Soil and Water Research

(The median citation count of Soil and Water Research is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Soil pollution status of urban soils in St. Petersburg city, North-west of Russia36
Insights into the development of electrokinetic remediation technology: A bibliometric analysis19
Changes in soil organic carbon and its fractions under grassland reclamation in alpine-cold soils, China17
Index of Volume 1614
Thallium uptake/tolerance in a model (hyper)accumulating plant: Effect of extreme contaminant loads12
The overshadow of the human evolvement process in the dynamics of soil drift of an agricultural watershed in Nilgiri Hills, India10
Temporal changes of soil characteristics on Lítov spoil heap, Czech Republic8
Soil organic matter quality of variously managed agricultural soil in the Czech Republic evaluated using DRIFT spectroscopy8
The water repellency of earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) casts depends on their particle size composition, organic carbon content and calcium carbonate content8
Seasonal variations of vegetative indices and their correlation with evapotranspiration and soil water storage in a small agricultural catchment8
Estimation of the annual rainfall erosivity index based on hourly rainfall data in a tropical region7
Erosion risk analysis in a changing climate7
The influence of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 on the transformation of iron oxides and phosphorus in a red soil7
Predictors for digital mapping of forest soil organic carbon stocks in different types of landscape6
Detection of high erosion risk areas and their incorporation into environmental impact assessment6
How to measure soil quality? A case study conducted on cropland in the Czech Republic6
Soil quality assessment using SAS (Soil Assessment System)5
Reuse of residues/wastes as a sustainable solution for landfill leachate contaminated groundwater5
Soil water dynamics in drained and undrained meadows5
Possibilities of remediation of neutral mine drainage - Removal and recovery of potentially hazardous elements5
Assessment and mapping of soil salinity using electromagnetic induction and Landsat 8 OLI remote sensing data in an irrigated olive orchard under semi-arid conditions5
Development of soil organic matter measurement system4
Delimitation of low topsoil moisture content areas in a vineyard using remote sensing imagery (Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2) in a Mediterranean-climate region4
Estimating the curve number for conventional and soil conservation technologies using a rainfall simulator4
The effects of slope and altitude on soil organic carbon and clay content in different land-uses: A case study in the Czech Republic4
Soil organic carbon fractions comparison after 40-year long-term fertilisation in a wheat-corn rotation field4
Determining saturated hydraulic conductivity of a repacked loam soil by the simplified falling-head technique: Impact of sieving duration and scraping of exposed surfaces3
Soil-conservation effect of intercrops in silage maize3
Changes in soil properties due to land reclamation and climate change in South Moravian floodplain forest3
Early changes in soil organic carbon following afforestation of former agricultural land3
Chemical relationships in earthworm casts of two urban green spaces indicate the earthworm contribution to urban nutrient cycles3
Computed tomographic visualisation and 2D/3D microscopic evaluation of soil macro- and micromorphology3
Measuring of infiltration rate in different types of soil in the Czech Republic using a rainfall simulator2
Causes clarification of the soil aggregates stability on mulched soil2
Influence of Paulownia fortunei (Seem.) Hemsl. roots on preferential flow in the red soil hilly region2
Effects of rock fragments on the water infiltration and hydraulic conductivity in the soils of the desert steppes of Inner Mongolia, China2
Effects of freeze-thaw on soil properties and water erosion2
A comprehensive review of soil erosion research in Central Asian countries (1993-2022) based on the Scopus database2
Ambient background and quality reference values for trace metals in soils from Algeria2
Polymer and deficit irrigation influence on water use efficiency and yield of muskmelon under surface and subsurface drip irrigation2
Psychoactive substances in soils, plants, freshwater and fish: A mini review2
Soil organic carbon and its labile fractions in the conditions of water erosion on arable land of Chernozems area2
Impact of intercrops on soil loss and surface runoff from sloping maize fields1
Impact of winter conditions on wind erosion susceptibility of clay soils1
Temporal variation in soil rill erodibility and critical shear stress during concentrated flow for three different crops1
Evaluation of sediment barriers in relation to the trap of soil particles1
Thermal properties of Cambisols in mountain regions under different vegetation covers1
Assessing soil aggregate stability by measuring light transmission decrease during aggregate disintegration1
Application of LiDAR visualisations for mapping the tillage direction1
Implications of surfactant application on soil hydrology, macronutrients, and organic carbon fractions: An integrative field study1
Using soil quality indicators to assess their production and ecological functions1
An overview of a land evaluation in the context of ecosystem services1
Effects of rainfall and the slope gradient on the soil and water loss in a purple soil area1
Developing a decision-making model for improving the groundwater balance to control land subsidence1