Global Health Promotion

(The TQCC of Global Health Promotion is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Health promotion perspectives on the COVID-19 pandemic: The importance of religion58
Individual, social and national coping resources and their relationships with mental health and anxiety: A comparative study in Israel, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands during the Coronavirus pandemi26
‘Back to better’: amplifying health equity, and determinants of health perspectives during the COVID-19 pandemic26
From health education to digital health literacy – building on the past to shape the future22
Rebranding social distancing to physical distancing: calling for a change in the health promotion vocabulary to enhance clear communication during a pandemic21
Scoping health literacy in Latin America20
Health promotion preparedness for health crises – a ‘must’ or ‘nice to have’? Case studies and global lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic18
A community-health partnership response to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Travellers and Roma in Ireland16
Waiora: the importance of Indigenous worldviews and spirituality to inspire and inform Planetary Health Promotion in the Anthropocene16
Transformative health promotion: what is needed to advance progress?16
COVID-19: implications for NCDs and the continuity of care in Sub-Saharan Africa16
Políticas públicas adoptadas en la pandemia de la COVID-19 en tres países de América Latina: contribuciones de la Promoción de la Salud para no volver al mundo que existía16
Supporting youth 12–24 during the COVID-19 pandemic: how Foundry is mobilizing to provide information, resources and hope across the province of British Columbia13
Healthcare and social needs of international migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America: analysis of the Chilean case12
The health and economic burden of the coronavirus in sub-Saharan Africa12
A connected community response to COVID-19 in Toronto11
Psychological response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: main stressors and assets11
Analyzing the social context of health information and misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case of emerging inequities in Lebanon11
When the worldwide response to the COVID-19 pandemic is done without health promotion11
A health political science for health promotion10
Recherche interventionnelle en santé des populations et lutte contre les inégalités sociales de santé : les partenariats « en train de se faire » de la Case de Santé de Toulouse, France10
Políticas públicas de promoción de salud en el contexto de la COVID-19, en Chile, una aproximación desde el análisis situacional10
Food autonomy: decolonial perspectives for Indigenous health and buen vivir9
Toward resourcefulness: pathways for community positive health9
COVID-19 and health promotion in Brazil: community health workers between vulnerability and resistance9
Re-envisioning health promotion: Thinking and acting salutogenically towards equity for historically resilient communities8
Défis de l’action intersectorielle et pistes de réflexion pour renforcer la concertation dans les milieux ruraux du Québec en contexte de pandémie8
Tiohtià:ke Statement: Catalysing policies for health, well-being and equity8
Roles for mHealth to support Community Health Workers addressing COVID-198
The power that comes from within: female leaders of Rio de Janeiro’s favelas in times of pandemic7
What would it take for health promotion to take structural racism seriously?7
Is social media, as a main source of information on COVID-19, associated with perceived effectiveness of face mask use? Findings from six sub-Saharan African countries7
Health promotion research has come of age! Structuring the field based on the practices of health promotion researchers7
Affective communication: a mixed method investigation into COVID-19 outbreak communication using the Taiwanese government Facebook page7
How can health promotion contribute to pulling humans back from the brink of disaster?7
The physical activity and health promotion activities of global university students: a review of reviews6
Understanding the landscape and propagation of COVID-19 misinformation and its correction on Sina Weibo6
Visioning the future of health promotion6
Tobacco epidemic in Jordan: the time to act is now6
Definitions of positive health: a systematic scoping review6
Quand la réponse mondiale à la pandémie de COVID-19 se fait sans la promotion de la santé6
Minding environment, minding workers: environmental workers’ mental health and wellbeing6
Inequity and disparities mar existing global research evidence on Long COVID6
The relationship between e-health literacy and health-promoting behaviors of Turkish hospital nurses6
Community intervention strategies to reduce the impact of financial strain and promote financial well-being: a comprehensive rapid review5
Addressing mental health through intersectoral action in the context of COVID-19 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development5
The potential effects of autonomous vehicles on walking5
A tangata whenua (people of the land) approach to conceptualising Māori health and wellbeing5
Description of an integrated e-health monitoring system in a Portuguese higher education institution: the e.cuidHaMUstm program5
Alfabetización sanitaria y COVID-19 en países de ingreso bajo, medio y medio alto: revisión sistemática5
Adapting care provision and advocating for unprotected unaccompanied minors in Paris in the context of COVID-195
Strengthening health promotion practice: capacity development for a transdisciplinary field5
The critical role of health promotion for effective universal health coverage5
Élaboration et évaluation de l’utilité, de l’utilisabilité et de l’acceptabilité de ressources éducatives produites en réponse à la crise de la COVID-195
Social distancing during COVID-19: threat and efficacy among university students in seven nations5
Proyecto piloto de promoción de la salud en consumo dual de cannabis y tabaco en universitarios: ÉVICT-Universidad4
Lyrics and artistic improvisations in health promotion for the COVID-19 pandemic control in East Africa4
Building self-advocacy in HIV care: the use of role-play to examine healthcare access for HIV-positive MSM in rural South Africa4
Can transdisciplinary approaches contribute to the COVID-19 fight?4
Social science approaches to infodemiology: understanding the social, political, and economic context of information4
Digital inclusion, online participation and health promotion: promising practices from community-led participatory journalism4
Respectful maternity care and breastfeeding4
Achieving SDGs and addressing health emergencies in Africa: strengthening health promotion4
The relation between lifestyles and positive mental health in Portuguese higher education students4
‘Let me move to another level’: career advancement desires and opportunities for community health nurses in Ghana4
« On n’arrive pas à les toucher » : la PrEP, les migrant.e.s africain.e.s et la production de l’ignorance4
Peri-urban water, sanitation and hygiene in Lusaka, Zambia: photovoice empowering local assessment via ecological theory4
Barriers and drivers in mental health services in New Zealand: current status and future direction3
Promoting maternal self efficacy and paternal attitudes towards breastfeeding: a randomized controlled trial3
The COVID-19 and lifestyle nexus: settling the debate3
Health literacy and pandemic coping in Leisure Time Monitors3
Bridging the commercial determinants of Indigenous health and the legacies of colonization: A critical analysis3
Health-promoting university: the implementation of an integrated guidance post for non-communicable diseases (Posbindu PTM) among university employees3
Reinventing health promotion for healthy default beverage laws in the face of COVID-193
Captura corporativa, fake news procannabis y posición de los consumidores ante su regulación3
Public health literacy in primary users in western Turkey3
Mala nutrición en población escolar mexicana: factores geográficos y escolares asociados3
Knowledge and perceptions of human trafficking among community-based and faith-based organization members in South Los Angeles3
Health inequities and technological solutions during the first waves of the COVID-19 pandemic in high-income countries3
Impact of home visits to pregnant women and their spouses on gender norms and dynamics in Bauchi State, Nigeria: Narratives from visited men and women3
People-Planet-Health: promoting grassroots movements through participatory co-production3
Alcohol consumption messages in Korean dramas: the globalization of South Korean drinking norms3
Exploring the impact of COVID-19 movement control orders on eating habits and physical activity in low-resource urban settings in Malaysia3
Investigating the behavior of pedestrians and related factors in northern Iran in 20213
Governmental and public thematic patterns on vaccination during a measles outbreak: the Romanian perspective3
On disrupting colonial assumptions in health promotion3
A qualitative study to explore health literacy skills in older people from a disadvantaged community in Brazil3
Analyzing households’ food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of public policies to mitigate it: evidence from Ceará, Brazil3
Soberanía alimentaria y salud: perspectivas de tres pueblos indígenas de Colombia2
Refugee child health: a systematic review of health conditions in children aged 0–6 years living in high-income countries2
Effets d’un programme de développement des compétences psychosociales en milieu scolaire : Le PROgramme de Développement Affectif et Social (PRODAS) : Revue de la littérature2
Health promotion perspectives on COVID-192
Development and field test of the Salutogenic Wellness Promotion Scale – short form (SWPS-SF) in U.S. college students2
Étudier de près les modes de coordination pour construire un partenariat visant à réduire les inégalités épistémiques2
The 70th anniversary of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education: reflections on advancing our social justice mission2
La pandemia de la COVID-19 y las estrategias de promoción de la salud en las ciudades brasileñas2
How do different interventions impact stair climbing? A systematic review and meta-analysis2
Promoting health in a globalized world requires adopting a One Health perspective2
Relación entre práctica de actividad física en el tiempo libre y rendimiento académico en alumnos(as) de 5° de Primaria a 4° de ESO2
Reusable sanitary napkins in rural India: a remote quality improvement project for adolescent girls promoting menstrual hygiene health during the COVID-19 pandemic2
How could patient navigation help promote health equity in sub-Saharan Africa? A qualitative study among public health experts2
The effect of health promotion training provided to elderly individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic on healthy lifestyle behaviors2
Developing a theory of change – the importance of rich process data and authors’ insights into context, implementation and mechanisms2
Universal masking to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission from Taiwan’s practices2
Télésanté en contexte de pandémie et de déconfinement : pratiques infirmières innovantes et partenariats pour des communautés équitables, sécuritaires et durables2
Modelo sinérgico de salud: una integración de la salutogénesis y el modelo de activos para la salud2
Healthy cities and self-reported health: evidence from Israel2
Étude sur la transférabilité d’une intervention d’éducation en santé dans le parc HLM : une méthode de recherche à l’épreuve du transfert pour décrire autrement les fonctions-clés2
Early perception, behavior, knowledge, and preventive practices related to COVID-19 among Palestinians2
Successful health promotion, its challenges and the way forward in Nepal2
Déclaration de Tiohtià:ke: Catalyser les politiques de santé, de bien-être et d’équité2
The IUHPE Health Promotion Accreditation System – developing and maintaining a competent health promotion workforce2
Hands-on-ground in a new country: a community-based participatory evaluation with immigrant communities in Southern Alberta2
Status of the Health Promoting University (HPU) globally and its relevance for emerging African HPUs: an integrative review and bibliometric analysis2
A new section for Global Health Promotion journal: doing research in health promotion2
Apoyo social y obesidad: el papel de los síntomas depresivos y la alimentación emocional en un modelo estratificado por sexo2
The role of family structure in health literacy in children and adolescents: a narrative review2
Faciliter et soutenir le retour au travail après un cancer du sein : partenariat chercheurs-acteurs dans un processus de modélisation d’une intervention2