Journal of Cheminformatics

(The TQCC of Journal of Cheminformatics is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
COCONUT online: Collection of Open Natural Products database305
Could graph neural networks learn better molecular representation for drug discovery? A comparison study of descriptor-based and graph-based models302
GNINA 1.0: molecular docking with deep learning267
AiZynthFinder: a fast, robust and flexible open-source software for retrosynthetic planning164
ProLIF: a library to encode molecular interactions as fingerprints155
patRoon: open source software platform for environmental mass spectrometry based non-target screening118
MS2DeepScore: a novel deep learning similarity measure to compare tandem mass spectra70
PUResNet: prediction of protein-ligand binding sites using deep residual neural network69
Empowering large chemical knowledge bases for exposomics: PubChemLite meets MetFrag67
Structure-aware protein solubility prediction from sequence through graph convolutional network and predicted contact map66
FP-ADMET: a compendium of fingerprint-based ADMET prediction models61
Memory-assisted reinforcement learning for diverse molecular de novo design61
How can SHAP values help to shape metabolic stability of chemical compounds?58
Molecular optimization by capturing chemist’s intuition using deep neural networks55
Diversity oriented Deep Reinforcement Learning for targeted molecule generation46
DTi2Vec: Drug–target interaction prediction using network embedding and ensemble learning42
DECIMER 1.0: deep learning for chemical image recognition using transformers42
Graph isomorphism-based algorithm for cross-checking chemical and crystallographic descriptions41
Prediction of small-molecule compound solubility in organic solvents by machine learning algorithms41
DrugEx v2: de novo design of drug molecules by Pareto-based multi-objective reinforcement learning in polypharmacology41
Comparison of structure- and ligand-based scoring functions for deep generative models: a GPCR case study41
Designing optimized drug candidates with Generative Adversarial Network39
Using GANs with adaptive training data to search for new molecules37
MolFinder: an evolutionary algorithm for the global optimization of molecular properties and the extensive exploration of chemical space using SMILES36
TorsiFlex: an automatic generator of torsional conformers. Application to the twenty proteinogenic amino acids36
Chemical toxicity prediction based on semi-supervised learning and graph convolutional neural network35
HobPre: accurate prediction of human oral bioavailability for small molecules35
InChI version 1.06: now more than 99.99% reliable35
Learning protein-ligand binding affinity with atomic environment vectors34
A fingerprints based molecular property prediction method using the BERT model34
Benchmarks for interpretation of QSAR models33
Extended similarity indices: the benefits of comparing more than two objects simultaneously. Part 1: Theory and characteristics†33
Deep scaffold hopping with multimodal transformer neural networks33
DockStream: a docking wrapper to enhance de novo molecular design32
Extended similarity indices: the benefits of comparing more than two objects simultaneously. Part 2: speed, consistency, diversity selection32
QSAR-Co-X: an open source toolkit for multitarget QSAR modelling31
SMPLIP-Score: predicting ligand binding affinity from simple and interpretable on-the-fly interaction fingerprint pattern descriptors28
CardioTox net: a robust predictor for hERG channel blockade based on deep learning meta-feature ensembles27
MAIP: a web service for predicting blood‐stage malaria inhibitors27
Sequence-based prediction of protein binding regions and drug–target interactions27
Analysis of the effects of related fingerprints on molecular similarity using an eigenvalue entropy approach26
SANCDB: an update on South African natural compounds and their readily available analogs26
Transformer-based molecular optimization beyond matched molecular pairs25
MLSolvA: solvation free energy prediction from pairwise atomistic interactions by machine learning25
The impact of cross-docked poses on performance of machine learning classifier for protein–ligand binding pose prediction25
Explainable uncertainty quantifications for deep learning-based molecular property prediction24
Splitting chemical structure data sets for federated privacy-preserving machine learning23
Uncertainty-aware prediction of chemical reaction yields with graph neural networks23
DrugEx v3: scaffold-constrained drug design with graph transformer-based reinforcement learning23
STOUT: SMILES to IUPAC names using neural machine translation23
Deep generative model for drug design from protein target sequence22
Reinvent 4: Modern AI–driven generative molecule design22
The effect of noise on the predictive limit of QSAR models22
Using informative features in machine learning based method for COVID-19 drug repurposing22
A hybrid framework for improving uncertainty quantification in deep learning-based QSAR regression modeling21
SwinOCSR: end-to-end optical chemical structure recognition using a Swin Transformer21
Critical assessment of synthetic accessibility scores in computer-assisted synthesis planning21
Machine learning to predict metabolic drug interactions related to cytochrome P450 isozymes21
Too sweet: cheminformatics for deglycosylation in natural products20
LEADD: Lamarckian evolutionary algorithm for de novo drug design20
Merging bioactivity predictions from cell morphology and chemical fingerprint models using similarity to training data20
Chemoinformatics and artificial intelligence colloquium: progress and challenges in developing bioactive compounds20
FAIR chemical structures in the Journal of Cheminformatics19
Learning chemistry: exploring the suitability of machine learning for the task of structure-based chemical ontology classification19
ELECTRA-DTA: a new compound-protein binding affinity prediction model based on the contextualized sequence encoding19
ChemInformatics Model Explorer (CIME): exploratory analysis of chemical model explanations18
Large-scale evaluation of k-fold cross-validation ensembles for uncertainty estimation18
LigGrep: a tool for filtering docked poses to improve virtual-screening hit rates17
ABT-MPNN: an atom-bond transformer-based message-passing neural network for molecular property prediction17
DeSIDE-DDI: interpretable prediction of drug-drug interactions using drug-induced gene expressions17
Blood–brain barrier penetration prediction enhanced by uncertainty estimation17
Multi-PLI: interpretable multi‐task deep learning model for unifying protein–ligand interaction datasets16
Substructure-based neural machine translation for retrosynthetic prediction16
Prediction of activity and selectivity profiles of human Carbonic Anhydrase inhibitors using machine learning classification models16
Improving the performance of models for one-step retrosynthesis through re-ranking16
Classifying natural products from plants, fungi or bacteria using the COCONUT database and machine learning16
Human-in-the-loop assisted de novo molecular design16
Papyrus: a large-scale curated dataset aimed at bioactivity predictions16
Predicting the mutation effects of protein–ligand interactions via end-point binding free energy calculations: strategies and analyses16
Improving the quality of chemical language model outcomes with atom-in-SMILES tokenization16
A workflow for deriving chemical entities from crystallographic data and its application to the Crystallography Open Database16
MAW: the reproducible Metabolome Annotation Workflow for untargeted tandem mass spectrometry16
Machine learning approaches to optimize small-molecule inhibitors for RNA targeting15
Exploring QSAR models for activity-cliff prediction15
MDDI-SCL: predicting multi-type drug-drug interactions via supervised contrastive learning15
BitterMatch: recommendation systems for matching molecules with bitter taste receptors15
From Big Data to Artificial Intelligence: chemoinformatics meets new challenges15
LigTMap: ligand and structure-based target identification and activity prediction for small molecular compounds14
“Molecular Anatomy”: a new multi-dimensional hierarchical scaffold analysis tool14
Assessing the calibration in toxicological in vitro models with conformal prediction14
TCMSID: a simplified integrated database for drug discovery from traditional chinese medicine14
A ligand-based computational drug repurposing pipeline using KNIME and Programmatic Data Access: case studies for rare diseases and COVID-1914
Augmented Hill-Climb increases reinforcement learning efficiency for language-based de novo molecule generation14
Development and evaluation of two-parameter linear free energy models for the prediction of human skin permeability coefficient of neutral organic chemicals13
MolData, a molecular benchmark for disease and target based machine learning13
Practical guidelines for the use of gradient boosting for molecular property prediction13
Systemic evolutionary chemical space exploration for drug discovery13
Molecular generation by Fast Assembly of (Deep)SMILES fragments13
MERMAID: an open source automated hit-to-lead method based on deep reinforcement learning13
Nonadditivity in public and inhouse data: implications for drug design13
Probabilistic metabolite annotation using retention time prediction and meta-learned projections13
DFFNDDS: prediction of synergistic drug combinations with dual feature fusion networks13
DECIMER-Segmentation: Automated extraction of chemical structure depictions from scientific literature13
RegioSQM20: improved prediction of the regioselectivity of electrophilic aromatic substitutions13
European Registry of Materials: global, unique identifiers for (undisclosed) nanomaterials12
IDSM ChemWebRDF: SPARQLing small-molecule datasets12
UnCorrupt SMILES: a novel approach to de novo design12
GenUI: interactive and extensible open source software platform for de novo molecular generation and cheminformatics12
Reproducible untargeted metabolomics workflow for exhaustive MS2 data acquisition of MS1 features12
MetaRF: attention-based random forest for reaction yield prediction with a few trails12