Environmental Policy and Governance

(The H4-Index of Environmental Policy and Governance is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Citizen participation in the governance of nature‐based solutions74
Overarching policy framework for product life extension in a circular economy—A bottom‐up business perspective45
Designing and leading collaborative urban climate governance: Comparative experiences of co‐creation from Copenhagen and Oslo36
Polycentric urban climate governance: Creating synergies between integrative and interactive governance in Oslo31
Pro‐environmental behavior: Social norms, intrinsic motivation and external conditions30
Strategies for greening the economy in three Nordic countries24
Green finance for soft power: An analysis of China's green policy signals and investments in the Belt and Road Initiative23
Political drivers of policy coherence for sustainable development: An analytical framework23
Climate adaptation in practice: How mainstreaming strategies matter for policy integration23
Media coverage, attention cycles and the governance of plastics pollution20
Five dimensions of climate governance: a framework for empirical research based on polycentric and multi‐level governance perspectives20
How scholars break down “policy coherence”: The impact of sustainable development global agendas on academic literature19
Climate policy integration viewed through the stakeholders' eyes: A co‐production of knowledge in social‐ecological transformation research18
Governing a multilevel and cross‐sectoral climate policy implementation network17
Transforming land use governance: Global targets without equity miss the mark15
How law structures public participation in environmental decision making: A comparative law approach15