Historic Environment-Policy & Practice

(The median citation count of Historic Environment-Policy & Practice is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Experience and Engagement: Good Practice in Heritage Conservation and Adaptive Reuse of Textile Mills in UK and Germany77
Maritime Cultural Heritage and Urbanisation in the Middle East and North Africa45
Mapping Living Heritage in Kingston and Arthur’s Vale Historic Area, Norfolk Island: Routes, Customary Practices and Emotions18
Conserving Commons for Whom? Heritage Conservation in Nairobi and Other Places in Kenya12
Uncovering Implicit Western Science and Indigenous Values Embedded in Climate Change and Cultural Resource Adaptation Policy and Guidance10
The Heritage Resilience Scorecard: Performance Measurement in Risk Governance of Cultural Heritage9
The Fight for the Past: Contested Heritage and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine9
Editorial 14.18
Value as a Legal Tool for the Preservation of Monuments in Flanders and Wallonia: Between Conservation and Adaptation7
The Governance Context for Adaptive Heritage Reuse: A Review and Typology of Fifteen European Countries7
Empty Spaces, Buried Crimes: Post-Conflict Bosnia-Herzegovina6
Incompatible: Modern Built Heritage Conservation versus Value-Based Addition Design at Canada’s Capital Historic Sites5
Railways as Common Cultural Heritage: Cyprus Government Railway5
Understanding Heritage-Led Development of the Historic Villages of China: A Multi-case Study Analysis of Tongren5
Policy Review: Valuing Culture and Heritage Capital: A Framework Towards Informing Decision Making4
Resetting Cultural Heritage Policy and Management Practice - Moderating Mass Tourism in Post-Pandemic Times4
Investigation and Conservation: Assessing the Impact of Recent Interventions at the Theatre of Smyrna (Modern Izmir)3
Divergent Heritages? UNESCO and the Cultural Heritage of Landscapes in the UK and Japan3
A Theory of Cultural Heritage: Beyond the Intangible3
Cultural Sustainability in the Historic Environment: An Application of Structural Functionalism Theory3
A Future Beyond the Impasse? Exploring Post-Conflict Religious Heritage3
Climate Change and the Historic Environment3
Archaeological Monitoring in War-Torn Ukraine2
Russia was ‘Doomed to Expand [its] Aggression’ Against Ukraine: Cultural Property Criminals’ Responses to the Invasion and Occupation of the Donbas Since 20th February 20142
Unveiling Agricultural Heritage: Mapping Historical Features in Farming Landscapes2
Sustainable Assessment of Built Heritage Adaptive Reuse Practice: Iranian Industrial Heritage in the Light of International Charters2
Strengthening Subjective Links to Nature: The Psychology of Heritage Places in an Era of Rising Environmental Awareness2
Energy Efficiency and Socio-Cultural Values in Public Policy in the City of Stockholm2
‘Heritage Under Fire’: The Office of Works and Historic Monuments in Wartime2
Book Review: Cultural Heritage in Modern Conflict: Past, Propaganda, Parade Book Review: Cultural Heritage in Modern Conflict: Past, Propaganda, Parade , Timothy Clack a2
Proposed Policy Guidelines for Managing Heritage at Risk Based on Public Engagement and Communicating Climate Change2
Adding Balconies to Historical Tenements – Local Approaches to the Retention of Heritage Value in Poland, Germany, and Denmark2
Climate Change and Cultural Heritage: A Systematic Literature Review (2016–2020)2
Adaptation and Re-Use: Energy, Communication and Regeneration2
Neighbourhood Revitalisation and Heritage Conservation through Adaptive Reuse: Assessing Instruments for Commoning1
New Designs for Old Buildings1
Integrity: Enabling a Future-Oriented Approach to Cultural Heritage1
Thermographic Detection of Hidden Archaeological Features in a Cheshire Thatched Cottage, and Related Aspects of Thermal Performance: Case Study at Roadside Cottage1
England’s Seaside Heritage from the Air1
Cultural Heritage and Mass Atrocities1
The Importance of the Listed Buildings Resurvey in England (1982–1989)1
Editorial 15.3 When Theory Lends a Hand1
Periodic Reporting under the World Heritage Convention: Futures and Possible Responses to Loss1
Values in Heritage Management. Emerging Approaches and Research Directions1
Editorial 15.21
Intangible Cultural Heritage and UK Built Heritage Practice: Opportunities and Future Directions1
Museums and Museumification in Post-Conflict Contexts: Revisiting the Shaping of Architectural Reconstruction Strategies1
Everyday and Modern Heritage: Endorsing the Inclusion of Emerging Heritages in the Catalogue of the Master Plan of the Historic Centre of the Central District of Honduras1
‘There Is Nothing Permanent except Change.’ – From Fire to Urban Development, from Kazakhstan to Ottawa, Confronting Change in the Historic Environment1
1982 Uncovered: The Falklands War Mapping Project1
Understanding Liminality and Intangible Difficult Heritage through Film1
Empires of Lies? The Political Uses of Cultural Heritage in War1
Listing Villages for Conservation: Practices and Impacts of the Village Conservation Project in China0
Reimagining Nashville: The Changing Place of Country0
Review Issues in Preservation Policy0
Bridging Heritage and Citizens: A Methodological Consultation-Based Approach0
Cultural Landscape in Taiwan: The Principles Underpinning the Conservation and Management Plan of Tainan Park0
Fire prevention in historic buildings – approaches for safe practice0
Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Policy Tale of Two Nations0
Post Colonial, Post Imperial, and Post-Industrial Heritage: Approaches to Managing Value0
When Loss is More: From Managed Decline to Adaptive Release0
Heritage Exclusivism in Postcolonial Algeria: Assessing Local Heritageness in Annaba, Towards a Holistic and Participatory Approach to Urban Heritage Management0
Reconstruction as a Tool for ‘Ideological Preservation’ in the Three Former Ottoman Capitals of Turkey0
Cultural Heritage, Sustainability, Conservation, and Social Welfare. A Management Plan for the Historic Municipal Buildings of Seville (Andalusia, Spain)0
Towards Enhanced Built Cultural Heritage Conservation Practices: Perceptions on Industry 5.0 Principles and Enabling Technologies0
Historic Urban Landscape Recommendation in Indian Heritage Management Policies0
Articulating Loss: A Thematic Framework for Understanding Coastal Heritage Transformations0
Improving The Urban Qualities Of Historic Streets in Jeddah0
City Governance, Participatory Democracy, and Cultural Heritage in Barcelona, 1986–20220
From Climate Crisis to Climate Action: Exploring the Entanglement of Changing Heritage in the Anthropocene0
Monumental Decisions: The Impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on Soviet War Memorials0
Residents’ Visual Preference Dimensions of Historic Parklands in Nairobi, Kenya0
Editorial 15.10
The Dilemma of Urban Heritage Conservation in Post-Conflict Bamiyan: A Critical Analysis of Causes, Failures, Consequences and Prospects0
A Sustainable Approach to Endangered Heritage: The Batujaya Temples, Indonesia0
Conservation and the Indian City: Bridging the Gap0
A Reluctance Acceptance: the USA and the Hague Convention of 19540
Valuing Heritage0
Tourism-led adaptive reuse of the built vernacular heritage: A critical assessment of the transformation of historic neighbourhoods in Cappadocia, Turkey0
Lessons from the Edge: Assessing the impact and efficacy of digital technologies to stress urgency about climate change and cultural heritage globally0
Wonderful Things: Managing Value in a Changing World0
‘Taking time’: Using Archaeology to Develop Policies Around the Mental and Physical Health of Older People in Custody0
Heritage, Law, and Communities: BRI and Archaeological Impact in Kazakhstan0
Determination of Shoreline Variability for Adaptation of Maritime Built Heritage to Climate Change: A Case of Southern Kenya Coast0
What Divides Us Also Connects Us: Roman Frontiers, World Heritage and Community0
The Impact of Images on the Adaptive Reuse of Post-Industrial Sites0
Traditional Earthen Architecture: Konya, a Case Study of Intangible Heritage and Local Building Practice0
World Cultural Heritage: The Management of the Forbidden City0
The Implementation of Conservation Policy and the Application of Solar Energy Technology in Small House Areas: Stockholm, Sweden0
Centring Audiences: What Is the Value of Audience Mapping for Influencing Public Engagement with Cultural Heritage?0
Adaptation and Adversity Acceptance as Resilience to Flooding at World Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Hoi An Ancient Town, Vietnam0
Environmental Value for Heritage Conservation and Urban Sustainability: Adaptation in Widely Divergent Climatic Conditions0
Adaptive Reuse of Heritage Buildings: From a Literature Review to a Model of Practice0
İżnik Town and Its Rural Landscape: Decision Making, Socio-Demographic Profiling and Conservation Policy Development0
War and the Historic Environment0
Nineteenth-Century Conservation of Byzantine Heritage in the Ottoman Empire: The Significance of the 1893 Istanbul Historic Peninsula Fortification Map0
Review: Ruin and Renewal. Civilising Europe after the Second World War0
War and the Historic Environment Part II0
Bridging Natural and Cultural Heritage Management: Recommendations for Present and Former Raised Bog Areas0
Valuing Heritage (Again)0
From Firestick to Satellites: Technological Advancement and Indigenous Cultural Practice in Managing Forest Fires in Australia0
Appleby New Fair: Investigating Local Attitudes Towards a Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) Heritage Tradition in the Context of Legislative Change0
Economic and Institutional Factors Influencing the Selection of Project Delivery Models for Built Heritage Conservation in India0
The Architectural Conservation Movement in China: Approaches to Nation-building0
Expanding the Narratives: How Stories of Our Past Can Help Inspire Our Response to the Climate Crisis0
Living Wisdom and Intangible Heritage: The Case of Hu Brush0
Mass Graves: The Forensic Investigation of the Deaths, Destruction and Deletion of Communities and Their Heritage0
Climate Change and the Historic Environment in Wales. Developing and Delivering a Sector Adaptation Plan0
Unmasking Dominant Features in a Transformed Cultural Landscape0
‘Lest We Forget’: The Archaeology of Warfare, Conservation, Interpretation, and Engagement in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire0