Research Synthesis Methods

(The H4-Index of Research Synthesis Methods is 20. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Language inclusion in ecological systematic reviews and maps: Barriers and perspectives198
Comment on a review of methods to assess publication and other reporting biases in meta‐analysis166
Impact of searching clinical trials registers in systematic reviews of pharmaceutical and non‐pharmaceutical interventions: Reanalysis of meta‐analyses109
Adherence to conflicts of interest policy in Cochrane reviews where authors are also editorial board members: A cross‐sectional analysis73
Evaluation of the interim Cochrane rapid review methods guidance—A mixed‐methods study on the understanding of and adherence to the guidance71
Automated data analysis of unstructured grey literature in health research: A mapping review68
Issue Information58
A framework to characterise the reproducibility of meta‐analysis results with its application to direct oral anticoagulants in the acute treatment of venous thromboembolism57
Accuracy and precision of fixed and random effects in meta‐analyses of randomized control trials for continuous outcomes51
Issue Information40
Combining meta‐analysis with multiple imputation for one‐step, privacy‐protecting estimation of causal treatment effects in multi‐site studies39
Advice for improving the reproducibility of data extraction in meta‐analysis33
Meta‐analyses of partial correlations are biased: Detection and solutions30
A technical review of three clinical trials register resources indicates where improvements to the search interfaces are needed26
Rare events meta‐analysis using the Bayesian beta‐binomial model25
Facilitating open science practices for research syntheses: PreregRS guides preregistration25
Estimating the reference interval from a fixed effects meta‐analysis23
What are the best methods for rapid reviews of the research evidence? A systematic review of reviews and primary studies22
A framework for synthesizing intervention evidence from multiple sources into a single certainty of evidence rating: Methodological developments from a US National Academies of S22