Quantitative Economics

(The median citation count of Quantitative Economics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Synthetic controls with imperfect pretreatment fit63
Uncertainty‐driven business cycles: Assessing the markup channel29
A new approach to measuring economic policy shocks, with an application to conventional and unconventional monetary policy27
Panel experiments and dynamic causal effects: A finite population perspective25
Social distancing and supply disruptions in a pandemic23
Recalcitrant betas: Intraday variation in the cross‐sectional dispersion of systematic risk21
Sensitivity analysis using approximate moment condition models20
Market counterfactuals and the specification of multiproduct demand: A nonparametric approach20
Revealing a preference for mixtures: An experimental study of risk20
A generalized approach to indeterminacy in linear rational expectations models20
Rationalizing rational expectations: Characterizations and tests20
The influence function of semiparametric estimators19
Identification of counterfactuals in dynamic discrete choice models19
Income risk inequality: Evidence from Spanish administrative records18
Regime‐dependent effects of uncertainty shocks: A structural interpretation18
Asymmetric conjugate priors for large Bayesian VARs16
Uncertainty measures from partially rounded probabilistic forecast surveys14
Economic uncertainty and structural reforms: Evidence from stock market volatility14
Earnings dynamics and labor market reforms: The Italian case13
Identification and inference with ranking restrictions12
Financing corporate tax cuts with shareholder taxes11
Fixed‐ k inference for volatility11
The welfare effects of asset mean‐testing income support11
The importance of supply and demand for oil prices: Evidence from non‐Gaussianity11
The origins and effects of macroeconomic uncertainty11
The evolution of the earnings distribution in a volatile economy: Evidence from Argentina11
Estimating demand for differentiated products with zeroes in market share data11
Earnings inequality and dynamics in the presence of informality: The case of Brazil11
A unified framework for efficient estimation of general treatment models11
Neighborhood effects and housing vouchers11
Gender, competition, and performance: Evidence from chess players10
Earnings dynamics and its intergenerational transmission: Evidence from Norway10
How success breeds success10
Bullying among adolescents: The role of skills10
A job ladder model with stochastic employment opportunities10
Inequality, income dynamics, and worker transitions: The case of Mexico9
Teacher labor markets, school vouchers, and student cognitive achievement: Evidence from Chile9
Testing identifying assumptions in fuzzy regression discontinuity designs9
U.S. long‐term earnings outcomes by sex, race, ethnicity, and place of birth9
Decentralization estimators for instrumental variable quantile regression models9
Random utility and limited consideration9
Local projections, autocorrelation, and efficiency9
Inequality and income dynamics in Germany9
Bandits in the lab8
Four decades of Canadian earnings inequality and dynamics across workers and firms8
Monetary policy, external instruments, and heteroskedasticity8
Minimizing sensitivity to model misspecification8
Inequality and earnings dynamics in France: National policies and local consequences8
Inference on semiparametric multinomial response models8
The discretization filter: A simple way to estimate nonlinear state space models8
Like father, like son: Occupational choice, intergenerational persistence and misallocation8
Uncertain identification8
Quantifying noise in survey expectations8
Specification tests for non‐Gaussian maximum likelihood estimators7
Pareto extrapolation: An analytical framework for studying tail inequality7
The environmental cost of land‐use restrictions7
Partial identification of the distribution of treatment effects with an application to the Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP)7
Forecasting with a panel Tobit model7
Earnings dynamics of immigrants and natives in Sweden 1985–20167
Linear regression with many controls of limited explanatory power6
Identification in ascending auctions, with an application to digital rights management6
A new posterior sampler for Bayesian structural vector autoregressive models6
Unconditional quantile regression with high‐dimensional data6
Making summer matter: The impact of youth employment on academic performance6
Testing unified growth theory: Technological progress and the child quantity‐quality tradeoff6
Expertise, gender, and equilibrium play6
Choice, deferral, and consistency6
Rising skill premium and the dynamics of optimal capital and labor taxation6
Strategic interactions in U.S. monetary and fiscal policies6
Imposing equilibrium restrictions in the estimation of dynamic discrete games5
Bootstrap inference under cross‐sectional dependence5
From dual to unified employment protection: Transition and steady state5
Dealing with misspecification in structural macroeconometric models5
Saddle cycles: Solving rational expectations models featuring limit cycles (or chaos) using perturbation methods5
Child work and cognitive development: Results from four low to middle income countries5
Valuation risk revalued5
Unemployment risk, MPC heterogeneity, and business cycles5
Full‐information estimation of heterogeneous agent models using macro and micro data5
Robust inference in deconvolution5
A consistent specification test for dynamic quantile models5
Inequality and dynamics of earnings and disposable income in Denmark 1987–20165
On the complexity of forming mental models5
The development of randomization and deceptive behavior in mixed strategy games5
Why are open ascending auctions popular? The role of information aggregation and behavioral biases5
Income dynamics in the United Kingdom and the impact of the Covid‐19 recession4
A simple but powerful simulated certainty equivalent approximation method for dynamic stochastic problems4
Permutation‐based tests for discontinuities in event studies4
Inference on heterogeneous treatment effects in high‐dimensional dynamic panels under weak dependence4
Monetary policy and long‐term interest rates4
Do elite colleges matter? The impact on entrepreneurship decisions and career dynamics4
Consumption peer effects and utility needs in India4
A notion of prominence for games with natural‐language labels4
Peer effects on the United States Supreme Court4
A machine learning projection method for macro‐finance models4
Permanent‐income inequality4
Where did it go wrong? Marriage and divorce in Malawi4
Redistribution and the monetary‐fiscal policy mix4
Global trends in income inequality and income dynamics: New insights from GRID4