme for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws3
A Splitting Method for Nonlinear Filtering Problems with Diffusive and Point Process Observations3
High Moment and Pathwise Error Estimates for Fully Discrete Mixed Finite Element Approximations of Stochastic Navier-Stokes Equations with Additive Noise3
Efficient Implementation of 3D FEM for Nonlocal Poisson Problem with Different Ball Approximation Strategies3
Heterogeneous LBM Simulation Code with LRnLA Algorithms3
Nonlinear Reduced DNN Models for State Estimation3
Integral Equation Method for a Non-Selfadjoint Steklov Eigenvalue Problem3
Learning Specialized Activation Functions for Physics-Informed Neural Networks3
A Characteristic Mapping Method for Vlasov–Poisson with Extreme Resolution Properties3
High Order Bound- and Positivity-Preserving Finite Difference Affine-Invariant AWENO Scheme for the Five-Equation Model of Two-Medium Flows3
Thermal Regulation in Thin Vascular Systems: A Sensitivity Analysis3
A Conservative and Monotone Characteristic Finite Element Solver for Three-Dimensional Transport and Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations on Unstructured Grids3
Numerical Study on Viscous Fingering Using Electric Fields in a Hele-Shaw Cell3
Random Walk Approximation for Irreversible Drift-Diffusion Process on Manifold: Ergodicity, Unconditional Stability and Convergence3
A Genuinely Two-Dimensional HLL-Type Approximate Riemann Solver for Hypo-Elastic Plastic Flow3
A Causality-DeepONet for Causal Responses of Linear Dynamical Systems3
Finite-Volume TENO Scheme with a New Cell-Interface Flux Evaluation Strategy for Unstructured Meshes3
A GPU-Accelerated Cartesian Grid Method for the Heat, Wave and Schrödinger Equations on Irregular Domains3
A Characteristic Boundary Condition for Multispeed Lattice Boltzmann Methods2
A Posteriori Error Estimate of Weak Galerkin FEM for Stokes Problem Using Auxiliary Subspace Techniques2
Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Two Linear Microswimmers Using the Immersed Boundary Method2
Numerical Integrators for Dispersion-Managed KdV Equation2
A High Order Bound Preserving Finite Difference Linear Scheme for Incompressible Flows2
A One-Dimensional Second-Order Cell-Centered Lagrangian Scheme Satisfying the Entropy Condition2
A Hybrid WENO Scheme for Steady Euler Equations in Curved Geometries on Cartesian Grids2
An Efficient Nonlinear Multigrid Solver for the Simulation of Rarefied Gas Cavity Flow2
A Simulation Approach Including Underresolved Scales for Two-Component Fluid Flows in Multiscale Porous Structures2
Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Miscible Multicomponent Gas Mixtures in the Rarefied Regime2
Dynamical Demixing of a Binary Mixture Under Sedimentation2
A Semi-Implicit Fractional Step Method Immersed Boundary Method for the Numerical Simulation of Natural Convection Non-Boussinesq Flows2
Prediction of Moments in the Particles on Demand Method for LBM2
A Multigrid Discretization of Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the Stokes Eigenvalue Problem2
Adaptive Ensemble Kalman Inversion with Statistical Linearization2
A Deep Spatio-Temporal Forecasting Model for Multi-Site Weather Prediction Post-Processing2
Approximating the Gaussian as a Sum of Exponentials and Its Applications to the Fast Gauss Transform2
A General Algorithm for Calculating Irreducible Brillouin Zones2
Continuous Finite Element Subgrid Basis Functions for Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes on Unstructured Polygonal Voronoi Meshes2
Kinetic Slip Boundary Condition for Isothermal Rarefied Gas Flows Through Static Non-Planar Geometries Based on the Regularized Lattice-Boltzmann Method1
Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Droplets Under an Oscillatory Electric Field1
Modeling Two-Phase System in Complex Domains Based on Phase-Field Approach with Interfacial Correction1
An Inverse Averaging Finite Element Method for Solving the Size-Modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck Equations in Ion Channel Simulations1
Convergence Analysis for Over-Parameterized Deep Learning1
Active Nematodynamics on Curved Surfaces – The Influence of Geometric Forces on Motion Patterns of Topological Defects1
Flux Globalization Based Well-Balanced Path-Conservative Central-Upwind Scheme for the Thermal Rotating Shallow Water Equations1
A Mixed Finite Element Scheme for Biharmonic Equation with Variable Coefficient and von Kármán Equations1
A Unified Gas-Kinetic Particle Method for Frequency-Dependent Radiative Transfer Equations with Isotropic Scattering Process on Unstructured Mesh1
A Study of Source Term Estimators in Coupled Finite-Volume/Monte-Carlo Methods with Applications to Plasma Edge Simulations in Nuclear Fusion: Analog and Collision Estimators1
Modeling of Bound Electron Effects in Particle-in-Cell Simulation1
A Holomorphic Operator Function Approach for the Transmission Eigenvalue Problem of Elastic Waves1
A Gas-Kinetic Scheme for Collisional Vlasov-Poisson Equations in Cylindrical Coordinates1
Splitting Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Inferring the Dynamics of Integer- and Fractional-Order Neuron Models1
Implicit Quadrature-Free Direct Reconstruction Method for Efficient Scale-Resolving Simulations1
JefiPIC: A 3-D Full Electromagnetic Particle-in-Cell Simulator Based on Jefimenko’s Equations on GPU1
An LDG Method for Stochastic Cahn-Hilliard Type Equation Driven by General Multiplicative Noise Involving Second-Order Derivative1
A Priori Subcell Limiting Approach for the FR/CPR Method on Unstructured Meshes1
A Well-Balanced Partial Relaxation Scheme for the Two-Dimensional Saint-Venant System1
Tree-Based Implementation of the Small Matrix Path Integral for System-Bath Dynamics1
Solution Remapping Method with Lower Bound Preservation for Navier-Stokes Equations in Aerodynamic Shape Optimization1
Deep Unfitted Nitsche Method for Elliptic Interface Problems1
Asymptotic-Preserving Neural Networks for Multiscale Kinetic Equations1
A Parallel Domain Decomposition Method for the Fully-Mixed Stokes-Dual-Permeability Fluid Flow Model with Beavers-Joseph Interface Conditions1
The Lowest-Order Stabilized Virtual Element Method for the Stokes Problem1
Generalization Error Analysis of Neural Networks with Gradient Based Regularization1
High Order Finite Difference Hermite WENO Fixed-Point Fast Sweeping Method for Static Hamilton-Jacobi Equations1
A Decreasing Upper Bound of the Energy for Time-Fractional Phase-Field Equations1
Direct Simulation of Charge Transport in Graphene Nanoribbons1
A Fourth-Order Kernel-Free Boundary Integral Method for Interface Problems1
Some Random Batch Particle Methods for the Poisson-Nernst-Planck and Poisson-Boltzmann Equations1
Localization in the Incommensurate Systems: A Plane Wave Study via Effective Potentials1
An Iterative Thresholding Method for the Minimum Compliance Problem1
AFEPack: A General-Purpose C++ Library for Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations1
High Order Deep Neural Network for Solving High Frequency Partial Differential Equations1
Preconditioning for a Phase-Field Model with Application to Morphology Evolution in Organic Semiconductors1
Poisson Integrators Based on Splitting Method for Poisson Systems1
A High-Order Direct Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Variable Density Incompressible Flows1
Symmetry Preservation by a Compatible Staggered Lagrangian Scheme Using the Control-Volume Discretization Method in $r–z$ Coordinate1
Structure-Preserving Finite-Element Schemes for the Euler-Poisson Equations1
Application of MUSIC Algorithm for Object Localization Without Diagonal Elements of Multi-Static Response Matrix1
A New Upwind Finite Volume Element Method for Convection-Diffusion-Reaction Problems on Quadrilateral Meshes1
Asymptotic-Preserving Schemes for Kinetic-Fluid Modeling of Mixture Flows1
Towards the Efficient Calculation of Quantity of Interest from Steady Euler Equations I: A Dual-Consistent DWR-Based $h$-Adaptive Newton-GMG Solver1
Discrete Duality Finite Volume Discretization of the Thermal-$P_N$ Radiative Transfer Equations on General Meshes1
A Second-Order Length-Preserving and Unconditionally Energy Stable Rotational Discrete Gradient Method for Oseen-Frank Gradient Flows1
High-Order Unified Gas-Kinetic Scheme1
Fast MRI Reconstruction via Edge Attention1
Quinpi: Integrating Stiff Hyperbolic Systems with Implicit High Order Finite Volume Schemes1
A RKDG Method for 2D Lagrangian Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics Equations with Exactly Divergence-Free Magnetic Field1
A Conservative and Positivity-Preserving Method for Solving Anisotropic Diffusion Equations with Deep Learning1
A Sample-Wise Data Driven Control Solver for the Stochastic Optimal Control Problem with Unknown Model Parameters1
Geometric Decomposition and Efficient Implementation of High Order Face and Edge Elements1
A High Order Positivity-Preserving Discontinuous Galerkin Remapping Method Based on a Moving Mesh Solver for ALE Simulation of the Compressible Fluid Flow1
Application of Continuous Data Assimilation in High-Resolution Ocean Modeling1
Convergence of Physics-Informed Neural Networks Applied to Linear Second-Order Elliptic Interface Problems1
Investigating and Mitigating Failure Modes in Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs)1
A Correction and Comments on “Multi-Scale Deep Neural Network (MscaleDNN) for Solving Poisson-Boltzmann Equation in Complex Domains CiCP, 28 (5): 1970–2001, 2020”1
Hydrodynamic Performance of Euplectella Aspergillum: Simulating Real Life Conditions in the Abyss1