Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology

(The H4-Index of Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology is 21. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Voice assistants in hospitality: using artificial intelligence for customer service73
The role of virtual reality interactivity in building tourists’ memorable experiences and post-adoption intentions in the COVID-19 era50
Using social learning theory in examining YouTube viewers’ desire to imitate travel vloggers46
Antecedents and consequences of user engagement in smartphone travel apps37
Antecedents of human-robot collaboration: theoretical extension of the technology acceptance model35
Investigating customers’ responses to artificial intelligence chatbots in online travel agencies: the moderating role of product familiarity35
Is blockchain tourism’s new hope?33
The acceptance of augmented reality tour app for promoting film-induced tourism: the effect of celebrity involvement and personal innovativeness32
Is virtual reality technology an effective tool for tourism destination marketing? A flow perspective32
Exploring customers’ attitudes to the adoption of robots in tourism and hospitality31
Smart cruising: smart technology applications and their diffusion in cruise tourism28
Understanding travellers’ reactions to robotic services: a multiple case study approach of robotic hotels28
Impact of multisensory extended reality on tourism experience journey27
Revisiting the impact of VR applications on hotel bookings25
Travelers’ motivations to adopt augmented reality (AR) applications in a tourism destination25
Advertising value of vlogs on destination visit intention: the mediating role of place attachment among Pakistani tourists24
The effect of online reviews on restaurant visit intentions: applying signaling and involvement theories24
A generalizable sentiment analysis method for creating a hotel dictionary: using big data on TripAdvisor hotel reviews23
Social media communication and destination brand equity22
Expected benefits with using drone food delivery services: its impacts on attitude and behavioral intentions21
Technostress and the smart hospitality employee21
What people TikTok (Douyin) about influencer-endorsed short videos on wine? An exploration of gender and generational differences21