Research Synthesis Methods

(The TQCC of Research Synthesis Methods is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Language inclusion in ecological systematic reviews and maps: Barriers and perspectives198
Comment on a review of methods to assess publication and other reporting biases in meta‐analysis166
Impact of searching clinical trials registers in systematic reviews of pharmaceutical and non‐pharmaceutical interventions: Reanalysis of meta‐analyses109
Adherence to conflicts of interest policy in Cochrane reviews where authors are also editorial board members: A cross‐sectional analysis73
Evaluation of the interim Cochrane rapid review methods guidance—A mixed‐methods study on the understanding of and adherence to the guidance71
Automated data analysis of unstructured grey literature in health research: A mapping review68
Issue Information58
A framework to characterise the reproducibility of meta‐analysis results with its application to direct oral anticoagulants in the acute treatment of venous thromboembolism57
Accuracy and precision of fixed and random effects in meta‐analyses of randomized control trials for continuous outcomes51
Issue Information40
Combining meta‐analysis with multiple imputation for one‐step, privacy‐protecting estimation of causal treatment effects in multi‐site studies39
Advice for improving the reproducibility of data extraction in meta‐analysis33
Meta‐analyses of partial correlations are biased: Detection and solutions30
A technical review of three clinical trials register resources indicates where improvements to the search interfaces are needed26
Rare events meta‐analysis using the Bayesian beta‐binomial model25
Facilitating open science practices for research syntheses: PreregRS guides preregistration25
Estimating the reference interval from a fixed effects meta‐analysis23
What are the best methods for rapid reviews of the research evidence? A systematic review of reviews and primary studies22
A framework for synthesizing intervention evidence from multiple sources into a single certainty of evidence rating: Methodological developments from a US National Academies of S22
A mapping exercise using automated techniques to develop a search strategy to identify systematic review tools18
Response to Kim et al. “When conducting a systematic review, can one trade search efficiency for potential publication bias?”17
Additional considerations and response to ‘graphical representation of overlap for OVErviews (GROOVE tool)’17
Kenward‐Roger–type corrections for inference methods of network meta‐analysis and meta‐regression17
Meta‐analyzing partial correlation coefficients using Fisher's z transformation17
Combining estimators in interlaboratory studies and meta‐analyses17
A search of only four key databases would identify most randomized controlled trials of acupuncture: A meta‐epidemiological study17
Assessment of key characteristics, methodology, and effect size measures used in meta‐analysis of human‐health‐related animal studies17
Towards the automatic risk of bias assessment on randomized controlled trials: A comparison of RobotReviewer and humans16
Zero‐ and few‐shot prompting of generative large language models provides weak assessment of risk of bias in clinical trials16
Case study meta‐analysis in the social sciences. Insights on data quality and reliability from a large‐N case survey16
How trace plots help interpret meta‐analysis results15
Development of the individual participant data integrity tool for assessing the integrity of randomised trials using individual participant data15
Accuracy of conversion formula for effect sizes: A Monte Carlo simulation14
‘Twenty years of network meta‐analysis: Continuing controversies and recent developments’: A health technology assessment perspective13
Risk of bias assessment in preclinical literature using natural language processing13
Broad versus narrow research questions in evidence synthesis: A parallel to (and plea for) estimands12
Comparing methods for handling missing covariates in meta‐regression12
MA‐cont:pre/post effect size: An interactive tool for the meta‐analysis of continuous outcomes using R Shiny11
Two‐stage or not two‐stage? That is the question for IPD meta‐analysis projects11
Using clinical trial registries to inform Copas selection model for publication bias in meta‐analysis11
Including non‐English language articles in systematic reviews: A reflection on processes for identifying low‐cost sources of translation support11
The age of abundant scholarly information and its synthesis– A time when ‘just google it’ is no longer enough11
Correct standard errors can bias meta‐analysis10
On the double‐robustness and semiparametric efficiency of matching‐adjusted indirect comparisons10
Issue Information10
Meta‐analysis and partial correlation coefficients: A matter of weights10
Graphical evaluation of evidence structure within a component network meta‐analysis10
A rule‐based approach for automatically extracting data from systematic reviews and their updates to model the risk of conclusion change10
Reporting of Cochrane systematic review protocols with network meta‐analyses—A scoping review10
Rapid evidence synthesis approach for limits on the search date: How rapid could it be?10
Adjusting for misclassification of an exposure in an individual participant data meta‐analysis9
Developing prediction models when there are systematically missing predictors in individual patient data meta‐analysis9
9 Guiding researchers to the best databases and search systems for systematic reviews and beyond9
Network meta analysis to predict the efficacy of an approved treatment in a new indication9
Beyond Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science: An evaluation of the backward and forward citation coverage of 59 databases' citation indices9
Response to Hemilä and Chalker's “Pitfalls in choosing data examples for methodological work: Bayesian approaches to a fixed effects meta‐analysis of zinc lozenges for the common cold”8
Issue Information8
Bayesian sparse modeling to identify high‐risk subgroups in meta‐analysis of safety data8
Issue Information8
Issue Information8
A REML method for the evidence‐splitting model in network meta‐analysis8
Reverse‐Bayes methods for evidence assessment and research synthesis7
Sensitivity analysis for the interactive effects of internal bias and publication bias in meta‐analyses7
Methods for using Bing's AI‐powered search engine for data extraction for a systematic review7
PsychOpen CAMA: Publication of community‐augmented meta‐analyses in psychology7
A comprehensive review and shiny application on the matching‐adjusted indirect comparison7
Methodological considerations for novel approaches to covariate‐adjusted indirect treatment comparisons7
Meta‐analysis of prevalence: I2 statistic and how to deal with heterogeneity7
Using artificial intelligence methods for systematic review in health sciences: A systematic review7
Bayesian meta‐analysis for evaluating treatment effectiveness in biomarker subgroups using trials of mixed patient populations7
Exploring the relevance of the effect of geographical location when searching for studies using Google Search7
The impact of continuity correction methods in Cochrane reviews with single‐zero trials with rare events: A meta‐epidemiological study6
Estimating interactions and subgroup‐specific treatment effects in meta‐analysis without aggregation bias: A within‐trial framework6
Data extraction for evidence synthesis using a large language model: A proof‐of‐concept study6
Combining endpoint and change data did not affect the summary standardised mean difference in pairwise and network meta‐analyses: An empirical study in depression6
Bayesian meta‐analysis usingSAS PROC BGLIMM6
Bias propagation in network meta‐analysis models6
Graphical Representation of Overlap for OVErviews: GROOVE tool6
Reevaluation of statistically significant meta‐analyses in advanced cancer patients using the Hartung–Knapp method and prediction intervals—A methodological study6
Synthesizing cross‐design evidence and cross‐format data using network meta‐regression6