Journal of Screenwriting

(The TQCC of Journal of Screenwriting is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
The Art of Screen Adaptation: Top Writers Reveal Their Craft, Alistair Owen (2020)16
Collaborative self-translation in the screenplays of The Godfather trilogy5
Da criação ao Roteiro: Teoria e Prática (‘From creation to script: Theory and practice’), 5th ed., Doc Comparato (2018)4
Robert De Niro at Work From Screenplay to Screen Performance, Adam Ganz and Steven Price (2020)3
Renegotiating the screenplay: Drawing as a method for narrative development in a short film3
Women Make Horror: Filmmaking, Feminism, Genre, Alison Peirse (ed.) (2020)3
How we role: The collaborative role-playing poetics of the Secret Story Network2
‘I wasn’t open to notes’: S. Craig Zahler, Dragged Across Concrete (2018) and the 157-page screenplay2
A Screenwriter’s Companion: Instruction, Opinion, Encouragement, Joseph Dougherty (2022)2
Arc analysis: Redefining character arcs for ‘constant’ characters2
The accented Japanese screenplay: Transnational currents in contemporary Japanese cinema2
Catalysing Elastextity in adaptation screenwriting: The motivic chronotope of liminality2
Reginald Rose and the Journey of 12 Angry Men, Phil Rosenzweig (2021)2
Script Development: Critical Approaches, Creative Practices, International Perspectives, Craig Batty and Stayci Taylor (eds) (2021)1
In Custody: From written text to audio-visual discourse through a postcolonial lens1
Teaching screenwriting from the inside out: The importance of writers’ inner, emotional discoveries in understanding the tools of screenwriting1
Filmish energy: A textual analysis of Tony Gilroy’s screenplay, Michael Clayton (2006)1
Tatiana Huezo: Trauma and the poetics of displacement1
The stuff that dreams are made of: The Maltese Falcon and the art of adapted screenwriting1
Portraying disability with trauma: A case study of documentary screenwriting in presenting visually impaired subject1
Character composition: A new framework for TV serial drama characters1
Theme orientation and the inevitable outcome of structural flaws: Investigating the results of the dominance of theme over action in Farhadi’s The Salesman1
Re-defining the Character Arc through Berger and Luckmann’s The Social Construction of Reality1
Script Analysis: Deconstructing Screenplay Fundamentals, James Bang (2022)1
Textual perspectives: Screenwriting styles, modes and languages1
Russian web series: Mastering the new format1
The Screenwriting Life, podcast with Meg Le Fauve and Lorien McKenna (inception 2 March 2020–present), and, plus the u1
Burn It Down: Power, Complicity, and a Call for Change in Hollywood, Maureen Ryan (2023)1
Inclusive Screenwriting for Film and Television, Jess King (2022)1
Scripting the silhouette: Writing around the participant in interactive virtual reality experiences1
Screenwriting research in Australia: A truncated (pre)history1
Fear and wonderment in a limitless world: Learning to write from a child’s point of view1
The power of schism: Unconventional narrative structure in No Country for Old Men1
Prototyping first-person viewer positions for VR narratives with storyboards and pilot productions1
Piloting audience emotion for the television anti-heroine: Gender and immorality1
Why The Knockout (2023) became a phenomenal hit: A contextual analysis and interview with screenwriter Zhu Junyi11
June Mathis: The master class1
The economic case for equality in screenplays: The Bechdel test, female dialogue and box office revenue1
The Country Boy: Investigating the Dennis Potter Archive, Forest of Dean, England1
Discontinuous aesthetics as a result of collaborative screenwriting: A genetic approach to John Berger and Alain Tanner’s screenplays11
The dramatization of the shepherd warrior in Christopher Marlowe’s Tamburlaine and the Jordanian drama Bedouin series Rās Ghlaiṣ (‘The head of Ghlaiṣ’)1
Slay the Dragon: Writing Great Video Games, Robert Denton Bryant and Keith Giglio (2015)1
How backstory and direct address reformulate the Shakespearean character on television: The case of the missing psychological motivation for House of Cards’ Frank Underwood1