International Journal of Biomathematics

(The H4-Index of International Journal of Biomathematics is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Stationary distribution and probability density function of a stochastic waterborne pathogen model with logistic growth89
The behavior of a host–parasitoid model with host logistic growth and proportional refuge58
Traveling wave solutions in a nonlocal dispersal SIR epidemic model with nonlocal time-delay and general nonlinear incidences29
Switching dynamics of a Filippov memristive Hindmash–Rose neuron model with time delay28
Spatial and temporal periodic patterns in a delayed diffusive plant–pollinator model with memory-based diffusion26
Bifurcation analysis and pattern formation of an epidemic model with diffusion24
Global stability of traveling wave fronts for a population dynamics model with quiescent stage and delay23
A Bayesian test for seasonality in medical data23
Fractional order prey–predator model incorporating immigration on prey: Complexity analysis and its control22
Pulsatile blood flow in healthy aorta: An application of nonlinear evolution equation19
A delayed stage-structure brucellosis model with interaction among seasonality, time-varying incubation and density-dependent growth18
Dynamics of a stochastic rabies epidemic model with Markovian switching18
Dynamics of a SIR epidemic model with variable recruitment and quadratic treatment18
Modeling the effects of media information and saturated treatment on malaria disease with NSFD method14
Global stability analysis of an epidemic model with feedback control and general incidence rate14
A nonlinear optimal control method against the spreading of epidemics14