International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology

(The TQCC of International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Community-based rehabilitation workers in Vietnam need assistance to support communication and swallowing: Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4, 8, 10, 1719
Looking back but also forward16
Validated patient reported outcome measures in speech-language pathology: A scoping review of adult practice14
Clinician perspectives on the development of a web portal for remote monitoring of mHealth facilitated dysphagia home exercise: A qualitative study14
The exploration of speech-language pathology students’ perceptions and attitudes towards written clinical reflection13
An evaluation of a prescribed joint book reading intervention for preschool children with speech, language and communication needs13
The Sustainable Development Goals: A framework for addressing participation of persons with complex communication needs in South Africa12
Culturally safe speech-language supports for First Nations children: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4, 8 and 1011
Multimodal communication reported by familiar caregivers to build communication capacity in persons who are minimally conscious11
Intergenerational choral singing to improve communication outcomes in Parkinson’s disease: Development of a theoretical framework and an integrated measurement tool10
“One of the biggest grey areas”: A focus group study exploring dosage of swallowing exercises from speech-language pathologist perspectives10
Oesophageal screening in videofluoroscopic swallow studies: Perceptions and practices of Australian speech-language pathologists9
Conversational speech of school-age children after syllable-timed speech treatment for stuttering8
Semantic fluency in primary school-age children with vision impairment8
“It's day to day problems:” Experiences of people with aphasia who live alone8
Effect of clear speech intervention program on speech intelligibility in persons with idiopathic Parkinson’s disease: A pilot study8
What do speech–language pathologists do to support families’ active involvement in early intervention? Exploring moment-to-moment interactions in sessions8
Being practically, professionally and personally prepared: Supporting people with intellectual disability and dysphagia to eat and drink outside the home8
An audit of perioperative speech pathology intervention on improving enhanced recovery after surgery in oesophagectomy patients7
The experiences of speech pathology referral and communicative participation in adults with cerebellar ataxia7
Evaluating the dose–response relationship of the number of sessions of “It Takes Two to Talk®” in young children with language delay7
Perceptual consequences of online group speech treatment for individuals with Parkinson’s disease: A pilot study case series7
Designing equitable speech-language pathology services in the Maldives to achieve Sustainable Development Goals 10 and 47
Dysphagia management: Does structured training improve the validity and reliability of cervical auscultation?7
Speech feature profiles in Swedish 5-year-olds with speech sound disorder related to suspected childhood apraxia of speech or cleft palate7
Harnessing automatic speech recognition to realise Sustainable Development Goals 3, 9, and 17 through interdisciplinary partnerships for children with communication disability6
Assessment of communication competence in acquired communication disorders: A systematic scoping review6
Maximum repetition rate in a large cross-sectional sample of typically developing Dutch-speaking children6
Speech-language pathologists’ perspectives of communication strategies for young people in the New Zealand youth justice system6
Sepsis, critical illness, communication, swallowing and Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4, 106
Benefits of a professional development course on transcription for practising speech-language pathologists6
Weekend speech pathology services in Australian health settings: A cross-sectional survey6
Parents’ perspectives on speech-language assessment for their preschool-aged children: A scoping review6
Restoration of the senses and human communication: Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 96
Substrates of speech treatment-induced neuroplasticity in adults and children with motor speech disorders: A systematic scoping review of neuroimaging evidence6
Effect of intensive water resistance phonation therapy for people with presbyphonia: A pilot study6
Intelligibility in Context Scale: Psychometric evidence and implications for Saudi Arabic-English-speaking preschoolers5
In the thick of it: A commentary on the strength of evidence for thickened fluids5
The influence of classroom context on AAC device use for nonspeaking school-aged autistic children5
Räl-manapanmirr ga dhä-manapanmirr – Collaborating and connecting: Creating an educational process and multimedia resources to facilitate intercultural communication5
Do age and language impairment affect speed of recognition for words with high and low closeness centrality within the phonological network?5
Engaging in culturally responsive and globally sustainable practices5
Telehealth assessment of autism in preschoolers using the TELE-ASD-PEDS: A pilot clinical investigation5
Brain-computer interface for augmentative and alternative communication access: The initial training needs and learning preferences of speech-language pathologists5
Interprofessional delivery of Read It Again – KindergartenQ!: Classroom, educator, and child outcomes of an Australian pilot study5
Combining executive function training and anomia therapy in chronic post-stroke aphasia: A preliminary study of multidimensional effects5
Exploring the outcomes of a reflective teaching strategy with students: A feasibility study5
The experiences of speech-language pathologists when collaborating with spoken language interpreters, multilingual families, and their children with hearing loss5
Digital, co-created implementation of communication partner training programs for stroke, brain injury, and dementia: Past, present, and future5
Using a novel in-mask non-invasive ventilator microphone to improve talker intelligibility in healthy and hospitalised adults5
Exploring clinical reasoning in child language assessment through decoloniality5
Caregivers’ insights into supporting their late talkers using a Hanen ® parent program5
Phonological development in first language Laki-speaking children aged 3 to 5 years: A pilot study5
Perceptions and experiences of Australian speech-language pathologists who use the Lidcombe Program with children who stutter4
Utilisation of simulation-based learning to decrease student anxiety and increase readiness for clinical placements for speech-language pathology students4
Caregiver and child perspectives of wellbeing in school-age children with childhood apraxia of speech4
The impact of cognitive decline in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis on swallowing. A scoping review4
Exploring multidisciplinary team members’ experiences of supporting eating and drinking with acknowledged risk in healthcare and aged care settings4
A qualitative study of reflective practice in the workplace. Speech-language pathologists have their say4
Receptive and expressive lexical stress in adolescents with autism4
Recommendations for speech-language pathologists in paediatric palliative care teams (ReSP3CT): An international modified Delphi study4
Language skills and interpersonal trust in adolescents with and without mental illness4
Understanding, facilitating and predicting aphasia recovery after rehabilitation4
Clinician experiences using standardised language assessments via telehealth4
Developmental patterns of non-word repetition by monolingual and bilingual school-aged children4
Addressing patients’ communication support needs through speech-language pathologist-nurse information-sharing: Employing ethnography to understand the acute stroke context4
Does the clinical utility of self-disclosure of stuttering transcend culturally and linguistically diverse populations?4
Partnerships between Uganda, Kenya, and Rwanda and the United Kingdom to address Sustainable Development Goal 17 for people with communication disability4
Are single-word picture naming assessments a valid measure of word retrieval in connected speech?3
South of the UES: Improving the ability of speech-language pathologists to detect oesophageal abnormalities during videofluoroscopy swallowing studies3
Questions of suitability: The Sustainable Development Goals3
Factors impacting educational outcomes for students with traumatic brain injury in BrainSTEPS3
Health-related quality of life of caregivers of children with low language: Results from two Australian population-based studies3
The Speech Situation Checklist—Emotional Reaction: Normative and comparative study of Kannada-speaking children who do and do not stutter3
Treatment of active nasal fricatives substituting /s/ in young children with normal palatal function using motor-based intervention3
Talking points: Oral histories of Australian and British speech-language pathologists who qualified in the three decades after 19453
Identifying communication difficulty and context-specific communication supports for patient-provider communication in a sub-acute setting: A prospective mixed methods study3
“Self-management has to be the way of the future”: Exploring the perspectives of speech-language pathologists who work with people with aphasia3
Adaptation and validation of the Greek version of the Speech Pathology-Specific Questionnaire for Persons with Multiple Sclerosis (SMS)3
Systematic review of international ethics knowledge in the speech-language pathology literature (1980–2022)3
Acquisition of Tok Pisin phonology in the multilingual highlands of Papua New Guinea3
The impact of enhanced Milieu teaching with phonological emphasis (EMT + PE) on the speech and language outcomes for toddlers with cleft palate in Brazil and the United States of America3
Occupational stress, burnout, and job satisfaction amongst Spanish speech-language pathologists3
Structured observation and informant report assessments in intellectual disability: Reflections of qualified and student speech-language pathologists3
Review of the Phonological System of Contemporary Urdu Spoken in Pakistan3
Psychological characteristics of early stuttering3
Replication of a single-case design cross-situational statistically based word learning treatment for late talking children3
Fijian school students’ Fiji English speech sound acquisition3
Going thirsty for the turtles: Plastic straw bans, people with swallowing disability, and Sustainable Development Goal 14, Life Below Water3
Using concept mapping to guide dysphagia service enhancements in Singapore: Recommendations from the speech-language pathology workforce3
Understanding barriers and facilitators to speech-language pathology service delivery in the emergency department3