Politics and Religion

(The TQCC of Politics and Religion is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Religion is Raced: Understanding American Religion in the Twenty-First Century. Edited by Grace Yukich and Penny Edgell. New York, NY: New York University Press, 2020. vi + 338pp. $99.00 cloth, $35.0021
RAP volume 14 issue 4 Cover and Front matter15
RAP volume 15 issue 3 Cover and Front matter11
Sacred Foundations: The Religious and Medieval Roots of the European State By Anna M. Grzymała-Busse. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2023. 256 pp. $99.95 hardcover, $29.95 paperback9
Disciples of the State? Religion and State-Building in the Former Ottoman World. By Kristin Fabbe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. xxi + 291 pp. $99.99 cloth. $34.99 paper9
The Closed Circle: Joining and Leaving the Muslim Brotherhood in the West. By Lorenzo Vidino. New York: Columbia University Press, 2020. xii + 275 pp. $90.00 cloth, $30.00 paper, $29.99 e-book7
The Influence of State Favoritism on Established Religions and Their Competitors6
The politics of church shopping4
On Salafism. Concepts and Contexts By Azmi Bishara. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2022. vii+228 pp. $60.00 hardcover.4
Catholicism, Pluralism and American Democracy4
Ministering to the Middle: Christian Megachurches and Minoritarian Politics in Southeast Asia4
Liberalism of religious Muslims in illiberal Muslim-majority and minority societies: evidence from Azerbaijan and Georgia3
Religion in Indonesia's Elections: An Implementation of a Populist Strategy?3
Division on the Christian right: Republican pastors and the use of force3
Arrival of legal Salafism and struggle for recognition in Germany—reflection and adaptation processes within the German da'wa movement between 2001 and 20223
Religious Freedom in the City Pool: Gender Segregation, Partisanship, and the Construction of Symbolic Boundaries3
Membership in a stigmatized religious minority and political support: nonreligious individuals running for office in the United States3
The Partisanship of Protestant Clergy in the 2016 Presidential Election3
Neither secular nor sectarian: perspectives on social life and politics among Beirut's religiously devout youth3
Populism and religion: an intricate and varying relationship2
RAP volume 15 issue 4 Cover and Front matter2
RAP volume 15 issue 2 Cover and Front matter2
The U.S. Christian Right and Pro-Family Politics in 21st Century Africa By Haley McEwen. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature, 2024. xiv+144 pp. $49.99 hardcover, $34.99 e-book.2
Time for religion? Liberalism, Haredi Jews, and state regulation of nonpublic schools2
Surviving Repression: The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood after the 2013 Coup By Lucia Ardovini. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2022. 168 pp., £ 80.00, cloth, ISBN 978-1-5261-4929-9.2
RAP volume 15 issue 1 Cover and Front matter2
Religion, spirituality, and susceptibility to conspiracy theories: examining the role of analytic thinking and post-critical beliefs2
A Secular Age Beyond the West: Religion, Law and the State in Asia, the Middle East and North Africa. Edited by Mirjam Künkler, John Madeley, and Shylashri Shankar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Pre2
Clergy-lay political (mis)alignment in 2019–20202
Do we need a radical redefinition of secularism? A critique of Charles Taylor1
RAP volume 15 issue 3 Cover and Back matter1
Racial Attitudes and Political Preferences Among Black and White Evangelicals1
The cycle of monasticism: understanding the nature of medieval economic and political innovation1
Identification of Cross-Country Similarities and Differences in Regulation of Religion Between 2000 and 2014 with Help of Cluster Analysis1
The Godless Crusade: Religion, Populism and Right-Wing Identity Politics in the West By Tobias Cremer. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2023. 350 pp. $29.99 paperback.1
A Political Profile of U.S. Pagans1
Assessing the Effect of Media Tone on Attitudes Toward Muslims: Evidence From an Online Experiment1
Order Out of Chaos: Islam, Information, and the Rise and Fall of Social Orders in Iraq By David Patel. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2022. 240 pp. $33.95 paperback.1
RAP volume 14 issue 3 Cover and Back matter1
Of Pilgrimages and Restorations: Religion, Heritage and Politics in divided Cyprus – CORRIGENDUM1
RAP volume 14 issue 3 Cover and Front matter1
Holy day surveys and political attitudes in Israel1
RAP volume 15 issue 2 Cover and Back matter1
Political Budget Cycles in Autocracies: The Role of Religious Seasons and Political Collective Action1
Making America Exceptional Again: Donald Trump's Traditionalist Jeremiad, Civil Religion, and the Politics of Resentment1
A spiritual call: the courses of action taken by individuals influenced by religious soft power1
Contributors to This Issue1