Journal of Topology and Analysis

(The TQCC of Journal of Topology and Analysis is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Strong and uniform boundedness of groups8
Complete Logarithmic Sobolev inequality via Ricci curvature bounded below II8
Super-rigidity of certain skeleta using relative symplectic cohomology7
Bridge trisections in rational surfaces6
Lorentzian distance functions in contact geometry5
Local index theory for operators associated with Lie groupoid actions5
Torelli group action on the configuration space of a surface4
Quantum Steenrod squares and the equivariant pair-of-pants in symplectic cohomology4
Conjugation curvature for Cayley graphs3
Strata separation for the Weil–Petersson completion and gradient estimates for length functions3
A compactness theorem for Frozen planets3
Lehmer’s problem for arbitrary groups3
Expanders and right-angled Artin groups3
Symplectic embeddings of the ℓp-sum of two discs3
Complete 3-dimensional λ-translators in the Euclidean space ℝ43
Coronas for properly combable spaces2
Subgroups, hyperbolicity and cohomological dimension for totally disconnected locally compact groups2
A fibration theorem for collapsing sequences of Alexandrov spaces2
Diffeomorphism type of symplectic fillings of unit cotangent bundles2
Fitting a manifold of large reach to noisy data1
Linear isoperimetric inequality for homogeneous Hadamard manifolds1
Asymptotic expansion in measure and strong ergodicity1
On Kalton’s interlaced graphs and nonlinear embeddings into dual Banach spaces1
The quantum disk is not a quantum group1
Rigidity of mean convex subsets in non-negatively curved RCD spaces and stability of mean curvature bounds1
Conjugation curvature in solvable Baumslag–Solitar groups1
Bifurcation of perturbations of non-generic closed self-shrinkers1
Largest hyperbolic actions and quasi-parabolic actions in groups1
Differential forms on orbifolds with corners1
Fundamental group of Galois covers of degree 6 surfaces1
Morse–Bott theory on posets and a homological Lusternik–Schnirelmann theorem1
Positive scalar curvature on simply connected spin pseudomanifolds1
On symplectic capacities and their blind spots1
Borel invariant for measurable cocycles of 3-manifold groups1
Real polynomials with constrained real divisors. I. Fundamental groups1
Formal aspects of parametrized topological complexity and its pointed version1
Bumpy metrics theorem for geodesic nets1
Homological eigenvalues of graph p-Laplacians1
Quantum speed limit and categorical energy relative to microlocal projector1
On permanence of regularity properties1
On macroscopic dimension of non-spin 4-manifolds1
Finite index subgroups in Chevalley groups are bounded: An addendum to “On Bi-Invariant Word Metrics”1
Piecewise visual, linearly connected metrics on boundaries of relatively hyperbolic groups1
A nonlinear Lazarev–Lieb theorem: L2-orthogonality via motion planning1
Enhanced bounds for rho-invariants for both general and spherical 3-manifolds1
Stable foliations and CW-structure induced by a Morse–Smale gradient-like flow1
Analytic automorphism group and similar representation of analytic functions1
Central limit theorem for euclidean minimal spanning acycles1