Revista Ciencia Agronomica

(The TQCC of Revista Ciencia Agronomica is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Potencial de genótipos de feijão-caupi para biofortifi cação de nutrientes e qualidade de cozimento9
No-tillage participatory quality index reflects the condition of soil management6
Blockchain applied to the traceability of animal products: a systematic literature review4
Seed size and its effects on the physiological quality of produced seeds3
Genetic diversity among bean landraces and cultivars for agronomy traits and selection of superior parents3
Zootechnical performance of juvenile Pomacea haustrum (Revee, 1856) under different diets and salinities3
Meat quality in European quail supplemented with sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids3
Multivariate analysis of vegetative growth and productivity in cultivars of the Cavendish subgroup of the banana3
Productivity in the peanut under salt stress in soil with a cover of plant mulch2
Prospection of cowpea genotypes for green-grain production2
Biospeckle laser for assessing tomatoes ripeness indexes2
Indirect selection for culinary quality and minerals in beans based on genotype × environment interaction2
Non-destructive method for extracting DNA from cashew seeds2
Pretreatment of seeds with plant regulators attenuates salt stress in pumpkin: effects on germination and initial seedling development2
Near infrared spectroscopy for the classification of vigor level of soybean seed2
Primary root emission as a vigor test in soybean seeds2
Salt stress and K/Ca ratios of the nutrient solution in the production and quality of the melon2
Spatial-temporal soil-water content dynamics in toposequences with different plant cover in a tropical semi-arid region2
Genetic variability and selection of soybean genotypes under shading2
Operating performance of an agricultural tractor fitted with two types of tyres under two types of terrain2
Gas exchange in forage cactus cultivars of genera Opuntia and Nopalea (Cactaceae)2
Características físico-químicas do óleo de amêndoas de macaúba armazenadas após secagem em diferentes temperaturas1
Management of mechanized harvesting through operational modeling1
Fertility variability in a Latosol cultivated with fertigated banana1
Estimate of soybean defoliation via digital image processing in software1
Nori species (Rhodophyta, Bangiales): a brief review of nutritional and economic potential in Brazil1
Nutrient cycling in dairy systems under different levels of intensification1
Estimativa da produtividade de cana-de-açúcar: Uma abordagem utilizando lógica fuzzy1
Productive and monetary efficiency of radish and coriander intercropping under organic management1
Management of water defi cit in the irrigated production of the green pepper1
An analysis of spatial dispersal in Ceratitis capitata in an orchard of the 'Palmer’ mango using McPhail traps1
Detection of nematodes in soybean crop by drone1
Qualitative vulnerability of the waters of a surface reservoir subjected to drought in a tropical semi-arid region1
Performance of the capacitive moisture sensor under different saline conditions1
Nesting and foraging behaviour of the solitary bee Epanthidium tigrinum (Schrottky, 1905) bred in trap nests1
Genetic divergence between sub-accessions of the melon using molecular markers1
The use of computer vision to classify Xaraés grass according to nutritional status in nitrogen1
Pellets de biocarvão como condicionador de solo na produção de Urochloa brizantha cv. BRS Paiaguás1
Development of biofertilisers from calcined bones: production, and physicochemical and ecotoxicological analysis1
Clethodim and photosystem inhibitors on sourgrass control as a function of application time1
Physical, chemical and structural attributes of soil in agroecosystems in the Brazilian Semiarid region1
Evaluation of sugarcane for animal feed in the Baixada Fluminense – RJ1
Selection of new common bean lines for high grain quality and mineral concentration1
Cowpea strains resistant to CPSMV and CABMV intended for green-grain production1
O efeito da quitosana na prevenção dos efeitos adversos do envelhecimento na germinação e no desenvolvimento de plantas de milho1
Beneficial effects of silicon in plants under abiotic stress conditions: A new approach1
Distribution of nutrients from controlled-release polymers in sandy soil1
The wettability of carrageenan-based edible coatings on chicken breasts1
Potential of cowpea genotypes for nutrient biofortifi cation and cooking quality1
Model performance in estimating the yield of common bean cultivars1
Variation in soil penetration resistance as a function of soil moisture under crop management systems1
Reaction of non-cucurbitacea to Monosporascus spp.1
Estimating texture and organic carbon of an Oxisol by near infrared spectroscopy1
Propagation potential of commercial pineapples and impact of the subculture interval on production planning11
Modelling intermittence and river fl ow in the semi-arid region of Brazil: The Umbuzeiro River, Ceará1
Morpho-physiological characterisation of germination in Senna siamea1
Agronomic performance of beetroot as a function of silicon application1
Cryopreservation of Genipa americana seeds1
Irrigation depth and silicate fertilisation in green maize1