Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies

(The median citation count of Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
TheTaula de Canviof Barcelona: success and troubles of a public bank in the fifteenth century5
La deuda pública en la Corona de Castilla en época Trastámara (ca. 1369–1504)4
Splendour in life, humility in death: Queen Leonor de Lencastre (1458–1525) and the women around her3
Interdisciplinary exploration of medieval technical manuscripts from the Iberian Peninsula3
Isabel la Católica y el hecho funerario: la soberanía femenina en clave de performatividad franciscana3
Text, practice, and experience: an experimental approach to the archaeology of glassmaking in medieval Iberia3
Narrating codex history: the case study of a psalter-hymnal from Alcobaça Monastery, Portugal2
Of seals and siblings: Teresa/Matilda (d. 1218), queen of Portugal and countess of Flanders2
Antes del notariado alfonsí: los escribanos de Ribadavia en la primera mitad del siglo XIII2
Francesc Eiximenis and the Catalan idea of corruption in the late medieval Crown of Aragon2
Absent in (life and) death? Examining the tombs of Navarre’s regnant queens and the shaping of their memory2
Whose digital Middle Ages? Accessibility in digital medieval manuscript culture2
Discourses of antiquity in early medieval Iberia2
Affective networks across the divide: singlewomen, the notarial archive, and social connections in the late medieval Mediterranean2
Processional liturgy in the urban space of seventh-century Tarragona1
Singing to the tomb of Leocadia: a unique procession in the Old Hispanic rite1
The chest of memory: the funeral rites of Maria Álvarez de Xèrica and her burial in the Convent of Santa Catarina in Barcelona1
Filling the gap: new approaches to medieval bookbinding studies1
Valerius of Bierzo as an interpreter of the seventh-century ecclesiastical environment of northwestern Iberia1
Contracts oftalla, from captivity to precarious labour in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries1
The colonisation of rainfed land in al-Andalus: an unknown aspect of the eleventh-century economic expansion1
Castilian monarchy and dynastic memory: the financing of the Royal Chapel of Granada (1504–1526)1
Memoria, panegírico y epigrafía: la condesa Teresa Peláez de Carrión (ob. 1093)1
Crowning the queen: staging legitimacy and the coronation ritual in fourteenth-century Castile1
Viking mercenary activity in Galicia1
Jews and the child murder libel in the medieval Iberian Peninsula: European trends and Iberian peculiarities1
A manuscript present: translatio, media, and mediation in early medieval hispanolatin book culture1
La conquista cristiana de al-Andalus, los ulemas y el destino de la población musulmana en las fuentes árabes (siglos XI–XIII)0
Royal service, the common good and politics in Castile, 1250–13500
The taxation of consumption in late-medieval Castile: a case of contested authority and a rabbinic judgement in a fourteenth-century Jewish community0
The crystal codex: Iacobus , Galicia, and the dream of the archive0
Wealth in stone: building activity of the viscounts of Béarn on the pilgrimage roads of the Atlantic Pyrenees (ca. 1063 – ca. 1130)0
Templar dispatches from the battlefield: a new source for the battle of Las Navas de Tolosa0
Topography and buildings of an early Islamic Andalusi city: evidence for Madīnat Ilbīra from excavations and ground penetrating radar*0
Intermediality in medieval Iberian manuscript cultures: methodological reflections on ongoing and future research0
Pork consumption, gastro-politics and social Islamisation in early al-Andalus (eighth to tenth centuries)0
Continuity and change in medieval Iberian processional practices0
The “destroyer of the realm:” Castilian chronicles and the de-legitimation of Juan Pacheco (d. 1474)0
Reviving the forma vitae : identity, authority and material culture in the first Portuguese convents of Colettine Clarisses0
Housing developers in the context of construction fever in twelfth- and thirteenth-century Catalonia0
Narrating and accounting the costs of reform in a “Chronicle of the Reform of San Salvador de Oña (1450–1465)”0
Staging a woman’s lineage: memory and legitimation of Duchess Aldonza de Mendoza (d. 1435)0
The cautious beginnings of Sephardi self-identification: a view from the Cairo Geniza (tenth-thirteenth centuries)0
Mourning and anger at the foot of the cross: Mary’s pain in thirteenth-century Castile and León0
Digital visionary women: introducing the “Catalogue of Living Saints”0
From fragments to codices: the reconstruction of copies of Carolingian homiliaries and the Homiliary of Luculentius , a case study of twenty-first-century fragmentology 0
La evolución del feudalismo en el reino de Galicia entre los siglos IX y XII: poder, sociedad y dependencia0
Splitting up the funduq : the selective emulation of an Andalusi institution in the Kingdom of Valencia0
Descriptive poetics and theArte de trovarin theCancioneiro da Biblioteca Nacional0
Circulación y uso del grabado a fines de la Edad Media en los Reinos Hispanos0
Medieval Galicia beyond the Camiño0
Converso evangelisation, funerary practices, and social integration in Valencia, 1391–14820
Crossroads and quaternions: possibilities of digital platforms for the study of miscellaneous and composite codices0
A critical review of the signs on Visigothic slates: challenging the Roman numerals premise0
La muerte de la abadesa: comunidad y ritualización en el monasterio de Sant Pere de les Puel·les0
Morfometría y armamento medieval: las puntas de proyectil de Las Navas de Tolosa (1212)0
Prácticas devocionales y espacios litúrgicos de Sibila de Fortià, reina de la Corona de Aragón (r. 1377–1387)0
“A ship loaded with honey:” assessing the honey trade in the Crown of Aragon, fifteenth to sixteenth centuries0
Un vir nobilissimus genere hispano en la Vita del obispo Orencio de Auch0
El clero peninsular a través de la cronística (1337–1453): tipologías e intencionalidades0
Ruling patterns in three dimensions: materiality and the art of the digitized Iberian bible0
Crafting the image of Pelayo: identity and state-building in early medieval Asturian chronicles0
Border crossings through translation in theḤadīẕ de Yūçuf0
Aristocratic neo-Gothicism in fourteenth-century Iberia: the case of Count Pedro of Barcelos0
Chant editing and analysis program: a tool for analyzing liturgical chant0
The emergence of the Galician language in administrative writing during the reign of Alfonso X (r. 1252–1284)0
Al-Andalus fictionalized for television in the Arab world: (re-)viewing the historical musalsal Mulūk al-Ṭawāʾif0
Miro, King of the Suevi (d. 583), and ecclesiastical identities in northwestern Hispania (eleventh-twelfth centuries)0
Reform and hospital models in Castile: the case of the Fernández de Velasco family (1374–1517)0
Causes and socio-economic implications of the Castilian wildfire of 9490
The magistracy of Berenguer de Cardona, Aragonese provincial master of the Temple, 1291–13070
Against lords andParientes Mayores. Social conflict and resistance in the late medieval Basque Country0
Coins from the multi-stratified medieval site of Reccopolis: analysis of long-term numismatic records0
El orden social y el poder de la inestabilidad en laHistoria Roderici0
Abraham b. Isaac ha-Levi of Girona: poet and patron of the so-called Barcelona Haggadah, 1370–13930
Of digital surrogates and immaterial objects: the (digital) future of the Iberian manuscript in textual editing0
The widow and the notary: death, gender, and legal culture in the Jewish and Christian communities of medieval Catalonia0
El retroceso territorial del islam en la península ibérica a través de la historiografía mameluca del periodo baḥrī (1250–1382)0
The late medieval/early modern necropolis of Adro Vello (O Grove, Pontevedra, Spain) from sondage 1.2017: an osteoarchaeological approach to funerary practices and childhood0
Performing death in medieval Iberia: an introduction to the end of life0
Digital matters: early Iberian manuscripts from the Lisbon vantage point0
The “heaviest rains that man had ever seen or heard of:” interpreting a weather event in late medieval Portugal0
From the minbar to the tabernacle: the transcultural journey of the Andalusian eucharistic doors0
Old Hispanic pre-baptism initiation rites, chants and processions0
El cardenal Pedro Gómez Barroso el Viejo, Clemente VI y las súplicas beneficiales en Castilla0
Narrating religious processions in Visigothic Iberia: a sociology of saintly power0
Unos poemas de Shelomoh de Piera y de Yosef ben rabí Ashtruk ha-Levi en torno al vino, el agua, y la conversión0
“If you want to pray to Mercury, wear the garments of a scribe:” kuttāb , udabāʾ, and readers of the Ghāyat al-Ḥakīm 0