Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation & Emergency Medicine

(The TQCC of Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation & Emergency Medicine is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Prognostic value of arterial carbon dioxide tension during cardiopulmonary resuscitation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients receiving extracorporeal resuscitation34
Consensus on innovations and future directions of community first responder schemes in United Kingdom: a national nominal group technique study31
Ask not liberal or conservative intravenous fluids in septic shock: ask rather why and when31
Airway registries in primarily adult, emergent endotracheal intubation: a scoping review30
Strategic implementation of transportation networks following the February 6th Kahramanmaraş Earthquake: an observational analysis30
Letter to the editor in response to “A 6-year case series of resuscitative thoracotomies performed by a helicopter emergency medical service in a mixed urban and rural area with a comparison of blunt 27
Critical hypertension in trauma patients following prehospital emergency anaesthesia: a multi-centre retrospective observational study27
London Trauma Conference December 2022: Abstracts27
Deep-learning model for screening sepsis using electrocardiography26
Electronic field protocols for prehospital care quality improvement in Lithuania: a randomized simulation-based study25
Paediatric mass casualty response through the lens of Functional Resonance Analytical Methodology- lessons learned24
Rendezvous between ambulances and prehospital physicians in the Capital Region of Denmark: a descriptive study24
Impact of “hypotension on arrival” on required surgical disciplines and usage of damage control protocols in severely injured patients24
Selective aortic arch perfusion: a first-in-human observational cadaveric study23
A registry-based observational study comparing emergency calls assessed by emergency medical dispatchers with and without support by registered nurses23
ST-T segment changes in prehospital emergency physicians in the field: a prospective observational trial22
Simulating the methodological bias in the ATLS classification of hypovolemic shock: a critical reappraisal of the base deficit renaissance21
The forgotten cohort-lessons learned from prehospital trauma death: a retrospective cohort study21
Frequent callers contacting the Norwegian national emergency medical number 113: a retrospective study20
Standardised data collection in prehospital critical care: a comparison of medical problem categories and discharge diagnoses19
Age in addition to RETTS triage priority substantially improves 3-day mortality prediction in emergency department patients: a multi-center cohort study19
Risk stratification tools for patients with syncope in emergency medical services and emergency departments: a scoping review19
Practical psychosocial care for providers of pre-hospital care: a summary of the report ‘valuing staff, valuing patients’18
Intramuscular uptake of tranexamic acid during haemorrhagic shock in a swine model18
Fatigue risk assessment of a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service crew working a 24/7 shift pattern: results of a prospective service evaluation17
Incorporating a real-time automatic alerting system based on electronic medical records could improve rapid response systems: a retrospective cohort study17
Psychoactive substances and previous hospital admissions, triage and length of stay in rural injuries: a prospective observational study17
Care pathways and factors associated with interhospital transfer to neurotrauma centers for patients with isolated moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: a population-based study from the Norwegia17
Tracheal intubation with video laryngoscopy in out-of-hospital sitting17
Description of call handling in emergency medical dispatch centres in Scandinavia: recognition of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests and dispatcher-assisted CPR17
Factors influencing on-scene time in a physician-staffed helicopter emergency medical service (HEMS): a retrospective observational study16
Vacuum mattress or long spine board: which method of spinal stabilisation in trauma patients is more time consuming? A simulation study15
Development and internal validation of an algorithm for estimating mortality in patients encountered by physician-staffed helicopter emergency medical services15
Incidence of delayed bleeding in patients on antiplatelet therapy after mild traumatic brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis15
An Approved Landing Site (ALS) improves the logistics of interhospital transfer of critically ill patients by helicopter15
The extent of physical and psychological workplace violence experienced by prehospital personnel in Denmark: a survey14
Nasal nalbuphine analgesia in prehospital trauma managed by first-responder personnel on ski slopes in Switzerland: an observational cohort study14
The effect of circle of willis anatomy and scanning practices on outcomes for blunt cerebrovascular injuries13
Outcomes in patients not conveyed by emergency medical services (EMS): a one-year prospective study13
The definition of major trauma using different revisions of the abbreviated injury scale13
Effects of COVID-19 on in-hospital cardiac arrest: incidence, causes, and outcome – a retrospective cohort study13
Prehospital blood gas analyses in acute patients treated by a ground-based physician-manned emergency unit: a cohort study13
Clinical features and outcomes of orthopaedic injuries after the kahramanmaraş earthquake: a retrospective study from a hospital located in the affected region13
The effect of restrictive versus liberal selection criteria on survival in ECPR: a retrospective analysis of a multi-regional dataset13
The elderly age criterion for increased in-hospital mortality in trauma patients: a retrospective cohort study13
Septic shock in the prehospital setting: a scoping review12
Smartphone apps to support laypersons in bystander CPR are of ambivalent benefit: a controlled trial using medical simulation12
Fluid resuscitation with balanced crystalloids versus normal saline in critically ill patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis12
The diagnostic accuracy of cardiac ultrasound for acute myocardial ischemia in the emergency department: a systematic review and meta-analysis12
A translational triage research development tool: standardizing prehospital triage decision-making systems in mass casualty incidents12
Characteristics and outcome of traumatic cardiac arrest at a level 1 trauma centre over 10 years in Sweden12
Rapid sequence induction: where did the consensus go?12
Characteristics of a trauma population in an ambulance organisation in Sweden: results from an observational study12
The MeSH heading “Call Center” is due for an update: why we recommend the more precise heading “Emergency Medical Communication Center”11
Optimal cardiopulmonary resuscitation duration for favorable neurological outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest11
European paramedic curriculum—a call for unity in paramedic education on a European level11
A comprehensive description of self-reported health and life satisfaction in cardiac arrest survivors11
Differential diagnosis and cause-specific treatment during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a retrospective descriptive study11
Prehospital triage tools across the world: a scoping review of the published literature11
Transportation model utilized in the first week following the Kahramanmaraş earthquakes in Turkey - transport health centers11
First responder systems can stay operational under pandemic conditions: results of a European survey during the COVID-19 pandemic11
Smartphone-based dispatch of community first responders to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest - statements from an international consensus conference11
Intubation success in prehospital emergency anaesthesia: a retrospective observational analysis of the Inter-Changeable Operator Model (ICOM)11
Impact of the route of adrenaline administration in patients suffering from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest on 30-day survival with good neurological outcome (ETIVIO study)11
The skåne emergency medicine (SEM) cohort10
Pediatric out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Denmark10
Analgesia in pediatric trauma patients in physician-staffed Austrian helicopter rescue: a 12-year registry analysis10
Assessing unrealised potential for organ donation after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest10
Helicopter hoist operations in German mid-range mountains retrospective analysis of incidence, medical characteristics, and mission tactics10
Exploring use of coercion in the Norwegian ambulance service – a qualitative study10
Patients suffering traumatic brain injury: patient characteristics, prehospital triage, primary referral and mortality - A population-based follow-up study10
Pre-hospital endotracheal intubation in severe traumatic brain injury: ventilation targets and mortality—a retrospective analysis of 308 patients10
Trauma team activation and triage of severely injured patients at one non-trauma-center hospital in Stockholm10
Optimizing remote and rural prehospital resources using air transport of thrombectomy candidates10
Effect of oxygen supplementation on cognitive performance among HEMS providers after acute exposure to altitude: the HEMS II randomized clinical trial10
Prehospital ultrasound constitutes a potential distraction from the observation of critically ill patients: a prospective simulation study9
Effect of arterial oxygen partial pressure inflection point on Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for emergency cardiac support9
Discharge from the trauma centre: exposure to opioids, unmet information needs and lack of follow up—a qualitative study among physical trauma survivors9
The development of emergency medical services benefit score: a European Delphi study9
“Calling for help: I need you to listen” - A qualitative study of callers’ experience of calls to the emergency medical communication centre9
Management and outcomes of firearm-related vascular injuries9
Which injured patients with moderate fibrinogen deficit need fibrinogen supplementation?9
Video triage in calls concerning children with fever at an out-of-hours medical helpline: a prospective quality improvement study9
Impact of the SARS-COV-2 outbreak on epidemiology and management of major traumain France: a registry-based study (the COVITRAUMA study)9
A data-driven algorithm to support the clinical decision-making of patient extrication following a road traffic collision9
The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach: a case of myocardial infarction mimic and pseudo-tamponade in a polytrauma patient9
Chest compressions at altitude are of decreased quality, require more effort and cannot reliably be self-evaluated9
Alcohol and trauma: the influence of blood alcohol levels on the severity of injuries and outcome of trauma patients - a retrospective analysis of 6268 patients of the TraumaRegister DGU®9
Correction: A regional modification to the Revised Swiss System for clinical staging of hypothermia including confusion9
Efficacy of endotracheal intubation in helicopter cabin vs. ground: a systematic review and meta-analysis9
Removal of the cervical collar from alpine rescue protocols? A biomechanical non-inferiority trial in real-life mountain conditions8
Effectiveness of protocolized management for patients sustaining maxillofacial fracture with massive oronasal bleeding: a single-center experience8
Point-of-care ultrasound of the heart and lungs in patients with respiratory failure: a pragmatic randomized controlled multicenter trial8
Prehospital characteristics of COVID-19 patients in Helsinki – experience of the first wave of the pandemic8
The use of personal protection equipment does not negatively affect paramedics’ attention and dexterity: a prospective triple-cross over randomized controlled non-inferiority trial8
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) practices in the helicopter emergency medical services in Europe: results of an online survey8
A 6-year case series of resuscitative thoracotomies performed by a helicopter emergency medical service in a mixed urban and rural area with a comparison of blunt versus penetrating trauma8
Nine golden codes: improving the accuracy of Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) dispatch—a retrospective, multi-organisational study in the East of England8
Improving access to extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for out of hospital cardiac arrest: pre-hospital ECPR and alternate delivery strategies8
Severe traumatic brain injury and hypotension is a frequent and lethal combination in multiple trauma patients in mountain areas – an analysis of the prospective international Alpine Trauma Registry7
Trends in reasons for emergency calls during the COVID-19 crisis in the department of Gironde, France using artificial neural network for natural language classification7
Randomised controlled trials in pre-hospital trauma: a systematic mapping review7
The epidemiology and outcomes of prolonged trauma care (EpiC) study: methodology of a prospective multicenter observational study in the Western Cape of South Africa7
Frostbite treatment: a systematic review with meta-analyses7
Patient and process factors associated with opportunities for improvement in trauma care: a registry-based study7
Letter to the editor7
Characteristics and motivational factors for joining a lay responder system dispatch to out-of-hospital cardiac arrests7
Benefits of targeted deployment of physician-led interprofessional pre-hospital teams on the care of critically Ill and injured patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis7
Plasmatic and cell-based enhancement by microparticles originated from platelets and endothelial cells under simulated in vitro conditions of a dilutional coagulopathy7
Characteristics of patients who received helicopter emergency medical services in Japan from 2012 to 2019: a retrospective analysis of data from Tochigi Prefecture7
Simultaneous external validation of various cardiac arrest prognostic scores: a single-center retrospective study7
Comparing methods to secure a tracheal tube placed via a surgical cricothyroidotomy: a randomised controlled study in cadavers7
Incidence and characteristics of prehospital fatalities from haemorrhage in Sweden: a nationwide observational study7
Trauma induced coagulopathy is limited to only one out of four shock induced endotheliopathy (SHINE) phenotypes among moderate-severely injured trauma patients: an exploratory analysis7
The association between geospatial and temporal factors and pre-hospital response to major trauma: a retrospective cohort study in the North of England7
Evaluating a training intervention for improving alignment between emergency medical telephone operators and callers: a pilot study of communication behaviours7
How senior paramedics decide to cease resuscitation in pulseless electrical activity out of hospital cardiac arrest: a mixed methods study7
Health-Related Quality of Life in severely injured patients in Finland: an observational cohort study of 325 patients with 1-year follow-up7
A longitudinal, retrospective registry-based validation study of RETTS©, the Swedish adult ED context version7
Geriatric screening, fall characteristics and 3- and 12 months adverse outcomes in older patients visiting the emergency department with a fall6
The TEAM instrument for measuring emergency team performance: validation of the Swedish version at two emergency departments6
Relationship between admission coagulopathy and prognosis in children with traumatic brain injury: a retrospective study6
Machine learning for risk stratification in the emergency department (MARS-ED) study protocol for a randomized controlled pilot trial on the implementation of a prediction model based on machine learn6
How to evaluate first aid skills after training: a systematic review6
What motivates and demotivates emergency response volunteers? A survey-based factor analysis study6
Intraosseous versus intravenous vascular access during cardiopulmonary resuscitation for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies6
Intensive care unit cardiac arrest among very elderly critically ill patients – is cardiopulmonary resuscitation justified?6
Impact of dispatcher-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation on neurologically intact survival in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a systematic review6
Low-energy, high risk: unveiling the undertriage crisis in geriatric trauma6
Initial signs in patients with ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms: time for an expanded triad?6
Characteristics and costs of electric scooter injuries in Helsinki: a retrospective cohort study6
Evaluation of elderly specific pre-hospital trauma triage criteria: a systematic review6
Virtual reality as a teaching method for resuscitation training in undergraduate first year medical students: a randomized controlled trial6
Outcome of severely injured patients in a unique trauma system with 24/7 double trauma surgeon on-call service6
Exploring ambulance clinicians’ clinical reasoning when training mass casualty incidents using virtual reality: a qualitative study6
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation during hyperbaric oxygen therapy: a comprehensive review and recommendations for practice6