Canadian Review of Sociology-Revue Canadienne de Sociologie

(The TQCC of Canadian Review of Sociology-Revue Canadienne de Sociologie is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Femmes sans enfant par circonstance de la vie: partage d'experiences en ligne et production de Soi43
Issue Information26
Issue Information15
From indirect to direct contacts on Facebook: A big‐data approach to the making of triadic network closure11
Lawyers, immigration consultants and the 33 year jurisdictional war11
“This might be cliché, but it was a sense of family”: Gang involvement among Indigenous young adults and their search for attachment, community, and hope9
The gender citation gap: Why and how it matters7
Mapping the environmental field: Networks of foundations, ENGOs and think tanks7
Religious contestation and Islamophobia among Iranian communities residing in the Greater Toronto area and York region5
Wanted: A political sociology of race in Canada5
Indigenization, institutions, and imperatives: Perspectives on reconciliation from the CSA decolonization sub‐committee5
Building solidarity: The founding of the Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) black caucus5
Professor Ann Denis: A personal tribute4
Smartphone and social media addiction: Exploring the perceptions and experiences of Canadian teenagers4
Does higher education make a difference? The influence of educational attainment on women's and men's nonstandard employment outcomes4
Sources of mathematics self‐efficacy: The interactive role of parental education and perceptions of teachers3
Being homeless at the “End” of homelessness navigating the symbolic and social boundaries of housing first3
Living arrangements and housing affordability issues of young adults in Canada: Differences by nativity status3
La Théorie Critique De La Race, Un Outil De Lecture Des Relations Ambiguës Entre Les Communautés Francophones En Situation Minoritaire Et Leurs Immigrants Noirs Francophones3
Sociographie des ritualités funéraires en temps de pandémie: des rites empêchés aux rites appropriés3
Building a new environmentalism: News media access and framing in Canada's environmental movement3
Issue Information3
Avoiding the transactional “feel” while getting paid: Affect and relational work in sugar dating3
Bio‐citizens online: A content analysis of pro‐ana and weight loss blogs3
Comparaison des représentations des amish et des mormons fondamentalistes (FLDS) dans deux téléréalités américaines3
Unemployment, religious disintegration and suicide fluctuations in Alberta2
The practices of artist‐entrepreneurs located outside Canada's creative hubs viewed through the lens of the pragmatic sociology of critique2
A manifesto for computational sociology: The Canadian perspective2
Ann Denis: On the legacy of a scholar‐activist2
February 2024 issue: Introduction2
Issue Information2
Committing sociology symposium future directions in housing research2
Is ethnic representation in an industrial cluster related to earnings of co‐ethnic employers and employees?2
No gardens, just shacks: The housing experiences of African‐American steelworkers in Whitney Pier, Nova Scotia in 19012
Class, partisanship and the great recession: the conflicting influences on attitudes towards inequality during economic crises2
The intersections of race, immigrant status, and university confirmations in Toronto2
Boys, girls, and everyone else: Ontario public school board responses to gender diversity2
Is everyone really middle class? Social class position and identification in Alberta2
Making hope possible rather than despair convincing: Possibilities and proposals to revitalize public serving universities in Canada1
Vicarious death: Grief, politics, and identity after the flight PS752 tragedy1
Ann Denis: A tribute1
Issue Information1
Equity, sessional faculty, and sociological research1
L'Enquête nationale sur les femmes et les filles autochtones disparues et assassinées au Canada: Explorer la relation entre l'existence de critiques externes et la prise de parole des témoins lors des1
Talking About Religion? Differences in Religious Socialization Among Recently Arrived Refugees Between Quebec and Other Provinces in Canada1
Remembering Ann Denis: Feminist sociologist1
Symposium introduction: Student voices on systemic racism within sociology departments1
Friendlessness and loneliness: Cultural frames for making sense of disconnection1
White men can't jump, but do they still get picked first? Race and player selection in the NBA draft, 1980–20211
“Uncivilized children” or “victims of dementia”: Interpretations of aggression in older assisted living tenants1
Comparing apples with apples? How ethnolinguistic and immigration status differentiates university admissions in Toronto and Sydney1
COVID‐19 and views of imprisonment in a sample of prison tourists1
La migration interprovinciale chez les immigrants musulmans : La francophonie comme vecteur d'intégration?1
Issue Information1
Intergenerational educational mobility over the past century in Canada1
“Why Do We Have to be Almost Dead to Qualify for Help?”: Criminal Legal and Protection System Responses to Intimate Partner Violence Against Indigenous Women in Canada1
Issue Information1
Revisiting gender occupational segregation trends in Canada: 1991–20161
Race, immigrant status, and inequality in physical activity: An intersectional and life course approach1
Socioeconomic differences in parental financial support, coresidence, and advice: A portrait of undergraduate students in the Canadian Prairies1
Economic precarity and changing levels of anxiety and stress among Canadians with disabilities and chronic health conditions throughout the COVID‐19 pandemic1
Affirmative action and employment equity in the professions: Backlash fueled by individualism and meritocracy1
The cultural logic of precariousness and the marginalization of the sociological imagination: Signs from Mexican self‐help books1
Determinants of work‐family balance satisfaction during the pandemic: Insights from Québec1
“I feel like I'm changing people's lives, even if it's just two hours at a time”: Understanding contingent instructors’ emotion management in university teaching1
Sexual violence, secrets, and work: Ruling relations of campus sexual violence policy1
“This space is not for me”: BIPOC identities in academic spaces1
Dis/orienting sociology towards a critical phenomenology of whiteness1