International Journal of Applied Mechanics

(The TQCC of International Journal of Applied Mechanics is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Analysis of Ballistic Impact Performance and Shear Effect on Elastomeric and Thermoset Composites44
A Micromechanics Analysis for Creep of Powder Metallurgy Aluminum Alloys with Continuous Precipitation36
Random micro-vibration response analysis of a Stewart platform in satellites34
Adhesive contact between a rigid sphere and a plastically deformed half-space during unloading34
Detection and Characterization of Hidden Crack Inside a Stainless Steel Material Using Shear Vertical Waves and PLSR Technique33
Mechanical Analysis and Experimental Research on Ultrasonic Levitated Conical Rotor Piezoelectric Actuator27
An Investigation on an SMA Valve in Micro-Channel Through FSI Approach24
A Novel Tri-Magnet Levitating Bistable Electromagnetic Energy Harvester with Variable Potential Wells to Promote Snap-Through Behavior23
Transient Structural Thermo-Mechanical Response of Multi-Layered Viscoelastic Composite Laminates with Non-Idealized Interfacial Conditions Based on New Fractional Derivatives21
Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Work Roll Bending on Strip Crown During Tandem Hot Rolling21
Semi-Analytical Results for the Linear Nonaging Viscoelastic Contact Behaviors20
Viscoelastic Solution for Axial Forces of Point-Anchored Rock Bolts in a Circular Tunnel20
Analytical and Numerical Investigation on Dynamic Behavior of Rectangular FML Sandwich Tubes with Metal Foam Core Under Low-Velocity Impact19
On Generalized Three-Phase-Lag Models in Photo-Thermoelasticity18
A Generalized Ductile Phase Field Model for Fracture Behavior of Three-Dimensional Metal Structures18
Couple Stress-Based Flexoelectric Theory in Orthogonal Curvilinear Coordinates and its Application to an Infinitely Long Dielectric Cylinder17
Application of Convolutional Networks for Localization and Prediction of Scalar Parameters of Fractured Geological Inclusion17
A Frictionless Normal Contact Model for Flattening Elastoplastic Single Asperity Considering Yield Plateau and Strain Hardening17
Optimization of Free Vibration and Flutter Analysis of Composite Plates Using a Coupled Method of Genetic Algorithm and Generalized Differential Quadrature17
A Poroviscoelastic Model at Finite Strains for a Viscous Compressible Solid Skeleton16
Material Damping Estimation within Low-, Medium- and High-Frequency Ranges16
Numerical Investigation of Pipe Deformation Under Pressure With Branch16
Numerical Prediction and Experimental Verification of Inherent Defect Influences on Frequencies of Adhesively Bonded Joint16
Nonlinear Damping and Forced Response of Laminated Composite Cylindrical Shells with Inherent Material Damping15
Novel Isotropic Anti-Tri-Missing Rib Auxetics with Prescribed In-Plane Mechanical Properties Over Large Deformations15
Optimal Response Prediction of Composite Honeycomb Sandwich Plate: Theoretical and Experimental Verification15
Probabilistic Progressive Failure of Multiwall Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Composite Plate Under Transverse Patch Loading15
Three-Dimensional Transient Analysis of FGM Rectangular Sandwich Plate Subjected to Thermal Loading Using State Space Differential Quadrature Method14
A New Analytical Approach for Nonlinear Global Buckling of Axially Compressed and Tensiled Sandwich Toroidal Shell Segments with CNTRC Coatings and Corrugated Core in Thermal Environment14
Vibration Investigation of Circular Graphene Sheet with Geometrical Defect Considering Two-Phase Local/Nonlocal Theory Exposed to the Magnetic Field14
Thermodynamic Constitutive Model of the Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments Considering Anisotropy14
3D Printing Holey-Column Metamaterial Structure Undergoing Tailorable Buckling Deformation of Local Instability14
Research on Superelasticity of Shape Memory Alloys Based on Reproducing Kernel Particle Method13
A Variational Formulation of Physics-Informed Neural Network for the Applications of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Material Properties Identification13
An Improved Sub-Step Composite Time Integration Formulation With Enhanced Performance on Linear and Nonlinear Dynamics13
Vulnerability of Pointed Masonry Barrel Vaults Subjected to Differential Settlement Simulated with a GPGPU-Parallelized FDEM13
Padé-Based Strain Gradient Modeling of Bandgaps in Two-Dimensional Acoustic Lattice Metamaterials13
Seismogram Synthesis of Multi-Scale Layered Transversely Isotropic Saturated Half-Space Using a Revised Stiffness Matrix Method13
Robust Topology Optimization of Coated Structures with Surface Layer Thickness Uncertainty Considered12
Nonlinear Solution of a Piezoelectric PN Junction Under Temperature Gradient12
Numerical and Experimental Study of Elastohydrodynamic Grease Lubrication of Surfaces with Longitudinal and Transverse Pattern12
Mechanical Response of New Configurations Formed After Rotation of Triple Intermittent Nested Ring12
Static and Dynamic Deflection Characteristics of Cracked Porous FG Panels12
Acoustic Waves in Axial Crystals and Quasicrystals with Preliminary Finite Strains11
On the Design of Cylindrical Magnetorheological Clutches11
Properties Analysis of Disk Spring with Effects of Asymmetric Variable Friction11
Thermomechanical Waves in an Axisymmetric Rotating Disk Using Refined Green–Naghdi Models11
Stimuli-Induced Instabilities and Bifurcations of Responsive Polymeric Materials: A Review on Analytical and Numerical Studies11
Reverse Analysis of Surface Strain in Elasto-Plastic Materials by Nanoindentation11
A Nonlinear Triaxial Damage Creep Model for Granite Based on Atangana–Baleanu Fractional Derivative10
Optimization-Oriented EPC Approach for Analyzing the Stochastic Nonlinear Oscillators with Displacement-Multiplicative and Additive Excitations10
The Supersonic Flutter Behavior of Sandwich Plates with an Magnetorheological Elastomer Core and Gnp-Reinforced Face Sheets10
Design of Mechanical Auxetic Metamaterial for Heterogeneous Assembly, Programmable Periodic Porous Elastomer Structures10
Modeling and Analysis of a Thermo-Electro-Magneto-Viscoelastic Actuator9
Hybrid Chemomechanical Yielding of Covalent Adaptable Networks for Toughening Ionic Semi-Crystalline Epoxy9
A Thermodynamic Strength Theoretical Model to Explain and Predict Pseudo-Ductility Behavior of SiCf/SiC Composite Material9
Mechanical Properties and Material Characterization of Magneto-Thermal Sensitive Hydrogels9
Modeling the Stimulus-Responsive Behaviors of Fiber-Reinforced Soft Materials9
Fractal Circuit Architectures for Spatially Controlled Heating and Multi-Modal Shape Programming of Electro-Active Shape Memory Polymers9
Nonlinear Primary Resonant Characteristics of Higher-Order Shear Deformable FG-CNTRC Circular Cylindrical Panels8
Free Vibration of Prestressed Plates and Shallow Shells with Piezoelectric Elements8
Analytic Study on the Force Transfer of Full Encapsulating Rock Bolts Subjected to Tensile Force8
Slow Growth Damage Assessment of Bonded Metal-Composite Joint Using a Numerical Approach8
Haskell matrix method for the propagation of Love waves in multilayers of magneto-thermoelastic materials8
Dissipation of Incident Wave Energy by Two Submerged Horizontal Porous Plates Over a Pair of Trenches8
Elastic Bottom Effects on Ocean Water Wave Scattering by a Composite Caisson-Type Breakwater Placed Upon a Rock Foundation in a Two-Layer Fluid8
Experimental Study on the Nonlinear Shear-Flow Behavior of Granite With a Single Fracture8
Nonlinear Stability Characteristics of Porous Graded Composite Microplates Including Various Microstructural-Dependent Strain Gradient Tensors8
An Incremental Contact Model for Rough Surfaces of Strain-Hardening Solids8
Identification of the Model of Nonlinear Elasticity in Dynamic Experiments7
Modeling and Methods for Improving Anti-Rolling Abilities of Autonomous Surface Manipulator Systems7
Scattering of SH Waves by a Semi-cylindrical Bump in an Inhomogeneous Half-space7
Rigid-Flexible Coupled Dynamics and PD-Robust Control Design for the Spacecraft with Rotating Solar Panels7
Energy Absorption of Thin-Walled Circular Tubes with a Sinusoidal Spiral Structure7
Scale Effects on Thermoelastic Coupling Wave Propagation of Micro-Beam Resonator Using Nonlocal Stain Gradient and Generalized Thermoelasticity7
An Investigation of Free Vibration Characteristics of a DFG-CNTRC Thin Laminated Shell in Thermal Environment7
Generalized Theory for DISes in a Large Deformed Solid7
A New Theoretical Framework for Couple Stress Analysis of Reddy–Levinson Micro-Beams7
A Simplified GPU Implementation of the Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann Model for Three-Dimensional High Rayleigh Number Flows7
The Mechanism of Flow Patterns and Rivulet Instability in Gravity-Driven Film Flow on a Porous Wall with Uniform Heating7
An Explicit Modeling for the Pseudoelastic Response of Porous SMA Thick-Walled Cylinders under Internal and External Pressure7
Influence of Equi-Biaxial Residual Stress on Spherical Indentation of Strain Hardening Materials7
Theoretical Analysis of Stress Intensity Factor for Two Asymmetric Cracks Emanating from Water Conveyance Tunnel7
Characterizing Influence of Salt and Freeze–Thaw Cycle on Strength Properties of Clay7
A Fast Time-Discontinuous Peridynamic Method for Stress Wave Propagation Problems in Saturated Porous Media7
Multiple Steady and Oscillatory Solutions in a Collapsible Channel Flow7
Thermal Energy Harvesting in a Composite Beam Using Piezoelectric, One-Way and Two-Way Shape Memory Alloys7
Thermo-Acoustic Effects on the Natural Frequencies of Vibration of an Elastic Rectangular Panel7
Author Index Volume 137
An Improved Nonlinear Creep Model for Rock Applied to Tunnel Displacement Prediction6
Analytical and Numerical Study on Anti-Perforation Performance of Steel-Liner-Concrete Composite Targets Subjected to Projectile Impact6
Fractional-Order Rate-Dependent Piezoelectric Thermoelasticity Theory Based on New Fractional Derivatives and its Application in Structural Transient Response Analysis of Smart Piezoelectric Composite6
Bending and Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Euler–Bernoulli Beam Using Stress-Driven Nonlocal Integral Model with Bi-Helmholtz Kernel6
Thermal Entrainment in the Core Regions of Transitional Plane Fountains in Linearly Stratified Ambient Fluids6
Dynamic Response and Damage Assessment of Partially Confined Metallic Cylinders Under Transverse Blast Loading6
Analysis of Nonlinear Heat Conduction Problems with Temperature-Dependent Conductivity Using Peridynamic Differential Operator6
Numerical and Experimental Investigations on Nonlinear Buckling Response of a Laminated Composite Shell6
Implicit Material Point Method with Convected Particle Domain Interpolation for Consolidation and Dynamic Analysis of Saturated Porous Media with Massive Deformation6
Free Vibration Analysis and Numerical Simulation of Slightly Curved Pipe Conveying Fluid Based on Timoshenko Beam Theory6
A New Method to Study Contributions of Polymer Fibers and Water Respectively to the Hydrogel Stress under Tension and Compression Using 3D Micro-Fiber Network Model6
A Multi-Time-Step Parallel Computing Method based on Overlapping Particles for DEM6
Shale Crack Identification Based on Acoustic Emission Experiment and Wavenet Data Recovery6
Semi-Analytical Large Deformation and Three-Dimensional Stress Analyses of Pressurized Finite-Length Thick-Walled Incompressible Hyperelastic Cylinders and Pipes6
The Optimum Inertial Amplifier Tuned Mass Dampers for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems6
Determination of Assumed Strain Hardening Relationship from Shear–Compression Model and Data Analysis6
Laboratory for Validation of Rolling-Resistance Models6
Effects of Speed and Posture on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Running and Required Power6
Characterization of Tensile and Fatigue Damages in Composite Structures Using Lamb Wave for Improved Structural Health Monitoring5
A fast calculation method for sensitivity analysis based on multibody system transfer matrix method5
Thermo-Mechanical Transient Flexure of Glass-Carbon-Kevlar-Reinforced Hybrid Curved Composite Shell Panels: An Experimental Verification5
A Generic Pre-Processing Technique of IHB Method for Continuum System to Improve Calculation Efficiency5
Effects of Temperature and Layer Thickness on the Static and Dynamic Behaviors of Biocomposite Materials with Interleaved Viscoelastic Layers5
The Improved Irwin’s Model for Crack Problems in Power-Law Hardening Materials5
The Effect of Intrafibrillar Post-Yield Behavior on Fracture of Mineralized Collagen Fibril Arrays5
Vibration Characteristics of Force–Electric–Thermal Coupling for Three-Dimensional Braided Piezoelectric Composite Energy Harvester5
Buckling of Stiffened Cone–Cylinder Structures Under Axial Compression5
Wide Bandwidth Wind-Induced Vibration Energy Harvester with an Angle Section Head5
Study of Equivalent Mechanical Properties and Energy Absorption of Composite Honeycomb Structures5
Design and Optimization of a Multimode Low-Frequency Piezoelectric Energy Harvester5
Author Index Volume 155
Axially Non-Uniform Properties Effected Electro-Elastic Fields in Bended Piezoelectric Semiconductor Beams5
Coarse-Grained Modeling and Mechanical Behaviors of Actin–Spectrin–Microtubule Complex in Axonal Cytoskeleton5
Moving Load Analysis of Laminated Porous Micro Beams Resting on Elastic Foundation5
Study on the Differences of Transition and Separation Characteristics Between Water and Air5
Evolutionary Probabilistic Analysis of Non-Smoothly Damped Stochastic Oscillator Under Modulated Random and Harmonic Excitations5
Fatigue Life Prediction and Verification of Railway Fastener Clip Based on Critical Plane Method5
Impact of Two Vertical Porous Barriers in Reflection of Water Waves and Mitigation of Wave Forces on a Rigid Floating Structure with Consideration of Uniform Current Over a Porous Sea-Bed5
Generalized multi-parameter Tikhonov regularization for time-domain identification of various types of forces5
Cohesive Zone Model to Investigate Complex Soft Adhesive Failure: State-of-the-Art Review5
Modeling Long-Term Creep and Physical Aging Behavior of Carbon/Epoxy Composites Based on Coupling Model5
An Indentation Method for Determining the Elastic Modulus, Hardness and Film Thickness of a Tri-Layer Materials5
General Analytical Solutions for Dynamic Load-Carrying Capacity of Brittle Materials Under an Arbitrary Incident Stress Wave5
Performance Improvement of Three-Spring Quasi-Zero-Stiffness Isolator by Shape Memory Alloy Damper5
Dynamic Parameter Optimization of High-Speed Pantograph Based on Swarm Intelligence and Machine Learning5